King Seokjin - Tumblr Posts

"It is far better to be feared than loved" -Red Queen
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Catharsis: Jin

Ca-thar-sis - the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.
Rating: 18+/Explicit
Genre: BDSM. Smut. Established Relationship. D/s Relationship.
Pairing: Hard Dom!Jin x Reader [’Pixie’]
Warnings: D/s relationship. Hard! Dom Jin. Spanking. Choking. Reckless Blowjobs. Tears. Degradation. Excess Saliva. Squirting. Anal Play. Anal Orgasm. Fingering. Biting. Orgasm Denial. Overstimulation. The reader is a Masochist—use of toys. Plot if you squint.
Word Count: 5.7K
A/N: Uhm. Whew. I may or may not do a whole series with all the boys. Thanks to the @thebiasrekkers for beta and sweating on this one. Also big thanks to @taetaesbaebaepsae for the content check. Also, please remember that everyone’s definition of hard/soft varies in the realm of BDSM. What that entails is always between the Dom/Domme and their Sub. This is an established long-term relationship where the Dominant can read his Sub’s body and reactions to stimuli. You will note that the Dominant asked for consent to proceed with the session. Please be safe. Please know your limits. Please talk with your partner for a complete understanding with any kind of play.
© thebiasrekkers (Admin T). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.

“I think this is the best option that we have right now, ma’am.” A board member smirked, “I assure you we have everything under control. You should just let us han-” He didn’t get a chance to finish before she pinned him with a hard gaze.
“Gentlemen, let me remind you of one thing. I’m in charge. This is my firm. The best option is the option that I feel will mitigate greater loss.” The older men seemed to bristle as she clasped her fingers in front of her. “Now, I don’t understand why we keep having to revisit the conversation every fucking time I want to make a change to the status quo.”
There was a soft shuffle of movement as Jin laid thick manila folders in front of each member. He was impeccably dressed, and his very presence seemed to further add to the tense atmosphere. She leaned back in her seat as Jin stepped forward, one hand placed casually in a pocket.
“Gentlemen of the esteemed board,” He offered a soft smile, “in front of you are the progress reports for the entire year. Our current proposal follows that based on future projections from these progress reports.” The flicker of paper seemed to run in a staccato of his speech.
staccato of his speech.
“Seokjin. While I know you’re one of the brightest minds in the field,” another member spoke up with an almost exasperated sigh, “…you must understand that we’ve used these contacts for a long time. We are comfortable with the results. Maybe you can get Madam CEO to see reason, surely?”
Jin’s gaze slid down to the woman next to him, vibrating with rage—with the rapid rise and fall of her chest. The slight purse of her lips allowed thin streams of air to fill her lungs. The flare of her nostrils, the quiver of her eyeballs as she managed to keep her temper under control.
It stirred something deep inside his gut. His gaze narrowed as he willed the quick flicker of lust to cool. She was so beautiful in this state, a raging fire that would incinerate everything in her path. A weaponized force is only able to be wielded by the worthy. He saw her take a deep breath, the flutter of her lashes against the dusky apple of her cheek. He swallowed thickly before clearing his throat, “Madam.”
“Jin, I will not kowtow to these fools!” She refused to look at him. She refused to back down from this fight. She refused to lose the ground she had gained after years in that chair.
The board members shuffled, uneasy, in their seats suddenly. “Madam, please.” She tensed briefly at the tone. Her heartbeat against her rib cage like it wanted to escape. It was a long moment before she gave Jin a sidelong glance. There was a thick swallow as she noted the look in his eyes.
She exhaled, “Fine. I’ll leave it in your capable hands, Seokjin.” There was a brief slide of her chair against the floor. A flick of the wrist, she spied the time, “I can handle my next meeting without you.” There was the briefest flicker of irritation in her gaze before breezing past him. She didn’t give that table a second glance as the door clicked upon her exit.
The tension seemed to grow upon her exit. All eyes turned to Kim Seokjin as he stared at the closed door. He exhaled softly before lowering himself into that chair. His body was absorbing the warmth she left behind. The older men waited in heavy silence as Jin dropped one leg over the other. An exasperated sigh as he pushed the fringe of his hair back.
The motion caused the board members to shuffle again in their seats. It was as if he’d become a whole other entity with the hair pushed back from his face. The thin wire glasses were pinched from the bridge of his nose, stashed into an inner jacket pocket.
