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Bias Rekkers

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Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?

Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language


Chapter 9- Lucia di Lammermoor

Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

A chill creeps into my breast! trembles every fiber, falters my foot! Near the fountain next to me sit a while!

We really needed to get an engineer or someone with some tech experience .

Nyala worried over that fact with all the recent attacks. With how aggressive their tactics were, it would only be a matter of time before something serious happens and none of them would be able to fix it. Her thoughts swirled with those thoughts so much that she failed to notice Jimin come up behind her again. Normally she could sense others through the energy that they gave off, her other side would have picked up on someone too because of her connection with the world but nobody was perfect. She was allowed to be worried and blind to things when faced with things out of her control.

“Miss Nyala?”

She nearly dropped the device she had and turned around to see Jimin, his unmarred face barely looking up at her. The thought crossed her mind about how he seemed to innocent to be around the business and people like Yoongi. Not that she had anything bad to say about him, but his whole demeanor seemed to suggest that he was more innocent than what others thought. Or would it be the other way around? Nyala had been monitoring the levels of the cryosleep, not convinced that the unit was entirely safe. She wouldn’t really breathe a sigh of relief until they got someone on board who had actually had some sort of knowledge.

“Is everything alright? You keep checking the container like something has happened.”

She shook her head gently, a soft smile gracing her lips. She set the device down and leaned against another piece of cargo, still deep in thought. There were a lot of things weighing on her mind and they ranged from guilt to the current situation. She really didn’t like sharing things with others, a trait that she had grown up with since studying with the other High Ones in her temple. Before it was destroyed and things happened in her life that took the choice out of her hands.

“Yes. Everything is fine, I was just checking since we were in that skirmish not too long ago.”

“You are worried and you are attempting to close yourself off.”

His sudden words seemed to slap her in the face, not expecting that to come out of his mouth. Was he really like Yoongi, another species where he had mental abilities that would transcend some barriers of the mind and soul? She couldn’t pin anything down with him, almost like he really was like Lirael. She just couldn’t figure him out and the way that he moved around the rest of them, it was like he was water. Her mouth opened and closed for a moment before she had a moment to gather herself up again. There really hadn’t been someone like that since she was in the Armada and that was something that she cared not to get into again.

No matter what kind of pull she was sensing.

“See? You’re doing it again, running away from the present and into your own world. Whatever it is, it must bother you greatly that you have to escape from it. I cannot read emotions or such like Yoongi but I have other skills that I use to see such things.”

Jimin walked a bit closer to to Nyala, not breaking eye contact as he studied her. He wanted to know more about her, someone outside his realm. Though he was the way that he was, even he still felt the pull and was more sensitive to things than the others realized. Well, aside from Yoongi which he could never hide anything from. He owed everything to him and now that he was exploring more than what was him, there was a dangerous current that seemed to sweep him up and ignite his curiosity. There really hadn’t been anything like that since--well before everything happened to him. Before all the alterations and the suffering, when he used to look up at the stars and wonder about the world itself. That naive man that had rose up again in their presence, despite experience telling him that he should use extreme caution.  

However, she was not an enemy nor did she feel that he was one either. Just the magnetic pull that Nyala could sense and Jimin could see. There was something fueling the current that was binding them all together, pulling them in the same stream that he navigated without knowing what it truly was.

He had sworn that he would never again but found himself breaking that oath.

Nyala was almost powerless as she drowned in the sensation, her own senses that were encouraging her to delve into the current. She reached out and carefully touched his face, fingers a stark contrast against his skin. His eyes, round and inviting, were just as still as his body as he allowed her to touch his face and trace her fingers down his jawline. He turned his head, making his face mold into her soft hands as she explored him. He had started to breathe heavily as he took in all the sensations that he could while she was still willing. He would never take without permission, as he knew all too well what that felt like.

“Please, come to me Nyala. I want to know.” He breathed, in her personal space and almost pressing his body against hers, “There is something that we both can feel but I will not take. Not without your permission.”

She, at that point, was breathing heavily herself. Her normally iron-clad restraint was being put under the test at that moment and he hadn’t even touched her. He hadn’t even done anything but plead that she listen to the surrounding currents. To forget what was going on around them and focus on her senses because that might be what was needed at the moment.

Nyala bent down a little and pressed her lips onto his. Jimin took that as his answer as he responded back, lips closing in on hers for more contact. After a moment of feeling, a moment of just being in that energy--he pulled back just a hair to whisper to her. The soft breaths of his voice played with the distance that was between the both of them, his presence seeming to be bigger than he actually was and spread all over her body.


