Lmaooo I Like To Think That At First, Kaiba Corp Staff Really Did Not Believe Kaiba's S/o Was Really
lmaooo I like to think that at first, Kaiba Corp staff really did not believe Kaiba's s/o was really involved with him and that she is just another delusional fan trying to bypass security...until the big man himself comes down-
“I’m just trying to drop off his glasses.”
“Mr. Kaiba doesn’t wear glasses.”
You shrug. “I don’t know what to tell you. He absolutely does and these are them.”
The guard frowns at you. He doesn't say a word.
You hold out the glasses. "Look. I know he's busy, but can you just give these to his assistant or something? He's going to get a headache without them."
"We don't accept packages for Mr. Kaiba." He picks up the phone on his desk. "And I'm going to call security to escort you out of the building."
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, distracting you from your current frustration. You pull it out to see a text from Seto. I left my glasses at your place.
"I know," you say out loud, talking to yourself as you type. "In your lobby... they won't take them..." Then you hit send.
"Ma'am." A burly man wearing a bulletproof vest steps up in front of you. "If you don't leave, I'm going to have to use force."
He's overkill for this situation. "Do fangirls come in with guns normally?" You know they all think you're crazy, but the SWAT team doesn't seem necessary.
The man doesn't respond as he grabs your arm. He begins to pull you toward the front doors.
Your phone starts buzzing again. This time the screen shows a video call from Seto Kaiba. You hit accept.
He's sitting in his office. You can see his windows have been shaded to reduce the light in his office. "What do you mean they won't take them?"
You flip the phone toward the security guard so he can see his boss on the screen. "Ask him."
The man straightens up, releasing his grip on your arm. His scowl disappears. "Mr. Kaiba. Sir. The front desk told me we had a disturbance. I'm just following their orders."
"Useless," Kaiba mutters, just loud enough to be heard. "You have new orders. Escort her straight up to my office." You hear the noise that indicates the call is over.
The guard doesn't notice. "Yes, sir, right away." Then he holds out his hand, pointing toward the elevators. "After you, miss."
You flounce past the front desk, smirking at the man sitting behind it as you go by. Once you're at the elevators, the security guard keeps anyone from entering the next elevator to open. He holds it open for you and then joins you inside, glaring at anyone who might think about joining the two of you. He holds his card up to the reader and presses the button for the top floor.
Then he presses another button. It has a lock on it which doesn't give you too much of an idea, but the elevator doesn't stop until it reaches the top floor. At the top, he holds the door open and lets you exit before him.
He tells Kaiba's assistant that he has a VIP guest for Mr. Kaiba. The assistant just nods at you, having seen you in the evenings, and gestures for you to go in. The security guard doesn't wait and hurries back to the elevators.
You push the door open, letting yourself into his office. "I didn't realize bringing these to you would be such a hassle." You put the glasses down on his desk.
"They couldn't find you on the visitor list?"
"They didn't check. I didn't think to ask since I was just trying to drop off a pair of glasses." You checked the time. "I'm running super late for work now."
"Important people never run late."
You smile, knowing he's only partially serious about that statement. "Well, I'm not doing this again."
"My reception staff will be better trained next time."
You wave off his comment. "It's a hassle. Just keep a spare pair at my place."
He raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Are you telling me to buy a pair just to have them at your place?"
"You're telling me you don't have a spare pair of glasses somewhere?"
"Why don't you just move in with me? Then we don't need to worry about spares of anything."
You frown. This conversation is nothing new, and Seto has taken advantage of every opportunity to ask since about five dates in when you made it clear that marriage at three months of dating was insane. "Kaiba Mansion is too far away from my job. That commute would suck. I don't even know how you do it." To be fair, he spent more time at your place now and didn't do that commute much.
"Well your place is far too small," he says as if you've asked him to move in with you. Which you won't. He's already taking up far too much space in your closet. His jackets have turned into an invasive species, crowding out your work clothes. "I suppose I could buy a place in the city..."
And talk of new housing is your cue to leave. "Now I really will be in trouble at work. I'll see you later."
Later that day, when he sends you a text with a link to a multi-million dollar townhouse, you know this is your own fault. You've encouraged a man who needs no encouragement. You text him back, letting him know that girlfriends of less than a year generally don't weigh in on property purchases.
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More Posts from Whimsywhisperz
Requests open! Yay! I'd like to request a oneshot with Hantengu: reader, a human, ends up somehow protecting/saving the scared little guy (from the sun, perhaps?) and he is now Attached and kinda crushing, living in their house, and tries to make a move but is just way too scared. So he does what any good demon would do: gets bashful and rips his head off so his clones can make a move for him. Surprise now there's four guys with a Big Crush and they're not quite so cute about it anymore (not that reader complains). Hope this request finds you well and thanks for being super rad! ❤️
All For You [Hantengu X Reader]
Reader is Human Female | Romance
Recomended Song - Cheri Cheri Lady by Modern Talking

In such a terrifying battle, he hadn't realised that despite killing the hashira, they had stranded him in a field with no shade and the sun was just moments away. He could run, but he didn't have much power remaining, so all he could do was try.
