Jlaire - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Heloo could you draw Jilaire from Trollhunters please?!?!

Heloo Could You Draw Jilaire From Trollhunters Please?!?!

i gotchu here u go friend

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1 year ago

Back again for the RoTT Aftermath and AU this time with Claire!

Back Again For The RoTT Aftermath And AU This Time With Claire!

So I didn’t really change much of her except for some small details. But I of course wanted to make her older since it does take place around 6-9 years later(still deciding).

Back Again For The RoTT Aftermath And AU This Time With Claire!

Her armor is overall the same but I wanted to make a new one since y’know she could have outgrown hers? Anyway-I took inspiration from Morgana like I did Jim with King Arthur. She deserves a cape and crown tbh<3

Back Again For The RoTT Aftermath And AU This Time With Claire!

And finally character reference. I wanted to darken her town down throughout the shows since shes always outside, but I did make her a little bit pale due to the shadow magic. AND A NEW FIT???? HELL YES!! She needs it and I didn’t want it to be the same old one from high school(but the coat was an inspiration from her old one. I also liked the idea that when she teleported Nari’s titan her hair became full on white which was so cool! so theres that :]

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3 years ago

some ramblings about the mess that was Rise of the Titans....

first of all. those character deaths were not only unnecessary but they were BRUTAL and far more intense and painful to watch than they needed to be. as a movie that largely targeted for kids and family and is only rated G, did I need to see Nomura shattered into a thousand pieces, Strickler get blown up, Nari turning to ice like that, and Toby literally getting crushed and dying IN FRONT OF JIM?!?! im not saying there couldn't have been emotional moments but the brutality of those scenes just went way too far. not to mention that there ended up being no point to this anyway bc now they're not actually dead?? either way it was awful to watch

second. If they wanted Toby to become the Trollhunter, why not just have the new amulet choose him?? That would have been such a good twist. instead of going to jim, the new amulet flies to toby who saves Jim from Bellroc. It's a great twist, it'd be great for Toby, gives the inspiring message that anyone can be a trollhunter, and it's a good conclusion to Jim's arc as he no longer has to be the trollhunter after going through so much.

which leads me to three. AFTER GOING BACK IN TIME WHY WOULD HE GIVE UP THE AMULET AND HAVE TOBY BE THE TROLLHUNTER???? we spent three seasons explaining that Jim was CHOSEN for a reason. he had to be the trollhunter. now how are they going to defeat Gunmar, Morgana, etc.

which of course is four. going back in time like that was stupid. it erased every single thing we've watched. essentially the series ended with "it was all a dream." seriously, remove the part about toby finding the amulet and that's exactly how it ended. every single relationship? gone. every character arc and journey? erased. no closure was given to anyone. we didn't get to see where they ended up at the end of the series. there WAS no end. claire lost all her sorceress powers, douxie lost all his beautiful development in wizards, aja and krel??? we dont even know what's gonna happen with them now. they even half assed strickler and barbara by just having jim set them up. sorry how is that gonna work out if we don't see strickler's whole arc of changing to be one of the good guys?? would he even do that now if jim wasnt the trollhunter??? ARGH I HATE THIS ENDING ITS SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!

and finally. the movie was just so anticlimatic. after the first battle scene, so many characters were underpowered. Douxie literally fought the Arcane Order in Wizards and now suddenly he's being thrown around like a ragdoll. Claire is suddenly just like "sorry ive exhausted my powers" at like 5 different points in the movie. she never even got to have an insanely badass scene like she deserved. what was the point of even bringing up jim's dad? we know he's irrelevant, who cares?? archie and douxie separated after being together for centuries and just being like "oh well, hope he's happy" like ????????????? what the HELL was the aja/steve shit??? that was just stupid and uncomfortable and took up screen time that couldve been used for real development and plot.

in short, this movie was terrible. I've loved this series so much and I used to consider it flawless. the characters are amazing and the story was so good. i'll always love the tv shows so much but i genuinely hope to forget this movie even exists. I'm just so disappointed by what should've been an epic conclusion to this wonderful series.

