Its Okay To Ask For Help - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Hi can i ask for your help? I'm in a sad and crying place. If you cannot give it, i understand and will keep looking. By the way is "Deredere" said like the lady's name Deidre?

Yes ofc I'll do my best to help anyway I can! First of all try taking some nice deep breaths. Try doing something to distract you from whatever it is that is making you upset. This can be something such as listening to music, talking to someone, playing an instrument, going for a walk, watching a TV show or movie that you find comforting, etc. Also, I just want to tell you that what you are feeling and experiencing is completely valid. Also even if it seems like it now you are not alone. Things won't always be like this, it will eventually get better. I strongly suggest reaching out to someone who is trustworthy to talk about how you are feeling, or if you can someone who specializes with mental health. Such as a therapist, as they will be able to be a better long-term assistant to bettering your overall emotional state. Remember it is perfectly okay to get help, we all need help sometimes. I also suggest practicing self-care, trying out a couple of new positive coping mechanisms, figuring out what your triggers are and how to better cope with them, maintaining a good sleep schedule, etc.

And to answer your question, deredere is pronounced like "dairy dare"

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6 months ago
Vanessa: It's okay to ask for help
Duke: Kill those who disagree with you
Mustache: Your feelings matter

Inspired by one post with Deltarune characters, well, why not with mine au? But AHiT, hehe.

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