Twobit Mathews - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

You know... It would have been pretty good to see The Outsiders from someone elses POV, like Steve or Dally, or Sodapop. Maybe Darry's too... Though I wonder what Johnny's thoughts were or how Two-Bit viewed everything.

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5 months ago

The Outsider's Shapeshifting AU

What would you all see the Curtis gang as if they could shapeshift into animals? I have some lore to my little au already built up, but I'm having trouble deciding on what animals they can turn into [everyone can turn into one (1) animal].

If you see I've assigned someone an animal you don't agree with, feel free to tell me! I'm open to suggestions for all the characters! Also, feel free to suggest any animals you want, so long as they are land or flight animals.

(I keep wanting to put 'deer' next to Pony, so nothing is too outrageous!)

Curtis’ Gang Animals

Darry Curtis - Dog

Two Bit Mathews - Bird or Bear (?)

Dally Winston - Cat or Fox (?)

Steve Randle - Dog or Wolf (?)

Sodapop Curtis - Cat

Johnny Cade - Cat

Ponyboy Curtis - 

Curtis Gang isn't the only group of characters I need help deciding animals for, just so people know!

Other Notable Characters to Know

Mrs. Curtis - Cat

Mr. Curtis - Dog

Tim Shepard - Cat

Curly Shepard - Cat

(they are the only two characters I know for sure of exist, because I really don't know who 'Angela' is? From fanfics I've read, I'm guessing Curly is a twin?)

Paul Holden - Dog

Randy Anderson -

Bob Sheldon - Dog (?)

Marcia -

Cherry Valance -

A '(?)' means I am unsure about if the animal chosen fits the character. I would like to choose an animal for everyone that fits the character but also adds to it. And empty means I have no clue on what animal to 'assign' them.

And for reference, I am going based off of the Book/Movie Characters as I have not seen the 'show' or the Musical, I also have not read 'That Was Then, This is Now'! I don't know the other Socs or greasers that some people talk about.

I'm also using headcanons, like I have the lists in 'age order', from both canon and how I perceive them, since we don't know a lot of characters birthdays

If anyone wants some of my current world building/lore:

Shapeshifters AU, maybe an Outsiders Fic, where everyone can ‘come into’ their animal that they can shapeshift into once they reach a certain age. Love the idea that certain circumstances would change when or how you shapeshift for the first time.

Example, Johnny, he's 16 and only shapeshifted (he's a cat) because he felt safe at the Curtis house.

Well fed, loved, cared for children typically get their animal at 10, 12 at the latest if they are late bloomers. So West side kids typically get their animal at 10-12 years of age. East side kids are all between the ages of 13-18 (18 being the absolute last chance you have to get your animals, once you reach 19, you are considered 'defective')

Most siblings are typically the animal, but obviously they all look different. Most people take after their parents, some maybe a grandparent or great grandparent. Rarely do they become an animal not already in the direct family tree (i.e. from great-great grandparent to great grandparent, to grandparent, to parent, to child)

Feel free to ask questions, whether in comments or in the asks box! I'm 100 percent open to conversation and debate and talking with people! (I don't have many outsiders friends).

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5 months ago

Outsiders Headcanon

Most of these are set in a modern au, but musical headcanons from someone who's never seen a musical but loves the sound tracks of em.

I have a strong headcanon that Ponyboy would be into musicals, not wanting to be in them, but definitely the songs and stories behind them.

Sodapop teases him slightly but he also loves the songs. Darry doesn't understand either of them, but I think that's more so because he's to busy and to tired to try have either explain it to him.

Steve teases Ponyboy about it nearly relentlessly before learning that Sodapop also loves the songs, and will often dance around his room listening to em. After learning that, he'll mix in Sodapop's favorite musical soundtracks to his work playlist (which I headcanon he loves rock music) so he can see Sodapop just visibly brighten up when one comes on.

Two-Bit doesn't really care for musical soundtracks but he won't ask anyone to change em if they come on. He even likes quiet a few of them, even if he doesn't like musicals.

