Josep And Adler - Tumblr Posts

Josep: I love you.
Adler: I love me, too.
Josep, standing on top of three boxes balanced on a chair, dusting the ceiling fan: Cleaning.
Adler: Are you comfortable?
Josep, sitting on Adler’s lap, cocooned in a blanket: Yes.
Josep, sipping tea and watching Adler get tied up in Christmas lights and then proceed to start cussing at them: Gods I love him.
Adler: What a jerk! I asked them if they want some lunch, no answer. I ask if they’d like something to drink, nothing! Then they just start bawling out of nowhere and getting all upset, as if they hadn’t been giving me the cold shoulder all day! How was I supposed to know they were tired? You’d think they’d just say something.
Josep: Adler, she’s a baby.
Adler: Yeah, well she should stop acting like one.

🌈 M O N T H 🌈
Just some sketches I made :)
Sorry for the crappy camera quality! My camera hasn’t been working well lately for some reason.

While searching for the Two Old Mages, John, Blake, and Nathan are captured— by the mages they’re looking for! But how will they prove they were sent by Floyd, the old mages’ friend? Well, Floyd has a very… unique way of drawing maps. Perhaps that’ll be proof enough? Might as well try!
Josep: “You don’t look like Royalists.”
Blake: *Trapped in a floating bubble like an idiot* “We’re not! We were sent by Floyd!”
Adler: “Prove it, or we’ll leave you in those bubbles.”
Josep: *Concerned* “We will?”
Adler: “Well what else would we do?”
Josep: “I dunno, but leaving them seems a bit much…”
Blake: *Holding up a badly drawn map* “Look, he made us this map.”
Josep: *Pondering the map* “Mmm…”
Adler: “Yup.”
Josep: “That’s Floyd alright.”

Just some random Josep + Adler things 💓
I redesigned them both slightly and think they turned out really good!


“Really, Adler?”

“Must’ve been the wind…”