Katara Interactions. - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Katara Got Out Of Class Early Which Was A Rarity But She Had Managed To Finish Early And Was Let Out.

                katara  got  out  of  class  early  which  was  a  rarity  but  she  had  managed  to  finish  early  and  was  let  out.  so  katara  decided  she  to  swing  by  the  tea  shop  on  her  way  home  since  it  was  that  way.  figuring  she  would  bring  him  food  because  she  knew  he  forgot  his  lunch  on  the  counter  and  she  hadnt  had  time  to  swing  it  by.  so  katara  did  just  that  ,  once  she  had  the  food  katara  parked  and  went  into  the  tea  shop  hoping  she  didnt  catch  him  when  it  was  busy.  /  katara  &  zuko  :  @bcneficium

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1 year ago
Katara Smiled When She Saw Zukos Reaction And Him Coming Out From Behind The Counter. She Didnt Get Much
Katara Smiled When She Saw Zukos Reaction And Him Coming Out From Behind The Counter. She Didnt Get Much

              katara  smiled  when  she  saw  zukos  reaction  and  him  coming  out  from  behind  the  counter.  she  didnt  get  much  free  time  these  days  ,  so  she  didnt  get  to  spend  much  time  with  zuko  but  she  was  grateful  for  the  time  she  did  get.  ‘  yeah  my  test  finished  early.  you  also  forgot  your  lunch  and  i  didnt  have  time  to  drop  it  off.  so  i  figured  you  would  want  some  lunch.  ‘  katara  said  before  holding  up  a  bag.  ‘  do  you  have  some  time  to  eat?  ‘

Zuko Was Just Wiping Down Behind The Counter And Checking To See What Teas He Had In Stock, And What

Zuko was just wiping down behind the counter and checking to see what teas he had in stock, and what needed to be ordered. He was glad the afternoon rush died down not too long ago because it meant he had downtime and reminded him that he needed to hire people for the little tea shop. A sigh escaped him when he heard the bell above the door ring, and he glanced up from what he was doing, only for a smile to appear when he saw who it was. "Katara," He greeted his girlfriend, moving out from behind the counter and going towards her. "What are you doing here, I thought you had class?"

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1 year ago
Katara Was Trying To Get A Coffee After Work And Before Class When She Went In And Saw That It Was Busy.

               katara  was  trying  to  get  a  coffee  after  work  and  before  class  when  she  went  in  and  saw  that  it  was  busy.  katara  let out  of  a sigh  because  she  didnt  want  to  be  outside  and  her  classes  was  soon  enough  that  it  wouldnt  be  worth  it  to  go  home  and  then  come  back.  so  when  she  got  her  drink  and  sandwich  which  had  katara  looking  around  for  a  seat.  spotting  a  guy  by  himself  ,  katara  figured  it  wouldnt  hurt  to  ask  if  they  could  share.  ‘  hi  sorry  ,  could  i  sit  with  you?  ‘  /  katara  &  percy  : @bcneficium

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1 year ago
Katara Had Been Trying To Figure Out How To Approach Zuko With The Memories Stuff Coming Back Since It
Katara Had Been Trying To Figure Out How To Approach Zuko With The Memories Stuff Coming Back Since It

               katara  had  been  trying  to  figure  out  how  to  approach  zuko  with  the  memories  stuff  coming  back  since  it  didnt  seem  like  he  had  gotten  it  back.  between  work  ,  school  &  zuko  the  last  thing  katara  wanted  to  deal  with  was  azula.  with  a  roll  of  her  eyes  katara  turned  to  look  at  azula.  ‘  still  insufferable  as  always  ,  yeah?  ‘  katara  said  with  a  roll  of  her  eyes  and  crossing  her  arms.  ‘  you  have  a  chance  to  be  happy  but  still  choose  to  be  miserable.  ‘

@sunshiinefades | for katara

@sunshiinefades | For Katara

"oh, great," azula said, stopping face to face with katara in the street. she acted as though it was a chance meeting, when azula did in fact cross the road to confront her. "if it's not the water tribe peasant," she scoffed. as if being the son of some chief in a forgotten place at the bottom of the earth could compare to being princess and fire lord. "where's the avatar, hm? or my brother? they're usually around here lapping at your heals. i'm itching to give them both a spark again." it was cruel, azula knew that. but she was deflecting back to her old self and ignoring the new emotions and memories that had flooded her.

