Bm - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


our whole class wrote only one paragraph for rumusan then the teacher said the format was wrong pstu semua mcm "huh??" then she ajar-ed us that rumusan had at least 3-4 paragraphs like what since when even šŸ˜­ bye semua mcm "oohhh" and it's not even our first time doing rumusan šŸ˜­

anyways all the best for spm!! you're smart thus ik you can do your best! <3


we have paper bm this week :/ but other than that i don't have any crite yg best šŸ˜­šŸ‘ŽšŸ» alsoo how was your day/week??!?!?!! :DD

sorry the way u said "crite" is so cute but YOOO LOOK WHO I SUMMONED

rie you know, i used to ace bm. bm to kira celah gigi memang makanan je LEPASTU tiba2 your stupid kpm rasa macam "apakata kita tuka silibus susahkan budak2 šŸ„°" then BOOM BM IS NOW MY ENEMY like its susah gila even bi pun senang je. glad schools been good for u, currently my persediaan spm is going on

disebabkan your respond laju gila my day is now made hhihihi šŸ’“ u

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6 months ago


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10 months ago

The lyrics are really something šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø

BM In Nectar M/V
BM In Nectar M/V
BM In Nectar M/V
BM In Nectar M/V

BM in Nectar M/V

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10 months ago

Allllright so last night i had the absolute pleasure of being barricaded for BMā€™s solo tour šŸ« 

Iā€™m going to need you all to send me the absolute filthiest stores including this man asap because like look at himšŸ™ƒ

Allllright So Last Night I Had The Absolute Pleasure Of Being Barricaded For BMs Solo Tour
Allllright So Last Night I Had The Absolute Pleasure Of Being Barricaded For BMs Solo Tour
Allllright So Last Night I Had The Absolute Pleasure Of Being Barricaded For BMs Solo Tour
Allllright So Last Night I Had The Absolute Pleasure Of Being Barricaded For BMs Solo Tour

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7 months ago
max-w0lf68 - Broken Melodies
max-w0lf68 - Broken Melodies
max-w0lf68 - Broken Melodies
max-w0lf68 - Broken Melodies
max-w0lf68 - Broken Melodies
max-w0lf68 - Broken Melodies

Chapter 3 - Important Talks and Cardstock

Word Count: ~2.5k

Please see Masterlist for warnings.

(World view reference, 114 Willow Dr.)

max-w0lf68 - Broken Melodies

- Jaemin's POV -

After leaving Sweet Venom, the Corner Cafe, I headed back down the street towards Jackson's place.

Making my way back down towards my house, I slow my run to a walk when I hit my driveway, giving myself the chance to catch my breath. As I walk past the house that sits between mine and Jackson's, I look over and mumble to myself. "Yunho huh?" I smile softly at the calm exterior as I pass by, thinking of the stranger from yesterday.

I make my way up Jackson's driveway and ring the front doorbell, to which an unfamiliar face answers.

"Can I help you?" His Australian accent was thick. He smiled as he leaned on the doorframe, a slight cheekiness radiating from him.

He was wearing all black in the form of a ball cap, sleeveless shirt, and sweatpants. No shoes, and a very confident smile.

"Hi. I'm looking for Jackson. Is he home?" I asked politely.

"Ah, he's actually out at the moment." He paused briefly. "Yeah...BUT he should be back any time now! You can come in and wait for him, if you'd like." He steps aside, opening the door the rest of the way and motions inward maintaining the cheeky smile.

The man seemed a little to friendly and it felt strange, but he had a rather comfortable atmosphere around him. Besides, if Jackson trusts this guy then it's probably fine.

Overthinking to myself, I shoot Jackson a text 'Im at your place. The Aussie let me in.' ...just in case.

My phone buzzed. "Cool. Be there soon."

I nodded to myself, feeling a bit more at ease and followed the broad Aussie man into the living room.

"Feel free to make yourself comfortable." He says in a chipper voice as he picks up a few miscellaneous dishes up off the table, taking them to the kitchen.

I take a seat in the corner of the large sectional, looking at party ideas on Pinterest while I wait.

The Aussie comes back into the living room sitting relatively close to me. "You must be Jaemin right? I'm Chan." His smile never wavering.

"Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you, Chan." I return the smile.

