Jiyan Headcanons - Tumblr Posts
Could you please write some hcs for Mortefi, Jiyan, and Calcharo with a shy and anxious reader?
A/N: thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy these. It's my first time writing Calcharo so I hope I did him justice
Contents: Jiyan x Reader. Mortefi x Reader, Calcharo x Reader, all separate, gn s/o, fluff, a bit of crack ngl

-Keen eyes is one of Jiyan’s best characteristics, and when it comes to you that trait of his gets amplified tenfold. He knows you more and more, day by day, and he keeps little mental notes of your person
-Just a person, and even more so as a medic at heart, Jiyan is able to notice your anxious behavior from a long mile away, and he does do his best to ease you in situations where he can
-He would never leave you alone if the situation is something you can’t handle, or if you’re simply feeling unwell - unless you voice it that you want to be alone
-Patience of a saint and the gentleness of a flower. It’s one of his best virtues, being able to lead an army like a general but remain soft and giving, not allowing his heart to turn to stone
-He does have the tendency to reach for your hand if he sees you really nervous or fidgeting. Sometimes he’d take your hand in both of his and massage your knuckles and fingers with one hand, all while asking if you’re alright and if there’s anything you’d like him to do
-When he’s on the front lines and comes across any medicinal herbs that could help you, he send them to you with a little heartfelt note on how to best prepare it, make it into tea or even possibly incense
-Always there to listen to you if you have anything to let off your chest
-If it makes it easier, he also talks for you in situations where you may be overly exhausted or simply don’t have the strength to talk to the other person. He never oversteps this though, he doesn’t say something you may not agree to
-Lots of people know you because they see you two so close together all the time, and due to that you have their respect. Some may even fear to land a finger on you since they’d rather not have the General hounding them down
-Jiyan may also have his mother check in on you when he’s away on the battlefield and when he can’t be there for you

-Yapper one thousand deluxe and the enemy of anxiety if you ask me
-Not that he doesn’t know what or how it feels like, he had his moments too, but he has grown into the man that he is today. Anxiety fears HIM.
-He is a bit dense, so he may come off as if he’s trying to scold you when he catches you holding back on saying something, especially if it’s directed at him
-He encourages you to just talk, spill it out, he will not scold you for voicing your thoughts and in many situations he even looks forward to what you have to say
-He doesn’t mind quiet. If he sees some silence will do you good he will just shut it, occasionally flicking his lighter - the sound is just so satisfying and calming in times like this
-Mortefi isn’t too big on PDA, but on occasion he will place his hand on your shoulder or back to guide you through a crowd of perhaps down the hall. It’s a small little reminder that he has your back
-Doesn’t tolerate anyone that may have something unsavory to say about your shyness or anxiety. He is blunt and sharp, and says exactly how disappointed he is in the person that says so. And what could hurt more than being called an idiot by THE Mortefi in the most eloquent way that it leaves you questioning if it was flattery or well disguised cussing
-Mortefi also gets into the habit of leaving behind little things and trinkets for you, usually little sweet treats to get your spirits back up, but sometimes it may be little notes too to remind you to not lose courage or reminding you to eat

-When he first notices you are really quiet and fidgety and refuse to meet his gaze he doesn’t think too much of it - at the end of the day you wouldn’t be the first nor the last one that is afraid of him
-But as time passes and you two bond and grow close, he realizes it’s not just fear of him, but also something much deeper and complex, something he can’t quite grasp yet and that leaves him puzzled
-Does ask some questions in regards to why you feel so anxious, or why you can’t just say what’s on your mind to certain people - especially to those that deserve to have a taste of their medicine
-He may not fully understand now, but he doesn’t deny that this exists and that it should be treated with some delicacy
-Now that is something he fears he can’t do. Softness is not his forte. He can’t hold you like a mother holds a baby, that gentleness evades him, and he can’t tell you love poems to ease your heart, that kind of creativity never came naturally to him
-But he can ensure your safety, through and through. If someone is bothering you, they won’t be doing so for much longer. If you need something from the markets and are anxious to go since it’s too crowded, he is going in your stead. If someone dares to be rude to you in front of him, they’ll be lucky to walk away with their spirit still within them.
-He does his best to accommodate you, even when it may be unreasonable to do so.
-He is short and direct with words, so he does tell you things that seem odd to him in regards to his behavior, the same way he does to his men - but the difference is that there is much more..care in his tone when speaking to you. He cares for his team, but even more so for you
-Calcharo may look like a big scary dog that bites everything that moves, but if you come to him asking for a hug because your anxiety spiked and you just need to be held, he is opening his arms and pulling you into a gentle little bear hug and holding you until you start to pull away

Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
May I request headcanons about what Jiyan's, Aalto's, Calcharo's and Mortefi's favorite types of kisses are?
A/N: You certainly can! I can honestly write a small followup drabbles for these too when I get the time. These are just some short headcanons in the meantime <3 Hope you enjoy!
Content: fluff, sfw.

-While Jiyan isn’t too touchy in public, he doesn’t stray from some sweet little gestures of love like quick temple kisses or hand kisses
-He does them when he’s in a rush or when he just wants to show he loves you, while not being able to exactly “make out with you in broad daylight”
-The elderly that know him and happen to see him showing his affection like this don’t fail to swoon over how adorable you two are, praising you to no end and sometimes going really hard on teasing you. Some of them really have no chill-
-But in private, Jiyan loves to have you to himself, and his favorite kisses to give and receive are neck and on the lips kisses.
-Whether it’d be you laying on his chest and leaving little butterfly kisses along his neck, or him having you underneath him, showering you with multiple kisses, trailing pecks up your neck until he reaches your lips, where he lingers for longer.
-He loves showing you he loves you, especially since he never knows for how long he’ll stay on the front lines next, or if he’ll even return. Cherishing every single moment with you is his goal, burning those memories behind his eyelids of such intimate moments as these

-Aalto doesn’t shy away from PDA, but he still has manners! In public, his go-to kisses are cheek kisses. One hand holds you chin and he pressed his lips to your cheek and lets the kiss linger for a moment or two before parting
-Sometimes, he likes to hold the kiss for a long period of time until you pry him off of you, trying to see for how long he can stay “latched onto you”. It’s a harmless little thing, and he loves how effortlessly it makes you giggle and blush as you swat him away like a fly
-In private, Aalto becomes softer, going for kissing your closed eyelids and mapping the lines of your face with his lips. It starts soft and innocent, the quiet embracing you as you hold the weight of his love in the palms of your hand, feeling it squeeze your lungs.
-But then his lips trace lower to his next favorite place to leave kisses on you, your collarbone.
-If he feels especially energetic or playful, he will bite down a bit, nibbling here and there to get his fix of you before he all but traps you under him, his head on your chest as he pretends he’s knocked out cold.

