Anti D&d - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago



Yes. Thank-you Sansa for:

1) Lying to Jon for unknown reasons all season long.

2) Pissing off every house on-screen on that Northern tour.

3) Shitting on one (of two) people who got the Starks some of the only help for their army during that god-forsaken Northern tour which was 62 more people than you got, Sansa.

4) Trying to first a) strong-arm and guilt-trip a recently killed, newly resurrected, and freshly traumatized Jon into risking his life in a battle for a castle he was repeatedly reminded by Sansa's mother and society at large he had no place in; b) trying to make him force the wildlings he saved into forming an army for that battle; c) and then, when Jon told Sansa no, invoking saving Rickon to push Jon into saying yes; and finally, d) telling Jon on the night before that battle, to give up Rickon for dead* (when Rickon was the only reason why Jon is fighting at all).

Jon (a bastard) and Sansa (a daughter/married to a Lannister and then to a Bolton) just standing by and letting Ned Stark's trueborn son and heir getting murdered by Ramsay Bolton. That'll look good. Really politically savvy there, Sansa.

5) Withholding an offer of an entire f*cking army from Jon and his forces who'd be risking their lives on the battle field against far greater forces than their own. They develop a strategy because their army is so small and believe this is their best viable move against their enemy. Sansa huffs and puffs angrily in the background over not being sent an engraved invitation for her exalted opinion ("Don't do what he wants you to do!!") despite never not needing said invitation before during previous war councils (6x05) or the Northern tour (6x07) where she led talks. OBVIOUS SEXISM HAPPENING HERE OBVIOUSLY. Jon asks Sansa, "When will we have more men?!" Sansa says nothing: not of the offer Littlefinger made of the Vale army, not that she had written to accept said offer, nada.

Thousands of wildlings and likely a big chunk of Mormonts die. Rickon lays smashed and dead on the ground. A bloodied and battered Jon is suffocating under a crush of bodies. A spotless and fresh Sansa and LF ride in together atop clean white horses as the Knights of the Vale crush the Bolton host.... you know, after loads of damage has already been done.


Personally, I think Jon should have thanked Sansa by revealing her season 6 activities that occurred behind his back to his new Northern vassals when he was crowned king, the contents of their pre-battle conversation (ie. Sansa urging Jon to let Rickon die) and then let the Northern lords yell it out before deciding the loudest voice chooses her.... uh, "reward".

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8 months ago
A Grim Place, Dragonstone Was Built By Valyrians With Arcane Arts, Fire, And Sorcery. Capable Of Liquefying
A Grim Place, Dragonstone Was Built By Valyrians With Arcane Arts, Fire, And Sorcery. Capable Of Liquefying
A Grim Place, Dragonstone Was Built By Valyrians With Arcane Arts, Fire, And Sorcery. Capable Of Liquefying
A Grim Place, Dragonstone Was Built By Valyrians With Arcane Arts, Fire, And Sorcery. Capable Of Liquefying

“A grim place, Dragonstone was built by Valyrians with arcane arts, fire, and sorcery. Capable of liquefying and reshaping stone with dragonflame, the dragonlords used their magic to shape Dragonstone to look like multiple dragons.” - GRRM, The World of Ice and Fire.

Book Dragonstone runs through my head a LOT because D&D could’ve went so hard with it. It’s so beautiful.

Art in order - Marc Simonetti, StrangeQuarkk, JordiGart, and I couldn’t find the artist for the last one😕

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8 months ago

The way the house of the dragon writers always lick their own assholes about being a ~Feminist Show~ and “guys it’s totally different we’re not like GOT ok!!!” yet because HOTD functions as a prequel to GOT it just makes it seem even more hollow and sexist. Like “oh gee Rhaenyra it sucks that they stole your crown and birthright for being a woman…too bad that hundreds of years later the same thing will happen to your granddaughter who will lose everything and everyone she loves and suffer just as much abuse and mistreatment as you had, while a man takes everything from her and villainizes her just like they did to you /:” I can’t imagine being content with that lol that’s why I read the books

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8 months ago

I was reading reviews for the new Witcher season and I came upon this got comparison:

I Was Reading Reviews For The New Witcher Season And I Came Upon This Got Comparison:

I hate what game of thrones final season did to Dany and her development. Thanks to their awful writing, she's remembered as the queen whose good intentions lead to bad actions. Which is injust to Dany's character in the books who is nothing like she's portrayed on the season 8.

