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7 months ago
So Dee Bradley Baker & Jennifer Hale Were At FanExpo Canada & Soon As I Saw His Post The Mass Effect-Star

So Dee Bradley Baker & Jennifer Hale were at FanExpo Canada & soon as I saw his post the Mass Effect-Star Wars AU thoughts came flooding back. Here are some random headcanons I have if ME characters were in the Star Wars universe (the list is long bc yes I've thought about this a lot):

-Obvs Rex & Sheppard would be BFFs & I could totally see the 501st boys trading crazy "remember that time we almost died" stories w Sheppard & Garrus

- The chaos a renegade Shep & Anakin would cause would be too much for Cody & Rex. Obi-Wan would age ten times faster & Ahsoka would grow up feral. But they'd get Grievous & Dooku so fast tho...

- Garrus would fit in w clone troopers so well, but his favorite would be Fox, they'd bond over being city security officers w shitty corrupt bosses. Garrus, Fox & the Nulls making plans to take down Palpatine is a movie that plays often in my head.

Also, Wolffe also loves Garrus cause there's just something about Turians & Kel Dors that's just like almost the same font

- Master Plo & Tali would bond over the difficulties of not being air-breathers 🫶

- Mordin & Tech would also be absolute chaos. They would be BFFs & Mordin would teach Tech Gilbert & Sullivan & they'd sing about nerd stuff & drive Hunter and Crosshair mad with insane experiments. Mordin did say he wanted to go to the beach & collect seashells,wait if he goes to Pabu & meets Tech...

- I also think Tech would be fascinated by Legion, but it'd be so funny if Legion, in turn, was fascinated by Echo. Like Echo reminds him of Shepard, what with him being 'resurrected' with cybernetic enhancements and all. He'd also try and bond with him over ppl using them as a weapon of war. Echo doesn't much like droids, but I reckon he'd warm up to Legion especially if Tech trusts him. They'd make the cutest little nerd trio

- Dr. Aphra would also love Legion, though I'm not sure how Legion would feel about BT & Trip's murderous tendencies. He would be horrified by how droids are treated tho, so maybe he join L3-37's campaign for droid rights instead

- Tali I can see w the Ghost crew, I reckon she & Hera would get along well, both badasses who love ships & it'd be funny to see how Tali reacts to Chopper. Like you thought Geth were dangerous, meet our war criminal droid.

Tali also reminds me of Echo a lot, like she's kind of a sassy grump & an engineer & the whole quarian culture is based around being useful to the community which is also very much Echo's thing. I normally don't like shipping Echo with anyone (bc I'm completely normal about him obvs) but I could see Tali running into the Batch & helping them out & those two are friendly...

- Wrex & Wrecker would get along so well... too well actually, like it'd be so much chaos for the Batch. I also headcanon he'd call Captain Rex "little Rex" which would annoy Rex to no end.

No but Wrex would be most at home w like a bounty hunting imagine Boba, Wrex, Fennec & Krrasantan... Krogans & Wookies would be besties, so yeah that fits.

- As a justicar, Samara would be critical of the Jedi & their ties to the Senate, and I see her having a lot of flirty discussions about justice & duty with Obi-Wan. She kind of reminds me of Mace, in that they're both very severe about rules & not afraid to use violence if necessary... actually, Samara & Mace would make a fire couple...

I do wonder what Ventress would make of Samara. Like they're both really powerful women from matriarchal societies, but something tells me they'd butt heads a lot.

- Liara & Dr. Aphra would get along, seeing as they're both archeology nerds & tend to have dealings w criminal networks, but I could also see Liara teaming up with well-meaning pirates like Phee or Crimson Corsair & his crew.

- Jack is pretty much Ventress in a different font. Like it'd be the Spiderman meme if those two met. If it's ME3 Jack & Post CW Ventress, then maybe they'd get along.

- Thane, I honestly don't know about him. He's kind of a loner & an assassin so he'd probably be involved in some sort of crime syndicate plot... maybe with Quinlan. Like him & Republic comics Quinn have these dark/bad boy who wants to be good but can't escape the darkness vibes...

- Joker would be right at home with Luke & Han cracking jokes over which ship is better the Falcon or the Normandy. Like, did your ship come with an AI girlfriend Han? I can also see Lando hitting on Edi but she's having none of it.

- Would Saren vibe w Dooku? Like they're both disillusioned with the order they excelled in & have very ruthless methods of achieving an idealistic goal so & are willing to serve a Master to that end... so maybe? Saren would cave to the Sith so quickly tho, and the fan art of Sarwn with Maul-esque tattoos is just 👌

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7 years ago
Thank You MegaCon!
Thank You MegaCon!
Thank You MegaCon!
Thank You MegaCon!

Thank you MegaCon!

It was my first time attending this convention and I couldn’t be any happier!

I got to meet @thehillywoodshow on Saturday after realizing they were there. Not gonna lie…my heart was beating so fast. Soon after that, I went to there panel where it felt like old friends getting together because everyone was SO ANIMATED! 

On Sunday, my friend and I went to the Voltron Panel where they discussed the differences and similarities of the new and the old series. Truth be told, the host kept voicing that he wanted Shiro to die and I had to be held back. No one hurts Space Dad and gets away with it!

Immediately afterwards, I attended the Totally Spies Reunion Panel and it was just a wave of nostalgia every time they talked as their characters. If you guys loved the show and want it to come back, the panel room created the hashtag: #bringthespiesback

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