-Calcharo is quite the simple man. Even if he is quite tense at the start of your relationship, he does begin to crave your touch and affections
-He does sometimes struggle to understand when it would be the best time to kiss you or touch you in any way, so the easiest approach he comes up with is greeting and parting kisses. When he’s already in your shared home and you’re coming up to greet him
-His arms are wrapping around you like a bear trap and he’s leaning down to kiss you on the lips, letting you both linger lip to lip before you part ways.
-He may seem a bit rough with it but with a little bit of your help he does learn to soften up and leave feather light pecks on your lips after the initial one to soothe you over
-It becomes like a little ritual, every morning and evening it’s the same with him holding you close and letting his mind turn off for that short duration of the kiss
-Also does this in bed sometimes when you’re cuddling or if he’s having some trouble sleeping. Holding you helps ease him

Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
Would you feel comfortable writing about periods?
If so I wanted to request Jiyan and Mortefi comforting reader during one
Thank you in advance ^^
A/N: Thank you for the request! I went with writing hcs for this, since those are easier to get done. So I do hope you like them anon :)

-He is not around too much to really be in tune with your cycles but he is no stranger to them. He was raised by his mother who was a medic and not really the person to evade the subject simply because he was a boy
-When he is around and not fighting Tacet Discords or some other beast out there, he will be tending to you. Be it by spending time with you, holding you as you sleep or holding hands as you browse the market down the street - he needs to make up for all the lost time while he was away
-For this specific scenario, Jiyan wouldn’t need much verbal confirmation from you that you’re on your period. He sees the way you hold one hand over your belly and sees the even more obvious - blood stains on the sheets.
-You won’t find any judgment from him, he doesn’t think twice before he’s already looking for new sheets to change the bed while you’re in the bathroom. This man has seen far worse things to even be made to raise a brow at a little bit of blood on the blankets.
-Doesn’t make any fuss about it and asks whether you’d like him to prepare you anything to help with cramps or if you’d like a massage. And he is quick to tell you to lay down on the bed or sit at the dining table if you choose one or the other. Jue knows he’s tired as hell so when he sees you dozing off after taking medicine or getting your muscles worked out by his calloused big hands, he’s right there with you
-If you’d allow him, he’d spoon you and keep one hand on your abdomen. Sometimes he does it unconsciously too while cuddling, and the warmth of his hand definitely brings comfort and some ease from the aching pain there
-If you happen to be low on any hygiene products he can get them for you - although he will ask a lot about your preferred brands. If they don’t have X product, will Z product work for you? Or maybe a Y product? etc..
-Should you be feeling really emotional due to the wonders of a period, Jiyan is quite cautious to not upset you, and may lack in words a bit, offering you more silence if he sees that’s what would work for you. If you need reassurance he is there to give it to you too, he does strive for a good balance of everything, but he does prefer to communicate everything clearly. Tell him what you need, what you want him to do, and he is at it.
-It’s all domestic fluff with this man, he’s really chill and only worries if you’re in huge amounts of pain or if you refuse his help.
-You’re in safe hands if Jiyan is there to help you.

-May come off as a person that would be disgusted by periods or anything that makes a mess, but he is not.
-Although he does fret or fuss a little over any bloodied sheets or a spot on the couch, he is quick to reassure you it’s not your fault - In a nutshell, it comes off like he’s angry at your uterus or pads for letting it all out rather than you. You can’t help it
-He cleans it all up on his own, no one else can do it as perfectly as he needs it all to be
-Doesn’t mind if you stay in bed for longer, and he makes it a point to check up on you throughout the day, even if it happens to be a work day for him, he will make time to walk back home or at least send you a text or give you a call just to make sure you’re doing well
-Doesn’t let you eat much, or any, fast processed food. Instead you get to indulge into even more of his own cooking!
-Besides his favorites - deserts of all sorts - he is not half bad at making good, healthy dishes that hold an abundance of all things good for you
-It’s like having your own personal chef, and he surely does not disappoint. If you happen to be craving something specific and there’s not a food out there that encapsulates that taste, he figures out a new dish just for you
-He would love it if you were at the dining table while he was making all these foods because he loves to talk to you and hear you talk to him, it gives him time to remind you in his own way that he cares
-It feels like he mothers you at times, but he is sweet for it. Sometimes you may catch his ears being dusted with red blush if he says something more straightforward about these feelings.
-Mortefi would also make sure to bring home quality hygiene products. He’d rather not risk your skin getting irritated, he wants you to be comfortable. He gets you heat bottles too, sometimes he uses them too if he has a stomach ache or a particularly bad headache.
-Not big on cuddles but will indulge you all the way. You just need to slide up to his side and draw his arm over your shoulders and he’s pulling you further in.

Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
Came across House of Dragons and kinda got invested then I saw you accept Jiyan requests so now I’m kinda thinking what a mixture of the two would be like….Jiyan with his own dragon riding in Westeros…Jiyan courting you despite protests from his court…Jiyan protecting his queen from anyone that tries to hurt her or his heirs…idk I am just a causal watcher I have no clue what’s actually going on in GoT and HoD tbh

A/n: I'm uploading this from my phone because I just can't wait to post this, so if there's formatting or grammar errors - rest assured, I'll do my best to get to it once I get on my laptop. Where do I begin though? 😭 My goodness, you couldn't have sent me a better idea than this one oml. I'm smooching you on the head istg, thank you so much for this request! And I hope you enjoy this jumbled ramble <3 I'd love to do more of this little au and I most definitely will, and for some other characters as well.
Contents: Jiyan x Reader, headcanons, you/yours, written with a F! Reader in mind, dragonrider reader and Jiyan, Game of Thrones/House of The Dragon universe, pregnancy, angst, happy ending, somewhat arranged marriage lol, tell me if there's anything else to tag.