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1 year ago
Katara Knew That If Here And Zuko Were Here It Had To Only Be A Matter Of Time Before The Rest Of Their
Katara Knew That If Here And Zuko Were Here It Had To Only Be A Matter Of Time Before The Rest Of Their

                katara  knew  that  if  here  and  zuko  were  here  it  had  to  only  be  a  matter  of  time  before  the  rest  of  their  loved  ones  would  show  up  or  at  least  she  had  hope  that  would  be  the  case.  though  sokka  made  katara  want  to  pull  her  hair  out  at  times  ,  she  missed  having  her  older  brother  around.  she  also  greatly  missed  suki,  toph  &  aang  though  it  sucked  that  zuko  didnt  seem  to  remember.  admittedly  katara  felt  little  alone  because  of  it  but  she  just  pushed  through  since  she  was  busy  enough   to  try  and  focus  on  other  things.  though  as  katara  was  walking  back  towards  her  shared  apartment  when  she  noticed  someone  who  reminded  her  of  the  air  nomad.  ‘  aang?  ‘

@sunshiinefades || Aang & Katara

@sunshiinefades || Aang & Katara

.。.:*☆ Aang was no one for violence. He never had been. In his opinion, it only triggered more of itself on the long run, and that had never been good for anyone.

However, when those guys had been harrassing the poor stray cat, he could not just look away. The only problem now, Aang seemed to be their new target. And Aang had no idea what to do. He raised both hands and waved them - mostly to calm the gang down and keep them away. But then....

Well, Aang was not sure what it was. The wind had been picking up, like, a lot, and then the guys all laid on their butts on the ground. Aang blinked, confused. And certain they would blame him for whatever had happened to them now....

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1 year ago
Katara Had Been Happy To Know Suki Was Here Once She Got Her Memories Back. It Was Nice Having Someone

            katara  had  been  happy  to  know  suki  was  here  once  she  got  her  memories  back.  it  was  nice  having  someone  around  who  also  had  their  memories  ,  since  zuko  hadnt  gotten  his  yet.  but  she  also  knew  it  was  only  a  matter  of  time  before  he  got  them.  katara  made  some  of  the  tea  ,  zuko  had  brought  home  and  placed  it  in  front  of  suki  at  the  table  before  sitting  in  her  own  spot.  ‘  its  nice  getting  to  have  a  girls  day  ,  i  cant  remember  the  last  one  i  had.  ‘  /  katara  &  suki  :  @tclerateiit

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1 year ago
Katara Had Finally Had A Day Off Where She Didnt Have A Class , So While Zuko Was At Work Katara Decided

                katara  had  finally  had  a  day  off  where  she  didnt  have  a  class  ,  so  while  zuko  was  at  work  katara  decided  to  get  some  stuff  for  the  apartment.  the  waterbender  was  starting  to  pack  up  her  bags  so  they  were  easier  to  carry  ,  once  she  was  done  katara  turned  to  walk  out  of  the  store.  katara  turned  was  heading  towards  her  shared  apartment  when  she  spotted  what  looked  like  her  older  brother.  luckily  he  hadnt  been  to  far  from  her  but  had  his  back  to  her.  when  she  wasnt  to  far  off  from  him  she  called  out  to  him.  ‘  sokka?  ‘  /  katara  &  sokka  :  @signcfthetiimes

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10 months ago
Katara Still Didnt Understand What Was Going On If She Was Hundred Percent Honest. But It Had Been Nice
Katara Still Didnt Understand What Was Going On If She Was Hundred Percent Honest. But It Had Been Nice

                 katara  still  didnt  understand  what  was  going  on  if  she  was  hundred  percent  honest.  but  it  had  been  nice  to  have  suki  around  because  it  gave  her  a  bit  of  comfort  when  there  was  people  you  knew  and  understand  you.  smiling  at  the  tea  comment  ,  katara  nodded  her  head.  ‘  i  found  it  at  the  store  its  amazing.  ill  show  you  sometime.  ‘  katara  promised  before  giving  an  understanding  nod.  ‘  no  worries  between  school  and  work  i  havent  had  much  time  at  all.  hows  work  been?  ‘