It was more of an urgent call now, Jimin calling her again. His hands, that were still at his sides, now inched forward to grasp at her. The robes that she was wearing were being pressed and crumpled underneath the weight of his hands. He pushed at her, getting her to move from the spot that she was at and towards the exit door without breaking eye contact. They moved in tandem, however slowly it might have seemed to them. He whispered her name again, the sound jolting and electrifying the energy between them. She was breaking, he could see it on her face as she struggled. They reached the lift that would take them to the crew quarters level and he pressed her against the side even more.

Nyala sighed at the contact, the last of her resolve being unraveled like he had been untying the ribbons around her will. He gave one last push, one last plead with her before he would start making commands. She could see it in his eyes, the intent on what he wanted to do and it honestly scared her. That alone was keeping everything intact, keeping her safe for so long that she didn’t know what else to do with it. He pressed his entire body against her, holding the back of her head as the other arm pulled her to him. She was warm and fire, the scent of her body filling his mind with one thing.

But he would not take unless she gave her permission.

The doors opened and they made their way to her room, having decided on their accommodations the second that they were safe. He took her lips again, since he had permission to do so and traced his way from them and down to her neck--still with his hold on her. The door to her room suddenly opened and they both nearly fell through but with the both of them so intoxicated with each other, it was nearly a fall if it wasn’t for the fact that Jimin used his strength to his advantage.

He laid her out on her bed, hovering over her. Jimin gazed into her red eyes, now glowing again like the embers had been reignited for a roaring fire. His hands moved again and they now touched her face. He closed the distance again, ready to make the final push.

“Nyala.” The tone was more of a command, exerting his will into the word. The word that he wanted to chant before her and worship like the Goddess she was. He wanted to drink deeply into the energy, into Nyala herself. However, at the tone of Jimin’s voice--it broke her.


The simple release of the sound, of the world nearly caused him to not be a gentleman. He smiled and dove into devouring the opening to the soul. He bit her lips, caressing them soon after in the excited bout of the affirmation. He was going to delve so deeply into her and find out why they had been sensing that current since they met. Why they were so drawn to each other but the exploration wouldn’t happen that day. Yoongi had sensed what was going on and headed down there, his thoughts intruding in on Jimin with his words of caution. The man grew agitated at the intrusion and stopped what he was doing to look down at the woman he had in bed. Her lips were perfectly swollen from his attack, breathing still at an all-time high. He was sad that he had to stop but he could at least calm her down and let her rest.

For now.

Jimin placed his hands on her face, stroking the skin there before using his powers on her. The tranquilizing effect that he could produce, that he used on so many others for information, was now being used to sedate Nyala. She gave a contented sigh of relief, relaxing against the bed as she succumbed to the powerful action.

“Nyala, sleep for now. I will be back and we will continue this at a later time. I want you to have the sweetest of dreams and not worry.”

Her eyes drooped as she sank into darkness, watching his form get off of her bed and throw a blanket over her. His back was the last thing she remembered when she finally fell asleep due to his power. A beautiful sleep, one where she felt protected for once.

Jimin stepped outside of her room, turning to his left and seeing Yoongi there with a frown on his face. His body was rigid, unlike Yoongi’s who was loose and accusing as if he was anticipating a fight. He asked a simple question: Why?

“Because... getting involved with one of them will only lead to trouble. Why are you so infatuated with them? With her ?”

“There is something there that I cannot ignore. You won’t be able to ignore it soon either. None of us will because this current is pulling us all along. You have the ability to look into a person’s feelings and mind but can you truly see? I have faith again, something that I did not have for a long time and if it leads to my ruin--then so be it.”

Jimin turned on his heel and left Yoongi there, dumbfounded at his words. Never had he been like that since he rescued him, since he saved him from that Hell he was in. They were using and abusing him, even altering his very body to fit their needs. It worried him that the man was making such decisions and he was powerless to help him. His own feelings aside, he wouldn’t let anything else hurt him. Jimin was his brother, more so than his own family. Fuck, even Jin and Jungkook were too since he drove right in against his own judgment to help them. He always said that it was because he had investments with them.

But could he truly leave them to the Pirates, those that take and take without any mercy? His own soul hurt, just like Jimin’s did. He could see that at least and that was why he wouldn’t let anything happen to them. Nothing at all.  

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More Posts from Thebiasrekkers

5 years ago

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]


Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right? 

