I've Seen Anti Dany Stark Stans/sansa Stans Call Dany The Whitest White To Ever White When That Couldn't Even Be Further From The Truth B/c - Tumblr Posts
Sansa stans are really out here acting like dany is the only white character in asoiaf. they’ll say they hate dany for being a “white savior” or a “spoiled entitled white girl” but then uncritically stan Sansa who is just as white as dany is, and grows up way more privileged than dany did.
Well, you see Sansa is a red-head which makes her a white woman of color. She's actually the most oppressed character in the books don't you know? 😔
Their logic is so screwed up that I don't even know where to start. I have noticed that women (usually white ones ironically) do the same thing that men do and add "white woman" before their misogynistic statement as though that absolves them. So specifying that Dany is white before a statement putting her down is their way of justifying their hate. But ye olde hypocrisy kicks in and calling Sansa privileged is considered misogyny despite her being one of the most privileged characters in the books (along with the other Starks) + steadily benefiting from her privilege throughout the books in ways other characters don't. She isn't starving, on the run, lacking nice clothes, or a comfortable place to sleep, etc. like a lot of other characters are. And then, because she never lacks resources, she never even confronts this or how lower-class people are treated in contrast. It's just interesting that one character is the devil for being "privileged" even though they've lived a life of poverty and had to fight for everything they have, but another is the most "worthy" character in the books despite being even more privileged and entitled.