Japanese Langblr - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

15/10/2022 - Day 3

15/10/2022 - Day 3
15/10/2022 - Day 3
15/10/2022 - Day 3

Did tons of hiragana in duolingo throughout the day. Currently, reading and about to start lesson 2 numbers (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈) 💌

♫ あいのちから - SEVENTEEN

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2 years ago

16/10/2022 - Day 4

16/10/2022 - Day 4
16/10/2022 - Day 4
16/10/2022 - Day 4
16/10/2022 - Day 4

Continued on numbers (month-day-dates) + how to formulate and answer questions hiragana ( ˶ • ༝ • )

♫ Run to you Jap version - SEVENTEEN

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2 years ago

19-20/10/2022 Day 6 & 7

19-20/10/2022 Day 6 & 7
19-20/10/2022 Day 6 & 7
19-20/10/2022 Day 6 & 7

I was so busy yesterday with uni works but I managed to do a lot of duolingo. Today, Im finishing up Katakana. So, I can move on to nouns and such (ฅ́˘ฅ̀) 🌸

I also got to watch Chainsaw Man ep2 grrrr so good ✨️

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2 years ago



Adding extra hours of studying today to make up for my endevours ( ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ) 🌸

♫ 死ぬのがいいわ - Fujii Kaze

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2 years ago

Been really busy with uni works that I wasnt able to update here grr. Nevertheless, I still study japanese. I'm currently practicing and memorizing kanji and adding vocabs!!

I am also planning on buying untranslated manga to practice my reading and comprehension ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) 🌸

Been Really Busy With Uni Works That I Wasnt Able To Update Here Grr. Nevertheless, I Still Study Japanese.

Ps. I miss watching anime, I havent been able to. My brain is numb from all the uni works T.T

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8 months ago
Reviewing N2 While Studying Kanji N1
Reviewing N2 While Studying Kanji N1

Reviewing N2 while studying kanji N1

I was supposed to finish reviewing yesterday but I was really busy so I couldn't

Hopefully, I can finish reviewing the material this week.

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7 months ago

JLPT Journal 07/07 (Countdown: 147 days)

That's exactly 21 weeks! Also, today is the day of the summer JLPT. I hope it went well for everyone who took it today!

Today I:

Reviewed 24 kanji

Updated my "Kanji I Always Forget" deck (replaced 6 that are no longer causing me issues with 6 that are causing me issues)

Read the first few paragraphs of an article about tarot

Watched grammar videos about わりに, っぱなし/まま, によって and だらけ

N3/N4 Vocab from today:

種類(しゅるい)kind, sort

一般(いっぱん)universal, general

目的(もくてき)purpose, goal, objective, aim, intention

人生(じんせい)(one's) life

あらゆる all, every

出来事(できごと)incident, affair, happening

あるいは or, either... or

今後(こんご)from now on, hereafter

様々(さまざま)various, varied, diverse

はっきり clearly, plainly, distinctly



効果(こうか)effect, effectiveness

成績(せいせき)grades, results, marks

給料(きゅうりょう)wages, pay

無駄(むだ)futility, waste, uselessness


埃(ほこり)dust (usually written in just kana)

傷(きず)wound, injury, cut

Higher level/non-JLPT vocab

解説(かいせつ)explanation, commentary

タロット tarot

占い(うらない)fortune telling, divination

一般的(いっぱんてき)general, popular, common, typical

特定(とくてい)specific, particular

展開(てんかい)development, evolution, progression, (plot) twist

斬新(ざんしん)novel, original, new, innovative

元々(もともと)originally, from the start, from the outset



それぞれ each, respectively

日替わり定食(ひがわりていしょく)daily special (at a restaurant)

To Review



Honestly 〜によって and 〜ように are the bane of my existence right now. Both have so many meanings and they're kind of similar so I just. Forget how to use them and mix them up and just ???? I hate them so much. I really need to study them properly and get a grip on them.

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5 months ago

月見 (Tsukimi) "moon-viewing"

 (Tsukimi) "moon-viewing"

This Sunday will be Moon Viewing Day in Japan. The first full moon in September is considered particularly clear and beautiful, much like the idea of a "harvest moon". 🎑 🌕

In Japan, Moon Viewing Day is celebrated by eating white dumplings.

