Javier Bardem - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

— He venido a pasar las fiestas con algunos compañeros, son las primeras navidades que paso al sol... las primeras en seis años sin ti. Aunque me cueste mucho reconocerlo, ahora te entiendo mejor que nunca...


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7 months ago
I Smell Sex And Candy Here, Mmm
I Smell Sex And Candy Here, Mmm
I Smell Sex And Candy Here, Mmm

I smell sex and candy here, mmm

Who's that lounging in my chair? Mmm

Who's that casting devious stares in my direction?

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7 months ago
I Smell Sex And Candy Here, Mmm
I Smell Sex And Candy Here, Mmm
I Smell Sex And Candy Here, Mmm

I smell sex and candy here, mmm

Who's that lounging in my chair? Mmm

Who's that casting devious stares in my direction?

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7 months ago

To people who are complaining about the recent movie adaptation of Dune I would like to point out a few things and share some opinions:

Any novel no matter how descriptively it is written cannot be hundred percent adapted exactly as is because when you read a book every single person has a unique understanding and imagination and interpretation. So it’s impossible for any filmmaker to capture everything on the page to the screen as is and satisfy everyone.

The things that were changed make so much sense and yes as fans of the books we might have wanted to see some of our favourite scenes or arcs but the movie has stayed so truthful to the soul of source and the amount of detail and hardwork that has gone into the making justified all of those changes.

If you think that the actors did a bad job you might as well start calling the 80s adaptation as the best film adaptation ever made. You don’t have to like their performance entirely but to totally disregard it is just ignorance.

Think about how much believable the movies looked like, I’m talking specifically about the setting, the world where it’s all taking place. For comparison take any other contemporary scifi movie made and think how much you feel is believable (I don’t want to slander Star Wars here because I love them too but then Dune has completely changed my view on how a sci-fi film should be made). Like yes a desert planet where people recycle their own bodily fluids seems like something actually a human would do for survival

If you didn’t like the changes made to Chani’s character you are a straight up misogynist. I won’t explain this point because this whole post is targeted at the books fans and if you have read the book you should understand why I said it.

Denis’s dedication to this movie is literally oozing out of the screen, each frame, the dialogues. The whole cast and crew has given their all and you can obviously tell. If you can’t well you didn’t pay attention.

The biggest reason I keep talking about the dedication that went into making the film is because it is a big budget movie with larger than life characters and settings and this easily could have gone wrong in every way possible but the massive scale was used as a tool like a cog in a machine that it just made sure that it was just enough to keep the machine working smoothly and not overwhelming anyone. Like for example the exotic locations and CGI were just enough to make the audience understand the setting of the story rather than show off how advanced the technology used was.

So these are just a few thoughts I have wanted to share for sometime especially after reading the book and getting a more deeper understanding of the story. Feel free to add more. Whenever I come across a blatantly biased criticism of the movie vs book thing I get irritated especially with a movie made with such heart and soul. And I absolutely admire the effort that went into this particular adaptation. I highly recommend watching the interviews of Rebecca, Timothee and Denis because the way they are passionate about the project is unlike anything I have seen from movie stars in the last few years.

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2 years ago
"Era Tipo Quella Cosa Che Fa Il Pesce Gatto, Hai Presente Quando Sta Mangiando Sul Fondo Dell'acquario
"Era Tipo Quella Cosa Che Fa Il Pesce Gatto, Hai Presente Quando Sta Mangiando Sul Fondo Dell'acquario
"Era Tipo Quella Cosa Che Fa Il Pesce Gatto, Hai Presente Quando Sta Mangiando Sul Fondo Dell'acquario
"Era Tipo Quella Cosa Che Fa Il Pesce Gatto, Hai Presente Quando Sta Mangiando Sul Fondo Dell'acquario
"Era Tipo Quella Cosa Che Fa Il Pesce Gatto, Hai Presente Quando Sta Mangiando Sul Fondo Dell'acquario

"Era tipo quella cosa che fa il pesce gatto, hai presente quando sta mangiando sul fondo dell'acquario e succhia cercando il cibo e fa quello strano verso contro il vetro con la bocca... se vedi una cosa così ti cambia"

