Kap Kormoran - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

The Cape Cormorant is medium sized, with glossy blue-black plumage with an orange-yellow throat patch and turquoise eyes. They have a long and slim neck and short tail, while the wingspan is relatively short, as they are required to dive for their prey, such as anchovies and pilchard. For this, the webbed feet are vital in pushing them through the water and to chase after their prey. Once they had their fill, they return to the coast line, where they are often seen with outstretched wings. It was assumed that they were drying their wings, but it is also thought that it helps with the digestion process.


Der Kapkormoran ist mittelgroß, mit glänzendem blau-schwarzem Gefieder mit orange-gelbem Kehlfleck und türkisfarbenen Augen. Sie haben einen langen und schlanken Hals und einen kurzen Schwanz, während die Flügelspannweite relativ kurz ist, da sie nach ihrer Beute wie Sardellen und Sardellen tauchen müssen. Dafür sind die Schwimmfüße wichtig, um sie durch das Wasser zu schieben um dort ihrer Beute nachzujagen. Sobald sie satt sind, kehren sie an die Küste zurück, wo sie oft mit ausgebreiteten Flügeln zu sehen sind. Es wurde angenommen, dass sie ihre Flügel trocknen, aber offenbar hilft es auch bei der Verdauung.

The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch
The Cape Cormorant Is Medium Sized, With Glossy Blue-black Plumage With An Orange-yellow Throat Patch

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