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Doctorwhoscompanionsstuff - AnyFandomShips - Tumblr Blog
Please I need gems guys
Amethyst stalactite 28 cm. Complete all around. Artigas, Uruguay. Inquire for details
Guys I recently got the New Kingdom hearts game and I'm currently in monstropolis aka monsters Inc and I'm in my rage form and omg you guys sora looks like Kurt Wagner aka nightcrawler
It's really cool
Me: *kisses him on the forehead* there there Bucky they can't hurt you anymore.
Bucky: but what if they do?
Me: then we'll be ready for them won't we babe, come on Loki, Sirius, Dorian,Drogo, Azazel,Janos, Ardeth,Bill,fleur, Daenerys, Diana, holtzman, Liam,Zayn, Arthur, Lestat, Maluma, Alice, jasper, caius, Peter,Dave, Justin, Dracula, Shaggy and thranduil are waiting for us.
Bucky: okay but remind me again where we're going?
Me: idk really all I know is that someone sent me a message saying to meet them in London.
Bucky: could it be him?
Me: it could be,well we'll see when we get there
Fast forward to London
Bucky: we're here... Do you guys here that sound
(TARDIS noises in the background)
(Everyone looks around)
Me: it's is him
Everyone: who???????
Just then the TARDIS appears and someone steps out.....
( the Doctor steps out of the box)
The Doctor: Hello everyone I'm the doctor.
Sirius: doctor, doctor who?
The Doctor: exactly, ah my companions ( the doctor looks at me and Bucky) wonderful to see you again I have a slight problem tho, River needs my help and she told me to get you and your friends for some reason, now that that's out of the way
( Bucky and I look at each other then to our friends)
Me: well everyone what do you say?
Everyone: yeah let's go!!!!!( They go into the TARDIS)
Me & Bucky: welp here we go again ( we go into the TARDIS and we go off to rescue River song again)
What if Pedro survived being stabbed but no one knew,like he washed up on a river bank and was found by another village they fixed him up and he went on his way to find his family, but he couldn’t find them and due to the huge mountains around the encanto he couldn’t climb them so he made a little home near the mountains and has lived there for the last 50 years, now after the whole losing the magic thing and that the mountains have opened, Mirabel goes out of the encanto to explore and she meets Pedro but doesn’t know that’s her abuelo and so they get to know each other and she tells him about her family,as soon as she mentions her “dead” abuelo, Pedro asks “what was his name?” And mirabel says “ his name was Pedro” and he says “ is your abuelas name Alma?” Mirabel says “yeah how did you know?” And Pedro just pulls out a locket with Alma and the triplets picture in it. And Mirabel is like stunned and decides to bring him home. Once she does everyone is shocked especially abuela and Pedro is also shocked when he finds out about the gift and Pedro tells everyone what happened the last 50 years and they all get to know each other ESPECIALLY the triplets and they live happily ever after.
The Doctor: Help! I told Rose I could cook dinner tonight and I can't cook!!!!
Jack harkness pouring milk straight into the bag of cereal: and you thought I could help?
This is the story of the doctor, the last of the time-lords,the myth, the savior of galifrey,the defeater of the Daleks, the time traveler. His companions will tell you he is the most amazing person there is, That the TARDIS is bigger on the inside, So who ever is reading this whether you, Doctor, are ready this yourself or if it's the next companion or if the doctor is long gone and someone has found this book, just know the doctor will help who ever needs it in the Galaxy and through out time with that Sonic screwdriver of his and his cleverness. So who ever finds this this is the story of The Last Time-Lord.
Bad Wolf (aka Rose Tyler).
Why does that look so awesome and comfortable tho? Like just imagine you have that bed that particular but there's a wall on the other side and there's a secret button to open to to the study. (Or other room of your choice)
sorry but if your bed isn’t against at least one wall you’re not valid
I would be so proud of this man and let's not forget the family madrigal thanking Mariano for rescuing Mirabel form that creep. I bet the creep got thrown out of Encanto.
Encanto Headcanons Pt 2
Mariano: *seeing a creep hitting on Mirabel*
Mirabel: *uncomfortable and scared*
Mariano: Oh hell naw *immediately heads over and places Mirabel behind him* That little girl, is a child. I don't wanna see you sniffing around her anymore for my rest of my life do you understand?!