In China it is celebrated by eating mooncakes - pastries filled with lotus paste and a duck egg yolk. They are one of my favourite foods and in my area they are only available at this time of year, so I always look forward to moon-viewing festival time 😁🥮

 (Tsukimi) "moon-viewing"

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6 months ago

today's notes & homework > busuu

べんきょうしましょう! 私は きたない へやで べんきょうしません。 I don't sutdy in a dirty/messy room. 聞きましょう!👂 1️⃣ こんにちは、私はナオミです。私のうちはひろいです。でも、私のへやはきれいじゃないです。私はきたないへやでべんきょうしません。ベンさんのすばらしいへやでべんきょうします。ベンさんのおおきいソファーがだいすきです。ベンさんはしんせつな友だちです。 Hello, I'm Naomi. My house is spacious, but my room isn't clean. I don't study in a messy room. I study at Ben's amazing room. I adore Ben's big sofa. Ben is a kind friend. 2️⃣ ぼくはベンです。デザインの学生です。ぼくはあたらしいソファーがすきです。ゆうめいなデザイナーのソファーです。でも、いつもナオミさんはぼくのソファーでねます。ナオミさんはきれいです。でも、ナオミさんのへやはきたないです。へんですね。 I'm Ben. I'm a design student. I like the new sofa. It's from a famous designer. But my friend, Naomi, always sleep on it. Naomi is pretty. But her room is messy/dirty. It's weird. Practice: Tell a little bit about the people and things around you! For example: 私はこのかばんがすきです。でも、ちいさいです。デパートでおおきいかばんをかいます。(I like this bag. But it's small. I'll buy a bigger/big bag in a department store.) Tips: おおきい、ちいさい、いい、わるい、おもしろい、つまらない、ひろい、せまい、きれい、きたない、しんせつ、ゆうめい My answer: こんにちは、私はアラナです。私のうちはひろいじゃないです。そして、私のへやはちいさいです。でも、私のへやがだいすきです。

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6 months ago

busuu 🇯🇵 lesson

The counter 本/ほん can be used to count something that is long and thin. For example: a pole, a fishing rod, a whole baguette, a tree, a line drawn on paper, or a strand of hair! Depending on the number before the counter, the reading can change to ぽん or ぼん. This is the same rule as the readings for 百 and ひき. 🌴 いっぽん / 一本 / ippon (1) にほん / 二本 / nihon (2) さんぼん / 三本 / sanbon (3) よんほん / 四本 / yonhon (4) ごほん / 五本 / gohon (5) ろっぽん / 六本 / roppon (6) ななほん / 七本 / nanahon (7) はっぽん / 八本 / happon (8) きゅうほん / 九本 / kyuuhon (9) じゅっぽん / 十本 / juppon (10) なんぼん / 何本 / nanbon (How many (long, thin objects)?) ✿ いえにピアノがnidai | にだい | 2台 | 二台 | 二だいあります。 I have two pianos at home. In the phrasal structure "noun があります", the number comes after が. ✿ Tシャツをsanmai | さんまい | 三枚かいます。 I'm going to buy three t-shirts. [The number comes after the particle. Ex: Tシャツをまいかいます。]

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6 months ago

youtube 🇯🇵 phrases

Changed my Youtube account language to japanese and decided to use this chance to learn something. ^-^ 🖥️ この動画は再生できません Kono dōga wa saisei dekimasen This video cannot be played 🖥️ ホームに戻る Hōmu ni modoru Back to Home 🖥️ 動画を再生できません Dōga o saisei dekimasen Can't play video 🖥️ この動画に関連付けられていた YouTube アカウントが停止されたため、この動画は再生できません。 Kono dōga ni kanrendzuke rarete ita yūchūbu akaunto ga teishi sa reta tame, kono dōga wa saisei dekimasen This video can no longer be played because the YouTube account associated with it has been terminated 🖥️ 動画の保存先… Dōga no hozon-saki Video save destination 🖥️ 後で見る Ato de miru Watch Later 🖥️ 新しい再生リストを作成 Atarashī saisei risuto o sakusei Create a new playlist

