3below - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Day 8, Incorrect Quotes, Tales of Arcadia Aja: Hey, Douxie? Douxie: Yeah? Aja: Can a cat breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Douxie: Douxie: Where’s Archie?

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5 months ago

My mental images of the character in SINF

Nicholas Flamel- The Needle (Earth-Prime: Stargirl)

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Jonh Dee- Vlad (Danny Phantom)

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Palamedes- Varatos Vex (3Below) It's just the vibe you know

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Odin- Odin (Marvel) The first Odin I've ever know

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Hel- Blank-Eyed Girl (Adventure Time) and maybe imagine her hair and dress as cape or something

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Virginia Dare- Huntress Wizard (Adventure Time)

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Comte de Saint-Germain- yes, he's a colourbent Vee (The Owl House)

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Niten- that one Kraangdroid with sunglasses (TMNT 2012)

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Prometheus- Alder (Pokemon Black amd White) mix with Helios (Punderworld), with Dan Mora artstyle and shirtless. Yes, very specific

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Tsagaglalal- Vera Tennyson (Ben 10) but with blue dress)

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Hecate- this is an illustration of Hestia I found on the internet, not mine. The closest picture I could find

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Scathach- this random picture I found on Pinterest, also wear an orange sleeveless turtle neck, black sweatpants (I think?) and black boots

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

Abraham the Mage- the first Abraham I've ever know and he won't get out of my head

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

P/s: Marethyu- Aquaman (Justice League Unlimited) this took me a while to find, maybe cause I always imagine him with a dark green cloak with the hood cast a shadow on his right eye

My Mental Images Of The Character In SINF

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3 years ago

I don't think so cause in Unbecoming Draal was there at the right place and right time but he like ROYALLY SCREWED UP I think its more about the amulet (aka merlin) knowing that no one could stop the arcane order the first time, without causing total destruction, so it chose the person it knew who would get it right the first time but also have the courage to go back in time cause Jim and everyone he knew would know any of this yet he still went back cause of the small chance that they would be able to save everyone

And also unlike Draal Jim knew and also didn't want to do any of it alone Draal messed up cause he refused to tell people he was the trollhunter and that caused Gunmar to be released but Jim would welcome anyone who wanted to help thus the first part being called Trollhunters and not Trollhunter eventhough everyone kept saying how only the trollhunter could help.

Eventhough in the end Jim had to go alone he made it that far because of the help he got from everyone he met.

Also people need to stop hating on the directors like dude come on they worked hard on it and to THEM this is a good ending, the ending the show deserves.

// ROTT spoilers //




... So are they implying that the amulet was never really looking for Jim specifically? That it was less about being worthy and more about being at the right place at the right time? Cause like. C'mon.

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3 years ago

Tales of Arcadia did Steve dirty by turning him into a complete idiot I mean he wasn't thaaaaaat smart to begin with 😒 but atleast he had SOME brain cells.

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3 years ago

Will there be anything after the Rise of the titans movie? Cause I know the creators said that the movie was like the last thing to end the whole trilogy but I am hearing rumors of spinoff shows.

Also when Jim went back in time did he reset his timeline or create a new one, cause some are saying he created a new timeline and that the one he left is still continuing just without him.

This would mean that in the original timeline Jim is gone, eli Jr. exists and that stickler, Toby and Nomura are dead along with nari.

Ugh I kind don't want it to continue cause I like the movie's ending since it allows for the fans to write what happens next, but at the same time I do wanna see what will actually happen and also it would be really funny seeing toby train with draal. Ugh this is too unnecessarily complicated 😑.

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1 year ago

Akiridion Babies!!

Akiridion Babies!!

Long post!

As we already know, Akiridions are not biological beings, which means that their ways of reproducing are different to the ones we know, in this post, we'll take a small dive into a new way of reproducing that completely throws ROTT kissing thing out the window :))

Special thanks to @itsmergb as they were the ones who pitched the idea on discord, I am simply putting all of their ideas into a document filled with little images

I present to you, ✨The Pod ✨ Inspired of Concept art and scrapped content, the pod is Akiridion's way of preproducing.

Akiridion Babies!!

How It Works

Akiridion reproduction is both internal and external, though largely the latter.

To begin, after both parents have agreed to have offspring together, the pod is activated and will remain online for however long is necessary. It is very much a machine; it needs to be maintained as such. After the pod is stable, it needs a power source. As no Akiridions have a biological sex, the gender of the parents does not matter.

Akiridion Babies!!

The cord connected to the primary intake chamber of the pod (similar to the functionality of a placenta in mammals) hooks to the Akiridion’s chest on one end, and is firmly attached to the pod on the other end. The core supplies the pod with life energy, which it uses to both fuel itself and its purpose; creating an Akiridion core. The core is full sized upon completion; the Akiridion grows, but the core does not.

Both parents must provide their cores to the process of reproduction. It is theoretically possible for one parent to reproduce alone, but the taxing effect on the body can be long term or permanent.

Akiridion Babies!!

The period of time each parent serves the pod varies, depending on time constraints; but in the end, a full gestation period shared between both parents can range from a year to a year and a half, depending on the parent’s race and quality of the pod.

Side Effects

Using a pod is physically taxing on the body, in a variety of ways. The core of an Akiridion contains every single bodily system of the Akiridion, thus their ability to resurrect from death.