Even as he cried and wailed, he could hear what he could only assume was another member of the corps catching up to him, taking advantage of how little he had left in him.
If he needed to, he could surely muster just one more strike-
He could feel a burning heat on his back, causing a squeal, before it all stopped, and two arms fell in front of him, which he ran into and fell back into the grass.
Whimpering, the upper-rank shielded his face, waiting for some kind of attack, only to hear the rigorous panting of the being that had caught him.
Shakily, his hands moved from his face, gazing up to see that someone was on their elbows and knees, shielding him from the sun.
"Aren't you supposed to be hidden from the sun?" A head dipped down, looking curiously at the small being. You were just going for a stroll since you hadn't been able to sleep, and after hearing a loud commotion all you found was a weak, stranded demon.
The being shakily waited to see your movements, taking the chance to replenish itself. Hantengu had nowhere to run, unless he wanted to try digging.
"Well, I'm sure we can work this out." When your hand reached to him, he crouched and moved his hands to protect his head, which didn't stop you from hiding him in the thick cloth of your woollen cloak, which you had used to protect yourself from the cold spring air.
What was this human thinking? Hantengu pondered the implications, though realised if you were so certain about taking him in, he could always kill you when you got to shelter and he would be free once more. Besides, doing so now would be a waste with the sun around, and since the fabric surrounding him was so soft, warm, and smelt so, so enticing.
With the distraction hidden in your coat and your rushed jog back to your hidden home beyond the forest line and up a hill, you never looked back to catch a glimpse at the body left behind.
Before daring to remove him, you had shut all your blinds so little to no light peaked in, and turned on the light in your home yourself.
When he finally crawled out of your cloak of his own accord, which you had laid on the table and waited for him, his eyes scattered and landed on objects he deemed of importance.
One, a nichirin blade hung on the wall.
Two, a demon slayer corps uniform hanging beside your other garments on a rack.
And three, a portrait of a blue spider lily, one he recognized from one of Muzan's books.
Clearly, you were no normal human, you were a part of the corps. So then why weren't you dressed up and killing him? Perhaps you were going to try to reason with him, like many idiots had tried.
"Ah, you're finally awake."
Of course, he also noticed you sitting in a chair leant up against a wall, just a gust of wind away from it slipping and you falling. But you remained balanced for now.
"You don't have to worry, I won't harm you. I'm just trying to figure out why you haven't harmed me, is all!" In your hands was a cup of tea, which, when you sipped, left a line of green matcha on your lips. It disappeared when you took yet another sip, and set the cup down beside him.
"To be honest, chasing after you really exhausted me, so I think I better head to bed now. You can leave if you'd like should you find a way, but feel free to stay as long as you like."
With that, you left the cowering demon in the nest of a cloak, closing the sliding door to the other half of the cabin where your futon was. Hantengu watched as the lights in the room went out.
You awake early in the afternoon, having achieved a quarter of a day's rest.
Unfortunately serenity was not in the picture, for the moment you opened the sliding door you nearly fell back on your ass upon seeing a fully grown man sitting on one of two cushions by the low table, his hands neatly folded in his lap.
He looked to be asleep sitting, but you knew from experience that it was less akin to sleep, and more of a hibernation tactic demons had during the day.
Only now did a shiver run sharp down your spine, the intense energy surrounding the being only now just hitting you. You must have been so exhausted yesterday that none of it registered.
Limping towards your food prepping station, you picked up a wooden bucket, getting ready to retrieve water for your breakfast. Your leg was acting up again, perhaps you shouldn't have overexerted yourself hours prior.
Once you made movement towards the door, the being sat up semi-straight, red eyes glowing similar to the lanterns scattering the room. He looked to be moving away from you, but stopped when he analysed you as familiar.
You, on the other hand, nearly dropped the bucket upon reading the kanji in his eyes.
When he was small last night, you hadn't noticed. I mean, you were also tired and, god, what have you gotten yourself into?
Not even a low rank, he was upper rank four, god, your heart quickened to a point where you knew he'd notice. Sure, you were a member of the corps, but you'd been on leave for months now since you almost lost your leg, and you were still recovering!
Not only that, but you could count the number of demons you'd killed on one hand, being only a Mizunoe.
Despite these facts, he seemed to be more afraid of you than you had been of him, and you were never that good at hating demons, so you just meekly pointed to the pail.
"I'm going to fetch some water, but I'll be back soon."
Closing the door behind you, your hand met with the cloth over your heart, gripping it as if your life depended on it, trying to slow your heart rate and push forwards.
'What the fuck, what the hell do I even do?' With every heavy step, a lighter one followed as you tried not to put too much pressure on it, approaching the water pump and putting your bucket under it.
Sucking in a breath, you grabbed onto the lever and pushed down, letting it slowly inch up before repeating the process, letting the sputtering first gushes of muddy water spray out until a steady stream formed, which you kicked the bucket under to collect.
Your crow wouldn't be back for a week since it was retrieving medicine, if you could stall and keep him trapped here then maybe your crow could eventually get help! But you'd have to make it for, at the very least, a week.