AO3 | WP

Chapter 00: Prologue


“I’ve grown a bit taller  My voice has gotten a bit stronger…”

Keep reading

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5 years ago

Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]


BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?

Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language


Chapter 8- Papercut


I don't know what stressed me first or how the pressure was fed.. But I know just what it feels like to have a voice in the back of my head

Now that all of them were quite possibly in on everything together, the Pirates had extended their bounty to not only just Nyala but the boys as well. Yoongi was a fine line and if someone dared to take the Broker down, which none had ever did in all his long years anyways--then most everyone would lose their number one source of supplies and weapons. So he was to be taken in alive as well as the Android, whereas everyone else was either Dead or Alive. Preferably alive so that way the Pirates could have their way with them. 

Nyala had given Jin the coordinates for a planet called Izanami to start off with. They, after all, had to find an engineer and at least someone crazy enough to tend to a gang of Outlaws. The problem laid with entering a hospital zone and they couldn’t just enter one of those with what they were running from each time they were hurt. No, they actually needed someone there on the ship to tend to them while they got into all sorts of trouble. And they couldn't fix the ship by themselves either and Jimin could only do so much with his skills. 

So they headed for the planet but it would be about a 4 day trip and 2 long jumps between subspace Drive. So they had some time on their hands, to say the least. So Nyala gave the new crew of the Antares a run-down of the ship’s systems as well as more details on what she had with the Pirates. She gave them all the information that she had stored within Kibeth’s data bank and cross-referenced it with the files she had presented to everyone that day on the Dragon’s Den. Still, most of the information was incomplete and if they wanted to keep everything out of the Pirate’s hands--then they would just have to beat them to the punch. 

So to speak. 

The planet was another wealthy and well off planet that had risen up from the ashes of war. Now it was another popular planet, just like Sagittarius but it was more of a tourist trap than anything. People from all over came for the clean air and the succulent foods that were found there. It was almost like paradise for some, where the wealthy headed to when they wanted to retire and hoard all their money. It was still a pretty good merchant planet to the South and the North was the rich and mysterious people headed. Another note of interest was the caverns in the North, meticulously well-kept by some of the scholars there. It was said that a member of an alien race headed to that planet long ago with the hopes of starting a new life there. What they had actually found was the indigenous species that had lived there for thousands of years held a secret that he coveted. So he tricked them and took their lands, after he had alerted other members of his species to come to the planet. 

War raged for the land for quite some time but in the end, the peoples of the planet lost and they became slaves for the newcomers. However, the species didn’t do too well with the introduction of so many things--including disease. They now lived on through the caves and ancient texts that they left behind, their stories and myths carved on the walls. 

After the history lesson, Yoongi was sitting in the bridge with the lights low and by himself. The data that Nyala had left him was still bothering him. There was some sort of connection to all of this, he was sure of it. Already, he had his fingers into the network to find some answers that seemed to be plaguing the story that was presented. His network of connections, favors and outright intimidation on various fronts had a long reach which was the reason why he was so valuable to both sides but even he knew that it wouldn’t be long before they determined that he was not useful anymore. So there was a lot of shit that he had to get done before that happened. 

Vairuit had been exploring more of the ship while everyone else was off doing other things. She thought about taking a nap or something since she didn’t have much room to move around in. Well, not until they got some of the cargo out of the way. She ended up at the bridge again and leaned up against the doorway, watching the other in there as he stared at the screen. He was a curious being, one that looked like the humans but wasn’t human.

“I can sense you over there, Vairuit. Do you want anything?” Yoongi suddenly spoke, not even moving a single muscle. She stood up just a little bit more at his words, realizing that she had been caught. Not that she was doing anything wrong in the first place, just standing there minding her own business. Her ears twitched in annoyance but she brushed it off and shoved herself off the perch she had made. She walked straight up to him and leaned down to see what it was that he was doing. 

“Aren’t you bored, going over this again?”

He sighed and swiveled in his chair to stare at her. He lifted his hand to place his head as he studied her, a Mao with some control. It was strange for him to see as he’d seen and dealt with numerous species, each with their own feelings as well as thoughts that he could detect. There was a current running underneath all of the exterior, he could see it well. 

“Aren’t you getting a little bored yourself? I can sense that you are so why are you really in here bothering me?” 

Vairuit snorted and leaned up against the console, peering down at him as he made his assessment of her. Her eyebrow raised as her eyes twinkled in the low-lighting, almost like a couple of lone buttons in the dark of night that were flickering. There was just something in his tone, his attitude that bothered Vairuit, same with Jungkook but at least he was more upfront about himself. This one, he hid in the shadows and didn’t really care much for everything outside of his ‘realm’ as she saw it. Yoongi could sense those thoughts and he smirked, turning back to what he was doing. 