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5 months ago

🇯🇵 busuu lesson

New kanjis! 匹 / ひき/ぴき/びき Counter for animals. [The pronunciation of the counter varies depending on the number that comes before it.] Example: 一匹 (いっぴき) / 二匹 (にひき) / 三匹 (さんびき) 一匹 / 二匹 / 三匹 one animal / two animals / three animals Example: いぬが一匹います。 There is a dog. 枚 / まい Counter used for something flat. [The radical of 枚 is ⽊.] [Used for sheets of paper.] Example: 二枚のパン (にまいのパン) 二枚のパン two slices of bread Example: ひこうきのチケットを三枚かいます。 I'm going to buy three plane tickets. [Tickets used to always be paper, so we use the counter 枚/まい for flat objects.] 台 / だい / たい Counter used for large furniture and large electronics (Looks like a lamp on a table.) Example: 三台のくるま (さんだいのくるま) / 台風 (たいふう) 三台の車 / 台風 three cars / typhoon Vocab: 犬 / いぬ / けん dog (It looks like a dog's mouth.) Example: 犬のなまえ (いぬのなまえ) / 犬種 (けんしゅ) 犬の名前 / 犬種 name of a dog / dog breeds Example: 私のいぬはゴールデンレトリーバーです。 My dog ​​is a golden retriever. 住 / す-む / じゅう Live / reside Example: 住む (すむ) / 住宅 (じゅうたく) 住む / 住宅 Live / dwelling [The left part of this kanji is a radical meaning "person".] Exercise: Rewrite the sentence in hiragana: 男の人が二人います おとこのひとがふたりいます。 There are two men. [When 人 comes after the name of a country, we use じん, and the whole word refers to the nationality, e.g. アメリカ人 (American).] Listening Exercise Correction: よく聞いてください。 True or false? There are 100 trees. False: The man said "木が八本(はっぽん)あります", not 百本 (ひゃっぽん). Example: テーブルを四台かいます。 I'm going to buy four tables. 四台(よんだい) Example: 私は一匹の犬と一人の友だちと住んでいます。 I'm living with a dog and a friend. 一匹(いっぴき)、一人(ひとり) Example: パンを何枚食べますか。 How many slices of bread will you eat? 二枚食べます。 I'll eat two slices. [Bread slices are flat, so we use the 枚/まい counter for flat objects.] Example: 何匹の犬と住んでいますか。 How many dogs do you live with? 何匹 / なんびき (How many?)

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5 months ago

🇯🇵 duo lesson notes

おいしい日本りょうり tasty/delicious japanese food 父はよく日本りょうりを食べます。 My dad often eats Japanese food. 母とすしやに行きます。 I'm going to a sushi restaurant with my mom.

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1 year ago

school update #2 ! week 2 (so far)

mini rant:

why do professors who have professed for a long time do the thing where they use very specific field terminology without ever explaining what the words mean and expect everyone to know whats going on? i have 2 that do that rn & they are both classes without prereqs and specifically state you dont need any background in related fields to take the course lol


ethnomusicology - he tried to make us sing the other day, & i get its a music based class but its also an 8 am seminar for non music majors, my anxiety will not let me do that lol. otherwise seems really interesting so far and im excited for some of the projects listed in the syllabus.

dinos - not fully understanding the geology parts of this class so far. we were also assigned a group project where we have to go fossil hunting but none of my group members answer my texts so 🤷🏻‍♀️. enjoying reading the textbook a lot. also why does being in a larger room for class make it so much harder to focus?

bio anthro - not as bad as i expected. hearing my professors talk about their research as archaeologists is reallly cool. hate this classroom as well tho lmao

cultural anthro - we havent really done anything yet lol no updates tbh

archaeology - current fav. think im gonna be volunteering in the campus archaeology lab starting at the end of the month to help catalogue artifacts. excited for my textbook to get here tomorrow bc its the only physical one i got.

other things:

am in the process of setting up a semester abroad for summer 2024! already met with the office, chose a program, and have another meeting friday to apply for scholarships and get transfer credit approval :D fingers crossed i get accepted to the program i want

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1 year ago

okay, i wanna start posting here as a sort of journal and daily life tracker. English isn't my first language but maybe i can practice in this way, too.

i'm a 24-years-old med student (i hate this categorization but here i am), a huge armycarat and i am the eldest daughter (yes, the sterotypes are true, believe me)

for almost two years now i've been struggling with my mental health because academic, family and personal issues. i know it's a cliché but bangtan and seventeen are really helping me in this process and thanks to them i've met awsome people who i can now call friends.

recently i've been interested in foreign languages and i am currently studying Korean, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. i really like them and i think i found a very interesting and engaging hobby.

so in this blog i wanna share my language achievements, get my life together (i'd like to keep track of my simple life tasks) and sometimes go crazy about kpop idols idc

Okay, I Wanna Start Posting Here As A Sort Of Journal And Daily Life Tracker. English Isn't My First
Okay, I Wanna Start Posting Here As A Sort Of Journal And Daily Life Tracker. English Isn't My First
Okay, I Wanna Start Posting Here As A Sort Of Journal And Daily Life Tracker. English Isn't My First

