Denis Villeneuve - Tumblr Posts
Joder, ésto sí es cine 🚬
• Tension ― Kylie Minogue, 2023
• Paris, Texas ― Wim Wenders, 1984
• Blade Runner 2049 ― Denis Villeneuve, 2017

I’m pretty sure Vanessa is right now punching air after seeing Austin being gay for Timmy at Dune part 2

Alia Atreides (Then vs Now)
Children of Dune, 2003
Dune: Part two (Maud’Dib), 2024
The more I delve into the universe created by Frank Herbert, the more shocked and surprise I become as things unveil like a knot in a rope. It looks simple, it looks like any child’s play but only if you understand which side to pull first to loosen it all together. I have honestly never been into something this deep like I am for Dune. Both the movies and the books reveal something so poignant that you can’t compare which one is better. The book Chani is nothing but a simple love interest that was created by Paul when he revealed he saw them being married and having kids. It was forced, book Chani had no character revelation instead of being a colonial fremen controlled by a freak created by a Bene Gesserit. But the movie Chani unveils its own narrative of how she chose Paul as a love interest even though he was the son of a Duke. Chani respected Paul as he was doing everything to be a part of the people where men and women are both equal. The equality that Paul chose to become a part of the Fremen made Chani fall for him out of respect and devotion. Everything makes sense but at the same time it doesn’t because as time will pass, upcoming parts of Dune will unveil a new story line and I’m honestly excited to see how they will now portray the characters of women whether it be of princess Irulan, Lady Jessica or Chani herself. The entire movie of Dune: Part 1 revolves around the narration of how Chani is a fedaykin surviving and serving for the people of Arrakis, were as Dune: Part 2 revolves around the importance of the desert spring, that how her tear drop with the water of life gives birth to the true messiah, Lisan Al-Gaib and the death of Paul Usul muad’dib Atreides, the outsider with whom she fell in love with.
Nothing man, was just randomly scrolling through book my show app and noticed that the PVR’s of Delhi are screening the entire Fantastic Beasts franchise at 4K IMAX, as well as Dune: Part 2 for the same and etc.
Man I wish I was rich.
Dune 2 Trailer: Feyd-Rautha the Threat

Oh boy! Here comes Feyd-Rautha (the one who will not let himself go to fat). With Austin Butler playing this character, I am really interested in how Feyd will be protrayed. In previous showings, he's been pompous and prideful, but not much else. I am hoping for an expanse into his character here, especially in the gladiator scene.
And if anyone has read the book, do you notice the short knife in his left hand?? These details to the book make me happy. I am also loving the black and white filter here. The loss of color adds to the brutal and terrible world of Geidi Prime, the Harkonnen home world.

I'll give them a show such as they've never had before, Feyd-Rautha thought. No tame killing where they can sit back and admire the style. This'll be something to take them by the guts and twist them. When I'm Baron they'll remember this day and won't be a one of them can escape fear of me because of this day.

"Does an Atreides run or stand and fight?" Feyd-Rautha asked.
DUNE 2024

This worries me, honestly. Dune seems pretty difficult to adapt and Villeneuve has seemed to get a very careful balance going with his take on it.
I worry about it falling apart if we get a less experienced director or the studios try interfering a lot more in the direction of future movies. Hell even if the next director is good, a change of tone in a long and complicated story like this one would feel weird.
Consider: If Denis Villeneuve is not interested in directing anything further than the first Dune book, might it be considered entirely viable to bring on new directors with the same cast and just... keeping going? Dune cinematic universe?
Probably Amy Adams best performance, profound film based on an incredible short story

Despite knowing the journey and where it leads… I embrace it. And I welcome every moment of it.
Arrival (2016) dir. Denis Villeneuve
How they were able to translate Ted Chiang’s short story onto the screen was mesmerizing.

Despite knowing the journey and where it leads… I embrace it. And I welcome every moment of it.
Arrival (2016) dir. Denis Villeneuve
Migh have to re-read this entire series before o see the movie.