Dally will make faces but won't say anything because Johnny also loves musicals and their soundtracks. Like, Johnny and Ponyboy have specific favorites and can and will sing them from memory. Entirely. And Ponyboy can sing Johnny's ultimate favorite from his favorite musical and vice versa. Dally makes fun of both of them but in the "I'm the only one that can make fun of this". He also has a favorite but refuses to tell anyone. Maybe Dally's favorite is Beetlejuice.

(mainly because op here has listened to very little musicals, mainly the outsiders music, one or two songs from heathers(?), and Beetlejuice, and EPIC).

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5 months ago

Headcanons i came up with while in Tumblr jail

All of these will be mainly set after the book, but Johnny and Dally live! Also, also, there's hints and pushes towards Steve/Sodapop and Ponyboy/Johnny but its not explicitly said (but heavily implied).

Johnny moved in with the Curtis' after he was released from the hospital and any and all charges against him were dropped.

No one knows how or why the charges were dropped but they are thankful for it regardless. It was Cherry and Marcia's doing, but the two girls don't tell anyone. Two-Bit suspects, and only thanks Marcia (when they meet up after the whole phone number debacle, which only happens because Ponyboy snf Cherry sorted them out)

He and Ponyboy started sharing a room, letting Sodapop move back to his own, though it left him lonely at night because he was so used to cuddling with someone at night (Steve usually joins him to leave the couch for Dally should be need it).

Steve and Ponyboy both wear glasses

They also both don't wear their glasses cause they think the other will make fun of them and don't know the other also wears them.

Sodapop is confused on why neither of them wear glasses because he was with them both when they got theirs (at separate times, obviously)

Johnny thinks Pony's glasses are cute on him, and he'll occasionally put them on Ponyboy when he isn't really paying attention (like when they're in their room reading).

Sodapop also thinks Steve looks cute in his glasses. Steve hates that thought outwardly, it secretly loves it. Sodapop knows that.

Neither find out about the others glasses until, like, Thanksgiving the year they get them (like maybe four months after Steve gets his, which would be seven after pony gets his). Both are outraged and confused on why they are outraged.

Curtis' Gangs favorite holidays

Ponyboy's is either Halloween or Christmas

Ponyboy loves drawing his friends, and every Halloween and Christmas he gives them a drawing of them self.

Halloween is for when Ponyboy takes the time to draw everyone as 'monsters' or everyone in Halloween costumes, even if they didn't dress up that year. He doesn't really go out after the church and fire and stuff because he would feel terrible leaving Johnny behind, so they cuddle on the couch with Johnny's chair nearby while Ponyboy draws.

Christmas is for when Ponyboy thought they looked happiest that year, with either the story of what was going on or why he thought it was when they looked happiest. That and Johnny spends more nights at the Curtis' house, at least before the church and everything that happened. Now though, Johnny practically lives at the Curtis house and is honestly much happier which makes Ponyboy happier, and it raises the gangs spirits that Johnny never had to see his "parents" again, especially for the first Christmas after when it hit everyone about the year they'd had

Sodapop's is Christmas

Sodapop absolutely adores Christmas, because it's cold outside, there's eventually gift giving, and he gets to snuggle up with either his brothers or with Steve. And it means Darry's home a bit more because there's not really much roofing to be done with how cold it gets, which Sodapop loves (he loves his family at home, thank you very much)

He also is 'crazy' because he loves the cold. Ponyboy thinks he's crazy, but that's because Ponyboy freezes easier. Sodapop's a walking furnace though, not that Steve's complaining.

Darry's is Thanksgiving

Darry loves Thanksgiving because it gives him an excuse to cook loads (I headcanon him to be an excellent cook) and feed the gang loads. They have left overs for at least a week, week and a half of they pushed it, and he uses that to feed the gang in many different ways (there's only so many times you can eat something before you're sick of it, and Darry knows this so he gets to be creative)

Darry also cooks something special on Halloween because most of the gang loves the holiday and he wants them to be able to celebrate it and he likes being able to feed them.

Two-Bit's is Halloween

I've seen in many other people's headcanons that he loves to scare little kids at Halloween, or just scare people in general and I love that.