“Gentlemen.” A hand twirled in the air as he addressed them. “I’m going to make one thing glaringly clear.” He steepled his fingers in front of his face. His gaze was dark and menacing. “What Madam CEO wants? She gets it. It’s been her vision that has garnered the current reputation and financial yields you’ve all enjoyed.” His gaze slid over each face present. “Now, I don’t know how to get it into your feeble minds that you don’t run this show, but you don’t.” He smirked, leaning his head against his hand.
“I do.” His eyebrow lifted with the bold statement. “She sets the plan. I drive the ship. So, for the last fucking time? Do not make me lighten our cargo load. Because I can - no, I will make it extremely difficult for you. I’m not taking over. I’m not telling her to go against her gut.” The delicate flicker of his fingers as he waved them off. “Do not upset her again. This is the first and last time I will say this.”
There were mouths slightly agape at what was said. Some knew better and were satisfied with the shock from their counterparts. It was an absolute known fact that Seokjin and the CEO were a thing. Some people had, at one point, tried to use that against her - to disastrous results. People didn’t understand who Seokjin was, the power and connections he had. They learned quickly to keep their noses out of their business.
Within minutes, the boardroom was empty, and he was alone with his thoughts. The lights in the room dimmed with the lack of movement. Bathed in darkness, his hand wanders to the semi-hard on pulsating beyond his zipper. She had looked so fierce at that moment - he was so fucking proud. That unwavering stare, the slight elevation in her heart rate, and that defiance. His tongue slipped along his bottom lip as he pushed to stand. Glancing at his watch, he figured she should be wrapping up the last meeting for the day. Employees bowed to him as they exited for the day. His soft knock on a set of double doors was answered by a soft grunt from inside
“We should get going.” He said softly. The only answer was an exasperated huff of air and the constant scribble of a pen on paper. Seokjin loosened the tie knotted too tightly against his neck. She didn’t hear him approach while she was lost in her thoughts - still simmering in that rage.
She wanted to ignore him and live in the heat of the blood boiling in her veins. Her body was tense, locked, and rigid until she felt his fingers tucked under her chin. “Seokjin, I’ll leave when I’m rea-” Her words cut with the forceful turn of her head. The hard brown of her eyes was full and softening as Jin cut her off.
“I said we’re leaving.” She felt a quiver in her thighs. She felt small in His shadow. The hair pushed back from his face, the smooth planes of his forehead visible, giving him an ethereal look. “Now.”
“Yes, Sir.” The reply was automatic, her body relaxing into the hold, leaning forward slightly as his fingers pulled away. Calmly, she stacked papers onto a corner of the desk. She grabbed her purse and joined him at the door. He offered his elbow for her to link her arm through.

A long silent drive home left her full of trepidation. She thought over the events of the day and knew she’d crossed a line. One line they had agreed not to pass at work. It was a part of their synergy, after all. She plowed through things like a bull in a china shop. She could be stubborn, reckless, and unyielding. He would remind her to calm her fiery instincts - and she would listen. He knew when she was doing too much - and today?
She did too much. She let those old fools get under her skin - resulting in an unsightly display.
The digital lock clicked as Seokjin entered, stepping aside so that she could follow. She stepped out of her shoes, hung her purse, and took her spot. The tension still riding her left her with stiff posture.
“Tsk, tsk.” Jin admonished, stepping out of his shoes. “Look at you, my little Pixie.” She could feel that gentle drag of his fingers along her arm. He noted the goosebumps that rose along her skin. “So, tense.” His voice a delicate whisper against the shell of her ear. “So disobedient.” Those fingers trailed against the nape of her neck, reaching in before tugging at the root. “And you know what happens to disobedient little sluts, right?” He spoke between clenched teeth.
She gasped as her head tugged at an unnatural angle; the pain caused a rush through her system. It was the price paid for answering one millisecond too slow. He could see the pulse throbbing in her neck. “I hate when you let others have power over you, Pixie.” His nose pushed into the crook of her neck and shoulder, inhaling deeply. “That’s a right reserved for someone, isn’t it?” She nodded weakly. “Who?”
“You.” He tugged harder. “Sir! You, Sir. Just you.” There was the prickle of sweat beading on the tip of her nose. He ripped the blouse from her shoulders, the bite marks on her shoulder were varying shades of red and purple. He found a flawless bit of skin near her shoulder - and he bit down again.
