Ken X You - Tumblr Posts
Heya! A quick, fluffy request; Reader, a riding instructor teaching Ken how to ride a horse? I THINK THAT WOULD END UP BEING SO MIND BLOWINGLY ADORABLE!!??
Ken taking horse riding lessons with Instructor!Reader (Ken x Reader)

Reader: gender neutral
/Ken x Riding Instructor!Reader/
A/N: OMG anon!!! What a fantastic request! Short but effective, hope you like it ♡
You had been instructing people for a while now, but nothing could have prepared you for your new client: A very blonde, very handsome Ken with an obvious passion for horses. He was... excited to say the least, like a child on christmas, and you honestly found that extremely adorable.
Ken first petted the animal, stroking its mane and whispering "Hey, buddy!" a few times. Your heart already felt warm for him, seeing him getting comfortable so fast.
When you thought Ken was ready, you offered your hand so he could climb the horse. He took it and you immediately noticed him blushing (how cute), putting one leg over the animal and setting down slowly.
You could physically see a change in his demeanor, he looked... weirdly confident for a first-timer. In reality, Ken felt powerful, like he could rule the world (only figuratively, he wasn't going to try that again any time soon). He was so into the moment he didn't realize he had been nudging the horse with his heel, suddenly sending the animal running through the field.
"OH MY GOD." To say you panicked was an understatement, quickly jumping into your horse and absolutely racing towards him. Ken was holding on for dear life while screaming (and he honestly held on for an impressive amount of time) but after a while, he fell down dramatically onto the grass.
You hopped out of your horse, running towards the fallen Ken. His eyes were closed, and you softly shook him before holding his face. "Ken?? Are you alright? Please, talk to me!"
His eyelids fluttered open, and before you could process anything he was laughing... a beautiful laugh, full and bright. You could have punched him in the face for scaring you if you weren't completely enchanted by him... and as he stared at your face, you couldn't help but laugh as well, lowering yourself so you could kiss the corner of his grin.
His whole face turned red, blue eyes bright with emotion... you sighed, he was gorgeous. "You scared me, blondie."
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)... it will probably happen again, though!"
Laughing while laying on the grass, you two stayed for a couple more moments before retrieving your horses. Ken had a lot to learn still.
And yeah, if it meant he could have more kisses, he would make sure those 'accidents' happened more often than not.

꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — Here are some Kenons of Ryan!Ken dating reader that is from the real world!
Contains of — How you and Ken met, How Ken is during a relationship, Love languages, And just basic “ girlfriend and boyfriend “ things
Pairing — Ryan!Gosling Ken X Fem!Reader
Note — bro I love this movie so much and I thought I would write for him!! After some Ken appreciation I’ll go back to writing for Wednesday and Rocky also guys REQUEST STUFF please keep me busy I’ll be updating my master list as well <3
Might be long sorry pookie

— let’s start off how you two met. You recently have moved to LA from Nevada to pursue your career of modeling, and of course you had no idea where anything is, you needed directions on where the nearest gas station is.
— the closest person near you was this attention-grabbing guy wearing a rather bold statement of an outfit, a black cowboy outfit with a pink bandanna tied around his neck, and oh before I forget a white cowboy hat 💀.
— people definitely don’t dress like that in Nevada but this is LA so this is probably normal you thought ( why?Idk ) so you asked the man
“ hi! Excuse me, do you know where the nearest gas station is, I just moved here so I’m not very familiar with the area! “
— Ken of course was very surprised, shocked,confused,happy and people might even say honored to be asked for DIRECTIONS by a women, it was a culture shock moment for him but was extremely happy to fulfill your question.
— big shocker, as handsome Ken was, he was no help, so you stop by the local police station for directions just to find him there again do you know why?no, but it worked out in your favor because I can say you two starting seeing each other more after that incident.
- you guys started seeing each other for a good month before he asked you out, I’m convinced he falls in love easily so it wasn’t long till he asked you if he can be your boyfriend and you best believe he was the happiest man on earth when you said yes
He was so hoping you weren’t like Barbie and just gonna friend zone him 😪

