Onimai - Tumblr Posts

Mahiro x Momiji
Is there anyone else who ships these two?
When it comes to Mahiro Oyama and Momiji Hozuki, it seems like it was love and friendship at first sight!
Look at Miyo, she's loving every second of this, and Asahi is doing everything she can to keep her restrained!

Momiji Hozuki
Momiji is so cute in her hakama! I love Momiji! She's a tomboy that loves boy-ish fashion. She prefers pants and shorts over dresses and skirts any day. She prefers Hakamas over Kimonos and Yukatas during cultural ceremonies. Can't fault someone for wanting to be true to themselves, and a girly girl is just something that Momiji isn't. I love cute girls that are gender non-conforming! I think Mahiro is lucky to have a girlfriend that will protect her!
Believe it or not, there were female samurais throughout Japan's history, even though Japan has never been known for gender equality, and even 'til this day, Japan still has a long way to go, regarding gender equality, especially since Japanese women are constantly groped on trains by creepy Japanese men and foreign men! Maybe female samurais need to make a return in Japan, to combat these depraved weirdos! I don't condone killing people, but in some cases, I see it's often the only way to get rid of the degenerate scumbags on this planet!

Mahiro Oyama
Mahiro Oyama is an interesting character. I love how at first he was against being turned into a girl overnight via a drug given to him by his sister Mihari. But as time goes on, he starts to make the best of it, and even enjoys being a girl, because he now feels like he finally has a role that he can thrive in, and he also has a support system of friends that look out for his well-being! Later on in the series, he even becomes indifferent to being a boy or a girl. He becomes less interested in ecchi manga, but still remains a gamer.
Let's face it, whether or not there will be a season 2 to Onimai, it is pretty obvious that Mahiro has no future as a boy, so I'm sure now, he would rather remain a girl, just so he can spend more time with his friends Momiji, Miyo, Asahi, and Nayuta (who hasn't been introduced in the anime, aside from a cameo in the end credits of episode 12, but is in the manga series). And being a girl has made him closer to his sister Mihari, as well as her best friend Kaede.
My prediction, assuming the anime will get a season 2, and the manga series will continue, right now Mihari is only giving Mahiro a temporary trial version of the drug, but I believe he will choose to remain a girl, which Mihari will then give him an improved version of the drug, that will permanently turn him into a girl, so he will live happily ever after in a yuri relationship with Momiji!

Mihari x Kaede
Miyo isn't the only one who ships them, I do too! Mihari Oyama and Kaede Hozuki are two best friends that would make a cute couple!
I love Mahiro and Mihari
I love Mahiro and Mihari Oyama, they are the best siblings ever!


I love Mahiro-chan!
Mahiro is so cute, I just want to hug her!

Forcefem -> voluntary-fem in only 76 chapters

「Oniichan wa...」 by 八代 涼 (pixiv, twitter), translation by me
Loving your Sister Poll Tournament: Round 1~ Links
here are the links to the polls!!
Batch Two
Fumi x Shiori VS Adaine x Aelwyn
Sayo x Hina VS Elze x Linze
Adora x Catra VS Miyako x Hinata
Mei x Yuzu VS Isabel x Mirabel
Laura x Sarah VS Luisa x Mirabel
Akane x Akari vs Isabel x Luisa
Shirabe x Kirika vs Mirabel x Isabel x Luisa
Mihari x Mahiro vs Mai x Mikoto
links to past results under the read more
Batch One
Ruby x Yang VS Rachel x Leah
Ryuko x Satsuki VS Yuzu x Karin
Dia x Ruby VS Tatsumaki x Fubuki
Ashley x Andrew VS Rose x Roxy
Illya x Shirou VS Constance x Merricat
Maria x Serena VS Amma x Camille
Panty x Stocking VS Justine x Alexia
Nijika x Seika VS Falfa x Shalsha

i couldn't find this in good quality, so i just recreated it. hope you fuckin weirdos enjoy it!

Every time some chump on the internet says that Mahiro isn't trans, I scoff.
Me to Suguha Kirigaya, right after I explain what polyamory is to said transgender sister.

i couldn't find this in good quality, so i just recreated it. hope you fuckin weirdos enjoy it!