He and Dally team up every Halloween to scare people, including the adults. It makes the both of them cackle and when they get to the Curtis house, both with candy for Ponyboy and Johnny that they nabbed from the store, they have stories to tell that'll get Johnny and Ponyboy both laughing.

Two-bit also treasures every drawing Ponyboy draws and gives him. He saw Ponyboy after the fire and the hospitals and the rumble and while he was sick, and he knew just jow close theys come to losing Johnny and Pony and holds onto them and their 'innocence' that they still have left.

Dally claims he doesn't have Halloween (it's Halloween)

Dally tries to play off like he's Tough and doesn't have a favorite holiday, but it's absolutely Halloween. He loves scaring the kids (it's easy) and he loves the challenge of scaring the adults with Two-bit.

He also steals candy for Johnny (after the fire) and he and two-bit, after their fun is over, chill at the Curtis house until Sodapop and Steve gets back from either a work related Halloween event, or from wherever the two made off too to trick or treat (if they manage to trick people into it

Steve also claims he doesn't have one (he actually doesn't have one but he loves seeing Sodapop's reaction to Christmas)

I couldn't really think of anything to put here, but I think Steve gets a tattoo to remind him of Sodapop, it's a sunflower. Turns out, the same week Sodapop also got a sunflower tattoo, but neither knew the other got one until Christmas Eve. Steve's is near the crook of his elbow on his right arm, and Sodapop's is sorta near where Steve's bird(eagle outline?) tattoo is but on he left arm. They both cry, and then laugh.

Johnny's is Halloween but he also really enjoys Christmas

Johnny loves Halloween for the costumes and free candy. Even though he doesn't go out for them anymore. He would much rather sit with Ponyboy as he draws, or reads. He usually falls asleep early that night.

He loves Christmas because he doesn't really have to leave the Curtis house unless it's for school, and even then, he has the option of just asking Ponyboy to get his homework for him, though he does try stick it out most days. Also, he always has someone there to help him, because Ponyboy rarely leaves his side for long, and even if he does, Two-Bit's there or Steve is or Dally is at the very least.

Darry also let's him help with baking during the Christmas holiday, it's his favorite part

The gangs Love Language(s)

Ponyboy is gift giving

Sodapop is physical affection or acts of service

Steve's is acts of service

Johnny's is quality time

Darry's is acts of service

Dally's is gift giving but in subtle ways

Two-Bits is quality time or gift giving

And no I don't really wanna explain (for right now) the love languages one 😂, because honestly? My other headcanons kinda show why.

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1 year ago

Thank you so much for publishing my ask! 💗 I'd love to hear other opinions on this, so if anyone from The Outsiders fandom sees this, please interact with this post. You can also send an ask or DM me!

I feel like this has never been talked about, but I have a different theory regarding the reason why Two-Bit got rid of Marcia's number. Of course, in the book, he says that the number might have been a fake one, but personally, I think he didn't go for Marcia because she's dark-haired.

I know this sounds stupid, but hear me out. From the book, we get to know that Two-Bit is exclusively into blondes. For example:

I Feel Like This Has Never Been Talked About, But I Have A Different Theory Regarding The Reason Why
I Feel Like This Has Never Been Talked About, But I Have A Different Theory Regarding The Reason Why

(From Chapter 1)

I Feel Like This Has Never Been Talked About, But I Have A Different Theory Regarding The Reason Why

(From Chapter 7)

Now, he was drunk out of his mind when he met Marcia (& Cherry), obviously. And then Marcia gave him her number. & I think Two-Bit realized waaayyy to late that she had dark hair & therefore he wasn't interested in her. I'm not denying that he liked her. I just think it's weird he assumed the number was fake without any proof. Maybe he couldn't believe that a Soc girl was interested in him?? Who knows 🤷‍♀


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5 years ago

What are the all boys pet peeves?


warning: none!!


