Kakuna - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago
Drew With My Left Hand, Kakuna

drew with my left hand, kakuna

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2 years ago

Ngl thought that was Gilgamesh on the right for a quick second

Ngl Thought That Was Gilgamesh On The Right For A Quick Second

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8 years ago
In Sharp Contrast To Butterfree, Beedrill Was An Eternal Disappointment To Me. It Looks Cool But It's
In Sharp Contrast To Butterfree, Beedrill Was An Eternal Disappointment To Me. It Looks Cool But It's
In Sharp Contrast To Butterfree, Beedrill Was An Eternal Disappointment To Me. It Looks Cool But It's

In sharp contrast to Butterfree, Beedrill was an eternal disappointment to me. It looks cool but it's got to be one of the weakest pokémon in the game. Fun to draw though.

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8 years ago
Ahh, The Other Bugs. I Always Liked The Idea Of Beedrill As A Child, Because Who Wouldnt Want To Send
Ahh, The Other Bugs. I Always Liked The Idea Of Beedrill As A Child, Because Who Wouldnt Want To Send
Ahh, The Other Bugs. I Always Liked The Idea Of Beedrill As A Child, Because Who Wouldnt Want To Send
Ahh, The Other Bugs. I Always Liked The Idea Of Beedrill As A Child, Because Who Wouldnt Want To Send

Ahh, the other bugs. I always liked the idea of Beedrill as a child, because who wouldn’t want to send out a giant, poisonous wasp-monster against their opponents? It looks so cool and scary! Unfortunately it’s pretty weak and was never very useful. It’s a lot more fun to paint than it was to battle with! The original paintings are for sale.


I usually try to keep this blog art-only and apolitical, but for my UK followers I want to link to this petition to hold a second EU referendum:


The majority in the vote was tiny, under-35s overwhelmingly voted to Remain but were outvoted by primarily over-50s (if 16- and 17-year-olds could vote Remain would have won easily), and most importantly, the results weren’t even in for 5 hours before the Leave campaign started backtracking on key promises. If you have any doubts at all about this result, but especially if, like me, you’re horrified that people have been allowed to vote on serious issues while being told barefaced lies, please sign that petition and contact your MP today.

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4 years ago
When The Two Remaining Pokmon In A Soul Link Run Are A Drifblim And An Under-leveled Kakuna,the Drifblim

When the two remaining Pokémon in a Soul Link run are a Drifblim and an under-leveled Kakuna, the Drifblim kinda carries the team...

theAtomicBear and MacandJak streamed a Soul Nuzlocke; two of the Pokémon were named after our Alters-- Miss & Mr Kensington. As every Pokémon died around them, Miss Kensington absolutely obliterated everything she touched. Mr K, not so much.~

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5 years ago
Next Random Fusion Is Kakuna X Ambipom. Like This A Lot More Than The Uxie X Weedle One I Did

Next random fusion is Kakuna x Ambipom. Like this a lot more than the Uxie x Weedle one I did <3 Kakunipom move fast and silent. Their very sneaky and live stealing things from trainers. #fusion #kakuna #ambipom #bugtypepokemon #normaltypepokemon #pokémonfusion #pokemon #pokemonfusion #pokefusionart #pokemonfusionart #pokéfusions #pokefusion #pokefusions #pokéfusion #pokémon https://www.instagram.com/p/B9AQPgAAJ5l/?igshid=ion5svqgju43

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