"Jaemin? As in the one Jackson always talks about?" A voice sounds from the stairway behind us and I turn to see 2 people. A guy leaning against the door way, and a woman standing slightly in front of him.

"Fawning over may be more accurate.." the guy smirks.

"Oh be nice guys. Come say hello." Chan waves them over. "The sarcastic dude is Hyuk, the shorties is Yeong-Ja." He informs as the 2 make their way to the couch to settle in, both giving a wave in their own ways, Yeong-Ja shooting an annoyed look at Chan who was grinning at his own joke.

As they take their seats the front door opens and Jackson walks in, arms full of bags.

"Jax!" I immediately stand up and run over to him, in turn he drops the bags and meets me with open arms.

"Hey!! It's so nice to see you back babygirl~" Jackson laughs as he catches me in a large bear hug.

"I missed you so much! It's been way to long!!" I reply excitedly as I wrap myself around him.

"Just friends huh?" A sarcastic Hyuk teases, the other two bickering in agreement as Jackson gently sets me back down.

I roll my eyes. "We've been friends since I was able to walk pretty much. And it's been 2 years since we've seen each other, so shut it." I stick my tongue out at them before picking up a few bags and taking them to the kitchen.

"Careful. She can be scary. You don't wanna get on her bad side." Jackson warns the others in a playful tone before gathering the rest of the bags and meeting me in the kitchen.

I take a seat at the bar as he unpacks the groceries. We catch up about things not talked about over call or text, and he updates me about the bar we had left to him and how things are going.

"So when are you wanting to start back?" He asks.

"That's one of the things I came to talk to you about. I may be the owner of that bar but you've been running it these past few years." I start. "I'm not just going to come back and run you out of it, I just figured I'd work there along side you and your other guy."

"Ah. I forget you haven't met Soobin yet." He replies. "But it would definitely be nice to have an extra hand. Plus I wanted to talk with you about making some renovations and updates. I've been putting a percentage of the profits in the bars savings for a while, like you asked. So I feel we have more than enough to make the changes."

"Okay, I'll come check it out with you tomorrow. This will also give me a  chance to meet your right hand as well." I agree.

After plans we're made for the bar, I brought up the welcome home party.

"I was thinking we needed to throw one of those too!" Jackson chimes.

"Any idea who would be good to invite and who wouldn't? I was thinking it'd just be a pool party esc barbeque type thing at my place." I respond.

"Sounds like a good idea. Everyone in this neighborhood has pros and cons but none of them are bad people per say. I'd just make an invitation per house and leave it in the mailboxes. Whoever wants to come will." He suggests and I agree.

We continue to go over other small details for planing before it's time for him to head out.

"I gotta get to the bar to help Soobin with the closing shift, but it was so nice catching up! And we'll go get the party supplies and inspect the bar tomorrow." He smiles, wrapping his arms around me for another tight hug.

"Sounds like a plan." I smile back before standing up and walking with him towards the door.

I say goodbye to the other three before bidding farewell to Jackson and heading back home.

From the end of Jackson's driveway I can clearly see Ni-Ki and Yechan standing in the window, staring in my direction. They duck out of the window quickly after realizing they had been spotted.

I shake my head with a large smile on my face as I make my way back to my home.

As I walk in the front door the 3 guys are all in the living room, Ni-Ki and Yechan acting "natural" while BM is laughing histarically at them.

"As soon as these two realized you were gone they have been watching for you to come back like puppies who's owner left without them!" He calls them out.

"I was not!" Yechan protests. "I was just trying to figure out what Ni-Ki was doing!" He attempts to defend himself, his face bright red as he runs up the stairs to his room.

Ni-Ki is hiding his face in his hoodie, embarrassed.

"Matthew be nice! They were just excited to meet me yesterday. The newness hasn't wore off yet." I laugh at the cute reactions of my 3 roomies. "I gotta run to the craft store to pick up invitation supplies. I'll be back." I continue, grabbing my leather jacket and bike keys from the hooks by the door.

Ni-Kis head shoots up at the sound of the keys and he looks as though he wants to say something, but no words leave his mouth.

"Bet! I'm always down for one of your parties!" Matthew says excitedly before getting up from the couch.