ponyboy: he hates when people talk to him while he’s reading (unless he’s reading to them). to him it’s the equivalent of someone talking to you when you have headphones in

sodapop: when people make jokes about his name. as if he hasn’t heard it all already. “sodapop? what about it? you thirsty or something? ha ha!” he will literally throw you into oncoming traffic

darry: slow talkers. slow eaters. sloppy workers. loud ceiling fans. nail biters. literally everything sets him over the edge because he’s always so stressed. he’s probably grounded steve for chewing with his mouth open

two-bit: hates when people take things that aren’t serious seriously. he can’t stand people reading into his jokes or digging deep into a funny story, or when he tells a fucking AMAZING joke and those same fuckers don’t laugh. he can’t stand people without a sense of humor

steve: everything. literally everything makes him tick. but people who ruin music are ESPECIALLY on his shit list. talking over classic rock or fucking with the stereo in his car or mumbling the words to a song you don’t know the lyrics to. the only people he can put up with doing that are soda and evie

dallas: when people don’t make eye contact. he’s always pulling johnny really close to him so that he has to look at him because he likes knowing he’s being heard

johnny: people underestimating him. when people think he can’t hold his own just because he’s small or people doubting his ability to be an asshole just beavsue he’s quiet. he doesn’t like being told he can’t do things just because of how he looks. he’s stronger than people think and he wants people to know that

tags: @kittymacaroons @curvydolleros @cherryvintagecoke @radioactivespiderdork @theoutsidies @ponyboyvhs @greaserbloom1324 @reddieformileven

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5 years ago

What are the all boys pet peeves?


warning: none!!


ponyboy: he hates when people talk to him while he’s reading (unless he’s reading to them). to him it’s the equivalent of someone talking to you when you have headphones in

sodapop: when people make jokes about his name. as if he hasn’t heard it all already. “sodapop? what about it? you thirsty or something? ha ha!” he will literally throw you into oncoming traffic

darry: slow talkers. slow eaters. sloppy workers. loud ceiling fans. nail biters. literally everything sets him over the edge because he’s always so stressed. he’s probably grounded steve for chewing with his mouth open

two-bit: hates when people take things that aren’t serious seriously. he can’t stand people reading into his jokes or digging deep into a funny story, or when he tells a fucking AMAZING joke and those same fuckers don’t laugh. he can’t stand people without a sense of humor

steve: everything. literally everything makes him tick. but people who ruin music are ESPECIALLY on his shit list. talking over classic rock or fucking with the stereo in his car or mumbling the words to a song you don’t know the lyrics to. the only people he can put up with doing that are soda and evie

dallas: when people don’t make eye contact. he’s always pulling johnny really close to him so that he has to look at him because he likes knowing he’s being heard

johnny: people underestimating him. when people think he can’t hold his own just because he’s small or people doubting his ability to be an asshole just beavsue he’s quiet. he doesn’t like being told he can’t do things just because of how he looks. he’s stronger than people think and he wants people to know that

tags: @kittymacaroons @curvydolleros @cherryvintagecoke @radioactivespiderdork @theoutsidies @ponyboyvhs @greaserbloom1324 @reddieformileven

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1 year ago

Can you do a fanfiction about Darry or getting caught with Johnny. Even head cannons of the gang?

A/N: I will be making a head cannons one soon so please give recommendations to me! P-S. I’m guessing you meant a y/n fanfic. Also it’s kinda short but straight to the point I would say


Last night was the best you’d slept in days.. probably because your boyfriend Darry Curtis was cuddling with you. You both loved to cuddle each other whenever you could and of course Darry was always the big spoon. At the beginning of your relationship you both were sleeping a bit farther from eachother(on the bed of course) but slowly you creeped together over time. ”Babe?” you called for Darry as you woke up since he wasn’t in the bed. You decided to walk out of your and Darry’s room and went downstairs to check for any sight of him

There you see the entire gang..yay. Two bit and Steve were of course eating a slice of chocolate cake spoiling their breakfast as daddy calls it and watching Mickey Mouse. Soda was on the couch and pony boy and Johnny were at the lot probably reading or something. Lastly, handsome ass Darry is in the kitchen making breakfast for the boys and yourself.There you are dar.” “Mornin sweetheart.” “Would you like some pancakes and eggs y/n when they are done?” “Sure.. thanks baby.”