-War had taken many noble houses to an early grave, leaving behind nothing but ghosts and ruin over the vast lands. The ones that remained standing were either the rich or the cruel. All except one.
-Jiyan, originally hailing from Jinzhou, and belonging to no noble or rich lineage. His mother was a notorious healer, and his father had long been lost to travels and war himself.
-He had joined the battles as a young green boy alongside his mother, moving beside the long columns of soldiers in their tattered armor and ringmail. All he could do was stare at them in wonder and question - Why do they spill so much blood? For what?
-There was no looming threat of the Others coming to claim their lives, it was just them - the people and the common folk, yet they fought each other like animals for a few extra inches of land or a few extra coppers in their liege lord's pocket.
-As much as Jiyan didn't wish to engage in the art of war and bloodshed and only wanted to heal and save, it became apparent, all too soon, that the way to survival and peace was through battle. Healing will get him nowhere, and if a good commander was not put at the front, it wouldn't matter how well he healed if two in three soldiers died, even after receiving his aid.
-The war changed him, hardened his heart and fortified his mind, until the healer he once was became only a distant memory. Spear replaced herbs, and instead of the tattered medic tunic he now donned armor and ringmail. A companion also joined his side after he ran into a deep cavern for safety during one particular battle. A large unclaimed dragon, which nearly took his head off now stood at his side like a mountain, guardian him day and night and heralding the doom of his enemies with a thunderous roar and loud snap of it's wings. The dragon was a beautiful pale green, with bronze horns and amber eyes with darker lines of green running over its back. It was a beauty as much as it was a beast. Men quickly took to respect him, and it became evident Jiyan’s person hid many talents besides that for medical aid and spear holding.
-The previous commander perished, another life taken by the savage ways of war, and Jiyan was appointed as the new commander by the soldiers after he rose to the occasion - having led them to success in war, as well as safety when the odds did not favor them.
-It was during his reign as the lead commander that the lands saw the end of the war. Blood was shed, yes, but not for naught.
-Upon his return to the central city, the throne was found vacant, the king slain along with his entire council. The word of it was that they were taken unawares from the seaside, and had no ways of defense, as all the manpower was at the front lines
-Jiyan came into his rule as king at a young age, far too soon, and yet despite all the doubt he had flourished quickly. Proving himself as an able and just ruler, unlike the ones that came before, his foundation as a commander giving him good wind in the back
-The city wasn't in good condition after the war, but in the years following Jiyan had sent many commands that would aid in its rebuilding
-Slowly, but surely, the common folk started to feel the dawn of a new age - summer has finally come.
-The one thing Jiyan has gladly forgotten about was marriage. As a king, it was expected of him to take a bride to be his queen, to have heirs and to start a new lineage that would, hopefully, carry better blood instead of the hot blood that sought destruction. It wasn't something he often thought about as other duties preoccupied him day in and day out. But it was neither something he was against.. Deep in his heart he would admit a thought of his own family did make him feel…alive. But how would that family fare in these conditions? With his status? This was nothing like his small village he grew up in, so the image he once had in his mind was no longer so clear.
-His mother was a person he'd eventually seek advice from regarding such tender subjects, earning himself a laugh occasionally, as his cluelessness was rather amusing. Where other Kings misused their power and gave commands as they saw fit, Jiyan exercised caution, and even sympathy for the bride he didn't even have yet.
-Eventually, a match was arranged, between him and a lady of a higher birth. His mother had met you before he did and vouched for your good character - but Jiyan remained nervous, vowing to keep his judgment and thoughts to himself until he met you himself.
-Your journey to the city was a long one, yet you entered the long and towering palace halls like a breath of fresh air. Keeping your lady wits about yourself and keeping your courtesies with you, you had quickly rubbed off on Jiyan. The wedding was still a matter of question, as Jiyan had insisted on giving you and your family the due time to explore the city and to see whether this was truly something they wanted to go through with. His compassion was answered in kind by many gifts sent from the city they hailed from, consisting of foreign fruits and vegetables to cattle and coins and silks.
-It was endearing. And the courtship between Jiyan and (Y/n) soon began, as the former began to make moves. He preferred to do so in some amounts of privacy, as the many eyes that followed him as King were uncomfortable and he swore he could never get used to them.
-This seemed to please and comfort his bride-to-be as well, and both of them would show their true colors. It was a rare thing for a royal match to be founded in love rather than simple responsibilities to make heirs, but it wasn't unheard of either.
-What they both had in common was that they were dragon riders. (Y/n)’s dragon was a stark comparison to his own with red scales and two pairs of black horns and dark amber eyes, the underside of the dragon’s wings being a shade of yellow that looked like gold under the sunlight. It was a terrifying dragon, arguably even more scary than his own mount.
-When no one was looking, the two would go down to the Dragon Pit and take their dragons to the skies, racing over the cities with one another or going over the seas to breathe the salty air. It was an escape from duty as well. The moment their dragons took to air, all status and responsibilities remained on the ground, and only the sky was the limit to their freedom.
-Jiyan relished in this freedom like a luxurious drink he could never tire of, and your laughter was a sound like no other.
-The dragons took to liking one another as well, and would dance in the air while the pair were seated on their backs, spinning and falling, and right before the ground came too close they'd pull away and take to the skies once more.
-The commonfolk took this as a good omen. The dragons ruled the skies again, and a good King was on the throne, with a good queen soon to join him.
-Jiyan would find himself inviting (Y/n) to his chambers in early mornings to break their fast together or late dinners to share their day with one another. It was as if the two were already married. And even that wasn't too far from coming true.
-The wedding was a big event. Tables and tents were set all the way out and around the keep as well as in the big ballroom inside. Although Jiyan would've preferred to keep the celebrations a modest one, the council insisted that this occasion warranted the eyes of everyone, the joy had to be shared. This once he gave in to their requests.