Removing your calloused hands from the pump handle, you picked up the bucket with far more care than before, assuring yourself you wouldn't spill.
You'd just have to do it, because there was no fighting in your condition, and if he was that much of a threat he surely would have lunged at you while you slept, right?
"So, what's your name?" Your hearth had a burning fire below it, water boiling away as you added sugar and rice, covering it entirely and setting the pot aside so it could cook. The entire time, his eyes had been trained on you, flinching at every loud sound such as a ladle hitting the cast iron of your pot.
"M...me?" His voice broke as he spoke, though when you nodded he cleared it, "Hantengu."
"Han-teng-ou...!" You played the syllables out, as if testing how the name would taste, before pointing to yourself.
"Well, I'm y/n, but you can call me anything you want really. I have a feeling you won't be leaving anytime soon, so try to keep it non demeaning." You joked, though he seemed to take it seriously, nodding vigorously.
When your rice pudding was complete, you scooped a ball of it into a separate spoon, offering it to the demon. You knew they didn't eat human food often, but you figured you should act as clueless as you could.
Much to your surprise, Hantengu ate it, though you could tell he didn't like it by how harshly he swallowed. You giggled, taking the kindness of the demon into consideration, he must have done it not to hurt your feelings, which was relatively cute!
Even as the sun dipped below the horizon, Hantengu never left, instead enjoying your company, and as nights came and went, you found that every morning he'd be there, already preparing the hearth or with water ready for you. You'd become so used to the schedule, you never noticed that your crow hadn't returned, only interested in getting along with the demon.
On one summer evening, as the leaves had fully grown on the trees and the summer heat began to settle in, you'd been cleaning up the home while Hantengu came back in with firewood, stretching his legs now that the sun had gone down.
All the windows were wide, allowing any breeze in to help with the head, and you fanned yourself off with your hand.
"I'm really glad I picked you up, I never realised how lonely it was out here." You spoke up the moment he entered as if it had been on your mind for some time.
Hantengu always listened closely, having long forgotten his plan of ever so much as laying a scratch on you. You'd been nothing but kind to him, and had always treated him better than anyone he had met in his life. It would suffice to say the demon adored you, but he would never say it.
Your words stunned him entirely, which made him gaze down at the floor, hiding the expression of endearment on his face.
"I built this place far from any villages with the help of a few other corps members, but after that I never saw them again. I just didn't want to be anywhere demons would be, because if I was home I wanted to feel safe. But it's pure solitude. You've made it so much better."
Your head had begun to droop, moments from leaning on his shoulder, before the demon squealed and tumbled to the other side of the room, panting. You had become fully alert now, holding your hands out in a panic.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you--!"
Despite your apologies, the being shook, seemingly muttering to himself with both hands clawing at his heads, before in one swift motion he tore his head from his body, blood splashing along the walls and quickly disintegrating.
Mouth agape, you stared in horror as a transformation began, carefully inching towards the blade on your wall. The head rolled on the floor, before regenerating a new body that resembled a much younger demon, entirely shirtless. He caught himself easily, and sprung up on his feet in mere seconds.
The body, on the other hand, changed heavily in appearance until a head popped from the torso, similar red eyes glowing, though they were a more saturated cherry red compared to the Hantengu you knew.
"Ahah! Finally~ A vessel of my own..." Snapping your head back to the other, he was now crouched down, green eyes staring at you with a shimmer of interest.
Despite this, the other one walked behind his duplicate, barely giving you enough time to react to the fact that your companion was entirely renewed, and tore his head off once more, much to the dissatisfaction of the green eyed being, which the green eyed one reacted by ripping the others arm off.
They replenished themselves in seconds, though the two loose limbs quickly multiplied once more, introducing a sulking blue eyed demon, and what looked like a man-bird-thing.
"It never gets any easier..." A soft voice came from the blue eyed individual, of which you caught a kanji on his tongue which read 'sorrow'.
Shivering in the corner, the four seemed to bicker with each other for what you wished was much longer, before their full attention was on your cowering form in the corner.
Oh, how ironic it was, you and Hantengu had entirely switched places, if you could call these beings such a title.
You just hoped they liked you as much as he had.
"Don't you have better things to do than stare?" The red-eyed one hissed, though with malice or anticipation you couldn't entirely pick out. Despite his near-hostility, the showy one crawled forwards, reaching out a clawed hand to hold your chin, pushing it up to meet his eyes.
'Uppermoon Four' It was the same as Hantengu, but they acted so differently, or perhaps to his extremes?
While you were lost in your thoughts, the demon hissed a laugh, enjoying the empty look beyond your curious eyes that scanned him over.
"Before you call me anything I'm not, how about we start with Karaku, unless you prefer 'man of your dreams' better?" The tips of his nails pushed into your skin, but not nearly close enough to damage you. Oh no, he wouldn't dare do such a thing to his doll.
Karaku was promptly pulled back by the claws of a bird foot, which led to the tumbling forward of a very, very strange being, whose wings quickly blocked your view of all others and forced your eyes to gaze into his yellow ones, though he only grinned.