“Get a load of this boys. Putting on a show y/n?” says dallas. Looking at yourself you realized you were wearing only one of Darry’s oversized t shirts and your underwear. “Sir Dallas Winston You better watch your mouth before you ain’t got any teeth to speak from it …Sweetheart go get dressed.” “Yes Darry.. whaddya think I should wear today ?” “A pretty dress!” With that Darry left the kitchen for to quickly slap your ass and give you a kiss.

To say the least Darry was an extremely respectable man. He was extremely hard working as he worked two jobs to support his brothers. When you both got serious you moved in with the boys and you made Darry’s job wayyy easier which he always told you.

Darry is definitely one for sweet talking you. He always makes sure to tell you how great you are and reminds you of your beauty. Sometimes when you or him feels down you two just cuddle or read some of pony boys books together. Another hobby of yours was…. Sex

You and darry have had sex before but as of lately he’s been so busy. With the gang, work, or your schedules don’t aline well. A few times you’ve had car sex with him, but it’s not the same or as intimate as it’s been before and once again it’s been a hot minute. You’ve been feeling pretty…you know what…. Lately and you just wished Darry felt the same about this pressing issue of yours.

Pony boy told you he was planning on going to the movies so you were waiting for him to ask the gang. “Would you guys want to go to the movies with Johnny and I?” “can I bring evie and soda pop bring lacy?” “Sounds like a plan Steve” pony boy replied. “Darry and y/n do you guys want to come with us?” “Pony boy they need their alone time. We’ve talked about this.” says soda pop. “Yeah pony boy. When a man and a woman love each oth—-dally.” “BYE BYE BOYS” you yelled and shut the door.

“Y/n do you want to watch a movie in the bedroom?” “Yes of course” you say seductively thinking it was a sexual innuendo. No no of course! it wasn’t. Darry however put on a movie for the two of you… a romance one. You’d hope you get some (LOL) and you did. Around 15 minutes into the movie he began snaking his hands up and down the sides of you. “God you smell so good y/n. I missed you… I need you y/n” You paused the tv and replied “I missed you too baby.. please make me yours Darry” He engulfed you in a passionate kiss and placed himself on top of you.

Darry began to straddle himself against you while you rocked your hips still while making out. “Sweetheart take off your clothes.” He sounded so demanding and dominant.. so sexy. “Yes daddy.” “That’s what I like to hear” he whispered in your ear as you unclipped your bra. Darry practically ripped your underwear off of your body and began to swirl his tongue around your cunt. As he began to finger it too you gasped. “Feels good doesn’t it y/n?” Y-yess baby. It’s feels really good.” “Looks like I still got it.”

He placed your hand on his crotch and you got the hint to stroke it for him. “Ah” he groaned. “Doing great s-swEEtheart.” “Darry I need more from you please .” “More what?” He replied smugly. “I need you to fuck me darry.” “My pleasure doll face .” As he entered you it became harder and harder to keep in your moans. “Daddy.” “D-Darry.” “Y/n! your doing so good. So tight for me..all for me.” He groans and moans whispering sweet nothing into your ear. “D-Darry I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum!” “Give it to me sweetheart.” As you clench tightly around him, your cunt milks him for every last drop of cum it has.

Darry took it upon himself to strap down your legs with his hands and lick up your pussy. Stroking it and tasting you to him was the best part of your sex. Knowing what a great job he’s done. “Thanks baby for the meal and pleasing me. I can only hope I pleased you today.” “Yes you did darry… that was amazing.”

You’d come down from your high and carry suggested you both take a shower together. As he opened the door two bit Dallas and sodapop fell into you both face first. “What the hell is going on here.” asked darry. We could as you the same question” replies soda. “So how was he y/n?. Is he good?” “D-Darry I’m-I-m gonna cum!” Copies Steve. “Give it to me sweetheart” two bit replies. Feeling embarrassed and being that you’re naked with only a towel with just had to fall. “Wait Darry you’re kinda big. I bet you please y/n really well.” “I mean we heard her say he pleases her.”-two bit.”don’t forget about his “good meal”. Embarrassed and mad Darry replies “Excuse me Dallas and you two?” “You heard me.” “When I get my hands on you.” “Don’t fuck me like you did y/n” and with that all the boys ran out the house.

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