"They aren't that impressive." I shake my head and look back at Ni-Ki who's eyes are still trained on me. "You ever been on a bike, Duckling?"

His eyes light up as he shakes his head. "I haven't."

"Would you like to ride with me? I could use the company anyways." I offer.

"Really? That'd be awesome!" He exclaims as he excitedly makes his way over to me.

We wave goodbye to Matthew as we head out the door. I hand Ni-Ki an extra helmet I always keep around and help him adjust it to fit properly. I get on the bike first then motion for Ni-Ki to sit behind me. He follows, looking awkward trying to figure out what to do with his hands.

I roll my eyes playfully before grabbing his hands and wrapping them around me.

"Hold on to me so you don't fall off. And try not to move around to much or lean heavy to either side. Got it?" I instruct and he nods as I start the bike. "Got it!"

"Hold on tight duckling~" I say as I kick off and pull out of the driveway.

As soon as the bike started moving his once loose grip tightens drastically as he clings to me, making me laugh under my breath.

The whole drive to the store Ni-Ki held onto me like if he loosened his grip even slightly he'd fly off, and had his head/helmet pressed firmly against the back of my leather jacket. Not the most comfortable ride I must say.

After parking and turning off the bike, I tapped Ni-Ki's arms. "You can release me now."

He lifted his head and let go, quickly returning his arms back to his sides.

"S-sorry.." he studdered rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine. Yeri did the same thing the first time I took her for a ride... took a bit more convincing to get her to let go. I thought I was gunna suffocate she was squeezing so tight." I laugh as I take my helmet off, securing it to the bike, and Ni-Ki follows.

We make our way into the craft store and start looking through cards, envelopes, different types of pens, etcetera. Ya know, the normal invitation making stuff.

Ni-Ki picks up a bright pink floral cardstock and holds it up towards me. "Oh yeah. This is so you." He says in a super 'serious' tone with an expression to match, nodding as he places his pointer finger and thumb to his chin.

I roll my eyes at his jest. "Absolutely not!" I shake my head as his expression drops to a fake pout and he defeatedly puts the cardstock back in its slot.

"Oh what about this set?" I suggest as I pick up a packaged kit. The kit held nice clean beige cardstock and matching envelopes, a stamp seal, a tube of dark copperish gold wax beads, and a set of brown calligraphy pens.

"Simple, but it works. Nice but not to Fancy." Ni-Ki replies with an approving nod.

"Awesome. Now... To the snacks!" I declare as I gently toss the kit into the cart, jumping onto the bar and the bottom. One hand on the handle of the cart and the other pointed straight as the cart rolls slightly forward.

I hear Ni-Ki's scoff of a laugh and can almost feel his head shake before two arms appear on either side of me, firmly on the handlebar and pushes forward.

"Hold on tight, kitten." He laughs almost mockingly as we make our way to the snack isles.

Picking out snacks we realized we had a lot of the same taste so that made things easier.

After checking out we loaded the bags into the compartment under the bike seat and secured our helmets. This time Ni-Ki seemed to need no reminder as he latched onto me as soon as he got on, making me giggle.

Getting back to the house, he had loosened his grip in comparison to the first ride, and had watched over my shoulder as we drove. It was nice to see he come to at least some what trust my driving.

When we walk in the door Yechan was in the living room. His curiosity seemingly peaked by the bags in our hands.

"What's all that?" He asked.

"Jae's throwing a party. We went to get the stuff for invitations." Ni-Ki responds.

"You're going to write them all by hand?" Yechan seems shocked. "You know technology exists right?"

I laughed at the boy's reaction. "I personally enjoy this kind of thing." I sit the bags down on the living room table and start pulling things out. "You can help if you want. We got snacks."

"Well, don't really have anything better to do." He sits up and moves to the floor around the coffee table as Ni-Ki and I also take seats.

"Where's Matthew?" I ask.

"Apparently Soobin and Jackson were having a pretty busy night so they called him to come help." Yechan informs.

As we all work on writing out the invitations, each one stating 'Hello. You are invited to a welcoming party at 113 Willow Drive. Start time is 6pm next Saturday, July 27th. Hope to see you there. ~ Jaemin', and the house numbers written on the envelope signifying that the invitations are for all residents at the stated address.