"Look what you've done, making big bad demons go falling for your stupidity, you're lucky you're so damned pretty!" Once he got his word in, he backed off as the other called him by his name strictly, allowing the two remainders to stand before you, gazing down.
You caught the name Urogi, and hoped you caught right, being hoisted to your feet by the hands of a very rough being, the one most similar to Hantengu, though the blue-eyed one placed his hand on your back, keeping you from moving back and providing little comfort.
"You poor thing, you must have no idea what’s going on..." Pity seeped from the sorrow demon, though he muttered his name to you shortly after.
'Aizetsu.' You repeat to yourself mentally, almost leaning into his hand, which moved slowly up and down as if he was giving a futile attempt at comforting you. The one holding your wrist in a vice-like grip only grumbled, seemingly irritated at nothing.
"S...sekido...?" He only huffed in annoyance at your confirmation, as if it was stupid that you'd even thought of his name in the first place. You hadn't noticed how badly you were shaking until the tremors of the table met your ears, and your heart was skipping beats left and right.
"I- I don't," your voice paused, daring to reach forward, cupping Sekido's cheek, "aren't you?"
The loss of words seemed to amuse Karaku and Urogi, who erupted in giggles and grinned respectively. You were adorable, all your confidence sapped as if anything had changed.
"Yes, and no~" Urogi piped up, tilting his head to get a better look at you from where he was sitting, since Sekido's arm was in the way.
As Sekido dragged you back to your room, you watched Aizetsu carefully close your front door and lock it, each pair of eyes staring at you from the darkness of your living room, shining with light.
Looks like you'd have to make room for four more.

Author Note - Okay this is the longest oneshot I have every written on here, and I couldn't even fully finish it!! So kind of a cliff hanger but I got to every point so win! I hope you enjoy, and thank you so much for requesting! This req inspired me sm <3
Shoutout to @mister-gooday1 who actually beta reads all of my oneshots I post because I would die if I had to do it myself xoxo
Word Count - 2,669
Art Credit - Hira_Daphne (twitter)
I hope you're having a lovely day like you♡
I have a lil request which is OM brothers accidentally hitting MC maybe in the face or smth.
Thank you in advance ☺

a/n: considering the daily chaos that ensues at the HoL, I could see a lot of accidents happening. plus, they're demons—maybe they forget their own strength, y'know?
➤ when accidents happen | the demon brothers
1.1k words | sfw | hurt/comfort | gn!reader

Lucifer makes a grab for someone—probably Mammon or Satan—who ducks behind you at the last moment, causing his hand to swipe across your cheek or forehead instead. You rub the sore spot and start sputtering angrily at them, glaring back and forth between Lucifer's bewildered expression and the guilty face of the sibling he was reaching for. Their little fight is momentarily forgotten when they both comfort you and make sure you're okay. Lucifer feels the most guilt and over the next few days, you catch him staring at your face like he's trying to make absolutely sure you're not injured or holding a grudge against him. He eventually remembers how this whole situation started, and his sibling's delayed punishment is much more severe because you were caught in the crossfire.

Mammon nearly crashes into you in his rush to escape Lucifer or Levi's wrath. You have no idea what the shouting down the hall is about—maybe he spent too much money at the casino again or maybe he broke something valuable. All you know is that you're heading to the library and minding your own business when Mammon comes tearing around the corner at lightning-fast speed. It's comical how quickly his expression morphs from surprise to horror when he realizes you're in his path. He grazes your side even though he changes direction to avoid hitting you head-on. He loses his balance and the momentum sends him crashing to the floor. Whoever was chasing him catches up to him and there's gonna be hell to pay, but Mammon managed to avoid seriously hurting you and that's all he really cares about.

Levi shifts into his demon form when he's cuddled with you in his tub but he doesn't always realize it. You wake up most mornings with his tail wrapped around part of you: your arm, your waist, one of your legs. When Levi gets excited, his tail thumps against the porcelain. (You can't help but think about an excited dog wagging his tail, but you keep that comparison to yourself.) You usually fall asleep curled around each other, but sometimes his tail flails around enough that it wakes you up. Tonight his tail flicks roughly against the tip of your nose, and your eyes water from surprise and the initial burst of pain. You're fine again within a couple minutes, but that doesn't stop Levi from apologizing profusely and he nearly sobd with embarrassment over the whole thing.

Satan has better control over his frustration and rage now than when you first met him, but he still needs some sort of outlet when he feels overwhelmed. He usually storms off to his room and deals with it privately. You've offered him the solution of screaming into a pillow, but it's not soothing for him like it can be for you. He often destroys something instead—ripping a book to shreds (and regretting it later) or throwing something against the wall. Whatever's in his hand becomes collateral damage. If he forgets you're in his room too, it can be dangerous. He's never thrown something at you, but poor aim and bad luck means that whatever he sends flying against the wall can ricochet into pieces and hit you after. It's like a bucket of cold water dumping over his head when your little noise of surprise catches his attention, and he fusses over you endlessly while he makes sure you're not really hurt. He doesn't think it's funny when you grin and remind him that you're still in better shape than his now-destroyed coffee mug is.