The Counselor (2013)

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10 months ago
I Went For Anton Chigurh Who Is A Big Strong Boy Who Loves To Drink Yummy Milk

I went for Anton Chigurh who is a big strong boy who loves to drink yummy milk

Draw a character (OC or not) wearing one of those cringe-y shirts

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1 year ago

Javier Bardem's worst looks or Hollywood's most adaptable actor

Javier Bardem's Worst Looks Or Hollywood's Most Adaptable Actor

Javier Bardem, who was born in 1969, comes from a dynasty of actors and for a long time refused to follow the predetermined road to an acting career. However, he finally accepted his destiny. His first successes came in Spain in the 1990s in films by cult director Bigas Luna, who made the young actor's screen presence shine in exaggerated macho roles: After playing a supporting role in "Lulu - The Story of a Woman" (1990), he cast him in a leading role - in "Jamon Jamon" (1992), co-starring with his current wife Penélope Cruz, and a year later in "Macho".

Javier Bardem's Worst Looks Or Hollywood's Most Adaptable Actor

Bardem's instinct not to be tied down to these roles and a few coincidences changed his life: He emigrates to the USA to play roles that do not correspond at all to his previous image. This risk-taking was rewarded with worldwide fame: in 2001, he became the first Spanish actor to be nominated for an Oscar. However, he always remains loyal to Europe and more daring productions.

Javier Bardem's Worst Looks Or Hollywood's Most Adaptable Actor

During his career, Javier Bardem has worked with some of the greatest directors; few European male actors can boast such an impressive filmography. In 2008, he won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in "No Country for Old Men". Just two years later, he was honoured at the Cannes Film Festival for his role in Alejandro González Iñárritu's "Biutiful". In 2012, he plays an antagonist of James Bond in "Skyfall". Together with his wife Penélope Cruz, he has been a dream team in front of and behind the camera for many years, but is able to keep his private life private.

Javier Bardem's Worst Looks Or Hollywood's Most Adaptable Actor
Javier Bardem's Worst Looks Or Hollywood's Most Adaptable Actor
Javier Bardem's Worst Looks Or Hollywood's Most Adaptable Actor
Javier Bardem's Worst Looks Or Hollywood's Most Adaptable Actor

Javier Bardem - Wikipedia
Javier Bardem's Worst Looks Or Hollywood's Most Adaptable Actor
Javier Bardem's Worst Looks Or Hollywood's Most Adaptable Actor
Javier Bardem's Worst Looks Or Hollywood's Most Adaptable Actor

Ultimate Movie Rankings | Ranking Movies Since 2011
Ranking Javier Bardem Movies. Includes Javier Bardem Box Office Grosses. Best Javier Bardem Movies. Worst Javier Bardem Movies. Reviews, Awa

I personally don't believe in film ranking, everyone should make their own judgement, but since Wikipedia is blank here, which means there is no film list of all his films, I have added the ranking to give an overview.

There are actors who play in a different dimension for me he is one of these exceptional talents.


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6 years ago

111 - The Losers (2010)

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6 years ago

Just wow

Five year old Javier Bardem!

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4 years ago

Empire a Lanzado Nuevas Imagenes de la SuperProduccion ´´Dune´´

Empire a Lanzado Nuevas Imagenes de la SuperProduccion ´´Dune´´

Empire a Lanzado nuevas imágenes de ‘Dune‘, la nueva versión cinematográfica de la aclamada novela de Frank Herbert que en esta ocasión ha dirigido Denis Villeneuve.

Empire A Lanzado Nuevas Imagenes De La SuperProduccion Dune

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4 years ago

Empire a Lanzado Nuevas Imagenes de la SuperProduccion ´´Dune´´

Empire a Lanzado Nuevas Imagenes de la SuperProduccion ´´Dune´´

Empire a Lanzado nuevas imágenes de ‘Dune‘, la nueva versión cinematográfica de la aclamada novela de Frank Herbert que en esta ocasión ha dirigido Denis Villeneuve.

Empire A Lanzado Nuevas Imagenes De La SuperProduccion Dune

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