Suki Had Been Thrilled To Know There Were People From Her World There. She Had Only Began Remembering

suki had been thrilled to know there were people from her world there. she had only began remembering a few weeks ago, as did others, but she had made it her goal to find everyone she could. she had still been distant, her main focus had been on hopefully finding sokka, never knowing the trouble her partner could get into, but she had made peace with at least knowing katara was there. "this smells fantastic." she insists taking a small sip of the tea, despite the steam. "i... was too busy with work. from what i remember that is."

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10 months ago

continued  from  here! @hcpefuldreaming

Continued From Here! @hcpefuldreaming

              katara  gave  ariel  a  supportive  smile  and  nod  of  her  head.  katara  would  didnt  care  how  busy  she  was  ,  she  would  always  be  around  for  the  people  who  needed  her.  ‘  of  course  ,  you  can  always  count  on  me.  ‘  katara  promised.  ‘  hows  work  been  going?  Its  been  a  while  since  ive  seen  you  which  is  mostly  my  fault  admittedly.  ‘

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10 months ago
Katara Had Been Looking For Her Brother And Their Friends Since Her Memories Came Back. Katara Had Been
Katara Had Been Looking For Her Brother And Their Friends Since Her Memories Came Back. Katara Had Been

             katara  had  been  looking  for  her  brother  and  their  friends  since  her  memories  came  back.  katara  had  been  friends  with  suki  in  her  fake  life  so  its  nice  to  know  she  at  least  had  her  ,  but  if  they  were  both  there  their  friends  had  to  be  around  as  well.  so  when  sokka  turned  around  and  rushed  at  her  ,  katara  felt  some  relief.  katara  couldnt  help  the  small  laugh  at  her  brother  when  he  picked  her  up.  ‘  im  okay  ,  im  glad  you  remembered  me  though.  ‘

Sokka Stopped In His Tracks When He Heard The Familiar Voice. He Would Know That Of His Sister's Anywhere,

sokka stopped in his tracks when he heard the familiar voice. he would know that of his sister's anywhere, but he didn't expect it here. whipping around, sokka didn't waste a moment running up to her, grabbing her into a hug straight away. he never shied away from affection with her. "katara!" he said happily, picking her up and squeezing her slightly. "you're here! are you okay?"

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10 months ago
Katara Rolled Her Eyes Before Gently Grabbing Onto Tophs Arm And Pulling Her Into The House. Yeah I Can
Katara Rolled Her Eyes Before Gently Grabbing Onto Tophs Arm And Pulling Her Into The House. Yeah I Can

              katara  rolled  her  eyes  before  gently  grabbing  onto  tophs  arm  and  pulling  her  into  the  house.  ‘  yeah  i  can  dry  you  off.  ‘  katara  had  already  planned  to  do  that  when  she  had  heard  the  rain  starting.  ‘  doesnt  your  phone  tell  you  the  forecast  before  leaving  the  house?  ‘  katara  teased  playfully  as  she  easily  bended  the  water  out  of  tophs  clothing  and  placed  it  in  a  vase  near  by.  ‘  do  you  want  a  drink?  ‘

❝ you’re soaked ! what were you doing out there ? did you forget an umbrella ? come inside so we can dry you off … ❞ katara & toph @sunshiinefades

Toph stood there with an almost incredulous look on her face. "Oh, you know I thought I'd just take a shower in the pouring rain." She sassed, "Obviously I didn't know rain was expected." She pushed her soaking wet hair out of her face, failing to get it to stay behind her ears. "Can't you just waterbend all the water off my body or something?" She questioned honestly.