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8 months ago

D&D: There was something cHIiLLiNG about the way Dany watched Viserys die.

Us, having war flashbacks about Jaime throwing Bran out a window, Arya cooking the Freys into pies, Tyrion strangling Shae, Sansa feeding Ramsay to the hounds, Jon executing Olly:

D&D: There Was Something CHIiLLiNG About The Way Dany Watched Viserys Die.

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8 months ago

"sansa didn’t trust daenerys bc she was a stranger" is such a bullshit. sansa didn’t know most of the people in the north personally "oh but they from the north" yeah boltons were too. "dhe was foreign, not really westerosi, raised and lived among barbarian people" oh good thing westerosi like littlefinger, lannisters etc were so well behaved and kind. sansa also didn’t have nothing really against wildings "oh but jon trusted them" so just like he trusted daenerys?

the only problem sansa had with daenerys was that she couldn't control her bc she was lower in the hierarchy and also it meant she looses any control over the north she had. that's it.

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8 months ago

Why is Jorah on your shit list?

1) Almost 50 yrs old and is sexually attracted to a 13 yr old Daenerys, going as far as to force a kiss on her while she’s naked

2) Feels entitled to Dany’s love and affection, that she owes him for all that he’s done for her

3) The whole reason behind his exile was that he was attempted to sell people into slavery so he can fund his wife’s spending habits

4) in short, he is a nasty old man with a gross obsession with a teenaged girl and he sees himself as the victim of the made-up relationship he imagined between himself and Dany

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8 months ago


GRRM: Fire is love, fire is passion, fire is sexual ardor and all of these things. Ice is betrayal, ice is revenge, ice is… you know, that kind of cold inhumanity and all that stuff is being played out in the books.


GRRM: Well, of course, the two outlying ones — the things going on north of the Wall, and Daenerys Targaryen on the other continent with her dragons — are of course the ice and fire. of the title, “A Song of Ice and Fire.”


Viserys I on House of the Dragon [note that Aegon I’s prophecy came from GRRM himself]: Aegon saw absolute darkness riding on those winds, and whatever dwells within will destroy the world of the living. When this great winter comes, Rhaenyra, all of Westeros must stand against it. And if the world of men is to survive, a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne. A king or queen strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and the dark. Aegon called his dream ‘The Song of Ice and Fire.’

+ bonus:


In a Game of Thrones video about the religions of Westeros, GRRM confirmed that Azor Ahai and Prince that Was Promised are one and the same (and not two different prophecies about two different saviors) when he says that the prince that was promised will receive Lightbringer as a token from R'hllor. Hence why the gifset collects evidence showing that Dany is Azor Ahai and Prince That Was Promised.


D&D confirmed in Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon: Game of Thrones and the Unofficial Untold Story of the Epic Series that show!Arya killing the Night King was an original, last minute decision made for the sake of shock value that 1) highlights how fickle they were (since they even considered to have a non-POV character like Sandor Clegane save the day) and 2) will have no bearing on the ASOIAF books. This is especially interesting considering 1) the fact that Jon killing Dany was also D&D’s idea, 2) the book foreshadowing for Dany being AA/PTWP, 3) GRRM having previously disproven a theory about Dany burning a place and suggesting that she’s not involved in the second dance of the dragons (which makes it unlikely that she will ever burn KL in the books) and 4) GRRM saying that he’s moving forward with his 1991 ending (which is noteworthy because Dany survives in his 1993 outline). All in all, every book related evidence suggests that Dany will continue to be written as a heroic figure in A Song of Ice and Fire.

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8 months ago
DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION 2018HOME: That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With
DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION 2018HOME: That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With
DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION 2018HOME: That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With
DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION 2018HOME: That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With
DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION 2018HOME: That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With
DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION 2018HOME: That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With
DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION 2018HOME: That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With
DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION 2018HOME: That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With

DAENERYS TARGARYEN APPRECIATION 2018 HOME: That was when they lived in Braavos, in the big house with the red door. Dany had her own room there, with a lemon tree outside her window. After Ser Willem had died, the servants had stolen what little money they had left, and soon after they had been put out of the big house. Dany had cried when the red door closed behind them forever.

