Iwaizumi Haikyuu - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

haikyuu as things the kids i babysit say-

*iwaoi as kids*

oikawa- he hit me with his toothbrush!

Oikawa’s mom- hey that’s rude!!

iwa- i actually hit him with my knuckles.

Oikawa’s mom- that’s not any better!

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3 years ago

Love Letter

Iwaizumi Hajime x GN! Reader

Genre: Fluff, angst if you squint

Warnings: a few curse words

this one came out longer than expected and i honestly didn't know how to cut it short XP anyways enjoy this fluffy fluff with our iwa chan. i finished it early so i posted it. not beta-read (again) constructive criticism is accepted.

Love Letter

Hajime had a crush. Not that he would ever accept it. But, still the fact that he did have a crush would not change. And he hated it.

He hated how his throat closed up whenever he tried to talk to you. Hated the way his hands sweat profusely when he was near you. He hated everything about this.

He thought ignoring you and pretending you didn't exist would make his crush go away. But, how could he ignore you when you were in the same class as him and sat right across from him.

Hajime always caught himself looking at you in between lectures. And now, he had to force himself to look away from you and concentrate in class.

The teacher was talking about a project and said that she would assign everyone in groups of two. Hajime groaned inwardly at the mention of group projects. He had always preferred to work alone.

The teacher was now calling out students' names and their partners. "Iwaizumi and L/N," she announced.

He did a double take and stared at his teacher, wide eyed. Surely he had heard that wrong, right? There was no way you were his partner, right?

His thoughts came to a stop when you turned to look at him. You smiled politely at him. Though it was nothing special, Hajime felt his heart beating faster. His face felt hot when he smiled back at you. You were gonna be the end of him.

"Shut up Shittykawa!" Hajime barked at his best-friend, Oikawa. He was rambling on and on about how popular he was and how many girls were head over heels for him. Hajime had heard this enough times for it to be etched in his mind.

His hand clutched the small piece of paper in his hand which had your phone number scribbled in it. The two of you had exchanged numbers and had agreed to meet up at your house to work on the project. He felt his face heat up again and cursed silently.

"Iwa-chan! I need to use the restroom. Don't leave without me," Oikawa said, already on his way.

Hajime sighed and stood outside their gym. If Oikawa didn't come back within two minutes, he thought, I'm leave his things here and go back home.

"Um, excuse me."

He heard a shy voice from behind him. He turned and saw a red-faced girl clutching what suspiciously looked like a love letter. Oh, how much Hajime hated love letters. He thought they were sappy and ugly, what with the hearts drawn everywhere. He had threatened to burn all the letters Oikawa had kept stashed in his room if he had to deliver one more sappy letter to him. Say goodbye to your letters, Assikawa, Hajime thought.

"It's for Oikawa, right?" He asked. This was nothing out of the ordinary for him.

"Y-Yes! Please give it to him!" She shoved the letter into his hands and ran away to her friend who was smirking wildly.

Everyone liked Oikawa, no doubt. He was handsome and charming but with a shitty personality that only Hajime and their close friends knew. But, that was not what he was worried about. He was worried that you would choose Oikawa instead of him. Everyone always did that.

Your room was the perfect definition of 'organized mess'. There were books and papers scattered on your desk and floor, a pile of clothes on your bed, and your laptop on the floor with numerous tabs open. It was a mess, but a nice mess. Hajime liked it.

Hajime was glad to have you as a partner. You were easy to work with, efficient and broad-minded.

He tried his best not to ogle you all the time, which was practically impossible since you looked so beautiful while you were focused on your work.

Your mom came in, saw all the papers strewn across the expanse of your room, gave the two of you a look, and never came back. You had laughed your head off at this and Hajime couldn't help but laugh with you too. He promised to help you clean later to which you had reluctantly agreed.

The project had turned out great. Hajime smiled proudly at his grade-an A-and decided make Oikawa jealous. You had asked him to have lunch together to which he had agreed right away.

You and Hajime had grown close during the small amount of time you had worked together. Even after finishing it, you would still call him or text him talking about anything and everything. You would even wait for his practice to end and walk home with him.

You had always been talkative around Hajime but today you were eerily silent. Your face was red, too.

"Hey," he said. "Are you sick? Do you want me to take you to the nurse's office?"

"N-No!" You stuttered, waving your hands wildly. "It's just that-that..." you trailed off.

"That what?"

You said something under your breath that Hajime couldn't make out.

Then, there was something covering his face. A piece of paper. "What the-?"

He peeled the paper away from his face and took a good look at it. Hajime's heart sank down to the pit of his stomach. It was not just a piece of paper. It was a love letter. And he knew damn well who it was for. Of course you liked Oikawa. Why had he even thought his feelings would be reciprocated. Dumb, he cursed at himself. Dumbass.

"It's for Oikawa right?" His voice came out more sad and dejected than he had expected. "I can't guarantee a reply-"

"I-It's for you!"

"-but I will give it to him," he continued.

"Don't give it to Oikawa! It's for you Iwaizumi!" You were almost yelling now.

"W-What? This"-he held up the letter-"is for me?"

Hajime was sure his brain had stopped working. You were giving him a love letter?

"Does this mean you like me?" He wanted to make sure it was true. That you were not pranking him.

"Yes!" You sounded so desperate and annoyed. He swore he could see steam rising from your head.

"Thank you!" He almost screamed. "Go out with me, please."

"Y-Yes," you agreed, trying your best to hide your red face.

Hajime's heart melted and he felt like the happiest man on earth. You liked him. Him and not Oikawa. A giddy, love-sick smile formed on his face. He felt weightless like he were floating in space. His chest felt warm.

"Iwa-chan~" Oikawa's voice brought him back. He turned to face Oikawa only to be faced with a teasing smirk. Mattsun and Makki wore similar expressions. Makki whispered something to Mattsun about Hajime getting laid, which Hajime prayed you didn't hear.

"L/N-chan, let me tell you something embarrassing about Iwa-chan," Oikawa giggled and made his way towards you.

"Crappykawa, say one word to L/N about me and I'll make sure you get a concussion during practice," Hajime barked.

You let out a fit of giggles which was soon joined by Mattsun, Makki and Oikawa himself. Hajime smiled a fond smile. He neatly placed the letter in his bag and decided to read it later, in the safety of his room. His chest still felt warm when he sat down and had lunch with the four of you. Maybe love letters aren't all that bad, Hajime thought.

Work by: @smolbean12

Love Letter


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