“I’m in here because I want to see what you’re doing. Is that a problem or is it you that really has the problem?”

He scoffed and didn’t answer her, moving on to another piece of information that he was studying. She reached over and pushed a button, causing the thing to power down--throwing them in almost total darkness. She could see his face, visibly angered by what she had done so she leaned over and crossed her arms over her chest. Yoongi raised the lighting and stood up, glaring at her for doing such a thing. Had she been anyone else, they would have balked at the stare but she stood her ground. She had hit a sore spot with him apparently, coolly looking at the man as he controlled his anger at her.

“The thing I have a problem with is your incessant meddling. My business is information and second money. I find things and get shit done so you are essentially getting in the way of my business. What is it that you’re searching for? Really? A purpose or just a good time?”

The questions caught her off guard as she was expecting him to rant and rail at her. However, he countered her pestering with his words. He was using her own mind against her, digging deep to something she had fought with for so long--even since being with her own family. They didn’t understand her need to go, to reach out and grasp what was on the edge of herself but not knowing what that really was. A calling, just as she was sure that he had since he was out there and away from his comfort zone. 

She bristled a bit but still kept everything to herself, the energy that she had been expecting from him was now rising up in her as he spoke. 

“Maybe both. I don’t know but at least I’m out here figuring that out and not hiding from things. I don’t sit and hope that nobody bothers me because I already know that they will. So what’s your deal, huh? Family leave you out in the dust? Trust issues? Betrayal?” She was reaching because what did she really know of this man? Yet, those always seemed to be common factors that she saw in people. Nobody was really original, were they? 

“Or maybe it's all three? Let’s throw in a lost love and you’re the whole package. The tormented soul out making a name for himself.”

Yoongi’s face stilled, his anger turning white-hot but nowhere near to exploding. It bothered him that she had hit some sore spots but what did she truly understand about him? She was poking and prodding with the intent of making him explode but he wouldn’t have it. They clashed in a very different way than she did with Jungkook, even he could see it. So why was it that she was rubbing himself and the assassin the wrong way? Taking a breath, Yoongi’s eyes glittered with anger and actual pity for the woman. 

“I don’t have to provoke others for a reaction to free themselves of boredom. I’d made my peace with my past and myself long ago. Did you?”

He took a device with the information on it and pushed past her, done with the conversation. It had been a while since he let anyone get under his skin like that. Yet, he’d let the Mao do that very thing and revealed a bit of himself that he hadn’t planned to do. It wasn’t even that far into what they were doing and already he had others that was getting on his nerves. He wondered how long he was going to last before he finally exploded on someone. He would have to see Jimin for another session, it seemed. 

Vairuit, however, sat there and mulled over his words. She didn’t normally needle at people like that but there was just something that irritated her about him. Jungkook as well, the man with his smirk and his overconfident attitude. She really needed to get that cargo area cleared out to start her exercises again so that way the confrontation wouldn’t happen again. To get some of her aggressions out. It was going to be a long trip, it seemed.

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5 years ago

No Words - Interlude iii-


Pairing: Taehyung x OC

Type: Interlude [Flashback]

Genre: Poly!Idol!AU, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]

Warning: continued mention of the racist situation from the previous interlude. Sexual tension.

A/N - And it all goes to hell with a kiss. 

Words:  2288


Random spin the bottle, truth or dare, and pepper eating moments ran late into the night. Poor Minjae lost Tasha to Namjoon; she was too happy to pick the leader’s brain.

She was happy to put the incident behind her, relishing in a well earned moment with this makeshift family. The older member slowly, but surely, began to make their escapes. Suga bowed out with Namjoon, much to Tasha’s dismay. Although, she did manage to score a kiss right on a dimple before he left. Minjae collected the gooey remnants as Jin stood to leave, Hoseok following behind. The maknae line was full of energy and vigor until Jimin decided he needed some hot water for his aching joints.

He put his hands on her shoulders, wrapping her in a warm embrace. His head rested on the side of hers as he whispered to her. Her hand sat atop his as she nodded softly. Tae managed to keep his jovial demeanor as he saw this out the corner of his eye. She turned a wobbly smile to Jimin as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He clapped the younger members on the shoulders, “Don’t be too long, yeah?”

“Yesss.” The two replied in unison toward the dancer, and he was off. It was getting extremely late. But it had been too long since they’d all been so exuberant like this. Luckily, everyone planned to sleep in for the next day or so.

