Janos Quested - Tumblr Posts

Me: *kisses him on the forehead* there there Bucky they can't hurt you anymore.
Bucky: but what if they do?
Me: then we'll be ready for them won't we babe, come on Loki, Sirius, Dorian,Drogo, Azazel,Janos, Ardeth,Bill,fleur, Daenerys, Diana, holtzman, Liam,Zayn, Arthur, Lestat, Maluma, Alice, jasper, caius, Peter,Dave, Justin, Dracula, Shaggy and thranduil are waiting for us.
Bucky: okay but remind me again where we're going?
Me: idk really all I know is that someone sent me a message saying to meet them in London.
Bucky: could it be him?
Me: it could be,well we'll see when we get there
Fast forward to London
Bucky: we're here... Do you guys here that sound
(TARDIS noises in the background)
(Everyone looks around)
Me: it's is him
Everyone: who???????
Just then the TARDIS appears and someone steps out.....

( the Doctor steps out of the box)
The Doctor: Hello everyone I'm the doctor.
Sirius: doctor, doctor who?
The Doctor: exactly, ah my companions ( the doctor looks at me and Bucky) wonderful to see you again I have a slight problem tho, River needs my help and she told me to get you and your friends for some reason, now that that's out of the way

( Bucky and I look at each other then to our friends)
Me: well everyone what do you say?
Everyone: yeah let's go!!!!!( They go into the TARDIS)
Me & Bucky: welp here we go again ( we go into the TARDIS and we go off to rescue River song again)