Kirito X Suguha - Tumblr Posts
So as its painfully aware for my channel viewers, I am doing a playthrough of Sword Art Online Lost Song. Its the second game in the gameverse series. Ive only played Lost Song since its all I had on my Vita.
Theres a scene in Lost Song where Philia comments on Leafa and Kirito, saying theyre closer to "forbidden lovers" than siblings, and then theres a cute scene between Leafa and Kirito where they explain theyre not bio siblings, but they still deeply care for eachother and even if they arent family in that way, theyre still eachothers brother and sister.
I thought it was cute since i was basing it off my knowledge of the anime and manga, not the games.
In the previous game Hollow Fragment, there is a quest called the Sun and Moon Lovers where Kirito and Leafa dance to reunite two long lost lovers who turn out to be brother and sister. Afterwards Leafa confesses to Kirito and kisses them. They decide to share the two pendants of the Sun and Moon lovers. Cut to black.
Philia was 100% correct.
(It's nickel not nickle.)

Sorry to everyone for creating the worst post of all time.
I didnt sleep last night and I'm making it everyone else's problem.
I'm sorry that any time I use my artistic talents it is for a bad meme.
(if i had a nickle for every time I've made a meme of this game, I'd have two nickles, which is concerningly more than I think I should have)
Me to Suguha Kirigaya, right after I explain what polyamory is to said transgender sister.

i couldn't find this in good quality, so i just recreated it. hope you fuckin weirdos enjoy it!