She made a sound in the pit of her throat, melting into his embrace. He dragged his teeth and tongue along the column of her neck, teeth sinking into the lobe of her ear. “And you’re still thinking about it now, aren’t you?” His hand loosened in her hair, pulling the shirt from her shoulders. He stepped in front of her, looming tall, one hand flicking the clasp of her bra. A finger tipped her face upward, his lips brushing against the side of her face. “Aren’t you?” His teeth snapped near her ear.
Her body began to tremble, skin flushed. Seokjin stepped back, taking note of her progress. There was visible irritation that crossed his face causing her eyes to fall to the floor again.
“Strip.” He stepped back, unbuttoning his shirt. She knew he was displeased; she took her time clumsily, stumbling out of her clothing. Naked, she clasped her hands in front of her. He made another irritated sound, jerking his thumb toward the bedroom. “Position.”
She felt like a baby giraffe stumbling to find her footing while scrambling toward the bedroom. Panting, she closed the door with a gentle click. She had mere seconds to find herself. She knew that if she chose anything too light. It would make things worse. But she did not want light - the tension from work was riding her so hard. She knew what she needed - knew what she wanted. There was a sizable ornate armoire with multiple drawers, multiple modes, and routes the desired result. A few items from each drawer were plucked and placed on the large four-poster bed.
She managed to use the Tossa jute hemp rope to make hasty double column tie knots along her abdomen. It was a little more challenging to get the line to flex under her breasts. Her fingers were trembling as the sudden plod of footsteps approached the door.
“I’m coming in, Pixie.” The doorknob softly clicked as she dropped to her knees. Jin leaned against the doorway clad in a pair of silk pajama bottoms. She could imagine the flex of his biceps as he crossed his arms, the up tilt of his lips as he smirked. His gaze locked to the top of her head before sliding to the assortment of tools for the evening.
There was a slight furrow in his brow as he turned back to her. “Pixie, are you sure about this?” There was no hesitation in the rapid nod. “It’s been a while since we’ve gone this hard.” He entered, walking past her to let his fingers tickle the ridges of a rather sizable anal plug. He knew his little trooper could handle it. She risked a glance upward, following the narrow of his hips up to the broad flare of his shoulders.
“Tell me, Pixie.” He cast a sidelong glance over his shoulders. Their gazes locked as she held her breath. “Tell Sir the magic word.”
She took a deep breath through her nose. She felt the tension bubble in her muscles, a thin stache of sweat above her quivering lip. “I consent - Hummingbird.” Jin felt electric tingles journey across his skin.
“What’s the safe word, Pixie?” He grabbed the hooded mask crumpled on the bed. A deft turn had him looming above her.
“Pixie Stick.”
“Good girl. When do you use your safe word?” He knelt in front of her, pulling the mask over her face, drenching her world in darkness.
“When it’s too much.” She spoke in a shuddering whisper. “Wh-when I don’t feel safe.”
“Good girl.” He knelt in front of her, checking the stability of the self-tied knots. He made an appreciative sound as he tightened them even more. She sucked in a breath with a slight increase of pressure near her ribs. Her spine straightened as the rope cradled her breasts, feeling the warmth of his breath on her skin. Her toes flicked against the carpet as he bound her wrists.
A faint light attempted to penetrate the dark hood over her face. Open mouth pants, the threading pulse, and fidgeting - Jin paid attention to everything. “Stand.” Her head turned toward the sound of his voice as she willed her legs to move. She knew that any second longer than a reasonable response would yield some sort of punishment.
“Arms.” He put his hands on his hips as he circled her. She raised her arms above her head to the sound of a click. Another rope tugged at her wrist, stretching her upward with her feet flat on the ground.
Jin grabbed the anal plug slathering it in warm lube. “Bend.” She was able to slide her body forward so that her ass presented to him. Lubed fingers brushed against her puckered entrance. His finger ghosting in faint circles, causing her clit to throb. She clenched around, nothing wanting sensation. “Relax.” Smack! The slap on the right ass cheek caused her to gasp. The fluttering of her asshole nearly pulled his finger inside. “Relax, Pixie. You know I need to prepare you.” He scolded, finger still rubbing lube around that hole and down the length of her ass.
One finger inserted.
Her toes curled, a sigh of almost relief, as he finally gave her something. He was inside up to the knuckle. She chewed on the meat of her bottom lip, pushing against the finger. Smack! The slap on the left ass cheek had her locked around his finger.
