She/Her • Writer • Autistic • Bi Pride • AO3: SummerBummin • Currently Obsessed with Batfam, ATLA, Pokemon, & Mythology
321 posts
Original CS Trio Headcanons
Original CS Trio Headcanons
A/N: Some crime sorciere headcanons about the original trio requested by @un----necessary thank you for all your support! Sorry it took so long! I took me a while to think up this stuff. And all this whole post is just how the girls bully jellal.
•When breaking Jellal out of prison Ultear hummed the mission impossible theme
•She will now deny this but it is the truth according to an amused Meredy and an unamused Jellal
•Their group was a little awkward at first but they eventually grow into a dysfunctional make shift family
•I just think of that quote from stitch: "This is my family. I found it all on my own. It's little and broken, but still good."
•I know I'm lame
•But can someone please make this edit
•Ultear once found Jellal and Meredy sobbing on a motel floor while watching some romantic drama
•Meredy was throwing popcorn at the screen and Jellal was clutching the blanket to his chest like a little kid
•Ultear was just like :/
•Jellal was actually the one who suggested the cloaks because his face tattoo is very recognizable and he gets embarrassed about it
•In a show of support Meredy and Ultear drew the tattoo on their faces with red marker
•Jellal was literally about to cry he was so moved
•Ultear and Jellal are both extremely protective of Meredy
•Especially with anything involving romance~
•God save her first boyfriend (or girlfriend who knows?
•Btw Jellal still gets bullied about his fiancé lie
•One time Ultear "accidentally" messed up a time spell and ended up turning Jellal into a kid
•he was the grumpiest little blueberry
•eventually the spell is reversed but the girls will never let him forget
•the girls both have a strange taste in sweets
•Ultear loves bitter dark chocolate
•like really bitter
•Jellal once tried a piece and it was so bitter that he had to run and spit it out in a sink
•Meredy craves extremely sour candy
•sour patch kids are her favorite thing in the whole wide world
•Wendy once saw her eating them and almost fainted
•Wendy vs sour foods is an ongoing battle
•Meredy was the edgiest preteen ever
•she gives Laxus a run for his money
•And they're all awful drunks
A/N: thanks for reading and thanks once again to @un----necessary for the request! I got to write about Ultear! She is perfection okay? And hella gorgeous. Don't even try and tell me other wise.
I might even do a CS drunk headcanon if this gets enough notes. I also plan on making a headcanon masterlist soon. Remember that requests and comments are always welcome! Give me your love and affection. GIMME IT!!
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More Posts from Summerbummin
My tenth ask about the equestrian au! So, who of them has the most prizes? Also, I'm pretty sure that there just a trophy room, how full is it?
-Hmm for most prizes I’d say Annabeth since she’s been riding the since she was seven -and for the ribbons they take their ribbons home but the team stuff is kept in Chiron’s office -Silena also scrapbooks -she has really good pictures and hella cute borders -She’s basically the team mom
Marichat Headcanon
I ship Marichat but not as some sin smut thing but as a vent buddies thing
Like they'll text the other and ask if they can come over and they'll chat (see what I did there) over a cup of tea, venting about whatever's bothering them and maybe sharing a laugh
Of course they have to be a little vague because of their secret identity but it still makes them feel better in the end
They also binge watch naruto
One time Chat Noir comes over after a fight with his dad and he's just a grumpy little muffin the whole time and Marinette thinks it's adorable and tries not to laugh because I'm supposed to be comforting him dammit

I can see this as like a reunion hug. Kinana is so happy he’s here and Erik is just trying to believe it (and trying to hold back tears) they are so precious to each other and in love. They are my OTP and they don’t get any screen time. I need more of these two! Btw I also used a draw your OTP thing for the outline because I can’t draw proportions. Message me if you want the link.

Gender identity flags as fairy tail symbols! For my lovelies @ftlgbtales
In order their is the transgender flag, the non-binary flag, the gender queer flag, and the gender fluid flag! I know there are a lot more gender identities then these, main four. If you want me to make them just ask.
This post is part 3 of my fairy tail lgbt flag icons! I also made a lesbian flag icon and a rainbow gaybertooth icon. Please do check them out!
Modern Crime Sorciere/Oracion Seis Headcanons
-Macbeth and Sorano take forever to get ready in the morning and they exchange make up tips (what brands to get, how to make your eyeliner sharper than a knife, etc)
-Jellal once hit a dog with his car and he cried for hours
-He is now convinced that he's going to hell
-Sawyer is a total rollercoaster adrenaline junkie
-he drags poor Erik on one with him
-Swayer's having the time of his life, whooping, and cheering
-and Erik is in the seat next to him and his face is turning green and he looks like he's about to throw up
-Erik swears his soul left his body on that crazy drop
-Sorano called bullshit and told him that the only thing that left his body was his lunch
-Meredy has the biggest sweet tooth on planet earth
-She drinks the most sugary carbonated drinks invented
-Her favorite soda had contained so much sugar that it was banned, but she gets it illegally from another country
-Jellal stares at her in horror every time he sees her drinking it
-Don't ever crinkle styrofoam in Erik's presence, he will murder you
-Macbeth has the biggest, baggiest, rattiest hoodie out there
-He wears it everywhere
-Sorano has a feather boa that she thinks is stylish but it's not
-it's really not
-Sorano your a girl not a fucking peacock
-She tells Erik he's not much better with all those high collared jackets he wears because he's trying to look cool
-Meredy has multiple pairs of galaxy print leggings and cat ear headphones that she never leaves home without
-they're blasting nightcore songs 24/7
-Erik wants to die
-Richard runs a bakery and is always covered in flour
-it doesn't matter if he took 3 showers the flour is still there
-it's his second skin
-Jellal is a vegan and the others make fun of him for it
-Macbeth has a whole book shelf full of death note and tokyo ghoul manga
-Sawyer bought the most badass motorcycle ever and is still in debt 7 years later
-once Sorano hot wired his motercycle and went on a joy ride
-Sawyer never forgave her for it
-Erik has a huge snake tattoo that goes from his wrist to his shoulder
-He can't wear short sleeves anymore because he gets hit on none stop by thirsty girls (and guys)
-He's everyone's bad boy fantasy
A/N: thx for reading! I hope you love these crazies as much as I do! Don't hestitate to leave a request or a comment! If you want more headcanons go ahead and ask!