-Flower petals were thrown on them as they passed by the rows of commonfolk standing at the sides of the rode, him and his Queen riding at the back of an open carriage dragged by four horses, white and elegant with plumes in their manes. Everything was near perfect and out of a fairy tale.
-King and Queen would share their dance in the ballroom once they returned from the High Sept where they got married before the priest, sharing their first kiss - something Jiyan made sure to cover and hide to the best of his abilities by pulling your veil over both of your faces.
-The celebration lasted all the way into the eerie hours of the night. And both Jiyan and you were exhausted, and upon retiring to your shared bed chamber you simply collapsed onto the plush mattress.
-That night, Jiyan fell asleep with his lover in his arms, watching your soft breaths make your chest rise and fall in slow successions, his fingertips tracing the lines of your face and the skin of your back, until he couldn't resist the urge to sleep.
-This wasn't a life Jiyan asked for…but it was one he was glad for.
-Children came later. A lovely little daughter being the first to be born of the love from the King and Queen, bearing the signature feature of you. Jiyan was beyond happy.
-During the birth of his daughter he was in the city, conducting business over a new architecture project when news arrived that his Queen had gone into labor. It is believed he had never dropped a matter as quickly as he did that day, racing back to the keep and searching for his wife.
-Despite the protests of the midwives, he responded only to you, racing to your side and giving you comfort and encouragement if nothing else, welcoming the fruit of your shared love together. It was the first time Jiyan ever cried in front of anyone else. He had delegated some more of his duties to the others in favor of having the time to spend with his newborn and you, helping you recover from the birth.
-It wasn't rare to see Jiyan roaming the dark halls in the middle of the night to visit the kitchens for food for you, bringing back foods and snacks, whatever you wished, even the weird food cravings. Hell, sometimes he'd indulge in them alongside you. Once, during your first pregnancy you requested a big honeycomb, and it just happened Jiyan felt like a sweettooth that evening as well. That ended with you sharing quite a candid moment, lips sticky with honey with a waxy feel between your teeth as you tried not to laugh at one another.
-The second pregnancy was a boy, following two years after the daughter was born, and he came with a little more trouble. The new prince was quite a big baby, and the birth left you even more exhausted. A fever soon settled within you, greatly worrying Jiyan and the entire council. You could barely hold the boy to feed him without shaking, and the fever lasted for days.
-It was the scariest time of Jiyan’s life. Any moment spent away from you plunged a dagger into his heart that twisted itself further in. It pained him. And he nearly got sick himself from worry.
-There were maids around you constantly, when he couldn't assist you it was them that took care of you. His mother was close by as well, bringing you great herbal teas and green tea cakes and broths. The time for you was a blur, filled with uncomfortable heat of your body and sticky feelings of sweat.. does it ever end?
-It was as if the whe world was plunged into depression once you fell ill. Dark clouds corresponded with Jiyan’s bitter and grieving mood, and the dragons themselves were restless. In this time, the others, outside of his kingdom, saw it fit to attack and plunder the neighboring villages and cities.
-You had recovered enough to talk, but your days were still mostly spent by sleeping and eating.
-You could vaguely remember seeing Jiyan entering your chamber, holding your son for a short while before putting him back in his crib. A concerned look pinched his brows together, you could remember, as his gaze went to you.
- “My love?... Are you alright?” He'd ask as he kneeled by the side of your bed, taking your hand in both of his and kissing the knuckles that felt like they were ablaze underneath his lips. He was dressed in all armor, a sword at his hip. Why was he leaving?.. Where?
-It all seemed like a dream, an illusion borne from your illness, but it was real. He had a duty over the kingdom, and over you. Yet it pained him no less to leave the place he was closest to you. He had entrusted your care to his mother and the maids, and he had already bid farewell to your daughter. She had clung to him like a moss clings to a tree, asking him when he'd return.
-You couldn't give a reply, staring somewhere through him.
-Has the reign of peace perished so quickly?
-His dragon waited at the Dragonpits, and the troops were already marching out of the city gates when he took to fly over them, leading them to the front lines once more.
-You recovered in the following days, finding yourself alone - not literally, as there were maids and servants all flocking to you, but Jiyan wasn't there. His Hand sat the throne instead of him. And your children had grown significantly, as if years had passed instead of several days.
-Responsibilities choked you until you began to move, throwing yourself back into work and and duty. Your son was always at your hip or breast, making up for the time lost. And your daughter was always pulling at your skirts unless she was at her lessons.
-It was a restless period, and a terrifying one. The first letter you sent to Jiyan was met with an ecstatic response, him being overjoyed you were healthy again, yet he encouraged you to rest more.
-His other letters brought bitter news of losses and bloodshed and treason, but he reassured they were holding strong. You could only believe him.
-Months passed. Months. And a letter from Jiyan was yet to come in. It worried you. This everlasting silence, it was of more concern than the sorrowful letters.
-During one evening as you sat on one of the tall balconies of the palace, overlooking the city as your son cooed in your arms, you heard a shriek. One coming from your dragon in the Dragonpits. The dragon was as restless as you, her calls weren't foreign to hear, but this time her shriek was returned by a call of another.
-Your husband's dragon flew down from the murky clouds. The green dragon roared, splitting the sound mid air, earning another roar from your own dragon.
-Jiyan has returned.
-You’re unsure how you raced so quickly down to meet him, with a babe in your arms and not properly dressed either. Appearances didn't matter. Your husband's return did. He mattered.
-And once you saw one another, nothing else could hold you back from running into eachother’s arms, the baby carefully tucked between the two of you in a protective embrace as Jiyan kissed both of your heads, pressing his forehead against yours soon after, laughter shaking his shoulders and chest.
-He was sure he could cry right now, and seeing you shed tears of joy almost encouraged him.
-Jiyan knew he'd split the world in half if it meant keeping you whole and with him.

Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
hello! could you do a Jiyan beginning to somewhat develop draconic traits out of the blue and their s/o helping him through it, like, tail & horns popping out, growing canines, enhanced senses and unconsciously exhibiting a few behaviors like being more protective and practicing courting rituals for his s/o despite them already being his wife + bonus if some other character or the city takes notice of this ^^

A/n: Hope you like this anon, this was a really cute idea, thank you for requesting! <3
Contents: Jiyan x Reader, gn reader, the reader is referred to as Jiyan's wife, Baizhi cameo lol, fluff, a tiny bit suggestive if you squint

“What’s this?” Your fingers grasp his cheek and turn his head to the side, taking a closer look to the light sheen his skin held now, taking a moment to realize those are scales. Jiyan’s golden eyes looked at you in surprise, his pupils shrinking before dilating when your warmth seeped into his skin. A small throaty ‘hm’ came from him as you inspected him.
“It’s.. nothing.. Just something I woke up with today, but nothing to stir concern” he replied, his hand laying on top of yours and bringing the palm to his lips to kiss before letting you go. It was true, he already had formed scales on his other cheek from before, three little petal-shaped things that were so smooth you could barely feel them apart from his own skin.
You didn’t press further, only nodding and going along with your morning routine with him.
-It was later when other things began to form that you asked again, ‘what is this?’ and Jiyan began to feel less and less secure in his answers
-It started off with those scales spreading to other parts of his body - his forearms, shins and lower back. They were faded and not as noticeable, and most of those he could hide underneath his uniform too
-Next came the sharper teeth. He usually had a sharper set of canines, but this noticeable change nearly cost him his tongue while eating. And when he was playfully nipping your neck when you were making dinner and he came to hug you from behind. They made you wince, and he immediately backed off, concerned
-Horns and tail were something Jiyan had expected at this rate, yet he was shocked nonetheless to be woken up by you shaking his shoulders, saying how something was squeezing your leg - that something being this newly formed tail of his. As he went to sit up he could see you looking at him with your jaw slack as you stared at the top of his head, the two pretty horns sitting elegantly even in face of your shock.
“Are you going to say this is nothing again?” “.......”
-It was worrying at first, since neither of you knew whether this was some bad omen or just a side effect of his resonance abilities. If these were some signs pointing to a potential overclocking, which was a thought that most scared you, then it’d be best to have them checked out by a professional
-It would be the first time Jiyan’s usual demeanor failed him, and he proved rather stubborn in accepting your offer of going to see Baizhi, or any other doctor for that matter - Mortefi? His mother? - anyone! Yet, what he opted to do was grumble and curl up in the bed, his long tail training after him like a big snake.
-Fed up with this new behavior from your lover, and worried all the way to your bones, you called Baizhi in, promising to pay her double if she just gave a house visit - Baizhi was understanding and never intended to refuse your request anyway, and your hastiness and pleas only urged her to stop by sooner.
-One thing is certain when she saw Jiya - she was taken aback and lost for words.
-You’tan, her loyal companion, would curiously look at Jiyan, its pearl-like eyes staring at him as its big fluffy body flew around him.
-Jiyan was rather grumpy during the entire check up, his pupils like that of a cat with slits for pupils, his hands forming a fist in his lap. This was nothing short of irritating for him - and confusing. Why was he acting like this? He never found Baizhi’s presence so unbearable before, but he tried to reason that by saying that this was his house, and naturally anyone would feel a little imposed on if someone entered their home, where they were their most vulnerable arguably
-Baizhi didn’t have too many answers for you, but could say that this was nothing fatal or dangerous, her companion also found nothing that could indicate anything deteriorating within Jiyan.
-Relieved, but filled with no more clarity than before, you walked Baizhi out the door after the check up before returning to Jiyan who still sat at the edge of the bed, his darkened eyes glaring at you as you entered
-The tip of his tail flicked back and forth in frustration, but you only huffed in return, scolding him for his stubbornness, asking whether there was something that happened on the battlefield he didn’t confide in you for - but as a response all you got was being pulled into his lap.
-He noses at your neck, inhaling your scent as his arms wrap around your midriff, just happy to feel you close to him again. He sighs in relief, his face not moving from the juncture of your neck, and his tail waves from side to side on top of the bed, showing satisfaction and mirth, while also making a mess of the bed sheets.
-You question him again, pulling back just enough to look down at him as you sit in his lap, but Jiyan spends little time in moving down to put his chin on your chest, looking up at you, and although it was a little awkward for his neck he didn’t complain or show any signs of discomfort. He only gave you a small smile before kissing under your chin
“Nothing.. I’m fine, did you not hear what Baizhi said?.. If you ask me, this will pass soon enough. Might enjoy it while it lasts, no?”
-The rest of the morning was spent curled up with him, your limbs intertwined and his tail around your body in one way or another, cuddling closer and closer and closer still until he could nuzzle his cheek against yours or kiss over your shoulders or neck again
-During the time you were cooking, he proved quite clingy too, but then he’d randomly disappear somewhere within the house only to return with the wedding ring.
“You forgot to put this on” “Hm, but I’m cooking, I don’t want to get it dirty” you respond, your brows furrowed as you kneaded some bread dough, your eyes catching a look of hurt on his face and disappointment. Jiyan sighed and nodded before setting the ring on the dining table. “You can put it on afterwards then” he replies and comes up behind you, putting his chin on your shoulder before his hands sneak underneath your to knead the dough for you. You gave a huff of a chuckle, as he effortlessly trapped you in his embrace here.
-Jiyan didn’t wish to leave the house, not wanting people to see this changed appearance. There were enough gossips about him already and he didn’t need more spreading about. But he wasn’t opposed to sitting in the backyard, soaking in the sun alongside you. The fence was high enough to protect from any wandering eyes.
-If you were to sit in the chair and doze off, you’d come back to Jiyan, assorting little tiny rocks of various colors long your thigh, balancing them on in little columns or in a simpler pattern, smiling at you innocently when you look at him.
-This… dragon version of your lover was slowly growing on you.. You had to wonder if he could control this appearance, or if it will return again after it disappears?

Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
Hello!! Can I request some hcs for Jiyan, Calcharo,Aalto and Scar with blind s/o?
A/n: Sorry for making you wait for so long, but I hope you like this! Did this as a bit of a warm up, hopefully I'll have more writing done soon <3
Contents: Jiyan/Calcharo/Aalto/Scar x gn reader (separate), fluff, Aalto and Scar are up to shenanigans
Blind s/o headcanons

-As an absent lover, seeing how he is always at the front lines, he does think of you a lot. Even with the knowledge and memory that he has made your shared home a easily manageable environment for you, and with his mother not too far off paying you visits every now and then, he still worries. What if something breaks and you step on shattered pieces? What if you twist your ankle in some hole he forgot to patch up? What if something happens to you and no one is around?
-Jiyan has worked alongside you in making the home environment easy to remember and easy to maneuver, and he rarely ever changes the order of things so you don’t accidentally hurt yourself. He does notify you if he does something like move the couch or some chair or a vase.
-All the pots and jars and bottles are labeled in braille, so you can never miss one ingredient or liquid for another. Although when he is around he does try to do everything for you, no matter how small the act is.
-He has plenty on his mind as it is but he can never get his thoughts away from you. He looks forward to seeing you again, all the time
-When he is back home he is always nearby, you can practically feel him before you hear him coming close, his arms wrapping around your waist and his chest pressing against your back as he softly greets you, asking how you’re feeling
-At night, it has become a routine of sorts for you to just map his face with your fingers. The soft pads of your fingers finding the arch of his brows, sliding down his nose and over his soft cheeks, slowly finding their way down to his lips, his breath tickling your knuckles but he remains still and remains patient. He lets you do as you please, all while taking the same time to admire you and the way the lines of your face pull and tug as you take in his features
-Sometimes you scratch lightly at the scales on his cheek and he only tilts his head away, chuckling at you

-Similarly to Jiyan, Caclharo isn’t often at home or around you, and even less so considering he is the individual he is. He’d not ever risk your safety just to squeeze in some “lovey dovey” time. He loves you, but not that much to disregard everything else
-With so many of his spies working for him that have made the one shell credit deal with him, he does take some aside and gives them the task to keep an eye on you. These people know better than to disobey this, not that they would in the first place considering Calcharo has helped them for the price most would consider cheap in this field of work.
-So you’d often get visitors introducing themselves as friends of your partner, or colleagues, or simply just as a mailman, bringing you food or gifts. You have come to befriend a particular food stall lady that lives only a few minutes of walking from your home. She brings you your favorite snack without a fail, always, no matter the weather or time. She tells you of the people she meets and serves, the children and even the birds and dogs that come sniffing around her stall
-She makes it a task to clean up too, so there’s not a lot of times where you have to do much
-This leaves for a lot of boredom, and however sweet this notion of being protected by these people was, you did not crave them, you felt like you didn’t need them either - you wanted your beloved.
-One night when he did return to visit you, he found all lights off, which wasn’t unusual but he had believed you went to sleep only to nearly go into fight mode when he found you only now preparing for bed. Light was not of significance to you, so you were just wandering in the darkness. That could be the only time you gave Calcharo a real fright
-He is very quiet himself, and for a man of his size and stature that can come off as quite the surprise when he suddenly appears at your side, asking you in that soft rasp of his to take the plate from you so he can scoop some food into it for you.
-To make up for his soft footing, he does try to talk more to you, or just make some more sound in general. Often you’ll hear soft grunts or huffs when you’re about to bump into something or when he’s around you when you’re walking about the home.
-However odd it is, you found that his hand was always close by when you needed him. You only need to move your hand out in front of you, and almost instantly you’ll feel his warm fingers twinning between yours or taking your hand by the fingers gently to lead you to him.
-It took some time for him to get used to have his face touched by you, and a lot of times he only allows it for a short amount of time as he gets uncomfortable if it stretches on, but slowly he began to melt into it.
-He’d sit on the couch beside you and watch how you feel around with your hand, climbing into his lap to greet him as you take his face into your palms. And slowly you’d kiss his forehead and cheeks, having missed him far too much for your heart to handle another moment without him
-He sighs softly, and you don’t have to see to know how exhausted he is too. He is closing his eyes, tilting his head into one of your palms and nuzzling against it, his breath fanning across your skin as he sinks further into the couch

-He’s a tease. Aalto is a tease in most of his endeavors, but he is specific when it comes to you. Depending on how you lost your vision, be it natural or through some illness or even a freak accident, he does crack a few jokes to make light of it. He puts himself in your shoes, imagining he’s blind and he just can’t see anything good about it, so he does what he knows will make you smile
-He speaks a lot more softly to you and he is very descriptive when explaining anything. He loves the times when the two of you just sit down, your legs in his lap as he talks away about whatever interests you. He’d be massaging your legs or feet, finding that motion relaxing for himself as well, while being relaxing for you too. He also does try to make conversations engaging as well if he sees you have the energy for it, since he doesn’t like making your conversations just mere monologue on his end
-For a dangerous individual as himself, honestly he makes a lot of time for you. At one point you had to question whether he was ditching his job for you, but he assures you he is not neglecting his duty. On that topic, while he does often visit you, from time to time he is sent on longer missions that have him absent from your company for a week or two at most, depending on where they send him.
-During this time, you find your side occupied by someone else. Aalto, however easy going he may seem, is just as worries as the other two on this list, and he does not come to trust people easy. His charming demeanor can often be a simple front put up to give strangers wrong impressions, which he can later use to his advantage. With that said, he does leave the same person he trusts to be with you while he is away.
-Little Encore often visits too, sometimes alone and sometimes with this caregiver or Aalto. She brings Aalto’s letters and gifts to you, and reads the letters out. You are unsure why Aalto bothers so much with letters considering he can record and send a message to you, or even call you, but you guess it’s some technicality while he’s on the field, or he just wants to woo you again in this traditional style
-Either way, you don’t mind, it is always heartwarming to feel someone’s love in different ways
-Sometimes he does change the order in your home just to get your reaction though and then asks you “How could you have not seen it?”
-Don’t worry though, it’s never something that would pose a health risk of any kind. Although he did once switch your sugar and salt-
-He took a sip of your drink to show his greatest sympathies for you, and you had to chuckle when you heard him sputter and curse the drink
-Doesn’t shut up when you trace his face or figure. He is a bit sensitive, so it is a shocker to him when you do put your hands on his waist or on his cheeks, but he doesn’t let it affect his tongue. He yaps okay.
-Loves it a lot though. If you happen to do it late into the night when he’s tired and there’s nothing else but the two of you, he’d become sappy as well, one warm palm settled on the side of your face as he describes what he sees and how lovely you are, how beautiful, how much you mean to him.
-Sometimes he claims these never happened just to poke fun at you “for dreaming about him”