Images from Dune (Denis Villeneuve)
DITTO! About to rewatch on HBO Max with subtitles because that’s how I watch anything now 😂
after waiting for more than a year and a half, i finally saw my first movie in a movie theatre since the pandemic started. dune was amazing and i'm so glad i was able to experience it in a cinema, although i'm gonna have to rewatch it with subtitles at home because i couldn't decipher half of what they were mumbling in there lol. other than that, denis villeneuve tu restes une fierté québécoise à jamais et j'ai bien hâte de voir ce que tu vas nous offrir avec la suite de dune.
Would anyone happen to have a good clip of Paul’s speech after he takes the water of life?
O.C. Bible-Duniverse
I picked the book Dune after being intrigued about all the discourse online about how so many things were changed for the movies (Tale as old as time lol book vs movies seems to reek of enemies to lovers).
Anyhoo I kept coming across this ancient religious text being referred multiple times and I thought O.C. must be short for something really philosophical but it turns out O.C. Bible is short "Orange Catholic Bible" T_T. The betrayal I felt in that instant lol. I know it is symbolic but it is still really funny.
I liked Villeneuve’s Chani so much better and now I know why. He portrayed her a someone who questioned everything instead of blindly following Paul like she does in the books. I hope he writes a similar arc for Irulan too
I want to talk a little bit about Frank Herbert and the Bene Gesserits, because it’s something that’s been on my mind for a while and I haven’t seen anyone looking at these characters from this perspective yet (not that I looked very hard, but I check the tags occasionally and just haven’t seen it, and this would be the first place I’d expect to).
It’s strange in a good way seeing Dune become popular, and people actually reading the books, and it being cool to do so, not it being a niche and nerdy thing. But what’s equally weird is to see all the praise Frank Herbert’s getting, especially from women readers 😂
Because at any point between, I think, the 80s and the 2000s, if a guy said he liked Frank Herbert that was considered by women to be a red flag. I remember women chatting about this in online forums back in the day. It was the equivalent of a guy saying he likes Jordan Peterson now.
Keep reading
Somethings I would have loved to see in the latest adaptation of the Dune movies from the book :(Spoilers from the book)
Chani and Jessica’s bonding (they get really close along the end of the Dune novel)
The whole ruse of branding Jessica as the traitor
Gurney meeting Jessica for the first time in the Sietch and that whole scene(honestly it’s one of my favourite scenes in the whole book)
More of Paul’s psychotic nature shown much more explicitly
Alia mocking all the elders and powerful people like the emperor
Thufir Hawat’s arc from the book
Other than that I’m pretty impressed by how Denis has captured the essence of the novel so well. It’s not easy to adapt such intricately written stories but he did it quite well. So imma just wait patiently for Dune messiah now heheh.
To people who are complaining about the recent movie adaptation of Dune I would like to point out a few things and share some opinions:
Any novel no matter how descriptively it is written cannot be hundred percent adapted exactly as is because when you read a book every single person has a unique understanding and imagination and interpretation. So it’s impossible for any filmmaker to capture everything on the page to the screen as is and satisfy everyone.
The things that were changed make so much sense and yes as fans of the books we might have wanted to see some of our favourite scenes or arcs but the movie has stayed so truthful to the soul of source and the amount of detail and hardwork that has gone into the making justified all of those changes.
If you think that the actors did a bad job you might as well start calling the 80s adaptation as the best film adaptation ever made. You don’t have to like their performance entirely but to totally disregard it is just ignorance.
Think about how much believable the movies looked like, I’m talking specifically about the setting, the world where it’s all taking place. For comparison take any other contemporary scifi movie made and think how much you feel is believable (I don’t want to slander Star Wars here because I love them too but then Dune has completely changed my view on how a sci-fi film should be made). Like yes a desert planet where people recycle their own bodily fluids seems like something actually a human would do for survival
If you didn’t like the changes made to Chani’s character you are a straight up misogynist. I won’t explain this point because this whole post is targeted at the books fans and if you have read the book you should understand why I said it.
Denis’s dedication to this movie is literally oozing out of the screen, each frame, the dialogues. The whole cast and crew has given their all and you can obviously tell. If you can’t well you didn’t pay attention.
The biggest reason I keep talking about the dedication that went into making the film is because it is a big budget movie with larger than life characters and settings and this easily could have gone wrong in every way possible but the massive scale was used as a tool like a cog in a machine that it just made sure that it was just enough to keep the machine working smoothly and not overwhelming anyone. Like for example the exotic locations and CGI were just enough to make the audience understand the setting of the story rather than show off how advanced the technology used was.
So these are just a few thoughts I have wanted to share for sometime especially after reading the book and getting a more deeper understanding of the story. Feel free to add more. Whenever I come across a blatantly biased criticism of the movie vs book thing I get irritated especially with a movie made with such heart and soul. And I absolutely admire the effort that went into this particular adaptation. I highly recommend watching the interviews of Rebecca, Timothee and Denis because the way they are passionate about the project is unlike anything I have seen from movie stars in the last few years.
'Dune' de Denis Villeneuve regresa a Europa para rodaje adicional en agosto.
‘Dune’ de Denis Villeneuve regresa a Europa para rodaje adicional en agosto.
Denis Villeneuve y su gran produccion de ciencia ficción ´´DUNE´´,con Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson, Zendaya y Oscar Isaac, se dirige a Hungría para filmar material adicional este verano.

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Empire a Lanzado Nuevas Imagenes de la SuperProduccion ´´Dune´´
Empire a Lanzado Nuevas Imagenes de la SuperProduccion ´´Dune´´
Empire a Lanzado nuevas imágenes de ‘Dune‘, la nueva versión cinematográfica de la aclamada novela de Frank Herbert que en esta ocasión ha dirigido Denis Villeneuve.

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Teaser de 'Dune: Part Two': primer vistazo y póster de la secuela repleta de estrellas de Denis Villeneuve.

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