Two fingers inserted to the knuckle.
There were whimpers, whines, and shifting as she fought for control. She wanted to move, tried to fuck herself into oblivion on the slender digits assaulting her insides. Jin murmured to her as he scissored her open. He could hear the sticky residue of her slick every time her thighs rubbed together. And each time she shifted, it earned her a slap on the ass. The skin was warm and red, to the point that the scrape of his nails caused her to shudder.
Three fingers inserted past the knuckle. Jin flexed his fingers, dragging them in and out of her slowly. The prickle of goosebumps, the hardening of her nipples, and the way her pretty mouth hung open ready for something to fill it.
“Look at you, my good little slut. Do you feel my fingers, hmm?” He’s positioned behind her, leaning against her back to whisper into her ear. “Feel all three of my fingers in this greedy hole of yours?” There are only whimpers in response. She could feel the massive outline of his cock rubbing between the crease of her ass. The jolt of sensation had her hips shifting back even more. “That’s right, Pixie. Take my fingers just like that.”
Her mouth partly agape as she rocked back, pushing him deeper inside. Smack! Smack! Two quick slaps, one to each ass cheek, had her toes curling. Jin yanked his fingers free, placing the head of the anal plug against her. There were two ridges to pass before full insertion, and the first one passed by quickly. He watched that hole clamp as he pushed toward the second ridge. Smack! Smack! Two more slaps distracted her as the second ridge disappeared inside of her. “Tsk, look at this. No resistance at all. I could probably put two in this slutty little hole, couldn’t I?” She answered with a broken moan as he pushed the plug in the rest of the way. The flat black base suctioned to the lube covered skin.
Jin stepped away to admire his work, the slight imprint of hand and fingers from slapping the skin. It was a heated shade of red, scatterings of goosebumps, and the faintest flush covering her body. He grabbed the remote, turning it onto the lowest setting. It was more of an irritation than anything; a vague sensation that, after a while, teased but never let you fall over the edge. It was a long, drawn-out, push to ecstasy.
She whimpered, pushing her hips outward until she was nearly bent over. Jin slapped her ass, causing her posture to correct. “Don’t. Move.” He tutted the slip up as he surrounded her again. “You want sensation, Pixie? I can oblige.”
Her lips quivered at the seemingly generous offer – but she knew better. She could barely hear the shuffle of an object across the floor. “Straight, Pixie.” She rose until her arms were above her head again. She felt something slip between her legs; the feel of fresh leather tickled her inner thighs. She knew what this was, and her body trembled visibly. “Straddle.”
She waited one second too long before long fingers wrapped around the column of her neck. The air cut for just a quick minute before forcing her downward. Her mind was fuzzy with that timid vibration inside of her. Her inner thighs were sticky, smearing slick all over the leather-bound seat. “Straddle, Pixie.”
She licked the thin sheen of sweat above her lip before sliding up the length of the Sybian. The cold surface was causing her to pant. “Forward, slowly now.” She could hear the amusement in his voice. Jin pushed down on her shoulders, adding his weight, so her cunt lips spread. Dragging her clit against the leather before he lifted her, quickly, letting her hover over the plastic nub attachment. He placed two fingers against her lips, “Suck.” She obliged, eagerly, letting her tongue slide against and between his fingers. She made sure to push all the spit she could muster onto the length of his finger. So much so that a glimmering trail arced away from her lips.
Jin’s fingers pressed down the length of her body until they reached her pussy. Spreading the lips as that plastic nub barely slipped inside of her. Muscles burning with the attempt to hold the position – he made matters worse, tapping her clit mercilessly. Her body clenched on the probe in her ass. Her body in a flux pushing against the probe, thrusting into the rhythmic tap against her lip, and wanting to impale herself on that vibrating attachment.
Jin watched her hips rotate as he activated the majority of her erogenous zones in one go. He pushed her down onto the plastic nub, tall enough to just reach the little wet spot inside of her. Jin had to lick his lips at the thought of her pussy convulsing around him.
He grabbed the remote for the Sybian activating a strong pulsating wave of vibration. The anal plug vibration turned up to the next level while he leaned down to capture her nipple between his teeth. Those two fingers still tapping in time with the pulse of the fuck machine. Her jaw went slack only two minutes into vibration.
“Are you going to cum, Pixie?” He observed her, the speckle of goosebumps, the quiver in her thighs. “Tell Sir, are you going to cum?” He rubbed against her clit harder.
