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Here is the stock I'll have at Thought Bubble in Leeds tomorrow! No stickers or mini notebooks, but I do have mini paintings (including my YowaPeda minis), hardback notebooks and new Christmas cards, as well as my usual zines and postcards. Find me and Sammy at table 116 in New Dock Hall!

Have some pokémon!
If you follow me on twitter you might have spotted I’ve been working on some pokémon ACEOs. I’m planning to do all 151 from Gen 1, but I want them to have a consistent style so these are some little testers I did as gifts for some of my friends. I’m making some progress with the proper run now, so look out for some starters next week!

Still inking starters. I always pick Charmander.

I always used to love Butterfree because it learns psychic attacks so early in the game and I trained it like crazy. I like to imagine there were rumours going around Kanto about a scary little girl with a freakishly powerful Butterfree.

Pokémon! Finally the first batch of paintings are done! I’m attempting the Pokémonathon, so you can look forward to at least the first 150 in this style. So here’s Bulbasaur scrumping apples, Ivysaur using Sweet Scent, and Venusaur sunbathing! The original paintings are ATC/ACEO size (2.5 x 3.5 inches) and are for sale in my shop.

These are the first version-exclusive pokémon so far! I liked Arbok as a child, but I didn’t have one because Ekans and Arbok only appear in Pokémon Red. I think I was just too lazy to get my friend who had Red to trade with me. You had to get a link cable and walk all the way round the corner to her house, much too much work!

Here’s the 2nd set of pokémon for the Pokémonathon challenge! I always choose the fire type starter. I also always nickname my Charmander ‘Fang’ which is not very creative of me.
The original paintings are ACEO/ATC size and are available in my shop.

The third starter set is finished and available to buy!
Look at that sweet little Squirtle! I’m always tempted by the water type starters because they’re pretty tough, but in the end I always pick the fire type because... I like fire, I suppose. Obviously that means I see the water type in my rival’s team for the whole game though, so I get to say hi sometimes!

We’re out of starters and into the early wild pokémon! I loved this set because even Caterpie has a surprisingly high defense stat, and by the time it’s a Butterfree it’s tough as nails! Also, a way to cheat and get psychic moves long before you encounter any psychic pokémon. Generally a winner all round. The originals are available to buy, as usual!

Ahh, the other bugs. I always liked the idea of Beedrill as a child, because who wouldn’t want to send out a giant, poisonous wasp-monster against their opponents? It looks so cool and scary! Unfortunately it’s pretty weak and was never very useful. It’s a lot more fun to paint than it was to battle with! The original paintings are for sale.
I usually try to keep this blog art-only and apolitical, but for my UK followers I want to link to this petition to hold a second EU referendum:
The majority in the vote was tiny, under-35s overwhelmingly voted to Remain but were outvoted by primarily over-50s (if 16- and 17-year-olds could vote Remain would have won easily), and most importantly, the results weren’t even in for 5 hours before the Leave campaign started backtracking on key promises. If you have any doubts at all about this result, but especially if, like me, you’re horrified that people have been allowed to vote on serious issues while being told barefaced lies, please sign that petition and contact your MP today.

Oooh, we’ve reached the first fairy type pokémon! Not that they were called fairy types back in Gen 1, they were normal types. I remember spending a ridiculously long time in Mt. Moon trying to catch a Clefairy, my over-training came back to bite me - my team were all too strong and I kept making it faint. I got one in the end though! The finished paintings go up in my shop when they’re ready, keep an eye out for your favourites!

Ooooh we’ve got to some of my favourites! Also, another version-exclusive on my side of the gap. No Vulpix for you, Red players. Ninetales was a pain in the neck because its tails block out the whole background, but I’m pleased with this lineart now. The finished paintings will go up in my shop when they’re done.

Pidgeot! So majestic, so regal! So pleasingly powerful in-game! These ones were a little nerve-wracking because I hadn’t done any feather textures yet, but I’m quite pleased with them now they’re finished. These beautiful birds are for sale, along with all the other pokémon completed so far!

Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff! I was a bit worried about these ones because they’re best-known for singing, which is hard to communicate in a picture. In the end I focussed on the ‘balloon pokémon’ thing and drew them floating. I think they look pretty cute. Finished paintings go up for sale in my shop, so keep an eye out for your favourites!