Creep: *scared* I....
Mariano: *pick up the creep by the shirt* Boy, have you lost your mind?! Cause I'll help you find it
((Mariano would be like the protective older brother toward the youngest kiddos within the Madrigal family, and no one can tell me other wise))
If ghost whisperer and encanto had a crossover (ps this is after the whole everyone losing their gifts)
Abuela: my husband Pedro died 50 years ago and you are saying you can see his spirit?
Melinda: yes and he has alot to say to you.
Abuela: well what is he saying?
Pedros spirit: tell her I love her so much and that I'm sorry I left her when she needed me the most.
Melinda: he says he loves you and that he's sorry.
Abuela: he has no reason to apologize, sacraficed himself so that our children would grow up without a care in the world and if it wasn't for him we would have been caught by those bandits.
Pedros spirit: can you please tell her that I am very disappointed for how she treated the family, especially Mirabel and Bruno.
Melinda: he says he's disappointed in you for how you treated the family over the years, especially Mirabel and Bruno.
Abuela: oh mi amor I let the the power get to my head and I lost sight of what the gift was for but then Mirabel showed me that family means more than a gift.
*Pedro smiles*
Pedros spirit : tell her that I love our familyand that I'm proud of them and that he's proud of the Encanto . And I said goodbye.
Melinda: he says that he loves the family and that he's so proud of you,and of the Encanto, he's says goodbye now.
Abuela: what goodbye? Why?
Melinda: well he doesn't belong here anymore, he belongs in the light.
Abuela: will I see him again?
Melinda: of course.
Abuela: *sighs* I love you mi amor and I hope to see you soon, goodbye.
Pedros spirit: I love you too mi amor.
Pedro kisses abuelas cheek and disappears into the light.
Melinda: he's gone.
Abuela: *sobs*
Melinda: *looks at the madrigal family* go to your family they need you.
Abuela: gracias señora Gordon. *Leaves to her family*
Meanwhile with Dolores and Mariano
Dolores: * heard everything and is now crying*
Mariano: mi amor, what happened why are you crying?
Dolores:* wipes away her tears* nada mi amor I just heard something really beautiful.
I f#cking hate college classes . Like those f#cking professors think that giving so much work for 2 days that we're going to finish that weekend . I wasn't able to attend my baking class for a week due to my wisdom teeth being in pain and when I get back the chef gave me four f#cking recipes to do in a two hour time span and she kept saying "your not going to finish it" LIKE NO SHIT SHERLOCK, YOU GAVE ME MULTIPLE RECIPES TO DO IN TWO HOURS. but I managed to finish them anyway but instead of saying that the chef was impressed that I had finished, she then proceeds to telle to make up all the work I missed and she said I shouldn't have to depend on teamwork . I was pretty f#cking busy with the recipes she gave me so I had asked my classmates to help me out a bit and she got a little mad and she said if I don't finish the work I missed that she will not let me bake anything and make me miss out on the semester project.
Umbridge: *breaths*
The entire harry potter fandom: there are 1 million ,13 thousand , 150 words in the entire English dialect and yet there is not a single combination of them that describes my urge to hit you with a chair *smiles evily*
i was thinking that since hogwarts is full of ghosts shouldn't James and Lily be there. I mean think about it they loved Harry with all of their might, maybe their unfinished buisness would be to watch Harry grow up at hogwarts and. Just think James pulling pranks with Fred and George , Lily making sure that Harry doesn't get sent to the dursleys, Lily yellng at severus for bulling Harry but later appologizes when severus tells her the true reason behind it, James and Lily vouching for Sirius so he doesn't go to Azkaban, James and Lily watching over Harry Potter
#ghosts #JamesandLily
Peter: Hi Mr. Stark!!!!!
Tony: kid just call me Tony.
Peter: ok Mr. Tony!!!!!!!!
Tony: [facepalms]
Tony: call me something other than mr stark or tony.
Peter: ok dad!!!
Pepper: so you adopted him because he called you dad?
Tony: yes I did!
#PeterParker #TonyStark #PepperPotts