After writing and sleeving all the cards into the envelopes, I go up to my room to grab a tea light candle, a wax melter, and a lighter. I set it up on the coffee table and pour a few of the wax beads into the top before striking the lighter.

"You with fire? That's scary." Yechan mocks, making both him and Ni-Ki laugh. Letting the flame on the lighter go out i pick up a pillow off the floor next to me and throw it at him.

"I am perfectly capable of handling fire, thank you!" I protest then go back to lighting the candle.

After all invitations were sealed and ready to be delivered, we got the living room cleaned up and sat on the couch with our snacks to watch TV for the rest of the night.

-Matthew's POV-

After a long night at the bar I get home and kick my shoes off right as I walk in the front door, with a sigh of relief. Looking into the living room with the glow of a lamp and the TV still on, I see my three roommates all asleep on the couch.

"These kids.." I shake my head as I get closer, examining the situation. Yechan's arms are stretched out, one on the arm of the couch, the other around Jaemin who was leaned into his side, and Ni-Ki still barely holding onto the big bowl of popcorn was leaned against her.

I gently took the bowl out of his loose grip and sat it on the table before covering them up with one of the throw blankets.

I took this opportunity to take a picture of the 3 sleeping like rocks before turning lights off and heading up to bed myself.

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10 months ago
BM 1st EP 'Element' Concept Photos 5 & 6
BM 1st EP 'Element' Concept Photos 5 & 6

BM 1st EP 'Element' Concept Photos 5 & 6

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5 years ago

Plant Footprint Overrides

Plant Footprint Overrides


View On WordPress

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5 years ago

Canna Plant Recolors

Canna Plant Recolors
Canna Plant Recolors
Canna Plant Recolors


View On WordPress

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5 years ago
Pierre Tombale Et Urne De Remplacement By Erweinna (remplace Les Tombes Et Urnes Du Jeu)
Pierre Tombale Et Urne De Remplacement By Erweinna (remplace Les Tombes Et Urnes Du Jeu)
Pierre Tombale Et Urne De Remplacement By Erweinna (remplace Les Tombes Et Urnes Du Jeu)
Pierre Tombale Et Urne De Remplacement By Erweinna (remplace Les Tombes Et Urnes Du Jeu)

Pierre tombale et urne de remplacement by Erweinna                    (remplace les tombes et urnes du jeu)

Vos Sims mĆ©ritent ce quā€™il y a de mieux et parce que durant leur vie vous leur offrez le meilleur, pourquoi se contenterait-ils de banals monuments funĆ©raires de moindre qualitĆ© ? Avec ces sĆ©pultures haut-de-gamme faites en marbre et recouvertes de fines dorures, vos Sims auront enfin la derniĆØre demeure quā€™ils dĆ©sirent !

Disponible  => ici <=

Tomb and urn replacement by Erweinna                                                (replaces the tombs and urns of the game) Your Sims deserve the best and because in their life you offer them the best, why would they be satisfied with trivial funerary monuments of lesser quality? With these high-end burials made of marble and covered with fine gilding, your Sims will finally have the last home they want!

Available  => here <=

CrƩdits : Elias943

šŸŒø Erweinna šŸŒø


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dr bm
4 years ago

Justice never rests

Justice Never Rests
Justice Never Rests
Justice Never Rests

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6 years ago

Tallest Male Kpop Idols

Seungjun, (KNK) - 190 cm

Rowoon, (SF9) - 189 cm

Zelo, (B.A.P) - 189 cm

Wooseok, (Pentagon) - 188.4 cm

Jungshin, (CN Blue) - 188 cm

Lou, (VAV) - 187 cm

Mingyu, (Seventeen) - 187 cm

Changmin, (TVXQ) - 186 cm

Yanan, (Pentagon) - 186 cm

Youjin, (KNK) - 186 cm

Jihun, (KNK) - 186 cm

BM, (KARD) - 186 cm 

Sunghyun, (IN2IT) - 186 cm

Chanyeol, (EXO) - 186 cm

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4 years ago

So,I have this friend that I've known since childhood and she has 4 siblings.She recently told me this.Her two older half sisters get treated

Differently.meanwhile her two younger sibling are her dad's favourite.She comes to me and tells me her advice.She also suffers depression.Since she's also a kpop fan.She had told me recently that she makes her own comfort by imagining Kard's BM/Big Matthew as her boyfriend.At first I thought that it was funny but she told me how she was treated differently and unfairly.So,She makes her comfort

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4 years ago



As a male, it was easy to get into things as a male Omega now; that is an everyday battle. You are part of that one percent of male Omega's where some things do not coordinate with your body. It wasn't a problem to you, no, not at all, but it was a secret you would rather keep from everyone, especially from your bandmates.

