Jurassic World Dominion - Tumblr Posts
So did none of them buy new clothes in 30 years? Or did they all like call each other to coordinate outfits and think ‘you know what would be funny’

When I tell you I screamed

JURASSIC WORLD DOMINION 2022, dir. Colin Trevorrow

1993 / 2022
I watch a few clips of Jurassic World Dominion and I think they're fine. However, I didn't start liking any of the dinosaurs, mainly because I tend to be picky of which of the species I like. But then I came a across this:

Something just...click into me, you know? Which is when I started to like the Pyroraptor, since they have these fluffy feathers and that they can swim. Should I name them Priya? Because Pyro and Priya sounded kinda similar. It's a cheesy thought, but I'm starting to like this Pyroraptor...mainly because of the nickname I gave them. 😅
Just Beta having bread for breakfast.

Hi guys! 👋
Here's a little doodle I made weeks ago that I wanted to share:

And I took about an hour or so just to get their head right. But overall the finished image looks decent. However, after my break from the internet, I think I'm feeling like myself again. Maybe I could post a few here if I wanted to.
Also Happy Jurassic June 🦖/Pride Month! 🏳️🌈

Oh I’m gonna cry so hard come June 10 when I see tJurassic World Dominion. These movies where my first ‘big kid’ movie at 8 years old and that started my love for all things dinosaurs. I’m not ready for the Jurassic Era to end 😭
Why is there so little Jurassic park/world content when it comes to fans-fics or headcanons?? Like dammit let me fuck the golden trio.

Take a scalped Therizinosaurus and an unharmed Dominion Therizinosaurus @mantis-yippee :DD
Battle at Big Rock
I can highly recommend watching this short film, it’s so thrilling and very scary. It’s better than the Cinema version of JW3: Dominion, which I could just say watch the extended version instead of the final version, you will get more out of it and it’s fine in my opinion. But if you like it or not, you have to decide for yourself.
Also for the people who don’t like Jurassic Park 3, watch it again you don’t know how much fun you can have with this beautiful trash movie. It’s way better than Dominion and way more enjoyable. Just don’t think about the plot, then you ruin your own enjoyment.

JW: Chaos Theory Theories that I really like
Brooklyn & Darius are Endgame for the final season
JWCT plays after JW3
We will go to Malta or West Africa maybe in the next season
Brooklyn changes sides in the last season
Someone sacrifices himself
The Raptor Lady is in some connection with Soyona Santos

The Jurassic Park/World Saga
Like with most Trilogies I like all of them, but have a favorite here. My favorite in this case is the lost world, I just love the wildness of this movie, the death scenes are more intense and remind me a lot of what happened in the book (when I listened to some audiobook tapes). The chase scene with all the hunters and dinosaurs is amazingly filmed, and the scene in the camp is scary as hell. I don’t want a T-Rex in my tent, I can’t imagine how scary this would be if this really happened in real life but we are luckily that the dinosaurs got extinct. But my favorite scene will forever be the scene in the long grass with the raptors. I also like the third movie even though it’s trash but let’s be real it’s beautiful trash, where you can have a lot of fun with, if you don’t think about the plot. The Raptors are my favorite in this movie because of how smart they are, plus the mystery of the amalgam testing. The scene with the pterosaurs in the big cage still scares the hell out of me as the final fight scene with the spinosaurus does. It’s a great movie in its own trashy way and if you still don’t like it, get back to it because than you didn’t know how much fun you can have with it. Some people even prefer the third movie over the second one, which I can sometimes understand because the second one do have its mistakes. Still it is a pretty good sequel.
The Jurassic World Trilogy is for me more like a guilty pleasure but it gets plus points for introducing the hybrids and the allosaurus. But same Rule as with the Jurassic Park three, don’t think about the plot just enjoy the action. Also it’s mostly the perspective of a child, which was Michael Crichtons early version of Jurassic Park. So to Dominion I have nothing much to say then that I like the extended cut more than the cinema version, luckily I have seen the cut version in the cinema. But the beginning and end of Dominion are awesome (and some of the action scenes) but I like mostly the scenery of Dominion than the actual plot. I think the plot got lost in the pacing and also the fact that Colin Trevorrow doesn’t care.
But I think my favorite part of the Jurassic Franchise will always be the two books, the two animated tv shows and battle at big rock.

I wonder because next year we will get a new JW Movie, (that will come out as the same time as the httyd live action, what a coincidence, right Universal) which Dinosaurs do you want to see? Also the T-Rex and the all the Raptors we see so far in the franchise are disqualified for this type of asking because they are basically the mascots of the franchise.
I personally would like to see…
Achillobator (it is some type of Raptor)
The Return of the Spinosaurus
Predator X
Who else is excited for the new season of Chaos Theory?
It looks again so thrilling. I am so excited and can’t wait until it’s finally available on Netflix. Is it crazy to say that this show is on Puss in Boots 2 Level in terms of themes and scenery. It’s awesome that this show is as good as it is, everything JW3 wasn’t. I hope it will continue this way. The Majungasaurs was a surprise to see in the first trailer, I hope we will get more new cool Dinosaurs. I like the T-Rexes but I also want a new Alpha Predator like the Allosaurus from battle at big rock or the Spinosaurus from JP3. I personally think the Tyrannosaurus over stayed its welcome in the series, a new Apex Predator would be good for the franchise as new mascot.
I honestly still believe the theory that Brooklynn is Ben’s Girlfriend and she was probably cheating on Kenji, maybe. Just look at their body language in this particular scene and also how Ben began to thought about this memory. I watched this scene two times and I always got the feeling there is something between these two, the show runners doesn’t want us to now, but just want to slightly hint on it, for what’s happening next.
I just noticed something in this shot in the Ben/Brooklynn flashback
Notice how the backdrop behind Ben is a lot brighter than the one behind Brooklynn???
I really can’t wait for context in Season 2! I need to know what our girl was up to!

I just noticed something really cool in regards to Camp Cretaceous, it’s based on the original idea from Michael Crichtons first draft for his novel. His idea was about a kid who was left alone in a Dinosaur Island Park, which is basically the initial situation we have in JW: Camp Cretaceous. If you like the Jurassic World movies or not, you have to admit they are really respectful to their idea and books they are based on. I honestly like them, even if they are not as scary as the original Trilogy, Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory. They still deserve their place in the franchise, how they respect the man without his novel we wouldn’t have these franchise.

Imagine Chicken from the httyd-franchise meets Rexy from the Jurassic World/ Park Franchise
Little interesting fact here to know a chicken nowadays is closely related to a T-Rex. So Chicken and Rexy are evolutionary relatives. I wonder what Tuffnut would say if he know this fact, I think he would want to meet Rexy, which I personally wouldn’t recommend to him if he doesn’t want to be eaten. The only Crossover between httyd and Jurassic Park I would want to see would be between Chicken and Rexy in a more donkey and dragon Releationship.
Who else was shipping Dave & Roxie in season 1 of Camp Cretaceous?
I Headcanon that these two got together after season one. I mean they are basically like a mum and dad. And really funny to watch how they react to one another.

What do you guys think about the new plot for JW4?

I personally think it’s a interesting plot synopsis and I think some of it is also loosely based on the concept of Michael Crichtons third Jurassic Park book that he Never wrote.

The primary visitor safari and campground of Jurassic Park: Arizona. Now featuring an open air display of the vicious Velociraptor!