“Yes! Yes, Sir! This one wants to cum!” She shrieked to his amusement. There was a shameless swivel of her hips as she clenched, clamped, and rubbed against the leather. It felt like a tornado was building in the pit of her stomach.
“Do you have permission to cum, Pixie?” Jin asked almost inquisitively.
She cried out as he pulled her off the vibrating nub. His hands clenched against her scalp, a fist full of hair as he bent her backward. “Do you have permission?” His teeth snapped as he tugged.
“N-No! No, Sir.” She received three rapid slaps to each ass cheek for her response.
“That’s right. You did not. Sit.” He guided her until she hovered above the furiously vibrating attachment. She tilted her head at the change in sound. Did he turn it up? She whimpered as the nub poked at her entrance again. He pushed her down, hands on her shoulders to make sure her lower half was fully connected.
Her thighs violently shook as she tried to hold that orgasm at bay. It was impossible; the saddle-like contraption was quaking at the maximum level vibration. She kept trying to shift her hips backward – only to engage the anal plug vibration. Moving forward, drove her clit onto a textured surface.
“Don’t you dare cum, Pixie,” he whispered in her ear.
And that was her undoing – the first orgasm hit her like a mack truck. The force of it nearly lifted her off the plastic nub. . Her body bent backward, letting the rope hold her weight as her body convulsed. The second orgasm hit, and she went rigid, her body snapping forward as her abdominal muscles tightened.
The third orgasm hit, keeping her stiff as she fought to keep her sanity. Jin turned up the vibration on the anal plug spurring her into a fourth orgasm – a lewd wet sound echoed as she squirted against the intrusion. The walls of her pussy felt like they were rippling, and the waves spread across her body.
“That’s right, let me hear you, Pixie.” Jin stood back, watching her crumble. There was something sexy above the battle waging in her body. Does she slide backward against the butt plug vibration? Does she slide forward onto that textured plate with her clit grinding against the grooves? Or does she center her weight, letting that nub vibrate harder against her g-spot? His eyes were dark, hooded, and lust-blown as he palmed the girth of his cock against the silk of his pants. Precum dribbled out, causing that wet spot to grow even darker.
The persistent stimulation had her legs locking against the side of the machine. Juicy noises as the vibrations fluttered the slick dripping down the surface of the leather. She screeched when the sensation became too much. Jin pulled the rope to lift her body from the contraption. “Look at this mess!” He laughed. Her body jerked and trembled as the very air assaulted her. “I didn’t teach you to be this messy, Pixie.”
The slack in the line let her stumble to her knees. There was not a moment of reprieve when she felt hands on the back of her neck. Her nostrils filled with her essence as her face pressed against the moist leather. “Clean it up.” Her tongue slithered out in broad strokes to sop up her orgasm. Jin’s abdomen tightened as he watched the beautiful pink of her tongue pick up every bead of moisture.
Jin released her while steadily working his cock in short, teasing strokes. A hissing breath sucked in between his teeth with one hard pull. He reached down to pull her up by her hair. He leaned in to let his tongue move against the sticky residue on her lips and chin. He met her moan by sticking his tongue between her lips. She sucked vigorously, passionate pulls against that long muscle had his cock twitching again.
“You taste so fucking good, Pixie,” Jin purred against her mouth. “I should reward you.”
He turned up the vibration on the anal plug again. A long, salacious moan into his chest was the thanks he got. She was gulping for air, her body stirred up in sensation again. Her breasts jiggled as she teetered on the edge of an orgasm that just wouldn’t come. He tucked his fingers into the rope, knotted against her solar plexus, and gave a gentle push.
Her balance fucked due to over stimulation, she fell back against the bed too easy. The pressure of laying on her back made her hyper-aware of the anal plug vibrating away inside of her. Her toes still digging into the ground as the click and whir of something else made her tilt her head.
The sound of a drill locking caused her to stop moving. Jin stood at the foot of the bed, watching her gyrate her lower off. The puffy, pink, and glistening space of her pussy made him lick his lips. He slapped her inner thigh, once – twice – three times. He watched her attempt to curl and escape as he pushed her legs to bend at the knees.
Jin tilted his head as he licked the tip of the dildo in his hand. He made lewd, loud sucking noises that caused her to focus. She turned her head in that direction, the hood barely letting any light filter through. But she knew that sound – it was familiar. She whimpered because she knew what he was doing – could almost imagine it.