Originally you were in a group that never debuted. Later on, in your idol journey, you had the opportunity to join a group in their debut named KARD. You are the maknae of the group being a '98 liner. The idea of representing cards was cool, but that was until you were left with the 'Queen' position. It did not bother you, but the media was having a ball making fun of a male representing a feminine card. 

Your name is (M/N), and your height it of 5'5 ft (165.1cm)

You come from a mixed family, your mother from Australia and your father from Korea. Growing up, your parent always told you that if you were going to do something in life, do it to the fullest. So you started learning skills like dancing, playing instruments learning different languages, and singing. You never understood why you wanted to learn these skill, but you were determined to be the best of the best at the end of the day, you started looking at the music industry, and that is where you found out that you wanted to be an idol.

It was easy at first without presenting any second gender, but you presented as an Omega as soon as you turned sixteen. A soon as you presented as an Omega, everything went downhill. The music industry had the idea that male Omega was not appealing for the fans, making the few male Omega have a hard time getting in. The industries like JYP, SM, YG  had this policy that only female Omegas were allowed but not males.

You were bummed when you had to leave SM. You were going to 'debut' two months later after you presented, but your body decided to screw the plan. You had to pack your things and leave the building. Luckily, you had great parents that were there to support you and comfort you in your painful nightmare. Your parents were always there for you and loved you no matter what. They would never shame your goal, your beliefs, nor how you were born.

Your parents had encouraged you to keep on looking for other companies in which you did, ending up with two options Jellyfish or DSP Media. Both companies were great, but you felt a pull toward auditioning for DSP, and so you did. When you had auditioned, everything went well, and judges were annoyed about how you were treated in your old company and accepted you with open arms. 

You had to complete a six-week training to polish anything that needed to be polished. You met a tall Alpha named Matthew Kim, who you were scared of at first but later learned that he was a big guy with a kind and jokey personality. Later, when you were looking for the vocal training room, you met a Jeon Ji woo girl, a beta. She was intimidating with her stunning look and how powerful her voice was, but after a couple of sessions, she had sat next to you and started speaking to you and helping each other out. You were happy with the people you have met so far. It was great, no trouble, and everyone was nice to you.

You were just scared that your secret would be displayed.

A/N: Ok so I wanted to write about KARD they have been on my writing list for quite a while so here I am. I post on AO3 first than here under the same user so there is no confusion. 

comment possible ideas you wish to see in the future ill be managing it on both AO3 and here



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4 years ago

Say No More [KARD X MALE OMEGA READER] Chapter 2

Say No More [KARD X MALE OMEGA READER] Chapter 2

" I am glad you are all here. I have your contracts here. You will be a co-ed group. Even if it is not conventional, we still see potential in you five. Matthew, Jiwoo, Teahyung, Somin, and lastly (M/N), you guys will be known as KARD." The head coordinator that manages groups said. 

"I recommend you guys get to know each other because you will be working together. If there are any changes or troubles, you may come to me, or I will go to you other than that, it is all." The man on his mid forty collected the contract and gave one last smile before he left.

There was silence in the room before Taehyung started speaking." How about we get some lunch before we start getting to know each other" Jiwoo nodded and took hold of your hand, which was a bit noticeable that her hand were a bit bigger than yours making your eyebrow knit together and your lips puck out into a pout.

" Come on (M/N), let get some food. I bet you are just as hungry we can share" Jiwoo smiled at you. Right behind was Matthew, who displayed a big smile while speaking to the other Alpha Taehyungā€”falling behind Somin, another beta.

"We should get some BBQ," Taehyung suggested while the rest agreed. The group walked out of the building, heading out to a BBQ run by some Ahjummas. It was nice and cozy. You did not know if you wanted to pay for such an expensive meal well in your opinion it was expensive. Even if you had your parent's support, you still had the mentality that the money they would give you would go into a savings account, and whatever you made from your coffee job would be the money you would prefer to use for the month.

