John Wick X Daughter Reader - Tumblr Posts
A new fandom to write for (please read and comment/reply)
Ok so the Paul Lahote twilight imagine is dojng WAY better then I thought it would its almoat to 100 likes. So I will be adding Twilight characters to my writings such as the wolfs, maybe some Cullens, plus Demtri and Alec?
But my main reason for this small post. This 2019 I have descovered the John Wick movies and they are defifnetley at the top of my favorite list for movies to rewatch. Sadly there arent many imagines/stories on being with him or being his kid. Would anyone be interested is me doing John Wicks Daughter imagines?
I'll probaly do them anyway but I'm just asking to see if people would read them just cayse they like my writings or because they actaully want more John Wick. I know I do.

John Wick MasterList
By: @chloe-skywalker
*= Requested
Main Masterlist

John Wick:
~ Dog Sitting & Worries (x Daughter!Reader)
Dog Sitting & Worries - John Wick
John Wick x Fem!Reader Daughter
Warnings: none
Word count: 381
Summary: John drops his dog off with his daughter, and she find out he got back in.
Authors Note: First John Wick imagine, short but sweet.
John Wick Masterlist

“Dad?” Y/n was shocked and confused to see her father at her doorstep when she opened the door.
“Uh hey.” John greeted nervously, they hadn’t seen each other in a while.
“Are you okay?” Y/n asked, noticing his weight shifting and looking around almost like he was paranoid.
“Yeah. No. But I’ll be fine.” John answered her grimacing but nodding, he didn’t want to lie to her but he also didn’t want her to worry.
“You got back in. Didn’t you?” Y/n questioned but it was more of a statement. She knew just from the few cut’s he was sporting to his attire and being on edge.
“I had no choice.” John sighed looking at her with pleading eyes hoping she wouldn’t be mad at him for getting back into his past. John glanced down at the pitbull at his side before asking her. “Can you watch him for me?”
“Yeah, sure.” Y/n smiled, she was always a dog person so she couldn’t turn the cute dog down. But if her father was asking her to watch him then he was going in deep, and that made her nervous. She already lost her mother, Y/n doesn’t want to lose her father as well. But she trusted her fathers skills. She had to.
“Thanks.” He nodded gratefully to her and handed over the dog’s leash. The dog happily ran right into Y/n’s home once she unclipped the leash.
With a smile at seeing how his dog felt at home with his daughter, John turned around to leave.
“Dad!” Y/n called out, making him stop and turn back to face his daughter one last time before he’d leave for a while to go deal with some more assholes. “Be careful. Please.”
Y/n knew what he had done in his past, so she had a good idea of what he was doing now. Y/n just hoped he’d be careful. She already lost her mom and she didn’t want to lose her dad as well.
“Always for you, always.” John sent her a smile. Promising her he’d be careful. He didn’t want her to end up alone so he knew he had to take extra precautions. But he’d do that for Y/n. For his daughter.