 Youre Soaked ! What Were You Doing Out There ? Did You Forget An Umbrella ? Come Inside So We Can Dry

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10 months ago
 Yeah , I Do Think Youre Miserable. Katara Smirked Slightly At Azulas Reaction , Katara Knew That Despite
 Yeah , I Do Think Youre Miserable. Katara Smirked Slightly At Azulas Reaction , Katara Knew That Despite

                  ‘  yeah  ,  i  do  think  youre  miserable.  ‘  katara  smirked  slightly  at  azula’s  reaction  ,  katara  knew  that  despite  her  title  she  really  wasnt  happy  and  that  was  clear  to  looking at  her.  ‘  yeah  and  where  did  being  fire  princess  end  you  up?  ‘  katara  asked  rhetorically  ,  they  both  knew  the  answer.  even  if  azula  didnt  know  what  happened  to  her  after  the  war  ended  didnt  stop  what  eventually  would  have  been  her  fate.

"miserable? What Makes You Think I'm Miserable?" Azula Snapped Back, Rolling Her Eyes. Back In The Fire

"miserable? what makes you think i'm miserable?" azula snapped back, rolling her eyes. back in the fire nation as a princess she had never been. at least on the surface. until everything with the avatar started the downward spiral of her life. "i'm a princess, or did you forget?" she scoffed. her life her wasn't so terrible either. or it wasn't before the memories.

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9 months ago
Katara Smiled When Zuko Realized It Was Her , She Was Unbelievably Relieved To Know Zuko Remembered Her.
Katara Smiled When Zuko Realized It Was Her , She Was Unbelievably Relieved To Know Zuko Remembered Her.

                     katara  smiled  when  zuko  realized  it  was  her  ,  she  was  unbelievably  relieved  to  know  zuko  remembered  her.  so  far  the  people  she  had  found  did  remember  so  she  was  very  lucky.  ‘  yeah  its  me  ,  nice  to  see  you  as  well  zuko  or  should  i  call  you  firelord  zuko?  ‘  katara  teased  lightly  since  she  remembered  his  crowning. 

@sunshiinefades [Katara]

@sunshiinefades [Katara]

"Oh, yeah, you can sit here." Zuko replied as he heard the voice approach him. He hadn't looked up at first, but then he figured it would be polite enough to actually make eye contact, so he did. When he did, however, the last person he expected to see was Katara. "Oh, shit. Katara? Is that you?"

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9 months ago
It Was Nice To See Zuko Alive And Well , He Deserved Some Peace That His Life Didnt Get For A Long Time.
It Was Nice To See Zuko Alive And Well , He Deserved Some Peace That His Life Didnt Get For A Long Time.

               it  was  nice  to  see  zuko  alive  and  well  ,  he  deserved  some  peace  that  his  life  didnt  get  for  a  long  time.  ‘  ive  been  doing  okay  ,  i  think  maybe  a  year  or  so  im  not  totally  sure  if  honest.  ‘  katara  shrugged  slightly  ,  it  was  nice  finally  starting  to  find  their  friends  again.  katara  was  pretty  sure  the  whole  team  was  around  now.  ‘  what  about  you?  are  you  doing  okay?  have  you  found  anyone  else?  ‘

Zuko Couldn't Help But Smile A Bit At That, A Slight Chuckle Escaping. "hm, I Think Just Zuko Would Be

zuko couldn't help but smile a bit at that, a slight chuckle escaping. "hm, i think just zuko would be fine for now. i don't think my firelord status is relevant in this city." he admitted with a slight frown. "How have you been? Have you been in the city long?"

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8 months ago
 Actually They Do , So You Dont Get Stuck In The Rain. Katara Teased But Understood What Toph Meant About
 Actually They Do , So You Dont Get Stuck In The Rain. Katara Teased But Understood What Toph Meant About

              ‘  actually  they  do  ,  so  you  dont  get  stuck  in  the  rain.  ‘  katara  teased  but  understood  what  toph  meant  about  not  using  them.  katara  used  her  phone  but  she  needed  one  in  case  she  needed  to  go  into  work.  katara  then  lead  toph  over  to  her  couch  so  she  could  sit  down.  ‘  despite  the  rain  ,  how  are  you  doing?  ‘

Toph Huffed At The Other As She Let Herself Be Guided In Doors. "Do People Actually Check That Stuff?"

