Old Married Couple - Tumblr Posts
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please feel free to message if you ever want to scream about David Tennant and/or Michael Sheen.
DaiSuga Week Day 7
Prompt: Suga’s birthday
Words: 957
Summary after the cut:
"I don't think you know what you're doing," Suga laughed, watching Daichi haphazardly try to ice a box mix cake they'd just finished.
"I'm a pro baker, I'll have you know. They invited me to Great British Bake Off, but I declined because I was too busy marrying you," Daichi said, only just now noticing that the cake was, in fact, not fully cooked.
Suga stood behind him, looking at the sink full of dishes and the miscellaneous party decorations strewn about. Music played faintly over the speaker. The aftermath of his birthday party.
Daichi makes Suga a box mix birthday cake after all their friends leave his actual birthday party. Things go wrong. A tradition is carried on.
Looottssss of love to the people @daisugaweek2024 for such an awesome fanweek!! Will definitely be participating next year if they choose to do it again!
I’ll be making a master list of all my fics for the fanweek on this account, as well as on my Twitter. If you feel like checking those out, that would be pretty epic
"Informal get-togethers with their friends", uh?
Is it just me, or this emanates old married couple vibes?

These are perfect 😭
(I remember from somewhere that the 80s one in the third row was supposedly taken during a honeymoon, only it was Paul's and Carrie's... they thought to bring their good friends Artie and Penny along, if I recall correctly, and I always found it... cute? Peculiar? Strange.)
Wedding photos and the honeymoon…

Paul & Artie forever 😘
Simon & Garfunkel
@parsley-sage-rosemary-n-thyme @cwwonder @alexies101 @times-up-alone-tonight @unofficialpersonsblog @streetlights-all-turn-blue @tailorsfaceandhands @in-restless-walks

While searching for the Two Old Mages, John, Blake, and Nathan are captured— by the mages they’re looking for! But how will they prove they were sent by Floyd, the old mages’ friend? Well, Floyd has a very… unique way of drawing maps. Perhaps that’ll be proof enough? Might as well try!
Josep: “You don’t look like Royalists.”
Blake: *Trapped in a floating bubble like an idiot* “We’re not! We were sent by Floyd!”
Adler: “Prove it, or we’ll leave you in those bubbles.”
Josep: *Concerned* “We will?”
Adler: “Well what else would we do?”
Josep: “I dunno, but leaving them seems a bit much…”
Blake: *Holding up a badly drawn map* “Look, he made us this map.”
Josep: *Pondering the map* “Mmm…”
Adler: “Yup.”
Josep: “That’s Floyd alright.”

one braincell
So I was rewatching the phantom and I searched to see if there was anything for Firmin x Andre and I was surprised that there’s barely anything. Like they have so much chemistry guys 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

what, you don’t read the reports?
POV: both bella and kinger are talking :)
i honestly love how i made kinger a goofy ass sopping wet cat man with paranoia and genuinely is head over heels over this porcelain ballerina woman that tried to deck him in the face when they first met.

Idc if my friends don’t approve-
They’re in love, your honor!
I’m not good at drawing old men, I’m sorry lol
I like to imagine that Silver will lift Kreese up by his armpits and casually carry him around like that no problem. He likes to do it to embarrass him sometimes, and Kreese absolutely adores hates it. He’d never admit it to him.
I also just love the idea of them giving sweet pet names to one another! They’re both evil, but they can be super precious with one another! Maybe they’ll make up in Season 5? Fingers crossed! I love them together.🤞🏻
Crowley: Aw you have a crush on me. How cute!
Aziraphale: Crowley, we are married and we adopted three kids.
Crowley: Still cute.