Jason Larson - Tumblr Posts
Jodie answered the door.
Jodie: *cooly* Hello, Sheila.
Sheila: *totally oblivious* Hi! It’s so good to see you again! Ooh, hi Jason!
Jodie: Well, I’ll just leave you two kids alone. I’ve got a date.
Jason: *sniggers* Really?
Sheila: Bye! Have a good time!
Meanwhile, Jason and Sheila went out to Le Magnifique for dinner and enjoyed themselves.
They did exactly what you think they did in that photo booth, and then Jason invited her home to do something similar in his bedroom. He is classy.
Classy, classy, classy.
Jodie: So, uh, this is awkward. My brother brought his, um, his girlfriend home tonight and they...yeah. So, it’s gonna be really awkward for me in the morning, with her here, and I’d really, um, appreciate a bit of moral support?
John: Jodie, are you asking me to spend the night?
Jodie: Yeah...
John: Just because your brother has someone spending the night?
Jodie: Yeah...?
John: *tenderly* Jodes, I would love to spend the night with you. I really like you, and I want to take this whole thing we’ve got to another level. But I’m not gonna stay tonight.
Jodie: I’m not asking for woohoo, John. Just...stay the night.
John: No. I want to spend a night with you - whether we woohoo or not - because we love each other, not because you want to flaunt me to your brother tomorrow morning.
Jodie: I don’t want to flaunt you.
John: I get it. I really do. And maybe next time we go out, we could go back to my place and spend the night there. But I’m not staying tonight. *tender kiss* I really do like you, okay? I’ll see you soon.
Jodie went to bed alone.
The next morning, Jason and Sheila woke up happily. Sheila even made pancakes. Jodie wasn’t feeling the warm fuzzies. She finished her pancakes and went to work pretty quickly.
Jodie added a couple clothing racks to her store, to sell used clothes. She was pretty ruthless with the customers that day, which ended up earning her two gold badges and getting her thrift shop to level 7.
Meanwhile, Jason and Sheila were...working hard.
Jason and Sheila came home before Jodie did, and Jason took the time to ask Sheila an important question.
Jason: I don’t want to let you go home. Do you wanna...move in here?
Sheila: Of course!
Jodie walked in shortly afterwards.
Jodie wasn’t happy. Jason didn’t even try to explain himself. He wanted his girlfriend to move in, so she was going to move in. And they were going to pillow fight in the kitchen. Deal with it, sis.
Jodie had no desire to deal with it. She tried calling John, but he was working. In desperation, she called a cab and went downtown. She needed a drink.
Jodie kept calling John as the afternoon wore on.
Jodie: John, come get me! I’m *hic* still here, at the Card Shack. I wanna be with you, though! Come get meeeee!
And, at 5 pm, John finally came.
Jodie: John! You’re here!
John: Sorry it took so long. I couldn’t leave work.
Jodie: Doesn’t matter...
John: I think you’ve had enough to drink for tonight, don’t you? Why don’t you let me take you home?
Jodie: *murmurs incoherently and buries her face in his shoulder*
Yeah, going home wasn’t a good idea.
Sheila slunk off to bathe (and have a good cry). Jodie let Jason have it! She was drunk and she was pissed as hell!
Jodie: What the hell! I leave for...for hours and I come back and your stupid girlfriend has burned down my kitchen!
Jason: Hey! It wasn’t her fault. She walked away for a minute and the stove exploded! She could’ve gotten hurt!
Jodie: She set my kitchen on fire! How can you want her to move in here?
Jason: Because I love her!
Jodie: Bullshit!
Jason: No! You know what’s bullshit? You trying to run my life! I’m tired of you, Jodie! You think you know better than everybody else. You’re so stuck up! Any time I try to do anything, you criticize me. I’m sick of it! You think you’re so high and mighty, but I’m not the one who’s drunk at six at night!
Jodie: She set my kitchen on fire!!!
Jason: If you don’t like her, then why don’t you pack your stuff and move out?
Jodie: Because it’s my goddamn house!
At this point, John stepped in. He laid a gentle hand on Jodie’s shoulder.
John: Jodie, you’ve gotta calm down. I know you’re mad -- and you’ve got every right to be -- but yelling isn’t going to solve anything. That...woman...is in your bathroom right now, so why don’t you go grab some clean stuff and I’ll take you to my place? You can clean up there, spend the night, and then we can figure out this whole moving in and out situation tomorrow.
For a moment it looked like Jodie was going to fight him. Then she sagged against him. He wrapped his arms around her.
John: Come on. I’ll help you. Let’s get out of here.
Without another word to Jason, John helped Jodie pack her stuff and they left.
Jodie was drunk, tired, and upset about the fire when John got her to his house. He carried her into the guest room.
John: You should get some sleep. We can talk about what to do next in the morning.
Jodie: *grabbing him* Hey, don’t go! You said if I came to your house, you’d sleep with me. I’m here now. Sleep with me!
John: Jodie, you’re drunk.
Jodie: *whines* C’mon! You promised...
John: *sighs* I didn’t promise anything. I told you last night, I want to do this for the right reasons. Not because you want to show me off, not because you’re drunk and don’t know what you’re saying. If we slept together tonight, even if it was just sleeping, you’d regret it in the morning. I want you to wake up after our first night together feeling happy.
Jodie: I just want you...
John: *stands* Good night, Jodie. I’ll see you in the morning.
Jodie curled up on the bed, feeling lonely and miserable. Deep down, she knew John was right, but in the moment, it still hurt.
Back at Jason and Sheila’s house, Sheila is the unluckiest sim I know.
Unluckiest sim ever.
Sheila: I’m so sorry...I moved in here and there’s already been a fire and a burglary...
Jason: Yeah, but I’ve got you here. And my sister moved out. I count that as two really awesome things that totally balance out the bad stuff.
Sheila: Aren’t you going to miss your sister?
Jason: Nah. Now I don’t have to worry about her walking in on me doing this. *kisses her*
Another day, another rank up the business ladder.
Jason is feeling a lot bolder now that Sheila is living with him. PDA at work? Totally fine.