Winston - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago
[Hannibal Meme]3/5 Characters: Winston The Dog
[Hannibal Meme]3/5 Characters: Winston The Dog
[Hannibal Meme]3/5 Characters: Winston The Dog
[Hannibal Meme]3/5 Characters: Winston The Dog
[Hannibal Meme]3/5 Characters: Winston The Dog
[Hannibal Meme]3/5 Characters: Winston The Dog

[Hannibal meme] 3/5 characters: Winston the dog ❦

"Woof" *scamper scamper*

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9 years ago

Reblog and tag with what you named your mabari on your Dragon Age playthroughs

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Yep keep on dancing

Overwatch Dances to Uma Thurman by Fall Out Boy [Happy Anniversary, Overwatch!] 

whew can’t remember the last time i uploaded a dance video here. here’s to another year of overwatch! 

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Overwatch Anniversary | TANK CAKES
Overwatch Anniversary | TANK CAKES
Overwatch Anniversary | TANK CAKES
Overwatch Anniversary | TANK CAKES
Overwatch Anniversary | TANK CAKES
Overwatch Anniversary | TANK CAKES

Overwatch Anniversary | TANK CAKES

No anniversary celebration would be complete without dessert! 🎂

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8 years ago
Sketchuary Week 1
Sketchuary Week 1
Sketchuary Week 1
Sketchuary Week 1
Sketchuary Week 1
Sketchuary Week 1
Sketchuary Week 1

Sketchuary Week 1

D.Va (Palanquin) / Mei (Luna) / Roadhog / Winston / Torbjörn / McCree / Tracer

Elizabeth B.

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8 years ago
Overwatch Sketch Cards Will Be On Sale This Coming Saturday, March 18th At 12pm EST!

✨Overwatch Sketch cards will be on sale this coming Saturday, March 18th at 12pm EST!✨

Elizabeth B.

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Oh my gODs

Audible's 1984 recording with Andrew Garfield

Holy shit

Holy shit

I'm five minutes in and it's the best adaptation I have heard...??

I feel like I'm in Winston's head... Staring at 1984s world...and listening to his inner thoughts...

Best adaptation I've heard.. screen or novel or graphic novel

It's so good

It's not like the having the book read to you

it's a dramatisation, more like listening to a film without seeing the visuals

We'll see if this lasts but presently

10/10, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ only complaint currently, some of the voice actors are American, or sound like faked Brit accents when 1984 is set in Air Strip One, aka, London..

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5 years ago

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2 years ago

Lucio: *thinking hard, leaning back in a chair*

Tracer: Lucio? What’s wrong?

Lucio: Hm? Oh, the new doc really likes my music.

Tracer: Dr. Kuiper?

Lucio: Yeah, says it helps him relax and I think it helps tune out that melody interference that he talks about.

Tracer: Isn’t that a good thing?

Lucio: Of course it is! Problem is sometimes I can’t always keep up with him on missions when he’s flying around. And we can’t blast it the com pieces we give him because it’ll play over the channel we talk on. Trying to come up with a solution…

Tracer: Hm… I think I’ve got it!

*on a mission 2 days later*

Winston: Alright everyone is accounted for— wait where’s Lucio?

Sigma: Oh! Apologies, he’s right here! *turns around revealing Lucio sitting inside a child’s harness on his back*

Lucio: Hey!

Winston: … do I want to know?

Sigma: This way even when I’m airborne in the battlefield I can make sure the melody stays quiet! Observe! *propels the two of them off the ground*

Lucio: *screaming* WE’RE GOING TO SPAAAaaaaceeeeee…!

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1 year ago

Winston is in AEG!

Winston Is In AEG!

I have to say, he looks pretty good.

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5 years ago


Got bored and decided to try doodling this boi for once. Love him

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