Jin made sure to drool all over the soft veiny surface of the fake cock. The dick left his mouth with an obscene pop before he lined it up with her body. The toy stretched her wide, made her full. He licked his lips as he put the drill into forwarding motion. The drill-do had become a favorite toy for them, honestly. If she was ever too impatient, it was easy to lube up one of many drill attachments for a quick release.
But now? Jin’s trigger finger had that bit stuck in an agonizing pace. He could see the cream building on the attachment with each soft drag of the dildo inside of her. “Look at you, I haven’t even gotten started yet.” He slapped her inner thighs again as she clenched down on the toy. He turned up the vibration on the anal plug again – and this time, there was no ignoring it. The wave was too powerful to ignore, no longer an irritating buzz. That, coupled with the vibrating twist of the drill-do, caused her body to shake again.
Then to add insult to injury? Jin leaned down to purse his lips around her abused clit. The sound that she made caused his cock to leak. It was a sound between mania and euphoria. The world was white behind the dark of that mask. Her body convulsed as her mind went blank. Drool leaking from the corner of her mouth as she twitched into a howling orgasm. Her head whipped back and forth as the speed of the drill assisted toy pounded into her g-spot. Her wrists contorted against the rope, causing the skin to redden as she pulled. Jin pressed his hand down on her abdomen to keep her still as his tongue ran circles around that oversensitive nub.
He could feel her body quivering beneath his hand as she came. The motion so strong it forced the toy from inside her ravaged pussy. There was a strong spray of wet orgasm against his chest as the toy plopped out. It splattered against his pectorals and chin, his tongue flicking out to catch it. The drill powered toy fell to the ground as he scrambled out of his pants.
A low growl rumbled his chest as he pushed her body further onto the bed. He yanked the mask off her head to see her eyes rolling back into her head. She was incoherent as he raked his fingers across her torso. There was nothing in her world but him when the light no longer obscured her vision. He slapped at her breasts as he rubbed her essence along the length of his cock.
She placed her feet on his thighs, tilted her hips up to accept him. He thumped her clit with the angry head of his cock. He spat down between their bodies before pushing inside of her. He couldn’t wait any longer. He slid all that thick, rigid girth inside of her at once. His fingers dug bruising possession into hips as he felt her flutter against him. He could hear the grinding of teeth in his ears as they both fought for that moment of stillness. The dull vibration of the anal plug the only noise as neither body moved.
She sighed, soft and silky in response to Jin’s hungry grunt. He swore his eyes were rolling in his skull. Jin lifted her hips to pull her along the length of his cock. She was used as a sleeve, squeezing and milking him. He rotated her hips, pushing them back, bringing them forward and pounding into her. Sweat dripped down the tip of his nose as he focused on the connection of their bodies. He could feel that pulsation of the anal plug from inside of her. He pressed his hand down on her abdomen, dark eyes lifting to her face.
And there he saw it. Her eyes were dark, almost unfocused as he fucked into that battered space. Her body was like molten liquid, so warm and pliable. The tension had completely dissolved from muscles, present in the moment of their connection. They made animalistic sounds as each thrust came more energetic and harder than the one before it.
His fingers pinched and twisted her nipples as his thrusts practically lifted her hips from the bed with their strength. There was another orgasm that had her body feeling light as a feather. Jin reached underneath her to tug at the anal plug. He pulled it partway out, and she jerked, causing it to fall out entirely.
Her eyes popped open with a shrill sound as her nerves seemed to fire off all at once. Jin had to drop the butt plug to hold her hips down. Tears streamed from her eyes as she gasped for air. She felt waves of pleasure spread outward from her ass. It felt like a stone disturbing the quiet surface of a lake. The waves pushed from head to toe as she bucked into another orgasm.
Catapulted into subspace, she cried through the pleasure.
“F-fu-FUCK?!” Jin roared as she clamped down him. He fell forward with hands on either side of her as thick ropes of cum painted her insides. He panted as she rotated her hips, trying to milk him for every drop left, and then some.
Her hips slowed, even though he started to soften inside of her. Yet he had tiny-aftershocks as she settled. He hovered above her before he reached up to thumb the tears away from her eyes.
Their hearts were beating hard and loud; their ragged breaths evened out.
“Are you OK, Pixie?” Jin’s voice was hoarse from the orgasmic rush.
Her vision slightly blurred with the remnant of tears, but she nodded in response.