You concluded that you would just eat the free rice and water then eat in the small studio apartment you had rented. You were distracted by the different thoughts running in your head when a light pinch on your cheek brought you back. "Hello, (M/N) you there, buddy?" Matthew asked, waving his gigantic hand in front of you, surprised you jumped startled by it and clung into Jiwoo's arm. 

Matthew and Taehyung started laughing at your surprised face. Somin smacks both of the Alpha's arms. "Don't laugh at the pup! You scared him with your monster hand." She turned to pet your head with some comforting words like 'Did the big Alpha hands scared you pup?' or 'Don't worry, your Noonas will take care of you.' 

It was quite the comical scene of two Betas defending a tiny Omega from two gigantic Alphas. Analyzing the scene from your perspective made you smile. You knew this was your new family and friends. Maybe spending some money to be with your new friend would be worth it. "Let's go eat!" You said brightly, tugging both of the female Betas with you into the restaurant. 

A/N: Small chapter but I want to build the story slowly Comment on what would you like to see.



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3 years ago

hi! i was wondering if you could write a battinson x reader fic where theyā€™re laughing abt some cringe interview questions theyā€™ve both heard and the reader jokingly does mock interview questions to him and thatā€™s how he tells her he loves her? idk if that makes sense but it sounded cute in my head šŸ˜…

sorry about the long wait

Hi! I Was Wondering If You Could Write A Battinson X Reader Fic Where Theyre Laughing Abt Some Cringe

.warning: mentions of sex.

(Y/n) chuckled, as she remembered interview questions she'd be asked. "One guy, wouldn't stop asking about my love life." She chuckled, taking a sip of wine as she looked at, Bruce.

"Really?" He asked, and she nodded, "He'd ask about my relationship with you, and I'd tell him that nothing is going on. But no they take that as it's a secret." She laughed, and he shook his head.

"One, wouldn't stop flirting with me," He said, and she laughed hitting her knee, "I have those too." She smiled, looking at him, taking another sip of wine.

"Oh-oh, one asked me what my underwear looks like." She said, and Bruce's mouth dropped open, in disbelief. "I think he meant it as a joke, but.. I didn't answer that question." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"One asked, how many women I've bedded." He said, and she doubled over and laughed, "So how many?" She asked, jokingly with an interview voice.

He scoffed, "I'm not answering that," He replied, and she giggled, "So a lot then," She added, and he scoffed once more, huffing and puffing like a toddler.

"N-No, it's I haven't-"

"Easy, Bruce I'm just joking." She said, patting him on the knee, sitting up she smiled at him. "Mr. Wayne, when do you plan on having kids?" She asked, with an interview voice, he chuckled.

"When I find the right person." He said, and she titled her head to the side smiling, "Oh, do you have anyone in mind?" She asked, continuing the mock interview voice.

He looked off in the distance, "Ah, yes I do. They're very special to me. I've known them for years." He says, as his gaze drifted towards (Y/n), taking the hint. "Oh, and who might this person be, I can keep a secret." She whispered, getting closer.

"It's Alfred," He said, and she scoffed sitting back in her chair, her arms folded across her chest. He chuckles, as he cups both side of her face, and pulls her into a kiss. A tiny squeak escaped her lips. She wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

Her back pressed against the couch cushions, "I love you," He whispered, into her ear. A smile grew across her lips as she placed her hand on his chest, "I love you too," She said, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Wait, still I'm curious how many women have you-"

"Just you," He said, scooping her up and carrying her into his bedroom.

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3 years ago
Robert Pattinson As Bruce Wayne In THE BATMAN (2022)
Robert Pattinson As Bruce Wayne In THE BATMAN (2022)
Robert Pattinson As Bruce Wayne In THE BATMAN (2022)
Robert Pattinson As Bruce Wayne In THE BATMAN (2022)
Robert Pattinson As Bruce Wayne In THE BATMAN (2022)
Robert Pattinson As Bruce Wayne In THE BATMAN (2022)

Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne in THE BATMAN (2022)

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6 years ago

I Want to Take Time to Talk about What I Love about the Third Books in Rick Riordanā€™s Quintologies

The third books in Rick Riordanā€™s quintologies all create massive paradigm shifts within their respective series. In all of the third installments the stakes become real and the heroes are faced with decisions that alter the courses of the series and change the tone moving forward. I want to talk about each individual book and express my thoughts on how they change the status quo of the series and characters as well as what I liked about what was done and how I think they stand apart from the first two entries and set up the rest of the series.