All that Daenerys wanted back was the big house with the red door, the lemon tree outside her window, the childhood she had never known.

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8 months ago
That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With The Red Door. Dany Had Her Own Room There,
That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With The Red Door. Dany Had Her Own Room There,
That Was When They Lived In Braavos, In The Big House With The Red Door. Dany Had Her Own Room There,

That was when they lived in Braavos, in the big house with the red door. Dany had her own room there, with a lemon tree outside her window. After Ser Willem had died, the servants had stolen what little money they had left, and soon after they had been put out of the big house. Dany had cried when the red door closed behind them forever.

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8 months ago

Why Daenerys should not be glorified

Her story isn’t about revolution. A revolution happens from within, it doesn’t happen when an outsider (and ok, she was raised in poverty, but now she has a huge amount of power & privilege, as the post under the ‘read more’ discusses) shows up to free people from their own savage culture. As if nobody in the slave cities had ever gone “wow guys, this is bad, maybe we should do something.” No, the only person to have the courage/mercy/humanity to stand up to the barbaric practices there is the same person who burnt a rape victim alive. Okay then.

If GRRM had wanted her narrative to be about revolution, then Dany would have freed the people in Westeros — not in some orientalist, Otherized, exotic part of the ASOIAF universe. 

People don’t sit around going “I wish someone would show up and set us free,” they start their own revolutions. So how on earth is it relevant to compare her story to the Arab Spring?

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anti got anti game of thrones anti d&d anti dumb & dumber anti got fandom anti asoiaf fandom anti dany antis op convenient taking everything out of context as all dany antis for their narrative b/c let's just conveniently ignore dany tried to help+ +mirri from rape only for the grown bitch to trick 14 year old dany & poison her unborn son to death as revenge on khal drogo & ntm like+ +grrm said his heros are the ones who actually go out of their way to help & protect people & make the world a better place & no character+ +is doing this better than selfless dany who chose to remain in essos to care for the people she took her under wing as a mother devoting+ +year of her life to her anti slavery abolition campaign before finally going to westeros like some of y'all need so badly but ultimately+ won't get what they want because not only the people of Kings' Landing & other Westerosi are rooting for dany & others in essos but also+ +grrm himself is rooting for dany so any issues w/ her narrative or the way it's depictes in the show is on grrm: grrm's writing & the poorly terribly adapted books & the show& +show's poor production & casting for slavery which is based off of slavery in the Roman Empire for example that wasn't even based on race+ +but based on being enslaved as a prisoner of war due to defeat so slaves were of various colors cultures races & ethnicities including yt antis at least be aware of basic information the grrm has given us especially in interview discussing them before trying vilify dany's+ +good intentions for your wank fest as if some antis mainly jonsas aren't jerking off to their fantasies of a child bride former sex slave+ +rape abuse victim dany being used & abused via domestic violence from her nephew/lover then put down like a rabid dog & discarded like+ +trash as if dany didn't experience more suffering & abuse than most would at all in their lifetime early on in her young life especially+ +at hands of her own brother her only family viserys & because of viserys🤡🤦🏾‍♀️🙄🙃 fandom stupidity fandom wank fandumb fandom nonsense fandom fuckery fandom bullshit fandom delusion fandom clownery
7 months ago

There needs to be a study into why people love to refer to the Targ’s as ‘white saviours’ as if almost every damn house/person in that world aren’t white or some variation of white 🙄

Dany is freeing slaves therefore to them she is a white saviour and that extends to her family. Never mind that the slavery in ASoIaF is more akin to that of the Roman Empire.

They just love to hate and do it illogically, which is what bothers me most.

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7 months ago

“I don’t get why people are so mad about the Mad Queen, Dany’s character has been building to this and it makes perfect sense for her!”

Okay, so even if we pretend for a second that Dany burning KL at the time and in the way she did made sense (it didn’t), there’s a whole other element as to why the Mad Queen arc was SO infuriating. And that is because for two seasons the entire logic of the show bends backwards until it breaks in order to get Dany to the point where they could try to justify that act.

Let’s look at some examples:

Tyrion instructs Dany to invade Casterly Rock, leaving Highgarden unprotected. It makes zero sense for a character renowned for their intelligence to propose this. CR is a defensive stronghold that offers no tactical advantage to a Conquerer, while Highgarden is one of Dany’s strongest allies with the funds to support her conquest. Dany loses House Tyrell and the Reach because of this.

