Johnny X Ponyboy - Tumblr Posts
Headcanons i came up with while in Tumblr jail
All of these will be mainly set after the book, but Johnny and Dally live! Also, also, there's hints and pushes towards Steve/Sodapop and Ponyboy/Johnny but its not explicitly said (but heavily implied).
Johnny moved in with the Curtis' after he was released from the hospital and any and all charges against him were dropped.
No one knows how or why the charges were dropped but they are thankful for it regardless. It was Cherry and Marcia's doing, but the two girls don't tell anyone. Two-Bit suspects, and only thanks Marcia (when they meet up after the whole phone number debacle, which only happens because Ponyboy snf Cherry sorted them out)
He and Ponyboy started sharing a room, letting Sodapop move back to his own, though it left him lonely at night because he was so used to cuddling with someone at night (Steve usually joins him to leave the couch for Dally should be need it).
Steve and Ponyboy both wear glasses
They also both don't wear their glasses cause they think the other will make fun of them and don't know the other also wears them.
Sodapop is confused on why neither of them wear glasses because he was with them both when they got theirs (at separate times, obviously)
Johnny thinks Pony's glasses are cute on him, and he'll occasionally put them on Ponyboy when he isn't really paying attention (like when they're in their room reading).
Sodapop also thinks Steve looks cute in his glasses. Steve hates that thought outwardly, it secretly loves it. Sodapop knows that.
Neither find out about the others glasses until, like, Thanksgiving the year they get them (like maybe four months after Steve gets his, which would be seven after pony gets his). Both are outraged and confused on why they are outraged.
Curtis' Gangs favorite holidays
Ponyboy's is either Halloween or Christmas
Ponyboy loves drawing his friends, and every Halloween and Christmas he gives them a drawing of them self.
Halloween is for when Ponyboy takes the time to draw everyone as 'monsters' or everyone in Halloween costumes, even if they didn't dress up that year. He doesn't really go out after the church and fire and stuff because he would feel terrible leaving Johnny behind, so they cuddle on the couch with Johnny's chair nearby while Ponyboy draws.
Christmas is for when Ponyboy thought they looked happiest that year, with either the story of what was going on or why he thought it was when they looked happiest. That and Johnny spends more nights at the Curtis' house, at least before the church and everything that happened. Now though, Johnny practically lives at the Curtis house and is honestly much happier which makes Ponyboy happier, and it raises the gangs spirits that Johnny never had to see his "parents" again, especially for the first Christmas after when it hit everyone about the year they'd had
Sodapop's is Christmas
Sodapop absolutely adores Christmas, because it's cold outside, there's eventually gift giving, and he gets to snuggle up with either his brothers or with Steve. And it means Darry's home a bit more because there's not really much roofing to be done with how cold it gets, which Sodapop loves (he loves his family at home, thank you very much)
He also is 'crazy' because he loves the cold. Ponyboy thinks he's crazy, but that's because Ponyboy freezes easier. Sodapop's a walking furnace though, not that Steve's complaining.
Darry's is Thanksgiving
Darry loves Thanksgiving because it gives him an excuse to cook loads (I headcanon him to be an excellent cook) and feed the gang loads. They have left overs for at least a week, week and a half of they pushed it, and he uses that to feed the gang in many different ways (there's only so many times you can eat something before you're sick of it, and Darry knows this so he gets to be creative)
Darry also cooks something special on Halloween because most of the gang loves the holiday and he wants them to be able to celebrate it and he likes being able to feed them.
Two-Bit's is Halloween
I've seen in many other people's headcanons that he loves to scare little kids at Halloween, or just scare people in general and I love that.
He and Dally team up every Halloween to scare people, including the adults. It makes the both of them cackle and when they get to the Curtis house, both with candy for Ponyboy and Johnny that they nabbed from the store, they have stories to tell that'll get Johnny and Ponyboy both laughing.
Two-bit also treasures every drawing Ponyboy draws and gives him. He saw Ponyboy after the fire and the hospitals and the rumble and while he was sick, and he knew just jow close theys come to losing Johnny and Pony and holds onto them and their 'innocence' that they still have left.
Dally claims he doesn't have Halloween (it's Halloween)
Dally tries to play off like he's Tough and doesn't have a favorite holiday, but it's absolutely Halloween. He loves scaring the kids (it's easy) and he loves the challenge of scaring the adults with Two-bit.
