Theme Park Pictures - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago
For Anyone Who Wants To See What The Kings Island Anniversary Cards From Opening Day Look Like, Here's
For Anyone Who Wants To See What The Kings Island Anniversary Cards From Opening Day Look Like, Here's

For anyone who wants to see what the Kings Island anniversary cards from opening day look like, here's a photo of the front and backs of each card I got from riding Banshee.

If anyone out there has cards from The Beast, Diamondback, or Invertigo, let me know! I'd love to see the cards from the packs I couldn't get!

(Click images for better quality)

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9 months ago


In it's honor, I present the only photo I have of it taken from the queue of Mystic Timbers


May your opening day be smooth and your lines plentiful from popularity (but not too plentiful because I know that nobody wants to wait in a 3-4 hour line for a family coaster lmao)!

(Also bonus: Happy opening day to Hyperia at Thorpe Park, and happy birthday to Thorpe Park itself! Many thanks to @rose-grimm-spirit-does-dumb-shit for letting me know a couple of days ago what's going on across the pond lol)

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9 months ago
When The Flight Is Fearful Or Something.
When The Flight Is Fearful Or Something.

When the flight is fearful or something.

MAN, I love the way that this ride's queue & station look- XD

(Images taken 5/27/2024)

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9 months ago
The Entire Time I Was In The Queue For This Ride, The Main Thought Going Through My Mind Was "this Doesn't
The Entire Time I Was In The Queue For This Ride, The Main Thought Going Through My Mind Was "this Doesn't
The Entire Time I Was In The Queue For This Ride, The Main Thought Going Through My Mind Was "this Doesn't
The Entire Time I Was In The Queue For This Ride, The Main Thought Going Through My Mind Was "this Doesn't
The Entire Time I Was In The Queue For This Ride, The Main Thought Going Through My Mind Was "this Doesn't
The Entire Time I Was In The Queue For This Ride, The Main Thought Going Through My Mind Was "this Doesn't

The entire time I was in the queue for this ride, the main thought going through my mind was "this doesn't feel real." I've been following the entire construction process of this coaster since it was pretty much first announced, and I've seen the animated POV so many times that when I was watching it go by with real people in it, it almost looked fake. It wasn't until I was sitting in the train myself that it truly hit me that this thing was REAL and I was getting to ride it after all of that time watching it get built. And it was so much fun!

10/10 family coaster in my opinion. Vekoma made a damn good ride and Kings Island put in some damn good theming! You can't see it in any of these photos, but there's a moving Snoopy figure waving a green flag over top of the station at the first lift, so that's pretty awesome. Also the station audio telling you to keep your limbs in the train and stuff is essentially a race commentary! I feel honored to call this ride my 31st coaster credit!

(Images taken May 27, 2024)

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9 months ago
Physical Proof In Case Anyone's Curious Lol

Physical proof in case anyone's curious lol

Shoutout to the fact that the pipeline item bins are coolers lol

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9 months ago

Today's new credits include:

Journey to Atlantis - #32

Today's New Credits Include:

Mako - #33

Today's New Credits Include:

Manta - #34

Today's New Credits Include:

Ice Breaker - #35

Today's New Credits Include:

Kraken - #36

Today's New Credits Include:

Pipeline the Surf Coaster - #37

Today's New Credits Include:

Super Grover's Box Car Derby - #38

Today's New Credits Include:

Today has been absolutely wonderful. I got to experience a bunch of new kinds of roller coasters that I've never gotten the chance to go on until today (water, flying, floorless, surf/stand-up), which I qualify as an absolute win! My day at SeaWorld Orlando has been a blast, and I can't wait for tomorrow at Busch Gardens Tampa!