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1 year ago

Day 1 (17/11/22) 🌟

tonight i didn't sleep very well because of several thoughts and the noise of the wind against my window. despite all that

i've done my morning simple skincare🧚‍♀️

i've eaten my not so big breakfast (just some water and cookies because yesterday i ate to a sushi all you can eat bar and i was so full)🍪🍣

i've changed my bed🛏

study achievements

i'm studying INFECTIVE DISEASES and even if the exam is in december i have to work hard because i've been procrastinating it for too long (also this is one of the causes of my struggle). 2 new diseases studied and im planning to revise another one this evening with my friend by videocall🦠

i started to study KOREAN in april i've been using a different method recently: watch a short clip (4/5 min) of a content i like, listen to it, transcribe it and underline all the new vocabulary and grammar points i find. the last clip i saw is from Wonwoo and Minghao' s vlog in Budapest, i understood almost everything without subtitles and i've learned -다고 해서, -기로 하다, -(으)러 가다/오다/다니다 so far 🇰🇷💎

in september i've started learning JAPANESE. at the moment i'm focusing on the minna no nihongo lessons by nihongoal on youtube, but today i only practiced with apps such as duolingo (just for the strike) and renshuu, one of my favorite apps to retain vocab and kanji. 🇯🇵

i started CHINESE just recently and for now my main and only source is the Superchinese app to learn the basics for free (I will looking for some yt channels once the free content will be over. today I learned 几 and 呢 with some basic dialogues about dates and stuff 🇨🇳

Day 1 (17/11/22)

songs i'm being obsessed with:

my love mine all mine - mitski

wrong - zayn ft. kehlani

god of music - seventeen

standing next to you - jungkook

somebody - jungkook

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1 year ago

Day 2 (18/11/23)🌟

Day 2 (18/11/23)

a pic of my bias in seventeen because why not

hi again! even if it's inly 5 pm in my country i'd call it a day. tonight I didn't sleep well (no way🫠) because of a mosquito and also because i had to wait for my roommate to return home. so this morning i woke up very tired and upset for some rent issues. we took the subway all the way down to the nearest bill office (idk if it is a word in english) to complain about this. 💸 then my roommate left for his hometown and now i'll spend the weekend alone. i was quite happy to relax and take a short time of rest in solitude but then i started feeling mentally and physically drained about this and that and i ended up with nothing done. I JUST WANT TO SLEEP 🛏

Day 2 (18/11/23)

however, i decided not to study anything uni-related today bc it would be unproductive, i think i will revise something after dinner but nothing more

Language things:

JAPANESE: i completed one lesson about some basic counter suffixes but I want to practice more because there are so many!! i am finally pretty confident with my N5 kanji knowledge and when I hear a new word in the minna no nihongo lessons on yt i always try to write it in kanji characters. learning kanji makes my chinese mandarin studies way easier even if japanese grammar is more similar to korean language. however in today's lesson i found a word which i remember from the sushi restaurant the other day いらっしゃいませ which means welcome! 🥢 i've also learned how to say things such as i have been studying japanese for two months ( 私は2ヶ月日本語を勉強しま。)🇯🇵

KOREAN: i continued to study some grammar points from the seventeen's blog in Budapest, this time i've learned A-(으)ㄴ 것 같다 and V- 는 것 같다 to express a guess and i watched a video by ggomi's school on yt, she's really good and her explanations are very clear even though they're in korean. recently i've started to write in a journal some simple sentences about my daily life, my feelings and everything that comes in mind and i think my korean writing skills are slowly improving. also, i like to test my speaking skills with papago translator to see if my pronounciation is correct (at the moment i'm not ready yet to talk with native speakers on hellotalk etc) 🇰🇷

i did not study chinese today because I have to retain the things i've learned and also because I think I have to work on my pronounciation so im planning to watch some content I like such as a cdrama or stuff🇨🇳

i'm a bit hungry now but today I ate pasta with pesto and i burnt my tongue while tasting the pasta to see if it was ready so i don't know if i'll be able to eat something lol

also i don't know if im going out with my friend tonight im too tired for this (im talking like an old lady👵)

Day 2 (18/11/23)

