Kings Island Orion - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

IN HONOR OF KINGS ISLAND NOW BEING OPEN, I've decided to do another ✨Kings Island lore post✨, this time moving over to Area 72 in order to talk about the Project X Initiative!

Feel free to speak up and ask me anything if you want further elaboration or have anything in particular you want me to talk about! This can be in the comments or through an ask, whatever you feel more comfortable with!

Now with all of that out of the way, sit back, relax, and mentally prepare yourself. The ramble shall begin after the cut!

The first time we are introduced to the Project X initiative is on July 2, 2020 when Orion first opened. It's mentioned by name in the description of the video "Orion: New for 2020 at Kings Island" on Kings Island's YouTube channel (which can be found here -> It says:

"Themed to the park's new Area 72, the ride features the latest prototype vehicle developed by the Project X Initiative. Scientists are in a race against time to develop technology capable of weaving transport vehicles through a coming meteor storm and traveling to a new planet within the Orion constellation. For the program to be successful, it needs volunteers to help with testing."

So if Orion is the latest prototype vehicle developed by the Project X Initiative, then there had to be more from before that, right? CORRECT!

Orion is actually Sequence X of the Project X Initiative! The full 10 sequences are as follows:

Sequence I - Shooting Star-47, Study of Astrology & Rapid Directional Changes

Sequence II - The Rotor-72, Study of Centrifugal Forces & Gravity Centrifugal Effects

Sequence III - Bayern Kurve-73, Study of Interstellar Travel & Acceleration

Sequence IV - Zodiac-75, Study of Symmetry & Radial Forces

Sequence V - SkyLab-86, Study of Gravitational Pull

Sequence VI - Vortex-87, Study of Inversions & Inversion Effects

Sequence VII - Flight of Fear-96, Study of Acceleration & Sensory Deprivation

Sequence VIII - Invertigo-99, Study of Balance & Motion Pull

Sequence IX - Firehawk-07, Study of Maneuvering/Evasive Maneuvers

Sequence X - Orion-20, Study of Time Space

Are any of these names sounding familiar? They should! They're the names of Kings Island attractions, both past and present! And the numbers after them are references to the years that those rides opened!

All of these different "Sequences" can be found throughout Orion's queue, particularly on the fake pin board on the Fast Lane side of the queue where you'll find posters for each of them & on the wall next to the front row line for the ride itself in the station. For the station one, I'll put an image below:

IN HONOR OF KINGS ISLAND NOW BEING OPEN, I've Decided To Do Another Kings Island Lore Post, This Time

The first time we were clued in on any of this "Project X Initiative" stuff was on the construction fence for Orion back when it was being built. Every once in a while, the park would put up a poster with one of it's rides (past or present) on it (which ended up being Sequences I-IX) with a faint letter in the background. Eventually, with a hashtag made up of QR codes in the front of it, it spelled out "#TETOWAWKI," which for those of you who were following Orion's teaser developments, ended up standing for "The End Of The World As We Know It." The QR code hashtag led you to a petition on by "Concerned Citizen" who talks about how Kings Island needs to reveal what's behind the wall for the safety of the public. Concerned Citizen even got a signature from a Mr. of Flight of Fear will know that name...

(Here's a link to the petition in case you want to check that out for yourself:

Sign the Petition
KINGS ISLAND- What's Behind That Fence?

Honestly, the #TEOTWAWKI/Orion teaser campaign is so interesting and lore heavy that I'll probably end up making a post on it in the future at some point XD

And that's it for this KI lore post! Again, feel free to let me know if there's anything in particular you want me to touch upon! And if you're ever looking for any of my other KI lore posts, they can be found under the tag #kings island lore. I hope you have a wonderful day!

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8 months ago

Congratulations, fellas! You're getting some ✨Orion queue lore✨ photos today!

Congratulations, Fellas! You're Getting Some Orion Queue Lore Photos Today!
Congratulations, Fellas! You're Getting Some Orion Queue Lore Photos Today!
Congratulations, Fellas! You're Getting Some Orion Queue Lore Photos Today!
Congratulations, Fellas! You're Getting Some Orion Queue Lore Photos Today!
Congratulations, Fellas! You're Getting Some Orion Queue Lore Photos Today!
Congratulations, Fellas! You're Getting Some Orion Queue Lore Photos Today!
Congratulations, Fellas! You're Getting Some Orion Queue Lore Photos Today!

All of these were taken from the one time I was in the fast lane queue for Orion. There's a lot of really cool stuff over there on that fake pinboard. I wish it was easier to access beyond "pay money to ride this ride faster than everyone else," you know?

Pretty much everything on this board is a reference to the in-universe Project X Initiative, it containing posters for each Sequence as well as a collection of photos & Easter eggs for each ride involved. Let me tell you, this wall makes my life easier in terms of having to reference the different sequences for lore lol

(Images taken July 22, 2023)

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8 months ago

Happy birthday to Orion at Kings Island, one of only 7 giga coasters in the world! I rode it yesterday and had one of my smoothest rides yet! It's certainly a top tier coaster in my books!

Happy Birthday To Orion At Kings Island, One Of Only 7 Giga Coasters In The World! I Rode It Yesterday
Happy Birthday To Orion At Kings Island, One Of Only 7 Giga Coasters In The World! I Rode It Yesterday

(Images taken July 1, 2024)

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5 months ago

Honestly, it's a crime that IMAScore never released the music for Orion on YouTube. Every time I walk into Area 72, it's like a WHOOSH of dopamine because of the beautifully majestic music playing over the speakers. The music is so perfect for Orion and I want to be able to beam it directly into my skull the same way I can with the Mystic Timbers music lol

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