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9 months ago

Yesterday's new credits (because I got tired & forgot to post yesterday lol) include:

Cheetah Hunt - #39

Yesterday's New Credits (because I Got Tired & Forgot To Post Yesterday Lol) Include:

Scorpion - #40

Yesterday's New Credits (because I Got Tired & Forgot To Post Yesterday Lol) Include:

Kumba - #41

Yesterday's New Credits (because I Got Tired & Forgot To Post Yesterday Lol) Include:

SheiKra - #42

Yesterday's New Credits (because I Got Tired & Forgot To Post Yesterday Lol) Include:

Tigris - #43

Yesterday's New Credits (because I Got Tired & Forgot To Post Yesterday Lol) Include:

Air Grover - #44

Yesterday's New Credits (because I Got Tired & Forgot To Post Yesterday Lol) Include:

Iron Gwazi - #45

Yesterday's New Credits (because I Got Tired & Forgot To Post Yesterday Lol) Include:

Cobra's Curse - #46

Yesterday's New Credits (because I Got Tired & Forgot To Post Yesterday Lol) Include:

Montu - #47

Yesterday's New Credits (because I Got Tired & Forgot To Post Yesterday Lol) Include:

Another successful theme park day! I got to ride every coaster at Busch Gardens Tampa and had an absolute blast! I lowkey think that Iron Gwazi might be my new favorite coaster-

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9 months ago

Thank you to the one person who voted on the poll, because that means we're doing a Busch Gardens post first, and we're starting off strong! I present to you my photos of Kumba!

Thank You To The One Person Who Voted On The Poll, Because That Means We're Doing A Busch Gardens Post
Thank You To The One Person Who Voted On The Poll, Because That Means We're Doing A Busch Gardens Post
Thank You To The One Person Who Voted On The Poll, Because That Means We're Doing A Busch Gardens Post
Thank You To The One Person Who Voted On The Poll, Because That Means We're Doing A Busch Gardens Post
Thank You To The One Person Who Voted On The Poll, Because That Means We're Doing A Busch Gardens Post

I'm honestly a little disappointed with myself that I never took a video of it going by because it indeed lives up to its name - it's LOUD! But in a good way! It's truly just an amplification of the B&M roar that I'm already familiar with, but you can hear exactly how and where the sound is echoing through the hollow track - sounding like an ambient growl - as the train passes and it's so cool!

Also I'm not kidding at all when I say that Kumba's roar is loud. We were in a different section of the park & I could hear it still in the distance. It was awesome!

And while I'm at it, I should also mention that it's not just the sound that's great, but the ride experience. One of those inversions (I think maybe the dive loop) was 100% the whippiest inversion I've ever experienced in my life. I was loving every second!!!

(Images taken June 3, 2024)

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9 months ago
I'm Really Sad That I Didn't Get More/better Pictures Of Mako - SeaWorld Orlando's B&M Hyper Coaster
I'm Really Sad That I Didn't Get More/better Pictures Of Mako - SeaWorld Orlando's B&M Hyper Coaster
I'm Really Sad That I Didn't Get More/better Pictures Of Mako - SeaWorld Orlando's B&M Hyper Coaster

I'm really sad that I didn't get more/better pictures of Mako - SeaWorld Orlando's B&M Hyper Coaster - but here's what I do have! It's a beautiful coaster with a multi-colored track and unique seven-car trains, the front of which looks like a shark head. Believe it or not, Mako was actually my favorite coaster at SeaWorld! The B&M Hyper! My favorite! Believe me, I was shocked too!

I think what sets this coaster apart from Diamondback and Orion is the layout. It's as though it's the two of them combined. You have the first section that's like Diamondback with massive camelback airtime hills and a horseshoe turn taking you back through the L-shaped out-and-back layout (around a lake!), and then you have the section after the midcourse break run that's still speedy, but also low to the ground, taking you around more forceful sweeping turns like on Orion, ending it off on a helix like the both of them. It was so much fun!

And interestingly enough, I never felt nervous when I was in line! Maybe it's just Orion and Diamondback that make me nervous then...

(Images taken June 2, 2024)

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9 months ago
These Are The Only Two Pictures I Have Of The Racer, Which I Feel Is A Real Shame. This Is Such A Good
These Are The Only Two Pictures I Have Of The Racer, Which I Feel Is A Real Shame. This Is Such A Good

These are the only two pictures I have of The Racer, which I feel is a real shame. This is such a good ride in my opinion which has only gotten better with both sides now having been retracked. Personally I'm a Team Blue guy (it's smoother in my opinion), but I won't deny that a ride on the Red side isn't just as fun!

What side do you prefer on The Racer?

(Image 1 taken May 27, 2024. Image 2 taken October 21, 2023)

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9 months ago

I'm off to Kings Island again today, so you know the drill! If you want photos of anything in particular while I'm there, let me know & I'll see what I can do!

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