Asmo rarely hurts you even by accident, and usually it's in silly moments of clumsy excitement. Today he painted his nails with a new nail art technique he hasn't tried before. You both lean down at the same time to admire his work and his forehead smacks into yours. You're both a little stunned and your eyes water from the shock rather than actual pain. He breaks out into giggles when you whine his name and try to blame him even though it's really no one's fault. Asmo accepts responsibility anyway and he apologizes profusely, but he hesitates to hug you when his nails are still wet and tacky with polish. He opens his arms wide so you can wrap your arms around his chest instead. He peppers your head with kisses and promises to make it up to you as soon as his nails are dry.

Usually Beel polishes off all the leftovers at dinner. Some nights you want extra helpings too, and it's like a mad dash to help yourself before Beel does. Tonight you both reach for the dish of hellfire scalloped potatoes at the same time. Your fingers grab the side of the dish first, but his fingers squeeze around yours immediately after. His grip is tight—too tight—and you wince from the pressure of his fingers digging into hand and the uncomfortable heat of the ceramic dish against your palm. Mammon grabs his fork and stabs Beel's hand with it on your behalf. Beel looks so guilty when he pulls his arm away and insists that you can have the rest. His stomach growls in protest, but you know it was an accident and you're not really hurt. After you shake the stiffness from your fingers, you scoop some of the food onto his plate before helping yourself to the rest. Later on, he offers to take you out for ice cream as an apology.

When Belphie sleeps, he has some cursory awareness of what's going on around him but he tries to block it out. He's not easy to move around, either—his body is like dead weight, heavy and awkward and unyielding. When you nap together, he usually falls asleep and doesn't move around too much. You might scoot away when his body next to yours causes you to overheat, but he tends to stay exactly how he is. It's days when he has active dreams or bad nightmares that things can get a little awkward. He might wrap an arm around you suddenly and it's nearly impossible to wiggle free, and sometimes his tail makes an appearance and drapes over you when he feels particularly clingy. Sometimes your arm ends up pinched against the mattress after he rolls on top of you in his sleep. He'll wake up when he realizes it's you trying to get his attention, but his apologies for nearly crushing you don't sound very sincere. Once he's lifted himself off you, he lets you get repositioned first then he cuddles up beside you again. As he drifts off to sleep, he grumbles under his breath about how it couldn't have been that bad.
Karma (pro!Bakugo Katsuki x You)
summary: a creep follows you at night, but your boyfriend is a pro hero on patrol.
word count: ~700
cw: villain following reader home, swearing
tags: angst/comfort, happy ending, established relationship
note: hi hi hi, i've been working on the todoroki x seamstress!reader series so i haven't had time to write big one-shots for other characters, but this is something that popped into my head. short and sweet, yk? i couldn't get the lyric "karma is my boyfriend, karma is a god" out of my mind, so thank you dr. taylor swift. hope you enjoy :)
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated <3

“I have a boyfriend,” you said shortly over your shoulder, slightly increasing your pace as the man behind you attempted to keep up. As soon as you noticed the stranger tailing you from afar, you tapped the band around your wrist that you were gifted for your first anniversary. Short-short-short, long, long, long, short-short-short. SOS.
The man had been following you for several blocks, now; you were sure of it. At first, he’d walked parallel to you on the other side of the street after you’d nabbed some last-minute groceries for hosting your boyfriend’s parents the next day. You could have asked him to pick up your order on his way home, but you had no clue when his shift ended. When you approached the neighborhood with your shared apartment, you cut a sharp turn to lead the man away from your home. He crossed the road, then, and blood pounded in your ears as you sensed him coming up behind you.
Spinning to face him, you glared at him with as much confidence as you could muster, your pointer finger poised on the trigger of your pepper spray. “Get away from me.” He stopped, putting several paces between you two. A quick glance at your surroundings indicated that there were no other civilians around, the darkness of the street shrouding the dangerous situation the man had forced you into. He must have realized that too, as after a moment he aggressively closed the distance between you two, arms extended and forcing you to stumble backward. But just as you pressed down on the trigger, the canister turned to mush in your fingers, and a malicious laugh escaped the man now within arm's distance of you. His eyes glowed an ominous shade of red that matched the energy radiating from his hands. His quirk had turned your pepper spray into liquid, and you were defenseless.
“No one’s coming to save you,” he sneered, and time slowed as a large hand reached for your throat. You were alone, but that didn’t matter.
You knew his patrol routes.
The instant before the villain made contact with your skin, a thundering rumble came from above you and a bright flash catapulted the man away from you. You knew Katsuki was only a few blocks away from you, but that didn’t stop you from panicking when there were no reassuring explosions coming your way. You let out a deep exhale, letting your shoulders relax as you leaned against the wall and tried to slow your racing heartbeat. Your eyes vaguely make out the formidable figure of your boyfriend, slamming your assailant into the concrete in one deafening blast. He pulls a set of handcuffs from his belt, clicking them onto the villain’s wrist before giving one more kick to his gut for good measure. When he was confident the man wouldn’t be conscious enough to run, Katsuki finally made his way to you.