This makes it a very sensitive organ, being their only one; this also means that a constant lack of energy effects nearly everything the Akiridion does on a daily basis. Some couples opt to repeatedly trade the pod between themselves until completion, leading for each parent to carry it 2-3 times each, to lessen the strain it takes. Other couples opt for each parent to serve their full term, which lessens the time it takes.


Carrying a 2 feet tall pod everywhere would be very inefficient and stun the Akiridion's ability to preform dayly task, which is why a simple yet efficient solution was creatred.

Akiridion Babies!!

Backpacks! either wearing them forward or backwards, these little pieces of light and cloth are perfect for safely transporting a pod. They are made out of simple, resistant straps of cloth as well as an energy generator that creates not only a shield, but a suspension chamber to avoid the pod moving around and possibly breaking.

Some other day we'll dive deep into Akiridion hybrids and gender, but as for right now, that would be all!

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1 year ago

Someones' gotta write this, please and thank you.

Bular’s Day Out

I had this idea for a fic, I would propably never write, shame, I love it, so I can at least share the concept…I mean, why waste it, good AU concept is fun to read too

Because I am a sucker for redemtion arcs (well writen not just thrown on us like we were stupid) I was thinking of HOW I would do red.arc. for Bullar? I came up with what comes:

It is post ROTT timeline where Jim is a trollhunter. He is trying to make things right but the timeline goes WILD very qickly. Mainly because Stricler noticed that his enemies, seem to know things they shouldn’t and gets far more caucious. I feel like Stricler would be far more dangerous villian if he just took Jim more seriously.

Somehow, Bular gets affected by that “human potion” from Gattos trasure. For the purpose of the story I am assuming it was not an accidental mix of potions, but really just one of them that will work the same no matter if it is thrown into the lava or just spilled on someone.

So Bular the Bucher is a temporarily human and super unhappy about that. He also don’t know what is happenineg but he knows that Stricler will take that opportunity to ruin his possition, maybe even convince Gunmar, that his son is a lost case.

Bular is driven by one motivation, gaining and keeping his father’s affection forever. And he well knows that Gunmar is loving him only as long as Bular is his perfect subject.

Oh, yeah, Gunmar is a bad father in this version. He is a true psychopat and is rally not capable of loving anyone but himself, and he views Bular as an extension of him, his smaller copy. Every time Bular does something Gunmar wouln’t do, he is pissed. o B just learned to copy whatever he thing his father would do, incorporating anything he says as his own, never really developing own ideas.

He is okay, as long as he is strong as he is winning, and now he is not only weak, but a crature most despised by Gumm-Gumms. So, basically he has a problem.

Bular is not accustomed to being a fleshbag and heunderstans them far less than Blinky, so he is not doing very good. He runs from the changeling, untrusting of them (understandably after he terrorised and killed them for so long). And he is captured by Trollhunter,and the don’t really know what to do with him.

Akiridions come to earth ealier that in Oryginal Timeline. Maybe because Morando’s close encounter with godgood gave him ability to partially remember previous timelines, so he acts differenly? Not shure.

Bular beigns to form relationships with the good guys especially with Varvados, ARRGGHH!!, Krel and Toby in that order. He learns a lot about being a human, but also about being a troll and that life can be more than just fighting, killing and eating. That there is more to honor than wnning, and that for parental love you don’t need to deserve.

The concept really extended above my expectations and thats why I don’t think I could write it.

There was a whole intrigue around Bular’s second parent, and Varvados were supposed to turn from “worthy enemy” to the real “fraher figure” for Bular.

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2 years ago


An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


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2 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

New chapter of Body of Stone, Heart of Gold has been posted! Complete with my art of Harper as well! Enjoy!

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3 years ago

Inktober Day 19

Inktober Day 19

I hope you enjoy!😄😁

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3 years ago

Ажа Таррон

Решил нарисовать Ажу в одежде из пинтереста, а потом понял, что на этой одежде есть знак зодиака, после чего задумался “а известно ли нам, когда день рождения у этой дамы?”. Я загуглил и узнал, что у Ажи день рождения 17 ноября, а следовательно она - скорпион по знаку зодиака ;D

Вот такой вот арт :3

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3 years ago

Крел Таррон

Ага, да, сейчас я решил рисовать персонажей Истории Аркадии в разных других костюмах, сейчас это Крел :D

Да, он не очень похож, но по моему узнать его возможно :")

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3 years ago

Глючный Крел

Просто его захотелось глючного нарисовать :3

По идее, там должны были быть надписи из разряда "Ты за всё ответственен", "ты будущий король", "эти голоса..." и т.п. просто что-то не сраслось :D

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2 years ago



Мне просто нужен был референс, мужик, ты кто? :"D

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2 years ago
 . , , ? :)
 . , , ? :)

Перерисовка старого арта. Зачем, учитывая, что таким образом видно только мой регрес? Не знаю :)

Верхнее - новое :") Но, зато, мне нравилось это рисовать :D

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10 months ago
I Just Decided To Redraw My Old Art
I Just Decided To Redraw My Old Art

I just decided to redraw my old art

Idk, think it looks more better than last. And without glitches it looks much better :D

Also it were my first art on this laptop :0

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