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1 year ago

Day 3 (19/11/23)🌟

Day 3 (19/11/23)
Day 3 (19/11/23)

hey! today it was a good day and i was able to appreciate even the little things. i woke up early and i completed my skincare routine🧚‍♀️

i also:

did some housework🧹

called my family and talked to one of my little sisters who was making cookies👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

went grocery shopping🍎

went for a walk by the sea🌊

Day 3 (19/11/23)

uni things

i didn't study infectious diseases today because I will dedicate the whole next week to it. also i'm so happy to do my internship in pediatrics and tomorrow i'll see the kids again and i'll discuss with the professor about my thesis there. i don't know if i'll be able to become a pediatrician in the future but at the momente it is my only source of motivation, maybe i can do it 🩺

Language things

MANDARIN CHINESE: i continued with my Superchinese app lesson. today I've learned some vocab about simple activities (书,看,电影,做) and the grammar 想 whic means want to. my writing is still bad but ill try to improve it 🇨🇳

Day 3 (19/11/23)
Day 3 (19/11/23)

KOREAN: the clip from the seventeen's blog in Budapest seems endless lol. jokes aside, i focused on the various forms of 것 같다 (present, past and future tenses) and I practiced them with my own example sentences. also I found out new usages of the verb 보다 to express past experiences and to recommend to try something. I also found out how to say i burned my tongue while i was tasting the food (literally what happened to me yesterday !!) 맛을 보다가 혀를 데었어요. I share my really disorganized notes but I like them in that way🇰🇷

Day 3 (19/11/23)
Day 3 (19/11/23)
Day 3 (19/11/23)
Day 3 (19/11/23)
Day 3 (19/11/23)

i didn't practice any japanese today, i just played some game of shiritori and kanji quiz on the renshuu app 🇯🇵

now im going to shower and semi-dress up to go out with my friend, it was a good day!

song of the day

my love mine all mine - mitski (again)

i don't understand but I love you - seventeen

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1 year ago

Day 4 (20/11/23)🌟

Day 4 (20/11/23)

MY BABY STAR CANDY!! IM SO PROUD OF HIM (also, his duality in the G. C. F. 😭😭 he wants me to go absolutely insane)

today it wasn't a good day, i can't believe i have these sudden mood swings so a day is all fun and games and the next one i literally cry myself to sleep. i don't know if it's just something PMS related because damn, it really hit hard this time. i woke up too early and my left knee (which was injured back in march) started to hurt so bad. then my rommates came back home and I got really nervous because we are four students in this house but it's always me who has to deal with bill issues, landlords and so on... i had to go to the bill office(?) alone (again) as if I don't have to study and other stuff to do. so i came home extremely tired and upset and I didn't go to my internship in pediatrics (optional not mandatory to be clear) i just wanted to sleep. the only things it seems i can control are my skincare routine and making the bed, clean my room, ... i just started studied two hours ago and im not satisfied obviously

BUT in this whole chaos MY SAVIOR JEON JUNGKOOK😔👊 i watched his concert during my lunch break and it was amazing, it made me shed tears and laugh and go feral im being honest here. he's extremely talented and he deserves the world i'm really happy he (and bangtan as well) entered into my life for nearly two years.💜

Day 4 (20/11/23)

uni things

i studied four topics for the infectious diseases exam in december and with them i almost finished the nervous system part (i just have to revise meningitis which is the biggest part)🦠

semi-off topic, in my studies i often encounter the acronym RM (the italian version of MRI) and I immediately think of nam.... i can't believe this is who i am now😭

Language things:

i didn't really studied today because of my mood but I practiced a bit with duolingo (for the strike) and the renshuu app for new JAPANESE vocab 🇯🇵. i've also found some cute videos about conversation practice by tanaka san, i think i'll start watch them frequently

for KOREAN🇰🇷, jungkook's live performance doesn't count right? lol i've just wrote something in my tl journal and took notes of good and bad things happened today and I learned new vocab in this way

오늘의 나쁜 일들:

너무 일찍 일어났어

청구서 (bills) 문제가 있었어

내 룸메이트가 정말 시끄러웠어

아직도 무릎이 (knee) 아파요

매우 슬퍼서 많이 울었어

오늘의 좋은 일들:

정국의 신기한 (exciting) 콘서트를 봤어

여동생과 영상통화를 (videocall) 했어

건물에서 맛있는 감자 냄새를 맡았어 (it's weird i know but there was a smell of dishes based on potatoes in the building idk)

for CHINESE🇨🇳, i just revised old lessons and I found an interesting app Taoli chinese i think it will help me every now and then

Day 4 (20/11/23)

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