“Hey, babe,” was all he said before he pulled you in, burying his head into your shoulder. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out against his chest. “I’m good.”
His eyes narrowed on the bag of groceries you’d dropped on the ground. “I could have picked that shit up in the morning.”
“I was doing prep and we needed Brussels sprouts.”
“Then I could have bought the damn Brussels sprouts in the morning.” You tried to look away from his piercing gaze, but two fingers under your chin were enough to turn you to face him. “As much as I know that you can handle yourself, you scared the shit out of me with your Morse Code thing. Thought you were gonna die or something.” A gloved hand gently caressed your face, and you leaned into his touch. “You know I’m not fucking good with words, I just–”
“I know,” you say, lightly resting your fingers against his lips to stop him. “I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you to be any more stressed tomorrow.” He’s silent for a moment, your fingertips against his mouth, then–
“What if I bit your fingers right now.”
“Bakugo Katsuki.” He flashes a sharp grin at you, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead as you hear approaching sirens. He must have alerted law enforcement prior to saving you. “Thank you for coming to get me.”
“Of course. I love you, fuckin’ Brussels sprouts determination and all.”
You huff out a laugh, rolling your eyes but unable to stop the smile from spreading on your face. “Walk me home?”
His hand slides into yours, lacing together with your fingers like a puzzle piece. “You know it.”

Could you write some domestic fluff headcanons for Solomon x GN!MC like you did with Lucifer?
Thanks in advance!
I got you. I feel like I bully this man so much in my posts, so it was nice to spend three full pages just affectionately thinking about Solomon. I adore him so much. I kind of set these in Nightbringer times just for the purpose of MC actually living with Solomon, but I didn't really touch on anything too specific to that era - because I probably could have gone on way longer. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Domestic fluff headcanons (Solomon)
(Solomon x gn!MC)
Word Count: +1800
Solomon adores spending time with you, but he also likes having a separate room. Solomon is used to being alone, and he appreciates time to himself. The man loves his space, but that makes it even more special to him when he shares a bed with you. Solomon can’t always express how happy he is to have you there. In his mind, it was always okay that he was alone so often in his younger years. Somehow, he often “forgets” (suppresses) that there were long periods of his life where he wasn’t just alone – he was lonely. Being with you makes him wonder if maybe he can avoid that desperate, painful loneliness for the rest of his life.
This man has had a long, kind of rough life. Sometimes that means nightmares or ruminating on his past late into the night (on top of any day-to-day stressors). When he can overcome his embarrassment about you seeing him in a vulnerable or fragile state (because some nights he can’t), he will ask to crawl into your bed. If you aren’t awake, he’ll either sleep on a chair in your room or on the floor – at least until you inevitably tell him that it’s fine to sleep in your bed if you’re already asleep. No matter how difficult the night is, Solomon feels a noticeable amount of relief when he wakes up to your voice or your touch – even more so when he wakes up in your arms.
Solomon is pretty good about knocking before entering your room, but that’s only because he requests the same from you. He’s not an innocent man, and he would be mortified if you just walked in on him during something he had intended to be private.
Solomon will not go to bed if he expects you home and you haven’t arrived yet. He worries about you so much, and no matter how much he teaches you, he’s started to realize that he’ll always be protective of you. He’ll text early on in your lateness, but if you don’t respond to his texts and no one has eyes on you, he’ll call after an hour or so. If there’s no response after that, he’ll go through his magical options to get in contact with you. Please don’t let your D.D.D. die, basically.
I imagine MC’s phone dying during a party and them not noticing until after they were already outside the club. You wanted to text Solomon and let him know that you were heading home, but your phone was dead, and Mammon and Asmo were still inside. It was a nice night, and it was only a half hour walk home. You’d be fine. When you walked through the door, Solomon gave Asmo a quick “they just came home,” before he walked up to you and pulled you into his arms. You didn’t get a long look at his eyes, but the mixture of relief and fear they held simultaneously was evident. Solomon couldn’t let go of you the rest of the night. He even joined you in the shower.
Solomon takes so much pride in telling people that he has to leave or head home because “Mc is waiting for me.” He knows the others must be so jealous that he gets to return home to you and that he’s the person you return home to. However, he feels so guilty when you actually are waiting for him. He hates to leave his adorable apprentice waiting. You’d think that guilt would make him do that less, but he’s busy and a bit forgetful, so it happens more often than he wants it to.
He understands if you don’t or can’t wait up for him when he’s home late, and he doesn’t resent you for it. However, especially if he thinks you took special care to plan out a romantic night or if you are really nice (saving his food so it’s easy to reheat whenever he gets home and leaving a cute cat post-it note complete with a sweet message and a little heart on top, chilling a bottle of demonus for him, tidying up his desk that he left a mess – even by his standards – earlier that morning, running him a magic bath that will stay warm all night, or leaving a bouquet of flowers in a vase on his bedstand), he will be so grumpy the following day. Don’t get me wrong, he appreciates you, and he’s so happy, but he’s mad at himself and anyone who made him late. He’ll at least do his best to smile around you and thank you for being the best human to exist. To distract you from his grumpiness, he will kiss you a lot that day: soft, tender kisses where his lips linger on your skin; affectionately trailing his lips over your neck between whispered words; and even possessive, hungry kisses – especially in front of someone else who he blames for him being out so late.