— now let’s get into how he behaves in a relationship, technically he was in one before you ( with Barbie ) but they never did girlfriend and boyfriend things and he didn’t felt or was treated like a boyfriend so to him, your guys relationship was his very first and was excited to make it your best one yet
- he is very new to this so excuse him if he is extremely clingy and overly affectionate with and towards you, you can say it’s just in his nature ( bro is literally a accessory Mattel’s words not mine )
- as for love languages he doesn’t really know much about them, he considers those love languages as just normal girlfriend and boyfriend things but when you tell him about it then he’ll understand it’s just a preferred way of showing love
- personally I think he will be big on public display of affection, he would love holding your hand, kissing you, hugging you and would have no shame in doing so, he will be slighty disappiointed ( more like insecure) if YOU aren’t big on PDA as he is
- but if you are he will just be off the roof just excited that your as happy to touch him and he is to touch you. But it wasn’t always this easy, he was honestly kinda nervous to even touch you, being rejected so many times he didn’t want to expect the same treatment or make you uncomfortable
- how you two starting showing more physical intimacy it was during your first “ sleepover “ you guys were having a wonderful time but it finally came down to you guys sleeping, and of course the sleeping arrangements were you two in the same bed
- when you two laid down you guys were just sticks not moving or anything it was intensely awkward, it took you to make a move and hold his hand, obviously his cheeks turned into a light pink tint and looked at you instantly with love in his eyes
— it was an amazing feeling for him but he wanted more, he wanted to have you against his chest holding onto him, like hugging but he didn’t know the term in the real world it was just hugging to him
“ can I hug you? while laying down? “
— you obviously smile at the hugging part but you wanted nothing more than the same thing so you move much closer to him and hug him very tightly and say
“ this is what cuddling is “
— every since that day you guys were physically affectionate with each other and enjoyed every single minute of it, now Ken tries to hug, kiss and touch you everywhere now that you guys started getting more intimate ( wholesomely )
- while he is looking for a job he probably is a house husband for awhile, so before you go to work ken will probably write you sweet notes and put it in your lunch box or on the fridge, wherever he knows you’ll be able to read it

physical touch
— as we establish he adores physical touch and he will always try to be in contact with you physically, he just loves the way your guys skin feel with each other and the emotional connection between you guys, it is something he will never ever get over
— Especially kisses. Wether it’s pecks on the lips or full blown passionate making out it makes him feel like on another world and extremely happy. While cuddling makes him feel soft, and comfortable and Just really relaxed within your vibe and touch
— one thing he does ( I’m not sure if it’s creepy or romantic ) is once you’ve fallen asleep he will just stare at you and move strands of hair out of your face just admiring you and wondering how lucky he is to be your Ken
Words of affirmations
— other than physical touch, I think words of affirmations is the way he likes being shown love, being shown praise is something that makes him feel delighted ( horny ) and overall important towards you, wether it’s a compliment or a genuine message you tell him, he will love and hold it dearly to his heart
— he would definitely verbally express his love for you, a lots of “i love you“ “you are so gorgeous“ “you are amazing“ “ you are doing a wonderful job “ and so much more, i believe he just wants you to know you are amazing and that he will always appreciate you
“ i love you y/n you are the best thing that has every happened to me and you’ve made me feel enough and important and I love you for that and you are like so cool “
— the first time you said I love you or something along the lines of that, bro literally gasps and is in shock because he never expected a you to say that to someone like him and it definitely has made his day ( more like his life )
Gift giving
— i think these would be the last on this list, when he does get a job, he would probably just buy anything horse related but knowing how obsessive he is, he is definitely a good listener and would know whenever you want or need something and definitely buy it in a heart beat
— but on rare occasions when you guys are out somewhere he will see small things like a leaf or a coin and literally give it to you because it either represents a feature of yours or just reminds you of him in some weird romantic way
— on the other hand he would love JUST LOVE and deeply cherish every single gift or thing you give him, no matter if you bought it, stole it, made it, found it he will love it, honestly he will love anything you even touch
— probably after your work or his work, he will buy you a little something and some flowers just to see a smile on your face, seeing you happy is the only thing that matters to him and will keeping doing anything to make or see you smile
Quality time
— i dont think he will view this as an act of love but just something you do on a daily, just being next to each other or just being in the same house makes him comfortable knowing you are just there with him
— however anytime you guys are doing something like sleepover activities he will love it, and make him feel appreciated knowing you want to do these things with him instead of your friends
— but if it’s simpler things like getting food,walking around,going to the mall he wouldn’t necessarily think to much on it during the moment but at night he will definitely look back at those wonderful times between you two and truly value the time you guys spend together