Toph huffed at the other as she let herself be guided in doors. "Do people actually check that stuff?" Toph questioned, "I mean we didn't have that stuff back home and I think we all did just fine." Was Toph mad at herself? yes. Was she going to admit to being wrong in front of Katara. never. "So honestly, I bet if you checked right now it would show like only a 20% chance or something like that."

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7 months ago
At This Point It Wasnt So Far Fetched What Korra Was Saying To Her , With How Weird It Was Around There
At This Point It Wasnt So Far Fetched What Korra Was Saying To Her , With How Weird It Was Around There

                    at  this  point  it  wasnt  so  far  fetched  what  korra  was  saying  to  her  ,  with  how  weird  it  was  around  there  besides  she  didnt  know  how  she  was  here.  ‘  i  mean  the  whole  situation  is  weird.  ‘  katara  agreed   trying  to  help  calm  the  others  nerves.  ‘  please  come  in  ,  ill  make  some  tea  or  coffee.  ‘   katara  stepped  to  the  side  to  give  her  room  to  enter  figuring  this  was  something  to  talk  about  in  private.

@sunshiinefades katara

@sunshiinefades Katara

korra knew katara wouldn't know her. but considering the other waterbender was one of the most important people to her, korra couldn't help but go introduce herself to the other. hoping that even though she didn't know her and they seemed the same age, she would want to be friends. "look, i know this is weird," she began as she stopped the other. "but, my name is korra. i'm the avatar. after aang and you trained me... later in life, that is," korra blushed after explaining, knowing she looked like a mad woman.

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6 months ago
As Soon As Katara Opened The Front Door And Heard As Zuko , Katara Felt Her Body Start To Relax As She

               as  soon  as  katara  opened  the  front  door  and  heard  as  zuko  ,  katara  felt  her  body  start  to  relax  as  she  locked  the  door  behind  her  before  putting  her  stuff  down  and  heading  into  the  kitchen.  katara  walked  up  behind  him  and  wrapped  her  arms  around  his  stomach  before  laying  her  head  on  his  back.  exhausted  not  only  her  work  day  but  the  work  week  ,  even  with  all  the  memory  stuff  going  on  she  was  just  happy  to  not  do  it  all  by  herself.  ‘  good  ,  tried  thought.  ‘  katara  spoke  lightly  with  her  head  still  rested  on  his  back.  ‘  what  ya  making?  ‘

zuko & katara || @sunshiinefades

zuko glanced up from the frying pan when he heard the key in the door, a soft smile spreading across his lips. they'd been living together for some time now - dating for even longer. he adored her in all the ways that counted, but as his memory started to return to him he'd started to pull away slightly -unsure if she remembered him in the same way he remembered her. it was a touchy subject and he didn't know how much to push or discuss with her - without her thinking he'd lost his mind. when the door pushed open he waved. "evening sunshine - how was work?" he questioned, continuing to stir the frying pan in front of him. "dinner is nearly done."

Zuko & Katara || @sunshiinefades

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6 months ago
Kataras Grip Tighten Lightly On Him When He Told Her To Go Lay Down , She Knew That Once She Laid Down
Kataras Grip Tighten Lightly On Him When He Told Her To Go Lay Down , She Knew That Once She Laid Down

                   kataras  grip  tighten  lightly  on  him  when  he  told  her  to  go  lay  down  ,  she  knew  that  once  she  laid  down  she  would  probably  fall  right  asleep.  beside  zuko  was  warm  and  comfortable.  ‘  but  youre  comfortable.  ‘   katara  answered  back  a  smile  still  pulled  at  her  lips.   ‘  pasta  sounds  amazing  ,  you  know  you  didnt  have  to  cook  but  i  appreciate  it.  ‘

he smiled softly when he felt her arms wrap around his waist, the weight of her head against his back. "go lay down then." he teased, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "i've got this, go put your feet up and let me take care of you." zuko replied, smiling softly at the other. "pasta, i thought a carb heavy meal was in order."

He Smiled Softly When He Felt Her Arms Wrap Around His Waist, The Weight Of Her Head Against His Back.

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