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8 months ago

I baked you some fresh TURN content! Smells like warm eggs.

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5 months ago

i'm currently getting jostled on the train but i wanted to try answering to the best of my ability, and i'm sure others can add on/clarify.

tldr: i wouldn't trust tiktok for accurate information. i think i know what kind of post you're referring to, the "alexander hamilton rizzler he pulled all these people" edits have gone around before. they're often made in a joking way to point out hamilton's charm, but for most of these people, i think it's fair to say that the objective evidence says close relationship or at least interesting relationship, and it's too far to suggest an affair. like so much, most of the *evidence* would be anecdotes and letters.

Meade: probably one of hamilton's closest intimates during the war as another aide. it's been speculated that he knew about ham's relationship with laurens, and he was specifically pointed out by ham in this famous letter to laurens in 1780:

"I hate Congress - I hate the army - I hate the world - I hate myself. The whole is a mass of fools and knaves; I could almost except you and Meade."

meade is also the aide who went into the chimney to read hamilton's letters privately, as said by mchenry to hamilton:

"Meade writes you all that is interesting, and conducts the most weighty matters with a great deal of cunning sagacity. He thrust himself up the chimney this morning, while we were dressing round the fire, in order to be more at liberty as I supposed to read your letter, or hide any thing it might contain, from profane eyes"

so yes, i would say an incredibly close friend, but not much to go for romantic entanglement.

Burr: oh hamburr my beloved. he and hamilton obviously shared one of the most fascinating political and personal relationships of the time. there are striking moments, like the time when hamilton might've prevented burr's suicide by helping him with his money troubles, especially compared to hamilton's combative, almost obsessive political attitude towards him. and of course, the famous "and there was the poetry" anecdote about burr after ham's death, where he stroked a bust of hamilton while sighing or something like that. i do want to note that burr often took on a cavalier, almost showy attitude towards hamilton after the duel, and much of that "there was the poetry" moment was probably him playing it up, rather than a sincere, tender moment if that makes sense.

again, in good conscience, cannot say there's much evidence for romantic feelings. don't get me wrong, they could've had hate-you-but-also-so-intrigued-by-you sex at some point during their intertwined careers but we just don't know.

Lafayette: probably the relationship most objectively reasonable to debate over. he, laurens, and hamilton were all very close to each other, but lafayette seemed especially fond of hamilton and struck an strong connection with him very early on, as "a man whom I love very much and about whom I have occasionally spoken to you [his wife]".

"Hamilton was to me, my dear Sir, more than friend, he was a brother. We were both very young, when associated with our common father; our friendship, formed in days of peril and glory, suffered no diminution from time: with Tilghman and with Laurens, I was upon terms most affectionate; but with Hamilton, my relations were brotherly."

so much love!! maybe romantic? but then he says "brotherly"!

their letters are very cute and a lot of it is lafayette whining about hamilton ghosting him.

“What is the matter with my dear Hamilton and by what chance do I live in fruitless expectation of some lines from him? Does it begin to be the play in your, or rather in our Country, to take European airs, and forget friends as soon as they have turned their heels?

there's the ambiguity of Romantic florid language vs actual romantic feelings and the very demonstrative nature of friendships at that time. but i wouldn't be surprised if lafayette did have a small crush on hamilton, or at least a huge amount of affection.

Andre: the one where hamilton had the crush! he writes about andre to laurens, bemoaning his circumstances, at length. like at length. here's a short excerpt:

There was something singularly interesting in the character and fortunes of André. To an excellent understanding well improved by education and travel, he united a peculiar elegance of mind and manners, and the advantage of a pleasing person. ’Tis said he possessed a pretty taste for the fine arts, and had himself attained some proficiency in poe⟨try,⟩ music and painting. His knowlege appeared without ostentation, and embellished by a diffidence, that rarely accompanies so many talents and accomplishments, which left you to suppose more than appeared. His sentiments were elevated and inspired esteem. they had a softness that conciliated affection. His elocution was handsome; his address easy, polite and insinuating. By his merit he had acquired the unlimited confidence of his general and was making a rapid progress in military rank and reputation. But in the height of his career, flushed with new hope from the execution of a project the most beneficial to his party, that could be devised, he was at once precipitated from the summit of prosperity and saw all the expectations of his ambition blasted and himself ruined.

he also famously protested andre's execution and manner of execution (hanging) to washington, to no avail. once again, he wrote to laurens, "Never perhaps did any man suffer death with more justice, or deserve it less", "Among the extra ordinary circumstances that attended him, in the midst of his enemies, he died universally esteemed and universally regretted". that probably did some damage to hamilton's strained relationship with washington as well.

i think he was going "i don't know if i want to be him or be with him" to some level lmao. but not sure if there's any anecdotes about how andre felt about him? probably grateful and pleased to have someone in his corner in that unfamiliar, intense situation.

Tallmadge: not sure why he was included at all, actually. i haven't seen a huge amount of letters or even personal letters between the two, although i might have missed something. there is a lot of potential for interesting scenarios in their respective positions during the war for sure, but i just don't know enough lol.

YALL PLEASE HELP ME AND TELL ME IF THIS IS WRONG.. someone on TikTok was saying Alexander had an affair/romantic thing with Meade, Burr, Lafayette, Andre and Tallmadge (separate times obvs) but like HUH WHEN WHAT WHY

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3 years ago

John Marshall

John Marshall

attention amrev fandom!

everyone is legally required to find out which person named ‘john’ from the american revolution they are with this quiz! 

rb with your result lmao :3 

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