/kimuri No - Tumblr Posts
Send me ‘✂’ and my muse will kill yours. Right now. Brutally, horribly, bloody. Just do it.

Lunarre wasn’t even looking for the stupid old man.
He was sitting against a tree, writing with a quill that gave off the same distinct aura as its owner. A great forest lined the left side of the path leading to Pendrago, dark and deep.
Lunarre knew this scene. It breathed weakly in the dark depths of his mind, where all the before times went to die. He knew it, vaguely, and it pissed him off. That guy from before had been here, had met this old man, and talked to him. But that guy - the man who had once dared to hope for something more, something that would fill his heart and soul and hold him together - was gone.
The seraph noticed him, and with a smile and a friendly greeting he sealed his fate.
Without a word, Lunarre attacked. Closing in, he registered a change in the seraph’s face nothing to do with the expression of horror.
Looks like your sight’s gone for good, old man.
The thought was erased as the hellion unleashed a barrage of blue flame at the seraph. Taken by surprise, Kimuri was took several of the direct hits. Being a fire seraph, the flames did not do the damage they would otherwise, but Lunarre was far from done.
What he lacked in experience he made up for in madness.
Claws and teeth bared, Lunarre howled as the seraph conjured a fiery wall of orange flame.
The seraph was shouting.
“Lunarre?! Don’t you recognise me? It’s Kimuri!”
Hearing Kimuri’s voice again only fuelled the hellion’s rage. How dare he call him with such familiarity. How dare he call his name as if they were friends. How dare he act as if any of this wasn’t inevitable. Humanity was merely a collection of lonely individuals eating each other, figuratively or otherwise. Feasting selfishly on each other’s lives. ‘Family’ and ‘friendship’ were worthless platitudes to escape that reality.
Kimuri was just like that bitch, and all the other lying, worthless traitors. He had to destroy him. He had to erase him. Him and that evening and everything!
A strained grin stretched Lunarre’s lips.
“You should’ve killed me that day, old man,” he said. “You would’ve lived longer.”
Lunging forward, the hellion burst through Kimuri’s barrier in a blazing whirl of blue flame and crashed into the seraph with everything he had. Kimuri was sent flying, hitting the ground hard as a cloud of dust and dirt flew up.
Lunarre was on him in seconds, hands clenched around his throat and heels digging into his legs, pinning the seraph to the earth. Kimuri was trying to say something, but all that came out was hideous choking sounds.
Lunarre tightened his grip. He didn’t want to hear it. He didn’t want to hear any of it.
“You talk far too much, you old fuck,” he hissed. “Just like back then.”
Kimuri’s blind eyes gazed up at him, pleading, begging. Hatred burned in Lunarre’s belly. He hated those eyes that looked but did not see. He hated them so much and he didn’t know why, but that didn’t stop the hellion from raising a fistful of fire and pressing the burning palm down on Kimuri’s eyes.
The seraph’s screams made him giddy, and Lunarre shrieked with laughter as he felt the eyes slowly vaporise, steam drifting through his fingers and the smell of burning flesh filling the air. Kimuri tried to prise off Lunarre’s hand with his own but the pain was too much.
But Lunarre was not done. Kimuri had to be erased. Him and his eyes and all.
Licking his lips, Lunarre leaned in close and whispered: “Come see some interestin’ things with me, old man.”
“Lunarre…” There were sobs in the seraph’s voice. “Lu–”
Lunarre sank his teeth into Kimuri’s throat. The scream that ripped out from the seraph’s mouth soon ebbed into a moan, then silence.
The hellion raised his head, chin dripping with blood. The seraph’s body was still, empty of life.
But Lunarre was not done. He opened his mouth wide, unhinging his jaw like a serpent, and closed his saliva-soaked teeth on Kimuri’s head. Within moments, the seraph had been eaten whole.
There was a delay of perhaps around twenty seconds before Lunarre felt the change, that rush of power he lived for. It coursed and pulsed through his veins and filled him up. He could rip his boss to pieces with his bare hands no problem.
Standing, Lunarre wiped his bloody chin with the back of his gloved hand and followed the path to the horizon, where the city of Pendrago lay waiting. The time for vengeance was close.
“You’ll give me a hand, won’t you, old man?” he said quietly as he began to walk. “I’ve been wanting to kill her so badly. All this time I’ve wanted her and the others dead. With your power I can do it. Yes, I think I can. Come on, gramps, don’t be angry…”