First up is the Titanā€™s Curse. Many people, myself included, remember this book fondly because this is where Percy Jackson and the Olympians got serious. There were hints here and there about how dark the series could become, but no death stuck until this book and the deaths present carried lasting effects as the series continued. Biancaā€™s death affected Nico from this point up until the Hidden Oracle where he had finally made peace with what had happened. And even after the quest was over there is a hanging sense of melancholy and foreboding of the losses that had happened and the ones yet to come. This is where it hit that the trials would only get harder and more emotional from here. I really liked that the deaths in this book werenā€™t cheap and that they werenā€™t reversed. Biancaā€™s death had the biggest impact on the story moving forward of any of the death in any of Rickā€™s series (weā€™ll have to wait an see the ramifications of Jasonā€™s death, but I think it may surpass this one in terms of personal impact on the characters). Zoeā€™s death is, in my opinion, the most emotional death in this book and really set the tone for the sacrifices that will have to be made in the future.

The Mark of Athena signalled the start of the seven questing together. This book gave us Annabethā€™s solo quest, the beginning of greek-roman relations falling apart, and the iconic fall into Tartarus. This book probably changed the status quo of the series less than the other two books because the stakes were already built up in the two books leading up to this installment, but this book succeeds at building up to the following installments and showing the heroes both what they will have to endure and the trials they will have to face. Unlike the Titanā€™s Curse there isnā€™t a sense of mystery and foreboding because you know what trials the heroes will have to face moving forward. We know Percy and Annabeth will have to trek through Tartarus to get to the doors of death and we know that the rest of the seven will have to meet them on the other side, but itā€™s the fact that this is how it will play out that surprises us. It succeeds because this is the first time Gaeaā€™s threat becomes real, where things donā€™t work out for the heroes and there isnā€™t some sense of momentary safety. It ends with the heroes in their most precarious situation, Annabeth and Percy are plummeting into Tartarus and the rest of the seven guided by Nico must find the doors of death, both of which are built up to be the most difficult tasks the half-bloods will have to face. I believe this book does a great job of paying off on the stakes set up in the previous two books and while there isnā€™t a sense of loss for characters who died it gives us a sense of loss over the fates of Percy and Annabeth, two characters we have followed since the beginning, with the knowledge their suffering is far from over.

The Burning Maze completely changed the tone of the trials of Apollo series and in my opinion for the better. I didnā€™t really like the Hidden Oracle. I found the Dark Prophecy to be good, but not anything special compared to Rickā€™s other books. The Burning Maze blew me out of the water. This book gave us the most radical shift in tone and changed the main players within the story permanently. Piper and Apollo change the greatest throughout the course of the story and I was captivated by how much they changed within the span of one book. Apollo, throughout the course of this book, truly learns the pain and suffering demigods go through because of the gods and by the end had resolved to remember what itā€™s like to be human. This is such a radical shift from the arrogant self-centered character we were introduced to in the Hidden Oracle. There were deaths that changed the characters and I hope carry through and guide the characters actions going forward. I really liked that Grover, Jason, and Piper all came back for this book and it was a really good move on Rick Riordanā€™s part. While a lot of people are mad Jason died in this series and not the heroes of olympus I really liked the decision. I liked Jason in HoO and having him die after surviving all the trials he was put through by being brought into yet another quest and having him stand up for Apollo in HoO it made it have more meaning to Apollo specifically. It also helped to emphasize the message that the gods are unfair. Jason was put through trial after trial and in the end it was Apollo and the godā€™s mistakes that did him in and makes Apollo realize that he has to remember what it means to be human in the mythological world. Piper was really compelling in this book and the development she was given in this book alone put her in my top 5 favorite characters in Rickā€™s mythological series.

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2 years ago

KARD BM thanking them for singing šŸ„° the way he grabs them so cute

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