Jellal Is An Emotional Bag Of Beans - Tumblr Posts
Original CS Trio Headcanons
A/N: Some crime sorciere headcanons about the original trio requested by @un----necessary thank you for all your support! Sorry it took so long! I took me a while to think up this stuff. And all this whole post is just how the girls bully jellal.
•When breaking Jellal out of prison Ultear hummed the mission impossible theme
•She will now deny this but it is the truth according to an amused Meredy and an unamused Jellal
•Their group was a little awkward at first but they eventually grow into a dysfunctional make shift family
•I just think of that quote from stitch: "This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little and broken, but still good."
•I know I'm lame
•But can someone please make this edit
•Ultear once found Jellal and Meredy sobbing on a motel floor while watching some romantic drama
•Meredy was throwing popcorn at the screen and Jellal was clutching the blanket to his chest like a little kid
•Ultear was just like :/
•Jellal was actually the one who suggested the cloaks because his face tattoo is very recognizable and he gets embarrassed about it
•In a show of support Meredy and Ultear drew the tattoo on their faces with red marker
•Jellal was literally about to cry he was so moved
•Ultear and Jellal are both extremely protective of Meredy
•Especially with anything involving romance~
•God save her first boyfriend (or girlfriend who knows?
•Btw Jellal still gets bullied about his fiancé lie
•One time Ultear "accidentally" messed up a time spell and ended up turning Jellal into a kid
•he was the grumpiest little blueberry
•eventually the spell is reversed but the girls will never let him forget
•the girls both have a strange taste in sweets
•Ultear loves bitter dark chocolate
•like really bitter
•Jellal once tried a piece and it was so bitter that he had to run and spit it out in a sink
•Meredy craves extremely sour candy
•sour patch kids are her favorite thing in the whole wide world
•Wendy once saw her eating them and almost fainted
•Wendy vs sour foods is an ongoing battle
•Meredy was the edgiest preteen ever
•she gives Laxus a run for his money
•And they're all awful drunks
A/N: thanks for reading and thanks once again to @un----necessary for the request! I got to write about Ultear! She is perfection okay? And hella gorgeous. Don't even try and tell me other wise.
I might even do a CS drunk headcanon if this gets enough notes. I also plan on making a headcanon masterlist soon. Remember that requests and comments are always welcome! Give me your love and affection. GIMME IT!!