Kinger My Beloved - Tumblr Posts

King amongst the flowers 🌺🌷🌹

An old photo
(This is supposed to be a photo of Kinger and Queenie from before Queenie abstracted)
( @kinger-cult )

Fancy Kinger 💜✨💜✨
(Since I did gangle in a fancy outfit, might as well try and do the same with the others)
(@kinger-cult )

Drag Queener (Kinger in Drag) 💜💜💜💜
(Inspired by some of the art of Kinger made by @saytrrose)
(@kinger-cult )
Hey, have y’all ever seen a character and been like … “Why , of all characters, do I like them?”?Like, you know liking them is ridiculous, and that the material he comes from is stupid and low quality, but you can’t stop yourself from liking him? I have and, well…

I have no genuine reason for why I like him. Like the videos he comes from are stupid and cheap, but I genuinely like this absolute goofnut gremlin! To the point I made fanart of this man.

Like I know he’s just essentially a recolor of Kinger and that his character was created for content farm purposes, but he’s so goofy and chaotic that I like him. Also, while I hate to admit this, I kinda like his design, it kinda reminds me of those old cartoony vampires you’d see on cheesy Halloween decorations. Once again, I have no idea why I like him, I just do.
(Btw he’s saying “Hello Dear” in the fanart)
(I’m sorry for liking him)

My lord and Savior Kinger!! ✨✨✨

My boy found a bug!

I'm attracted to the 48yr old chess piece.. I need him.. 😋😋
Misery X CPR X Reese's puff's, With the group of main players (except Jax), why not?
[Misery X CPR X Reese's puff's, con el grupo de personajes principales (exepto Jax), ¿porque no?]
(Dibujo flojo-) (Lazy drawing-)
Gangle (swap Pomni): Misery
Kinger (swap Jax): CPR
Pomni (Swap Ragatha): Reese's puff's [And embarrassed to sing in the process/ Y con vergüenza de cantar en el proceso]
Maybe I'll do it animation later, I don't promise anything because I'm very lazy-
[A lo mejor lo hago animación más tarde, no prometo nada porque soy muy vago-]
Ok bye, don't commit suicide, you can die
[Okey adiós, no se suiciden que se pueden morir]
Unestable(my AU) Royalteeth. Just because Its dynamics are beautiful ❤️
Their relationship is much like that of Angel Dust (Like Kinger) and Husk(Like caine) from Hazbin Hotel, So they are very dysfunctional with their emotions and actions towards each other (more so if Kinger in the AU is Jax and Caine is Zooble)
Personally, I liked the result, only that the tip of Kinger's head looks bad xd
Unstable! Royalteeth (mi AU). Solo porque su dinámica es hermosa ❤️
Su relación es muy parecida a la de Angel Dust (como Kinger) y Husk (como Caine) de Hazbin Hotel, por lo que son muy disfuncionales con sus emociones y acciones mutuas (más aún si Kinger en el AU es Jax y Caine es Zooble)
Personalmente, me ha gustado el resultado, solo que la punta de la cabeza de Kinger se ve mal xd
Small drawings made with green pen from a non-canonical character of my AU { O r m a y b e y e s?}
It's a Royalteeth fanchild :]
Pequeños dibujos hechos con bolígrafo verde A partir de un personaje no canónico de mi AU { O t a l v e z s i?}
Es un fanchild de Royalteeth :]

His name? He doesn't have any yet-

Kinger: Caine, where the f*ck did this kid come from? / Caine, ¿de donde c4r4j0 llegó este niño?
Caine: Isn't he your son? It looks like you / ¿No es tu hijo? Se parece a ti
The child: I am your son! /
El niño: Soy hijo de ustedes!
Kinger And Caine: WHAT!? / ¿¡QUÉ!?

Without his tooth helmet and accessories (It's a black chess piece)
Sin su casco de dientes y accesorios (Es una pieza de ajedrez negra)

Small :3
Maybe the child will be part of some Jax(caine) adventure where they have to take care of children (But they end up ruining everything)
Tal vez el niño forme parte de alguna aventura de Jax (caine) donde tengan que cuidar niños (y terminan estropeado todo)
Caine and Kinger when someone steals their son's lollipop/Caine y Kinger cuando alguien le roba su paleta a su hijo:

Caine: We're going to beat that guy, Komediya. / Vamos a golpear a ese tipo, Komediya.
Komediya: YES! / Si!
But Kinger.... / Pero Kinger...

Kinger: Seriously? Are you so weak that someone steals from you? You're pathetic, Zuur. / ¿En serio? ¿Eres tan débil que alguien te robó? Eres patético, Zuur.
Komediya/Zuur: S-sorry dad.... / P-perdón papá...
(The little boy has two names, the first is "Komediya" [his favorite and the one that Caine gave him], and the second is "Zuur" [He got that one from Kinger, but he doesn't like it])
(El niño tiene dos nombres, el primero es "Komediya" [su favorito y el que le dio Caine], y el segundo es "Zuur" [ese fue de Kinger, pero no le gusta])

Only, a Kinger meme that does not reveal his lore at all :3
(Sorry for my bad English and possible spelling mistakes)

For today, there are only three, possibly these days the others will come For today, there are only three, possibly these days the other designs will come out 👀
And the context of the lore will come out later :3 (When all the designs come out), or when my laziness doesn't consume me
(PD: The heights are made with the measurements of centimeters and meters)
First degree murder :D!

Jax: M-my de-AGHHHHHHH / Q-querid-AGHHHHH *Hangman*
And Kinger calm down 👍 (Damn, his face is weird XD)

[Question from my wattpad account]
![[Question From My Wattpad Account]](
Why is Kinger such a son of bitch or is he like that because yes?
![[Question From My Wattpad Account]](
Ragatha: Why are you so evil :c? / ¿Porqué eres tan malo :c?
Kinger: I'm bored, lol / Estoy aburrido, lol
You f*ck my dad!?

Ragatha: Did you f*ck my dad!?

Kinger: Well....
Caine: What the f*ck are you going to say to my daughter!?

Can we talk about THIS Scenes from chapter 3?

"You look beautiful honey"
I love fictional men
I love old fictional men

I just found out they share a VA today and....I have been changed...
(VA means Voice Actor btw)