It's Just That - Tumblr Posts
Oh no.... *sweatdrops profusely*
I can’t pick-- asldkjsdsakdsd
Tho if i gotta pick then, sorry Asmo- bye bye
If you made pacts with all the brothers you would basically have your own pokemon team of demons.
That being said you can only have six in your party. Who are you keeping and who has to leave?

here have my shitty attempt at expanding(is that the right word? idfk, im dummy) on Jack’s countdown dialogue
Oh wow look at Vinh out here being the Human Torch askjdasd
go get em (monster) girl!! *triumphant expression*

*record scratch*
*remembers that one of my children is a living breathing ice block(Fuyume)*
yeah, plz dont approach my baby ice princess Vinh or else she might literally melt asdjasdasd-
i woke up and decided to color my scribbles of full fire monster vinh (with a crudely drawn stick figure for size comparisons. i took the mean of everybody's height in NRC, so this is... about 176cm, which is roughly 5'9")

some extra notes
yeah. shes huge. this is without extra assistance from another source of fire/fuel, so there’s potential for her to get even larger (chanting: monster girl, monster girl, monster girl-)
3 essential ranges of temperatures and 'humanity'. #1 is capable of speech and is much more stable than #2 or #3; #2 is a middle ground — it can still understand speech and is much stronger and faster than #1 (that is not to say that #1 is not fast, #2 is just faster) #3 is the hottest and strongest of them all, however it is not able to understand much language nor is it able to speak, aside from roaring.
all 3 forms burn much, much hotter than what regular vinh usually does. these are offensive powers taken up to another notch with a considerable price, but nonetheless, the fact remains that these can be forces of destruction.
maintaining these forms consumes a great deal of energy — should she return to her more 'human' form, she will be rather weak, tired, and hungry. (her usual fire will be much weaker than usual, it'll most likely be in its 'ember' state. give her a moment to recover her energy. recovery times are relative to heat/type — #3 takes the longest, #1 is the shortest.)
#3 has a tendency to rampage in pursuit of more fuel, as it is the most taxing form (it also has less reservations about what it chooses to eat, be it the school or another student, it doesn’t care) — #2 does not require as much sustenance as #3 but does require some fuel to maintain itself, #1 can be maintained the longest without feeding.
as stated in a previous post! as she grows older, her forms will start to shift towards lava/fire combinations — however, she will still have access to these forms!
unlike maintaining her human form and using her usual fire magic, this form does not risk her getting burnt! however, as previously stated, it is not as energy efficient as her human state.
all 3 forms are... essentially monsters, what with the magical energy and the brute strength. all forms can be stopped, of course, its just a matter of methods. #1 and #2 can be convinced with words, #3 needs a bit... more coercing than the other two, generally through physical means, such as starvation or extinguishing. good fun!
this is part of what vinh is referencing when she speaks of her 'less favorable' mannerisms.
#3 is hardly ever used, #2 has been used a few time— #1 is generally the most practical and preferable option, should the need arise.
I got bored in art class so I decided to draw fanart for @jinxitaj ‘s Life Series x Soul Eater au!

Have you ever felt jealous when you see an artist post their most beautiful work right in the moment.
Not because of how you compare yourself with them (stupid perfectionism) or something else.
It's because of VACATION and how you miss the feeling to draw.