“Better?” He untied her wrists.
“Mhmm.” A lazy grin spread across her face when the weight of the rope vanished.
Jin took his time untangling the knots and lines around her body. He continued to tease, dragging the rough texture against her oversensitive skin. She purred and moaned her satisfaction with each new sensation that rushed through her. He stepped off the bed when she was utterly unbound. Her arms stretched upward, she turned over, prepared to sleep for the next two days.
“Come now, Pixie. You know we don’t sleep in a messy bed.” She sighed heavily, but he was correct. She finally took a look at the room – the Sybian dried and sticky. The drill-do glistening nearby and the wet stains on the blanket. She knew the sheets were equally soaked. He smirked, offering a hand to help her stand, “Come on, a bath for you while I clean up.”
She looked like a newborn foal unable to use its legs out of the womb. Jin tucked an arm under her knees, lifting her upward with little effort. She nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck, “Thank you, Sir.”
Her body felt right in his arms – free from that burden—safe in the arms of the only man who could grant her that kind of absolution.
The kind of cathartic release that sets the soul in its proper place.
Pied Piper! Jin Au x reader

Warnings: None
Genre: angst, fluff
Summary: Jin is gifted with a voice that can control people. He doesn’t want to use it, but he has to when he decides it's time to save his country.
Word count: 1.5k (1588)
Jin was a gifted child. No one knew how this happened. But when he would sing, he could make people his dolls, making them do whatever he wanted.
He was just a boy that liked music. A song was stuck in his head. He was quietly singing “run run run” and saw his friend who had come over, run face first into a wall. He laughed it off but panicked when his friend told him that it felt as if he was possessed.
They decided to try it on animals. It worked. And that’s how Jin became known amongst the Kingdom.
The king, decided that in order to take over a neighboring kingdom, ‘Hope’, ‘Namkanda’ needed to use Jin’s power. (A/N sorry had to)
Jin felt extremely offended by the king’s behavior, though.
“This could help our Kingdom. The war would be over. You are just selfish and do not want to share your power.”
Jin was really generous. He was known for it way before everyone learned about his power so being accused of acting selfishly got him upset.
He left without giving an answer to the king.
Jin went to the forest. He wanted to calm down. He knew he was capable of saying awful things when he was upset so he tried to avoid it as much as he could.
He sat down after walking for more than two hours.
He looked at the sky. It would soon start to get dark. He didn’t know how far he was. He heard leaves being stepped on behind him.
He wasn’t afraid as he could use his power to protect himself.
A girl approached him.
“Hi! Are you hungry? Do you have a home?” She asked.
“Of course, stop acting like you don’t know me” He snapped but quickly apologized.
“I’m sorry, am I supposed to know you? Aren’t you a traveler from kingdom ‘Namkanda’?” She asked.
“eh? Where am I?” Jin asked confused.
“In kingdom ‘Namkanda’, duh” The girl replied.
Jin sighed.
“What’s wrong? Are you lost?” The girl asked.
“No… Well yes, if you consider I didn’t know I left my kingdom and came here.” Jin replied.
“You come from kingdom ‘Hope’? Oh my god, I shouldn’t, um yeah” The girl started taking small steps back.
“No don’t leave. I’m… I need help to go back. Please” Jin said. He didn’t want to use his power on her.
“I’m Jin, Kim Seokjin” he said in a small voice
“I’m (y/n)” The girl replied.
“I need your help. I was upset and went for a walk but ended up here. I have to go back” Jin panicked.
“Why were you upset? Are you better now?” The girl asked.
“Yes I think, can you help me? Or get someone to do it, if you’re afraid?” Jin hoped she could help him go back.
“Um yes of course, I was kicked out from my parents, so I’m sure they won’t worry about me” She whispered the last part.
“Oh my god what?” Jin asked.
“You weren’t supposed to hear that” the girl whispered
“Please tell me. You can trust me. Here, I promise I’ll tell you” he said and took his pinky out
“Okay” she giggled and wrapped her smaller pinky around his.
Jin grinned at the melodic sound she let out.
“My parents found out I liked walking here, the borders of the two kingdoms, and someone told them that one day I reached the side of your kingdom and they got upset as this could be spread and my whole family could be killed. They kicked me out acting as if they didn’t know me. And here I am. Wandering around here again. I’m trying to make something to sleep. Like a tent thing with some blankets that I took, but it’s really hard...” she said and looked up at the sky then sighed.