-If you think Aalto was bad in any regard, you haven’t seen this goat-
-For one he is a yapper. He does not shut up, so at the very least you will not have any trouble finding him around , unless he goes quiet on purpose just so you can’t find him. Two - he loves to tease and poke fun at you here and there, but in his own way, this is how he shows he cares. He really doesn’t pay much attention to people he doesn’t care for or doesn’t know, he only gives his attention to people and things he does want and care for
-So the fact he is at your side a lot, does speak of his own priorities
-He’d often come back to you, throwing his arms around you from behind and resting his had on your shoulder as he starts to talk about one thing or the other, his weight weighing on you as well, but it is the comfort of it that keeps you from shrugging it off
-Scar does love to watch you simply do things. As he is not blind, he can’t really relate to your struggle, he just knows he’d hate it if he lost his own sight. To him, it is some miracle how you are still going about as anyone else would, well.. as best as you can without seeing things.
-You’d often ask him about ingredients in jars that you found a little too suspicious to taste yourself, and when it comes to that he is pretty honest. He replies too fast for a jab to make itself known in his mind.
-If you’re out walking, Scar makes it a point to have his hand on your somehow, either holding your hand or keeping his hand on your shoulder or arm or back. If he lets go and goes quiet, you know he’s being playful and wants you to search for him
-However annoying he can be at times with jokes and games such as these, he still wouldn’t set you in the midst of danger. He doesn’t play where it is not safe. So you can rest assured you won’t be finding any tacet discords while looking for him.
-Lets you hold onto his clothes or those dangling bits on his outfit, and you can joke around that you’re walking him like a dog and he’d scoff, laugh or bark. He finds it just as amusing as you do
-When he is tired he comes to you on his own and pulls your hands onto his face. He lays in your lap, reveling in the soft feel of your fingers over his face, feeling the subtle change in skin textures in places he has scars. You take it all in, and it doesn’t matter if it’s the first or the hundredth time you do this, you take it slowly all the time, feeling his head grow heavy in your lap.
-Sometimes, during the day or when he’s simply awake and full of energy, he’d take your hand or tell you to touch his face just so he can nip at your fingers

Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
How about Jiyan with a fellow doctor but the doctor is kind of like Mortefi in terms of "tired of everyone's shit" but they put up with Jiyan because they used to be coworkers.
A/n: Overdue request time but I hope you enjoy this regardless anon <3
Contents: Jiyan x GN reader, headcanons, reader used to be on the front lines with Jiyan, not proof read

-Jiyan has worked with all sorts of people in his life, and at times he was rather forced to work with people that were not fit to be in the workplace, but he was never harsh on them even if he had to take up their work too.
-That, however, was not the case with you, of course
-You were beyond capable in your work, jumping from one end to the other never seemed as effortless when you were the one doing the task - all with this signature scowl or a furrow of your brows on your face.
-Jiyan admired you for your talent and skill, it seemed to come so naturally to you that it made even the famous General push himself harder with newfound strength in his chest
-He knew you weren't too fond of being “pestered”, so he never approached you much beyond work while you were on the front lines. It was when you were back around town when he approached you for off topic conversations or to exchange medical knowledge and aid techniques. You both found common ground in the latter topics, and you weren't too reciprocating at first when it came to other topics.
-But all good things require time and patience, and Jiyan was a patient man by nature.
-You slowly warmed up to him and began to share more of your life and interests, and Jiyan shared his side as well. Both of you got to know each other through countless walks beside the river banks or the beaches of the lake around Jinzhou.
-Jiyan provided that much needed slow pace you seemed to lack. To you, everything needed to be done in some orderly fashion and in a confined space of time. Your solo walks were rather quick, but ever since Jiyan began joining you on them, you found the sense of time slipping by and half an hour turned into an hour, then two, three-
-Dinners began to be another thing to look forward to. Sometimes he'd invite only you, sometimes he'd invite another captain or soldier; once you met his mother when he invited her over for dinner at this fancy restaurant that opened while both of you were on the front lines
-Jiyan can easily overlook the jabs and witty remarks you tend to drop, knowing you truly don't harbor any malice when you say them - it's more of spur of the moment when the situation is rather tense or if someone is acting particularly oblivious/stupid.
-Sometimes, if it's just you and him, he tends to flip the jabs back at you to initiate some more lighthearted banter. The first time he did it you were caught by surprise but your tongue certainly didn't lack in words. Jiyan chuckled at how you nearly stumbled over your own mouth as you returned another comment, looking rather flustered.
-He does enjoy having you around and does tend to put you in teams that are close to his own, unless another team requires your skill more in battle.
-Somewhere along those lines, the feeling between colleagues and friends blurred and seeped into something much warmer and stronger. And it appears you felt it too. By that point Jiyan had become adept at reading you, and he didn't miss the way your shoulders were tensed when he lingered too close, or when you refused to meet his gaze here and there, when even you lacked words to respond with, when you were fidgeting with your gourd or fingers- it all piled up, boiling just underneath the surface.
-His feelings did not extinquish when you left the Midnight Rangers to serve your duty in the city. Your research and heart strayed from his path and he was fine with that - even if he felt like you took half of him with you
-He didn't wish to risk anything between the two of you, so the feeling was boiling for a long time. Jiyan didn't wish to confess in case he wasn't right and you didn't return the feelings, but also because he didn't wish to risk leaving you alone should he die in battle right after confessing and asking for your hand.
-You didn't confess for similar reasons, but also because he was a General - you didn't wish to burden him in any form or shape. And what if you were reading it wrong? What if he was simply being affectionate as a friend?
-It took time, but the feelings reached a boiling point after an incident left you so lost and frustrated.
-You and Jiyan were alone in your office and it all came pouring out in a torrent of emotions from your mouth. And by the time you realized what you said, Jiyan was quiet and looking at you all speechless
-Jiyan couldn't breathe, but he felt his heart squeezing into his throat.
-He is soon to stumble over his words to reassure you it's fine- you were already making up excuses, apologizing, stumbling further - it's fine! Hear him out, he has a lot to say. And it's going to be alright, because you're besides one another, and you are stronger that way.

Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
Jiyan SFW Headcanons

~a/n: I’m a simp for strong, gentle dragon man. Here’s some sfw Jiyan headcanons. I’ll probably do a seperate post for nsfw headcanons for him. It’s been a long while since I’ve last written so hopefully I’m not rusty.
Protective and doting boyfriend! (will defend your honor) Not really but he knows how dangerous it is outside the city so he doesn’t like to let you walk alone without him so he can guarantee your safety. He knows you’re capable of handling yourself but he can’t help but worry. He doesn’t have that much relationship experience due to most of his life being focused on battling tacet discords and protecting Jinzhou city and its people. Although he may not know much regarding relationships, he’s a quick learner and you can’t really tell that he’s that inexperienced due to how well of a boyfriend he is to you. I can see him being the nurturing and mothering type. What I mean by that is he pays attention to your wellbeing and health, making sure you’re eating right, making sure you’re happy, etc. Your well being comes before his. Man can cook. You will be well fed when he cooks for you, making sure you’re eating a healthy, hearty meal. He’s a really good listener and will put all his attention on you when something’s bothering you. He’ll do everything he can in his power to dispel your problems and to ensure that you’re happy.
Not the type to really be into pda. Not because of his duty to portray a respectable image of being a General everyone looks up to but due to preferring to share your affection for one another behind closed doors without watchful eyes that are usually on him in public. The farthest he’ll go with pda is hand holding or having you rest your hand on the inside of the crook of his elbow. Plus all the elders would probably tease you two if they saw you being lovey dovey in public. It’s already hard enough with them seeing you guys near one another. The elders always ask you two about wedding bells and children. Your cheeks burn red while Jiyan coughs, closing his eyes to stop himself from blushing as well and just tells the elders maybe in the future. This causes you to hide your face into the side of his arm as shyness, warmth, and giddiness overcomes your senses. He smiles down at you and adores your cuteness. He seems like he’d be good with kids. Maybe a little awkward and quiet but he’s sweet, caring, and gentle. He wouldn’t mind having a family with you in the future. Hopefully when things have calmed down, he’ll ask you to marry him and you two can start a family.
He is such a gentleman. He always asks for permission before doing anything he thinks you may be uncomfortable with. Instead of buying flowers from the shop, man actually plants his own flowers and gifts them to you. He would create a special flower that would represent his love and affection for you. (He would for sure propose to you in the middle of the little garden he made for you under the twinkling lights.) Speaking of lights, he loves stargazing with you. It’s one of his favorite activities with you. Just laying in the soft grass, enjoying the night breeze and cuddling close to one another as you enjoy the peacefulness with one another.
Good kisser. His favorite type of kisses are long, slow, passion filled kisses. He wraps an arm around your waist, holding your body close to his while his other hand gently cups your cheek as his lips connect with yours, electricity shooting through the both of you. Everytime before he heads out onto the battlefield, he always makes sure to give you a long passionate kiss that takes your breath away because he doesn’t know when he will be back or if there’s a chance he’ll make it back, so he wants to make sure you understand his undying love for you in case he doesn’t make it back home to you. He also likes forehead kisses. Sometimes when he returns from the field and he really missed you, he doesn’t leave your side for a while and always has a hand on you. One time, he came close to not making it home from a field mission that when he stepped through the door to your shared home, he wrapped his arms around you and held you for a long time. You swear you could feel him shaking a little, you got worried that something bad happened. After a few minutes of silence, he told you what happened and that he was worried he wouldn’t see you again. You cupped his face in your hands and peppered kisses all over his face until he melted into you and was finally calm. You told him that everything was okay and all that mattered was that he was here with you now. Although he was grateful for your comforting words and affection, he still didn’t stray far from you that whole night. At bedtime, he held you tightly, nuzzling his face into your neck as you combed your fingers through his hair and rubbed his back. Due to the exhaustion from battling and the comfort of your gentle touches, he quickly fell asleep. He did wake up a few times during the night worried that you were gone but he calmed down once you realized you were still in his arms.
He likes doing mundane things with you when he has the time. Sitting in nature together, enjoying street food, drinking tea while having idle conversations, reading side by side, etc. Sometimes he gets lost in thought as he gazes at you while you are doing something. He’s busy admiring the serene look on your face as you pick flowers, the gentle touch as you carefully put the flowers together into a crown, then the bright smile that graces your beautiful features as you place it on the top of his head. You break him out of his trance by placing a hand on his cheek as you call his name. You ask him if he’s ok and he replies by taking hold of your hand and turns his head to his lips to press a kiss on the inside of your palm. He gives you a loving look and rids your worries and says he’s just admiring his wonderful s/o. Giggling, you lean into him, pressing a soft kiss on his lips.
He’s insecure sometimes and gets lost in negative thoughts of the failure of protecting his fellow fallen soldiers. When this happens, just hold him please. He has a lot of weight on his shoulders from the responsibility and grief he carries on a daily basis. When you hold him tight with his head resting on your chest and tell him that it’s ok, that weight is lifted a bit. He forgets his negative thoughts when he’s with you.
Lets you play with his hair and help him put his hair up. Ngl it’s hard to not be a little jealous of his long, soft, beautiful hair. He gets so relaxed when you’re doing his hair. He has fallen asleep sometimes. You try multiple hairstyles and have even put flowers in his hair. You couldn’t help how ethereal he looked. He didn’t really understand but he didn’t mind your adoration for him.