Japanese Vocabulary - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
 - (nihongo) Means Japanese Language.

「日本語」 - (nihongo) means Japanese language.

Here is my first everyday kanji lesson!

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1 year ago

「鉛筆」 - えんぴつ/enpitsu - pencil ✏️

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1 year ago
 /fushigi - Wonder, Mysterious

「不思議」 ふしぎ/fushigi - Wonder, mysterious 🔮✨️

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10 months ago
Top Excuses Used To Avoid Learning Japanese! PS: Learn Japanese With The Best FREE Online Resources,

Top Excuses used to Avoid learning Japanese! 🙊 PS: Learn Japanese with the best FREE online resources, just click here https://www.japanesepod101.com/?src=tumblr_infographic_excuses_022824

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10 months ago

Essay Phrases in Japanese


初めに はじめに to begin with (first of all)

まず to start with (first of all)

最初に さいしょに first

第一に だいいちに first of all

劈頭第一 へきとうだいいち first and foremost


次に つぎに next

更に さらに furthermore

そして and (thus)

そのうえに in addition (furthermore)

また also

並びに ならびに both ~ and ~ (~ as well as ~)

及び および and (as well as)

それだけでなく not only ~ but also ~

のみならず besides (as well as)

しかも however

すでに already

その結果 そのけっか as a result

それにしては considering that

それに対して それにたいして in contrast

ため in order to (because of)

というのは the reason why is

にしたがって following (in accordance with)

にとって for (concerning)

によって due to (because of)

一方で いっぽうで on the one hand

まったく really, truly, entirely

全て すべて overall (in general)

多数の たすうの majority

必ず かならず definitely

急速に きゅうそくに rapidly increasing

ますます increasingly (more and more); decreasingly (less and less with negative)

次第に しだいに gradually (little by little)

現在 げんざい nowadays

確かに たしかに it is true that... but

要すると/要するに ようすると/ようするに in short

非常に ひじょうに extremely

絶対 ぜったい absolutely

誠に まことに absolutely

によると according to

したがって accordingly (therefore)

事実上 じじつじょう actually (as a matter of fact)

だって also

それに加えて それにくわえて in addition to this


結局 けっきょく after all

最後に さいごに in closing, in conclusion

要約すると ようやくすると in summary

つまり to sum up, in the end

結論は けつろんは in conclusion

結論というと けつろんというと to conclude

このように thus, hence

全体的に ぜんたいてきに overall, on the whole

Phrases from Quizlet by @uni-venture and Talk in Japanese

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8 months ago

JLPT Journal 07/07 (Countdown: 147 days)

That's exactly 21 weeks! Also, today is the day of the summer JLPT. I hope it went well for everyone who took it today!

Today I:

Reviewed 24 kanji

Updated my "Kanji I Always Forget" deck (replaced 6 that are no longer causing me issues with 6 that are causing me issues)

Read the first few paragraphs of an article about tarot

Watched grammar videos about わりに, っぱなし/まま, によって and だらけ

N3/N4 Vocab from today:

種類(しゅるい)kind, sort

一般(いっぱん)universal, general

目的(もくてき)purpose, goal, objective, aim, intention

人生(じんせい)(one's) life

あらゆる all, every

出来事(できごと)incident, affair, happening

あるいは or, either... or

今後(こんご)from now on, hereafter

様々(さまざま)various, varied, diverse

はっきり clearly, plainly, distinctly



効果(こうか)effect, effectiveness

成績(せいせき)grades, results, marks

給料(きゅうりょう)wages, pay

無駄(むだ)futility, waste, uselessness


埃(ほこり)dust (usually written in just kana)

傷(きず)wound, injury, cut

Higher level/non-JLPT vocab

解説(かいせつ)explanation, commentary

タロット tarot

占い(うらない)fortune telling, divination

一般的(いっぱんてき)general, popular, common, typical

特定(とくてい)specific, particular

展開(てんかい)development, evolution, progression, (plot) twist

斬新(ざんしん)novel, original, new, innovative

元々(もともと)originally, from the start, from the outset



それぞれ each, respectively

日替わり定食(ひがわりていしょく)daily special (at a restaurant)

To Review



Honestly 〜によって and 〜ように are the bane of my existence right now. Both have so many meanings and they're kind of similar so I just. Forget how to use them and mix them up and just ???? I hate them so much. I really need to study them properly and get a grip on them.

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5 years ago

※ エ, カイ, ガ, カク

※ はか.る, えが.く, かく.する, かぎ.る

※ picture, brush-stroke

動画 • どうが • animation, motion picture, moving image, video

画する • かくする • to draw (a line); to demarcate, to mark, to divide, to map out; to plan

企画 • きかく • planning, project, plan, design

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