“It’s the most stupid thing ever. I don’t blame myself. I know I made a small mistake. They should have forgiven me... But now that I think about it, they weren’t my real parents. So why would they truly care?” The girl looked mad.
“What about you, Jin?” She asked after a moment.
“Well, promise you won’t get creeped out?” He asked. Could he trust a random stranger? She could be someone sent from ‘Hope’ kingdom. A spy or something. But she didn’t look like it. Jin felt so comfortable around her already that just wanted to tell her everything.
And that’s what he did. He explained everything.
Luckily the girl wasn’t afraid at all. She thought it was cool they spent the while night playing with small animals they saw. Until sleep took the best of them and they woke up several hours later, wrapped in each other’s arms.
Jin was the first to wake up. He wondered how they were alive still, in the forest. But he knew they were close to his house. How did they end up Here?
(Y/n) woke up only a few minutes later.
She looked around and when she realized what had happened she jump and started to apologize.
“Shit I’m sorry I was supposed to take you home” she panicked.
“We’re really close to my house either way, don’t apologize. He tried to calm her down.
“Wouldn’t your parents be worried or something?” She asked still panicking.
“My parents left me when they found out my power. They said they were afraid and that I was a demon child…” Jin said quietly.
“So that means I live alone. But I could offer you to live with me until you can stand on your own feet” Jin wondered if his offer would make her scared but she just smiled.
“Wow you’re really sweet. You just met me, trusted me and told me your secrets and offered to help me. The world doesn’t deserve you” She said her thoughts out loud and her eyes widened after that.
“Oh shit sor-“
“I’ll take that as a yes. Come with me” he cut her off and took her small hand in his and pulled her towards his house. Luckily he had an extra room where she could stay.
He though faced a big problem.
Papers with his portrait and big letters spelling “WANTED” where spread all around his village. Probably the whole kingdom if that many reached this small place.
“Oh no... What do we do?” (Y/n) asked.
“Okay before doing anything, do you promise me we’re gonna help each other through anything? I trust you and need you to trust me too” Jin said and took out his pinky again.
“Yes Jin like the three musketeers but we’re only two... All for one and one for all” She said and linked her pinky to his.
“We’re going to take over both kingdoms” Jin simply stated.
“What? How?” She was really confused.
“I’m going to have to use my power” Jin looked down expecting her to yell at him. But he was faced with silence.
“Please don’t hurt anyone. Just make them listen to you.” She whispered. She was now afraid that he was going to use it against her too.
“No of course no! I’m just going to take the kings’ thrones, connect the two kingdoms into one and have you and I rule them” Jin smiled at her scared small figure.
“I’ll rule too?” She asked in a small voice.
“Of course” Jin said and smiled
“Okay” she breathed out and Jin hugged her.
“Don’t worry. We’re gonna make it.” He whispered in her ear and she shivered.
This wasn’t easy but they actually managed to make it.
Jin became the king for obvious reasons.
But he never said what would happen to (y/n).
He approached her slowly and looked straight into her eyes.
“(Y/n)... I’d like to offer you a big and important role for this kingdom. I would like to ask you to be my queen.” he said calmly.
(Y/n) didn’t know what to say. So Jin continued.
“I knew I could trust you from the beginning. I felt something in me assuring me that I could trust you and that you could support me. I can confidently say that I liked you from the moment I met you and I would feel relieved to hear that you felt the same thing” he never broke eye contact.
“Jin, I was alone, abandoned by my parents, scared and had no place to live. You offered me all these when you could have left me there to rot. I trusted you with my story and supported you through it all. You think I would do that to someone I didn’t like?” (Y/n) smiled at him.
“My answer is yes, Jin” and Jin couldn’t help but to wrap his arms around her, keeping her close.
He pulled from the hug and looked in her eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” He blushed.
“Yes” she also blushed.
Jin leaned in and she did the same. A few moments later their lips where touching.
They started moving their lips against each other’s and got as close as humanly possible.
It’s like soulmates. They both knew from the beginning that they belonged to each other.
Their bond was something people were often envious of.
It was the best thing that happened in their lives.
“Baby we need a new name for our big kingdom.” (y/n) said and giggled.
“What about KIMdom? Get it? Because I’m Kim Seokjin? HAHAHAHAHA” Jin’s squeaky laugh echoed in the room.
“Why did I agree to marry you?” (y/n) rolled her eyes.