— dates will definitely be something special between you guys even thought they are probably the average dates you see in the movies it is still cute and memorable for Ken since he hasn’t been able to experience something like that in Barbieland
- the dates with include some movie dates, getting ice cream or frozen yogurt, walking together to go get lunch, beach dates he will absolutely die seeing you in a bathing suit, going to the park to feed ducks, or just cuddling in bed watching movies
- as obviously as this is i probably still have to state this, his favorite date will definitely be anything beach related he loves the sun, playing volleyball, surfing, building sand castles seeing how the beach world is in the real world he does get slightly obsessed with it for awhile and is the only place he wants to be at for the summer
- but he will definitely listen to you and what dates YOU enjoy, he wants to make you happy and would want to do anything to maintain that happiness so he will go do activities that interest you or make you excited even if it isn’t his cup of tea, just as long he can go surfing after hehehe his rules not mine

— for the first ones it is plain and simple, the obvious babe and baby, he will use both but I think he will use babe the most, it’s simple it’s casual just an everyday thing he can use but when he wakes up all tired and sleepy he will use
“ hmm good morning baby “
— when he discovers any pet names in any other languages that sound remotely cool and romantic to him be will throw them at you 24/7, like Mi Amor or Hermosa, it will take awhile for him to go back to babe and baby
— when you use pet names on him it will drive him absolutely insane, just hearing those words come out of your mouth makes him all giggly and excited but he will want to remind chill and cool about it but most of the time doesn’t succeed
— he loves the nicknames handsome, baby, and my love but when he hears how you refer him to other people he just goes into a state of shock he will fall face first when he hears you refer him as “ my man “ towards other people he just goes like “ AAAAAAA”
- he loves calling you pet names and he loves hearing you call him pet names it is and will always be the highlight of his morning,evening and night and he still gets giggly about it no Mather how many times you call him that

I Hope you guys enjoy this!!! I hope this wasn’t as cringe or bad grammar I really tried my best to get this Ken character down to a T so I really pray this suits him as a character and that it reminds you of Ken and that you enjoy! Let me know if i should make a part two or any other new topics or prompts for Ken, put it in my request box 🫶
Jealous Hearts

꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — Ken gets jealous when you and Barbie start spending a lot of time together
Pairing — Gosling!Ken x Reader
Contains of — Jealousy,insecurities,doubting,confrontation and good ending
My note : IM JUST KEN ANYWHERE ELSE I’D BE TEN. sorry 💀 but anyway enjoy also this is very short im sorry but I wanted to put something out there and ALSO REQUEST MORE KEN STUFF PLEASE 💙

Ken walks into the large bright Barbie dream house, only to find you and Barbie laughing and talking. His heart stank when he saw you laugh at Barbie’s jokes, the way your eyes sparkled when looking at her, he felt jealousy,envy for the very first time
He never thought you would look at anyone else that way, he thought he was the only one who made you laugh like that,made you giggle and smile that bright and loud, it made him question your guys relationship and was it really like how he thought it was?
He tried to brush off his feelings, reminding himself that you are free to be friends with anyone you chose to be with. But as the days passed, Ken found himself struggling to hide his emotions. Every time he saw you and barbie together, it felt like a punch to his heart slowly feeling replaced day by day.
Sitting alone in the dimly lit room, Ken pondered over his feelings. He realized that his jealousy stemmed from his fear of losing you to someone else. He had always believed that he was the one who made you smile the most, and now he wondered if he was genuinely being replaced by barbie.
Unable to bear the weight of his emotions any longer, Ken decided to confront you. He found you in your bedroom, arranging your collection of accessories. Taking a deep breath, he mustered the courage to speak.
"Y/n, can we talk?" Ken's voice wavered slightly, betraying his inner turmoil.
You turned around, your eyes filled with concern. "Of course, Ken. What's on your mind?"
The way you said his name made him all fuzzy inside, he always felt at peace, at warmth with you and he was realizing that the more you talk to Barbie, the more he is getting replaced which meant he wouldn’t be able to speak to you again, he wouldn’t be able to hear you talk to him and he didn’t want that
So deep in thought ken hesitated for a moment before pouring out his feelings. He admitted his jealousy and insecurity, explaining how it hurt to see you with barbie. He confessed that he feared being replaced in your heart. you listened attentively, your expression softening with each word. When Ken finished, there was a moment of silence before you spoke.
"Ken, I understand why you feel this way, but I want you to know that you're irreplaceable to me. You've always been there for me, and our connection is special. Barbie is a friend, and nothing more. You hold a special place in my heart, and that will never change."
Ken felt a weight lifted off his shoulders as he absorbed Your words. He realized that his fears had been unfounded, and he had let jealousy cloud his judgment. He apologized for doubting your bond and thanked you dearly for understanding.
From that day forward, Ken vowed to trust your guys relationship. He learned to appreciate the friendships you formed with others and understood that it didn't diminish what you guys shared. Together you guys continued to embark on adventures, your love and bond stronger than ever before.
BarbieLand became a place of love, laughter, and understanding, where jealousy was conquered by trust, and hearts grew even closer.