Tyrion also advises Dany to send some of her most valuable men Beyond the Wall to capture a wight to convince Cersei of their existence. Again, this makes no sense for Tyrion to propose. He of all people should know that Cersei is a deranged narcissist who could never be trusted. I guess Tyrion kind of forgot his sisters central character traits. Dany loses a dragon because of this.

Dany also would not have lost Viserion if she had not arrived in time to rescue Jon and the others. But lucky for them (and unlucky for Viserion), ravens can now fly from the wall to Dragonstone in a single night.

“Dany kind of forgot about the iron fleet.” Apparently this Conquerer queen heading south for war just didn’t send out any sort of scouts, and entirely forgot about one of the like two forces that she needs to watch out for. None of her war advisors remember this either. She loses Rhaegal and Missandei because of this.

Cersei decides to behead Missandei as opposed to keeping her prisoner in the Red Keep in order to discourage Dany from just burning it down.

The Iron Fleet— which would later fail to strike down Drogon despite firing dozens of scorpions— is able to take Rhaegal down with two back to back perfect shots. Also apparently they can see Rhaegal well enough to do that, but neither Rhaegal nor Drogon nor Dany were able to see them.

Upon coming to Westeros, Dany has three dragons, a huge army of Unsullied, a huge army of Dothraki, a portion of the Iron Fleet, the full support of Highgarden with all their wealth and armies and probably much of their Bannermen, and the backing of Dorne. Dany is told that this is not enough, and she will not be able to take KL without tons of innocent bloodshed. Dany then proceeds to lose 2/3 dragons, Highgarden, Dorne, the Iron Fleet, and a huge portion of her Unsullied and Dothraki armies. In exchange, she gets an army of tired unmotivated northerners. Meanwhile Cersei obtains all of Highgardens wealth, the Golden Company, the Iron Fleet, and a massive force of scorpions. Dany proceeds to take Kings Landing and force a surrender with virtually zero civilian bloodshed.

Dany is portrayed as unreasonable and irrational for wanting to immediately attack Kings Landing with her full force. This perceived irrationality is the basis for her advisors questioning and betraying her. Dany is later proved correct in all of her courses of action when— again— she forces KL surrender quickly and cleanly and with virtually no civilian bloodshed.

Varys, a character renowned for his patience and ability to play the game and wait to strike until the opportune moment, a man who sat through Joffrey’s reign and did nothing, suddenly feels that Daenerys (who has not done anything worse than what Varys already knew her capable of when he decided to support her) is such a risk that he tries to poison her before she has even defeated Cersei for him. Again, the supposed reckless plan that Varys betrays Dany for is later proven to have been the correct plan.

Cersei faces no backlash from any of her actions. Nobody cares that she blew up the Westerosi Vatican. Nobody cares that she murdered the Queen of Westeros. Nobody cares that she helped orchestrate the fall death of Ned Stark and bears responsibility for the subsequent war and massacre of many of the remaining starks. Nobody cares that she is very very unlikely to accept Northern Independence, and very likely to hold a grudge against the north and house stark and seek to wipe them out. Cersei faces zero criticism or opposition from anyone besides Daenerys, and dethroning her is treated as an unnecessary inconvenience that nobody really cares that much about, and are only doing because Dany wants to.

These are just the examples I can think of off the top of my head. There are surely many many more.

Dany was too OP coming into season 7. As such, in order to make the plot work and reach their predetermined Mad Queen ending, the very fabric of the universe twisted and warped for the explicit purpose of taking away everything she had and loved. Dumbass plans from characters known for the intelligence, fast travel, discarding of the “action and consequence” internal logic of the show for Dany’s opposition, forgetting of basic war time strategy. Cersei’s forces are a formidable threat when Dany needs to look reckless and bad for wanting to attack Kings Landing. Cersei’s forces then proceed to not be a threat at all and collapse like a tower of cards when Dany needs to look awful and evil for burning down a city that surrendered so easily.

So yeah, even if in that moment you believe Dany would burn down Kings Landing, the fact that Dany fans had to sit there and watch as every single aspect of the show was manipulated in the most illogical way for the sole purpose of making her the villain…? Is it really in character if the fundamental logic of the universe has to change in order for it to happen?

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