Jilypad - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

It sounds like Jilypad is canon to me.

i feel like a lot of people forget that sirius was mentioned as being Both james and lily’s best friend in poa

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5 months ago
James And Lily Invited Sirius Over And Arent Subtle About Propositioning Jilypad

james and lily invited sirius over and aren’t subtle about propositioning jilypad

this was how they sealed the deal on who’d be godfather

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1 year ago

(Note: First things first,my first language it's not English, so, sorry for any misspelling, and anything like that for the matter. Second, yes, you are right, but also, it's not that they didn't knew that that was basically imposible, it's that they pretended they didn't knew, but they did, it was just more convient to belivie that Harry did it, even if a lot of people didn't have 'anything' againts muggles or muggleborns, and weren't blood purist, it dosen't mean they didn't have prejudices and they weren't "slightly" bigoted, come on guys, this was the 80's-90's, it dosen't matter how advanced some families were in comparison of others in their views on this matters, they still HAD to be at least a bit prejudiced, some more than others)

The only reason they give credit to Harry and not Lily, it's because they rather believe that a one year old Halfblood (Son of James Potter, a great Wizard and a soldier, who is part of a noble pureblood family, even if they are blood traitors) baby in diapers defeates Voldemort, rather than to believe that a brilliant, war soldier, muggleborn 21 years old, acomplished young woman, who dosen't have a drop of magic blood in her veins defeated him, Voldemort, the greatest dark lord, in a while (sorry grindelwald) one of the most powerful wizards at that time.

Also, there's a theory that Lily used Dark Blood Magic to save Harry, which would make sense, since "why would the Wizarding World believe that a muggleborn witch (no matter how brilliant of a witch,smart,clever, powerful, or great Lily Evans was) could be able to defeat the greatest dark lord they have ever seen, in his own domain (dark magic)"

Even more so, since it would be blood magic, which is really powerful, prohibited, basically lost at that point, except for, like, in the libraries of the most olds pureblood families, and the possibility that maybe, just maybe, there may be, one or two books of it in the restricted section of Hogwarts,that is, of course, if Dumbledore didn't burn those, or Tom stole/send someone to get them in his research for something to make him inmortal apart for the horrocruxs.

more importantly, they would think "where she would get the knowledge?"

like i said before, she was a muggleborn, there's only so much she can learn from her friends (either muggleborns, halfbloods, or blood traitors, all of them, light) and the library, but also, like i said before, she used to be friends with Snape. With the increasing attacks to muggleborns (gee, i wonder, who could be part of the attacks? Definitely not, Severus 'Death Eater-Friend with more death eaters' Snape), Lily was probably scared/on guard, especially after Lily's Friends, Mary Mcdonald, was attacked by Mulciber, so, she could have easily mentioned this to Snape, and him, being the great friend he was, asked one of his Friends (death eaters a.k.a baby terrorists) for a copy of a book on the dark art, especificaly something on protection, and after he had it in his hands, he gave it to Lily. Where, She, years later, even after she ended her friendship with Snape, with a son, in the middle of war, with the 'light' side losing, was desperate (Peter's Anxiety, Sirius paranoia, James losing his smile, Remus risking his life, Mary becoming more and more miserable by the day, Dorcas self-destruction, Marlene's Death.), She found the book. She felt the power of the spell / ritual / whatever the fuck that was a "mother's love" (dumbledore's worlds, not mine, jesus, like any other mother didnt love their child the same). And She did it, She protected her child.

She wasn't recognised, She wasn't famous.

She didnt do it for any of that anyways, but her child's safety.

He was safe, Harry was finally safe, the Dark lord should be dead.

Or was he?

(The ones that knew her obviously didn't remember her friendship with Severus "bat complex" Snape, they didn't remember how terrifying she could be when defending those who are her, how she was as fiery as a forest fire, her cleverness, the cunning in her veins, the force with which she protected and loved those close to her.

they saw the kind in those forest green eyes of her, but didnt saw the burning behind them.

the one who did saw it was long gone, dead, his body rotting six feet underground, and his mind in peace thinking he saved his son and his wife)

My absolute favourite thing about harry potter is that when people found the potters dead and voldemort dead and harry alive their first explaination was “This baby killed voldemort” and they never looked back

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