Thank you for reading!!! Likes,comments,reblogs mean the world and I appreciate all of them!! I hope you enjoyed and if you want to be tagged in my next ken post, please dm or comment!! Request box is open so don’t be shy or scared I’ll write it SFW or NSFW <3
Hello, I having not the best day....and all I need is Ken to comfort me and cheer me up, either with human or barbie reader...Just pure pink Ken fluff.
Sorry to drop the request like that and Thank you in advance

꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — You have a bad day at work and all Ken is thinking about is comforting you and making you feel better<3
Pairing — Gosling!Ken X Reader
Contains of — pure fluff!!<3
Note — Hey thanks for you request I appreciate it!! I’m sorry you had a bad day today I hope you feel better and if you have any problems at all you can dm me I’ll be happy to talk and be friends with you!🩷

As the sun set over the bustling city, Ken could tell something was amiss the moment you stepped through the door. Your radiant smile was there anymore, as you made eye contact with Ken you managed a weak smile as you kicked off your shoes and sank onto the couch. Ken took a seat next to you , concern etched across his features. "Rough day?" he inquired, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
You nodded, your voice barely a whisper. "Yeah, it's just... work stuff. Everything seemed to go wrong today and it seemed like it was my fault. “
Ken leaned closer, offering his support. "I'm here for you. Whatever you need to talk about, I'm ready to listen."
Your eyes welled up with unshed tears, you finally let yourself lean into Ken's embrace. His strong arms wrapped around you, providing the warmth and solace you desperately needed. "I just feel like I can't catch a break lately," you confessed.
You’ve always been strong and never took any mental health breaks because you thought you didn’t need them but it turns out you did need one, it just kept building up and it Finally exploded.
Ken stroked your hair gently. "You're incredibly talented and resilient. Remember all the challenges you've overcome before. This is just a bump in the road, and you're more than capable of handling it."
You’ve calmed down a bit and you have a tug at the end of your lips forming a smile, you look at Ken and hug him, you whisper “ you always know how to make me feel better “
He chuckled softly. "Being with you for a couple of months have taught me a thing or two “
As the evening wore on, Ken regaled you with funny stories, bringing laughter back to your eyes. He ordered your favorite takeout and set up a cozy movie night with your favorite movies. The hours passed, and your spirits gradually lifted, thanks to Ken's unwavering support and love.
“ You know, I'm really lucky to have you in my life."
Ken pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "The feeling is entirely mutual. We're a team, remember? No matter what comes our way, we'll face it together."
And as you guys watched the city lights twinkle outside the window, Ken's arms around your waist, you couldn't help but feel that with him by your side, you could conquer anything the world throws at you

Hey guys! Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed it, if you have any ideas,prompts or request please let me know I’ll be more than happy to read them! Love you ❤️
Hey, dear. Would you write something about Ken being in love with a curvy girl with low self-esteem? My idea sounds like she's in love with him too, but doesn't show it cause is afraid of rejection. So he would try to kinda "convince" her that he is really interested.

꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — here is Ken confessing his love for the human girl he fell for
Contains of — Insecurities, bad mental health thoughts, confession, etc
Pairing — Gosling!Ken x Female Reader
note — UGH I LOVE when you guys request stuff, it makes me so happy thank you for the request I love it, it’s very unique than my other ones!! I hope you enjoy this and you and your body is gorgeous no matter what <3