The only thing you let Solomon make without complaint are drinks – which are close enough to potions that they somehow don’t kill you. He’ll make you coffee, cocktails, and tea. (Starbucks who?) I can’t explain why, but I feel like Solomon cannot make you a bowl of tomato soup that won’t hurt your intestines, but he can make you a delicious honey vanilla lavender frappe or a muddled blueberry vodka lemonade. Something about the actual cooking food bit just makes that sick, pretty head of his just think “yeah, I should improvise this badly.” Your smile is infectious when you enjoy a drink that he’s made for you.
Unfortunately, despite your pleas for him to not cook, Solomon still does it. Even worse, he blows up the kitchen or creates unimaginable messes every few months. He knows he’s not allowed to cook because according to you, his food is “inedible,” and “a biohazard unfit for consumption.” But he wants to get better until you can finally trust his food, so he has to practice. One day, he wants to make food that you want to eat, which is why he keeps offering you his culinary abominations. He’s not there yet.
When you have a bad day, Solomon will hold you, offer to cook you dinner and get rejected, and ask how he can help you feel better. If you want a distraction, he’ll have a game, movie, or show ready for you in a minute. He’ll order food in or take you out to eat. Anything you want, he’ll do his best to give it to you.
When Solomon has a bad day, he will return home and immediately find you so he can bury himself in your arms. If you are working at a desk, he will worm his way onto your lap and just nuzzle against your chest or neck. He’ll try not to disturb you, but once you’re done, he would appreciate your undivided attention.
This man loves being held so much. If it’s just you and him, he’ll occasionally do the grabby hands thing with his arms outstretched, waiting for you to hug him.
Also, we’re going to address the manspreading. This dude – this absolute bro – does not stop doing that around you, either. If you want to sit, you have two options: either you sit between his legs, or you teach him a damn lesson about keeping his legs open (by straddling his lap and forcing his legs together with your thighs). Both of those are just going to encourage him to continue, but at least you get to sit and fluster him slightly the first few times.
Solomon’s erratic sleep schedule means that, some days, he’s heading to bed when you’re getting up – sometimes vice versa if you’re playing it a little fast and loose yourself. On those days he likes to give you a kiss good morning/night before either of you finally go to sleep. If your schedules can’t align, he’s going to squeeze out whatever affection he can get from you.
Sometimes he wakes up before you and wants to get you up. He either can’t bring himself to wake you because you look so cute, or if he can, he does it with such a gentle touch. That sweet voice will call out your name, and his fingers will graze your face or arm in soft, slow motions. If only he could save this image of you for his eyes only.
Solomon tests out his love magic on you in the privacy of your home. He also uses you to practice his seductive speechcraft. The fact that no one else can walk in on the two of you is a big plus. As much as he adores experimenting on you and seducing you, there are times when he can’t stand the idea of anyone else seeing your flustered face. Also, if his love magic goes wrong, he doesn’t want anyone else to be around. Who knows what could happen.
I feel like Solomon keeps a stock of MC’s favorite snacks in the house. He does this with scented candles and soap, too.
Solomon will keep the house cool – or at least his room. If for some reason, you have a problem with it, he will – in typical flirty sorcerer fashion – offer to warm you up. If it seems to be a consistent issue in his room, he will buy a sweater or cardigan specifically for you to wear in there. He will not be made to be warm in his own room – but he’ll be damned if you’re uncomfortable.
MC covers Solomon with blankets or their jacket when he falls asleep on the couch. They will wake him or just carry him to bed if he falls asleep at his desk so that he doesn’t wake up sore. He’s so old – his muscles and joints aren’t what they used to be. He always leans into your touch in his sleep.
This is self-indulgent and related to an MC from one of my Asmo stories, but MC gave Solomon an oversized GILF (gosh I love frogs) shirt, and he sleeps in it a lot. He gets super embarrassed if anyone else sees him in it. It’s one of the few things you gave him that he won’t show off until everyone understands how NB (Nightbringer – not non-binary, but I mean?) Barbatos feels.
Solomon loves singing along or dancing to human world music with you. It’s something that feels special between the two of you. There’s something so lighthearted and sweet about those moments; Solomon can’t feel the weight of his sins when you’re smiling through a song and swaying to the music. He’ll get especially giddy if you sing love songs to him.
Genuinely, Solomon is so happy to live with you, and he’ll try to express that often. I don’t know if he could get through a day without telling you he loves you. To him, you are his home now. When you’re gone, he starts to feel lost. Wherever he goes, whatever happens, he wants to return to you every time in every world on every timeline.
