Keith Mathews - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Steve and Two-bit trying to pick up someone would be so funny (This somehow turned into headcannons oops) Requested(?)

Let me set the scene:

Two-bit and Steve are at the drive-in or whatever, drunk outta their minds with a beer or two in hand, and they decide to try and pick up a few women for the night

We all know Two-bit would be cracking the most foul jokes known to man

Remember the scene in the movie where he flips up that one girl's skirt? Yeah, he'd do that

If he was actually trying and not being a jerk, he'd try to make you laugh with his weird, scatterbrained humor, or offer to get you a Coke or something

If he succeeded in making you fall for him, we all know he'd be bragging about it to the gang

"Last night, I scored this real pretty person at the drive-in. They're totally in love with me now - even gave me their number"

He'd totally steal things for you

Maybe even admit he stole them

Steve And Two-bit Trying To Pick Up Someone Would Be So Funny(This Somehow Turned Into Headcannons Oops)Requested(?)

Steve on the other hand would probably try and impress you with the way he can work on cars or something

He'd probably yap to you, really

Probably would still crack some jokes, not as foul as Two-Bit's, though

He'd definitely brag about it too - mostly to Soda

"Hey Soda, I picked up this person last night - I'm plannin' on taking them out on a date this weekend"

Steve would try his best to make a good impression on the first date too

He'd want to definitely make sure Soda liked you if you actually started officially dating

Might take you out to the Dingo or something

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If not in a relationship, why so close in so many pictures. (This is mostly a joke. I couldn't resist)

If Not In A Relationship, Why So Close In So Many Pictures. (This Is Mostly A Joke. I Couldn't Resist)
If Not In A Relationship, Why So Close In So Many Pictures. (This Is Mostly A Joke. I Couldn't Resist)
If Not In A Relationship, Why So Close In So Many Pictures. (This Is Mostly A Joke. I Couldn't Resist)
If Not In A Relationship, Why So Close In So Many Pictures. (This Is Mostly A Joke. I Couldn't Resist)
If Not In A Relationship, Why So Close In So Many Pictures. (This Is Mostly A Joke. I Couldn't Resist)
If Not In A Relationship, Why So Close In So Many Pictures. (This Is Mostly A Joke. I Couldn't Resist)

While this is a joke may I pint out that Patrick's hand is set perfectly on Emilio's shoulder. I just thought it was cute.

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10 months ago


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7 months ago

Why do you guys blame Cherry and Darry for the events of the book? (Y'all especially do this to Cherry)

Cherry was literally getting harassed by Dally, then Johnny killed her boyfriend, (even though he had it coming) and then Two-Bit had to stop some of the greasers from jumping her when she offered to be a spy. Honestly, I don't even care about Cherry that much myself, but it's not like she went out of her way to hurt anyone. (And who can blame her for not wanting to see the guy who killed her boyfriend? Besides, who's to say that Johnny wanted to see her anyway?)

And I don't like it when people blame Darry for what happened. (Ik some people blame Pony too, which I also don't like, but I've seen people blame Darry more) Darry was 20 years old. And taking care of his 16- and 14-year-old brothers after both of their parents died. AT THE SAME TIME. Darry wasn't perfect, but neither were any of the characters. That's what most people like about them. And really, if you want to play the blame game, blame Bob and the other guys for jumping Pony and Johnny, or blame Dally for flirting with Cherry in the first place. (Nobody seems to do the latter option)

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