Ken had always been captivated by You, a curvy girl with a heart of gold. The radiant smile could light up a room, but he noticed something more profound beneath your cheerful exterior - a hidden layer of self-doubt that you carried like a heavy burden.
You as well, had secretly admired Ken from afar. His warm personality and the way he made everyone around him feel valued had won your heart, but fear held you back from revealing your true feelings. You couldn’t bear the thought of rejection, so you kept your emotions locked away.
It wasn’t something you did intentionally but something that just came naturally, you always feared of rejection and not being good enough for people, and knowing someone like ken
someone that’s handsome,charming, funny and bright, that made you question your worth and morals more than normal
You always heard of people talking about how Ken is head over heels for you but obviously you never took them seriously because why would you?
People are cruel these days and would do anything to make someone’s day bad, plus you simply thought you were worthy enough to be liked by someone especially someone like Ken
You couldn’t help these thoughts, so you just let them overpower you and become oblivious to kens flirting. Ken really adored you and wanted to impress you ten times more than he “ impressed “ Barbie,
it’s always “ hey y/n watch what I can do “ , “ y/n look at what I made “ , “ hey y/n want to go to the movies later tonight? “
Ken tried all of those things but he never managed to get a reaction out of you, he was genuinely wondering what was he doing wrong, he even started doubting himself but he finally decided he was gonna take this into his own hands
One gloomy afternoon, Ken decided it was time to make a move. He invited you to your favorite coffee shop, where you guys often shared stories and laughs. As you guys sipped their lattes, he mustered the courage to speak his truth.
“Y/n,” Ken began, “there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you. I’ve admired you for a long time, not just for your beauty, but for the incredible person you are. I feel like you being here has brightened my life, you make me feel respected you put me first and I never thought that would happen. “
Your heart races at the shocking words ken just spoke, you really couldn’t believe he was saying those words to you, as you looked into his eyes, realizing that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way you did.
Ken continued, “i know we have some things we don’t like of ourselves but I hope you know that I’m really interested in you, for who you are “
Ken always was confident but when it came to you he always choked up and got noticeably flustered, when it came to the part of speaking about your body he definitely hesitated but it just had to come out
“ Your curves are a part of what makes you uniquely beautiful, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
You really wanted to tear up at kens heartfelt words you never had someone feel this way about you, hell you didn’t even feel like this about yourself, so to have someone to say this to you made you genuinely happy.You had never felt so cherished, so accepted for who you truly were.
Over time, Ken’s unwavering support and love helped you gain confidence in yourself . you began to see yourself through his eyes, not as someone with low self-esteem, but as a woman worthy of love and admiration.
Your love story blossomed, built on a foundation of trust, acceptance, and the courage to reveal your guys true feelings. Together, you two proved that love could conquer even the deepest insecurities, and you guys embraced your journey towards self-discovery and mutual adoration

I Hope you guys enjoyed this, sorry for the rusty grammar and such, I wrote this during class lmao but I hope it’s still good!! Love you guys!! Please request more stuff❤️
Hey babe, Ken x reader where Ken fixes our car and tries really hard to impress us?? Love your work

꒰ ⊹ ˚ Summary — Sadly your car has broke down and you don’t know what’s wrong with it!! Luckily Ken takes this as a chance to impress you with his manly abilities.
Pairing — Ryan!gosling x Fem!Reader
Babettes note — Thank you for requesting I hope this lives up to your expectations!! and this is extremely short so I’m sorry about that!! <3

Ken knew that today was the day he’d finally impress you. He had heard about your car trouble, and he saw this as the perfect opportunity to show off his mechanical skills. With his toolbox in hand and a determined look on his face, he headed over to Your house.
your pink convertible was parked in the driveway, looking more like a colorful paperweight than a functional vehicle. Ken approached it, trying to hide his nervousness. He knocked on the door, and you answered with a surprised smile.
“Hey, Ken! I didn’t expect you to come over,” you said, with your eyes sparkling.
“Well, I heard about your car trouble and thought I could help,” Ken replied, trying to sound nonchalant.
You led Ken to the car and explained the problem. “It just won’t start. I have no idea what’s wrong with it.”
Ken nodded confidently. “Don’t worry, y/n. I’ll take a look.”
With that, he popped the hood, revealing a tangle of wires and a rather confused-looking engine. Ken’s heart sank a little; this was more complicated than he had anticipated. But he couldn’t let you down. He rolled up his sleeves and got to work.
Hours passed as Ken tinkered, adjusted, and replaced various parts. You watched with amazement as he worked his magic on her car. Ken’s hands were covered in grease, but he was determined to get the job done. He knew he had to impress you.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Ken turned the key, and the engine roared to life. Your eyes lit up with joy as you hugged Ken tightly.
“You did it, Ken! My car is running again! You’re amazing thank you so much for this!”
Ken couldn’t help but blush at the sudden praise and hug from you . “It was nothing. I’m just glad I could help.”
You beamed at him. “Thank you for fixing my car!! You are amazing you are really great!”
Ken couldn’t believe his luck. He had not only fixed your car but also won your heart. As you two went for a test drive in your newly repaired convertible
Ken couldn’t help but smile. Today, he had not only impressed you with his mechanical skills but also with his determination and kindness.
Little did Ken know that this would be the start of many adventures together, with you by his side and his trusty toolbox always within reach.