The Very First Night (mha boys x you)
summary: you lose a bet and volunteer for a blind dating show for pro heroes. here's how the dates go with dynamight, shoto, and deku.
wc: 1k
cw/tags: aged up characters, mentions of food and eating, very very slight manga spoilers, reader is also a pro hero, language, just fluff and mha boys being idiots in love
note: asdjflasdkjalfksd i had so much fun writing this so i hope you enjoy !! this is what i offer you while i continue to chip away at all my wips <3
likes/reblogs/feedback are always appreciated :)

Bakugo Katsuki/Dynamight
he also lost a bet either to kirishima or denki lol
still puts in 100% because he'll be damned if he's with someone attractive and doesn't exceed their standards his pride can't take it
he takes you to a night market and pays for all of your food as long as he's allowed to freely critique it
questions why the fuck everything is fried
"it should be considered a federal offense to add more fucking batter to a slice of cake"
"who the fuck would eat any of this- don't say you because i won't let you"
if you try to eat dessert first he'll steer you to savory items
and by steer i mean pick you up and throw you over his shoulder and walk away leaving the cameramen in the dust
if you're waiting in line to buy more food he'll heat his hands up and keep the trays warm <3
doesn't let you hold anything and is insistent on balancing all of your food on his arms
when you sit down with him you find he's actually hilarious and easy to talk to
like you're spraying fruit punch from your nostrils because of how hard he makes you laugh
it feeds his ego when you're cackling so hard you can't breathe and he just grins
if you have a crumb or something on your face he'll wipe it off with his thumb and call you messy (affectionately)
when you're done eating he follows behind you patiently as you browse through the different artisans' tables
he's very confused as to why people are fascinated with crystals
"i think this one is supposed to bring romance?"
"it's a fucking rock."
"hmm. guess it's not working.."
"shut up you don't need the rock you have me."
if someone looks at you for too long he'll get all protective and scowl even though he just met you
if there's a live band playing he'll either talk shit on the drummer or ask to play with them for a song so he can show off to you
he'll nonchalantly slide an arm around your shoulder and pull you closer to him at the end of the night
he doesn't have any charm at all, just straight arrogance and self-assurance and it's hot as fuck
he doesn't ask for a second date
he just texts you a time he'll be at your house to pick you up, blind date camera crew or not
Todoroki Shoto
was signed up to participate by his publicist because he's notorious for not attending press events or any media conferences
still rei didn't raise no BITCH so he goes all out to impress you even before you meet him
brings you flowers that he thought were pretty (doesn't matter if there's a meaning to them or not, he wasn't paying attention)
first you get coffee and pastries at a cat cafe (and if you're allergic then he'll take you to an upscale cafe and go on a walk with you in the park)
for whatever reason the cats just
gravitate to him
they like when he heats up his left side and just snuggle up against him
you're literally speechless from how cute it is
"what do i do now"
"you let them lay there, shoto"
"but my pastry"
you roll your eyes jokingly and feed him a bite of his pastry
he looks like one of the cats when he opens his mouth and takes the bite
when he wants another bite he'll just open his mouth like a toddler
if your coffee gets cold he'll just warm it up again
he talks to you openly in a low tone that the mics can't really pick up and that's the point he wants this shit to be secret
he doesn't ever want to go on another blind date again
just more dates with you
he may seem like a himbo but he knows exactly what he's doing to win you over
after the cat cafe you get soba (surprise surprise)
you switch bowls to try his food and let him try yours
you end up finishing his and he ends up finishing yours
if you have time he'll go window shopping with you and take note of what you linger by so he can buy it for you in the future
yeah mans is in love as soon as you feed him the pastry but he doesn't know how to express it yet
so instead he just shows up at your house and asks if you're free for a second date
"wait, like right now second date?"
"yes let's go"
"i need to get shoes, hold on"
"i'll buy you new ones. let's go."
Midoriya Izuku/Deku
signed up because he thought it would be fun and wanted to make new friends
but then oh boy
he saw you
and poor dude didn't know how to act so
no i'm just kidding
ya know rogers the musical
he'd take you to see that
except it's all might and deku
is shocked when he is in it but he's played by a girl (ember island players anyone) who's doing like gymnastics all over the set that is definitely not his style
he's literally shrinking into his seat and covering his face with his hands like it's a horror movie
you end up laughing really hard together about how inaccurate the storyline is
during the part about vigilante deku the costume is so bad that you're in tears
"why do you look like the easter bunny?"
"it's supposed to be like all might's but they weren't THAT huge"
you're like grabbing his bicep in shock and slapping his hand when something exciting happens and he's not even watching the show anymore
he's watching you :)
you scream when bakugo is hurt during the first fight with shigaraki and izuku is very quick to remind you that kacchan is, in fact, alive
at the finale of the show you're curled up next to his body and he has his arm around you as you just watch in shock how badly they screw up the ending
"i'm fighting demons in my head to not pull down the curtain early with blackwhip"
"do you think if i released fog everywhere they'd stop the show forever"
he's a little embarrassed but you honestly have the time of your life
afterwards he buys you ice cream and you sit on the street and just talk for hours and hours about your interests until the cameramen have to clock out
even afterward you still keep talking
you ramble just as much as he does
he loves to listen to you just as much as he loves to share about his life
he talks about his mom a lot lmao and all might and bakugo and basically all of his friends
definitely wants to introduce you to them even if you don't end up dating (but you do)
he asks for a second date right then and there