He also steals candy for Johnny (after the fire) and he and two-bit, after their fun is over, chill at the Curtis house until Sodapop and Steve gets back from either a work related Halloween event, or from wherever the two made off too to trick or treat (if they manage to trick people into it
Steve also claims he doesn't have one (he actually doesn't have one but he loves seeing Sodapop's reaction to Christmas)
I couldn't really think of anything to put here, but I think Steve gets a tattoo to remind him of Sodapop, it's a sunflower. Turns out, the same week Sodapop also got a sunflower tattoo, but neither knew the other got one until Christmas Eve. Steve's is near the crook of his elbow on his right arm, and Sodapop's is sorta near where Steve's bird(eagle outline?) tattoo is but on he left arm. They both cry, and then laugh.
Johnny's is Halloween but he also really enjoys Christmas
Johnny loves Halloween for the costumes and free candy. Even though he doesn't go out for them anymore. He would much rather sit with Ponyboy as he draws, or reads. He usually falls asleep early that night.
He loves Christmas because he doesn't really have to leave the Curtis house unless it's for school, and even then, he has the option of just asking Ponyboy to get his homework for him, though he does try stick it out most days. Also, he always has someone there to help him, because Ponyboy rarely leaves his side for long, and even if he does, Two-Bit's there or Steve is or Dally is at the very least.
Darry also let's him help with baking during the Christmas holiday, it's his favorite part
The gangs Love Language(s)
Ponyboy is gift giving
Sodapop is physical affection or acts of service
Steve's is acts of service
Johnny's is quality time
Darry's is acts of service
Dally's is gift giving but in subtle ways
Two-Bits is quality time or gift giving
And no I don't really wanna explain (for right now) the love languages one 😂, because honestly? My other headcanons kinda show why.
Johnny x Ponyboy
Tags: fluffy madness, the cutes kids on the planet
notes: before the church burned down, after they got there and were so bored Ponyboy decieds to confess his love!
Im bored out of my mind and cant stop thinking about yesterday.... I came back from supply running a little later than normal and hed panicked so much he ran to me and hugged me almost crying! I dont know what got into his head but i really worried him, hes not normally touchy like that but hes stuck closer to me since weve been in this church, I kinda love the attention... I always wanted to spend more time with him even though we spend every waking moment together amyways. I wonder if he likes me?- wait what am i even saying i dont like Johnny! but he does have pretty eyes..... oh shit i like johnny.--- i can feel myself blush as my eyes dart to look at him, hes drawing something, i wonder if hed draw me sometime.. snap out of it ponyboy! You like him i get it but theres no way he likes you. What if i ask dally, hes ment to be comin by later im sure hell know what to do.
"I already knew that kid" Ponyboy gasped
"How???? I just found out today!"
"Well you should see yourself around him, and see him around you man that boy i *smitten* for you"
my eyes sparkle "You think?!"
he chuckles "Yes ponyboy! You should tell him get yourself a man"
i blush "Well idonno about thattttt"
"Tell him when your ready, just don't wait to long"
"I will thank you Dally"
I take a deep breath and look around the church, candles line the floor in a circle lighting up the small picnic i set up, johnny is out right now but im sure hell be back soon. I bought his favorite candy and pop. hopefully he likes it...
"Ponyboy im back!" Johnny says his voice echoing the church, i see him pause when he sees me sitting in the circle of candles. I smile and pat the spot in front of me "Comere!" god im so nervous. He walks over slowly eyes never leaving mine as he sits down. "Ponyboy- what is all this"
I take a deep breath before speaking "I have a lot to say so just listen alright?" i wait for him to nod before going on trying to follow the script i set out for myself "So uh... Johnny i really love you, not as a friend" his face turns to shock and i flinch "I want to spend the rest of my life with you however long that is, i want to hold your hand and dance in the rain with you, ive loved you for as long as i can remember and it took us running away to this damn church for me to realize it and for that im sorry. You deserve the world and i know i wont be able to give it to you but i want to try. I want to be yours and i want you to be mine. I bought your favorite candy and pop" i present my gifts to him "What do you think Johnny?" i look up from my hands and see him blushing. "Can i kiss you" he wispers and i stare at him in shock "Huh"
"Can i kiss you" he repeats
i trip over myself but eventually say a coherent yes
He pulls me closer to him and cups my face gently, it feels like fireworks go off when our lips meet, like everything ive ever wanted, needed, or wished for was right here. Nothing else matters except for him. He pulls away and i lean forward subconsciously, he giggles and kisses my forehead hugging me close.
"I love you too if you couldn't tell"
i laugh "Yeah i couldn't tell"
he lays down anf i rest my head on his chest looking up at him "Can we kiss more?" i whisper shyly
he giggles again and says yes
im really going to enjoy the rest of our time here