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4 years ago
So, I Just Finishd Wathing #talesofarcadia And I Have 3 Things To Say: 1. #douxie Is My Favorite Character

So, I just finishd wathing #talesofarcadia and I have 3 things to say: 1. #douxie is my favorite character 😳 2. I ship #douxie x krel , #staja and #jlaire 💞 3.and I can haedly wait for the movie! (If you wnat, I'm free to talk about the series) #douxie #kreltarron #talesofarcadiawizards #talesofarcadia #3below https://www.instagram.com/p/CEz_en7nQs4/?igshid=6327f8rw0kqt

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4 years ago
My #talesofarcadia Ship's: #jlaire , #staja And #krouxie (DON'T COMMENT IF IT IS TO HATE ON A SHIP!)

My #talesofarcadia ship's: #jlaire , #staja and #krouxie (DON'T COMMENT IF IT IS TO HATE ON A SHIP!) #jimlakejr , #clairenuñez / #ajatarron , #stevepalchuk / #douxie , #kreltarron #talesofarcadia #talesofarcadiawizards #3below https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-NXWsnSJT/?igshid=93e3etxz9c2o

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6 years ago

*Claire’s shadow staff loses power in the middle of a battle*

Toby: seriously? You have nothing to be angry about in the middle of a battle??

Claire: nope. Nothing. I’m fresh out of anger.

Jim, being kicked across the battle field by a Gumm Gumm, passing the two: aaaAAAAaaahh

Claire, her shadow staff powering up: now I do..

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6 years ago
Aaaa!!This Is For The Mini Jlaire Week Thingy!!Idk If Stargazing Was A Prompt But I Just Went For It

This is for the mini jlaire week thingy!!
Idk if stargazing was a prompt but I just went for it jfkfidn (Click on it for better quality ;) )

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6 years ago
Jlaire Week Day 1 KfnxidjdncYall Cant Tell Me That Arcadia Oaks Highs Theater Club Wouldnt Have Some
Jlaire Week Day 1 KfnxidjdncYall Cant Tell Me That Arcadia Oaks Highs Theater Club Wouldnt Have Some

Jlaire week day 1 kfnxidjdnc
Y’all can’t tell me that Arcadia Oaks High’s theater club wouldn’t have some odd ritual for newbies
Also Claire loves stabbing people so she always does it @jlaireweek I couldn’t think of something heartfelt so here ya go cicnsijssjdj

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6 years ago
Hhhhhh Jlaire Week Day 2 @jlaireweekNew Headcanon That Nomura Gets Jim To Practice Using Gravesand, But

Hhhhhh jlaire week day 2 @jlaireweek
New headcanon that Nomura gets Jim to practice using gravesand, but he always goes out of control and only Claire can bring him back

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6 years ago
Jlaire Week Day 3 I Want To Believe That When They Got To NJ Claire Enrolled In Another School So She
Jlaire Week Day 3 I Want To Believe That When They Got To NJ Claire Enrolled In Another School So She

Jlaire week day 3 
I want to believe that when they got to NJ Claire enrolled in another school so she could do something during the day
Sometimes she doesn’t want to do an assignment so she has Jim eat it. The prof doesn’t question it bc he’s seen him rummaging through the trash cans

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6 years ago
Jlaire Week Day 4 @jlaireweek Oof Sorry I Keep Posting These So Late FjfneindjdBut AnywaysLets Just Say

Jlaire week day 4 @jlaireweek 
Oof sorry I keep posting these so late fjfneindjd
But anyways
Let’s just say the school had another dance
And at said dance there was karaoke
Jim and Claire totally won the contest by singing Eres Tu and nobody can tell me otherwise

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4 years ago
Jims Face When Claire Says Shes A Riddle Dork
Jims Face When Claire Says Shes A Riddle Dork

Jim’s face when claire says she’s a riddle dork🥺🥺

Jims Face When Claire Says Shes A Riddle Dork

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4 years ago
Listen This Whole Heccin Scene Was The Absolute Sweetest Thing No I Will Not Shut Up About It
Listen This Whole Heccin Scene Was The Absolute Sweetest Thing No I Will Not Shut Up About It

listen this whole heccin scene was the absolute sweetest thing no i will not shut up about it

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