Everyone began to gather their things, as the shop owner started to shoo them away. Minjae and Tasha were leaning on each other, giggling like teenagers. “Uh, I’ll uh, catch you later!” Tasha waggled her brows before giving her a tight hug. She watched the two of them, fingers interlaced, leave out into the winter night.

“You should ride with us.” Came the sudden vibrato of Tae’s voice.

“Ah, no. It’s fine. I can ride wi-”

“Us.” Jeongguk interrupted again. Her mouth fell open as she tried to figure out something to say. They didn’t look like they were in the mood to go back and forth. She held up her hands in surrender.

“Fine, fine. I suppose I’ll be riding with you then.” One of the TDs laughed as she acquiesced to the troublemakers.

“You’ll learn not to argue with them.” He laughed and clapped her on the shoulder. Another PD smirked, “Or run before they get a chance to corner you.” They laughed as they began to file out.

“Hey, this is helpful knowledge to have before this happens!” She half yelled, waving her hand between the two. Everyone laughed because they knew better already. “Aish, these smartasses.” Tae and Gguk smirked at each other, and she just caught it. She raised both hands, and with a flick of the wrist, they both got a slap to the sternum.

“A-ah!?” Tae blinked as he looked ready to curl and hit the floor.

“Ow, ow! So mean!” Gguk turned to rub at his pectoral.

She looked between the two of them with a smirk. “Serves you right, jackass. Be quick if you’re going to be sneaky.” She stuck her tongue out, and with a fluff of her curls, she got the headstart to the van.

“I think I’m in love,” Tae muttered as he pocketed his phone. Jeongguk laughed, throwing an arm around his shoulder as they filed out. Music, fresh air, and a bit more laughter soothe things over. She realized how much alcohol was consumed when they were shrugging out of their coats. They piled, giggling, out of the car and into the dorm. It was just a massive space with the students on one side and the boys on the other.

“Thank you.” They reached the split in the hallway that would take them in different directions. The boys were leaning on each other as she moved away. Their laughter ceased as they turned to look at her. Her fingers clasped as she rocked back on her heels. “For tonight. I..,” She sighed. “..probably would have come back here to mope. Then pretend like I didn’t care about it, as usual.” A curl tucked behind her ear as she smiled at them. “Thank you for changing my mind. You’re right. I’m not a coward.”

The boys looked at her, prepared to brush it off as nothing - then she kissed them. Both. Right on the cheek, so close they could smell the coconut on her skin. She bit her lip as she stepped backward, spinning on a heel with a wave. “G’nyte, boyos.”

It was a full two minutes before they stopped staring in that direction. They turned to look at each other, their mouths agape as they pointed at twin sets of red ears. Embarrassed about their own embarrassment, they covered their ears while turning away from each other.

“We should shower.,” Tae mumbled.

“…yea. Good idea.” Jeongguk replied as he made haste toward their side of the building. Tae turned to follow, his feet dragging into the tiled floor. His hands rubbing against the nape of his neck before he turned on his heel - cursing.

The dorm was actually a complex in Hannam-dong that BigHit purchased. It was an easy way to keep staff, bodyguards, and the boys in one spot. It kept everyone close and in contact should things need to happen before shows and schedules. Everyone had their own apartment to occupy, even though she and Tasha spent a lot of time in each other’s spaces.

She let her keys fall into a basket by the door. Hopping out of her shoes, jewelry, wiggling out of her clothes, and jumping into a fluffy hoodie and sweats in a matter of minutes. The electric kettle started as she pulled a giant mug from the cabinet. A jar of citron tea from the fridge, a bowl of fruit was settled on the counter. She pushed her hair into a lazy puff on the top of her head. She reached for her glasses after taking out her contacts.

She stared at the clear lenses for a moment, the echoes of conversation threatening to eat her good mood. She shoved the lens case in a drawer. A tired reflection in the silver of the kettle had her huffing. A piece of melon popped into her mouth as she filled her cup. She thought about going to sleep, but their thesis projects were coming up. They had the next few days off, so getting a head start was more her style.

Knock, knock

Her head tilted to the door, “Tasha, go to bed!” A laugh as she set the kettle down. “I’ll hear about your escapades in the morn-,” She flung the door open to find Kim Taehyung filling the space. “V? I’m sorry, I thought you were - Uhm, what are you…doing here?” She stopped rambling before asking him the question that mattered the most.

What was he doing here?

“I just..” His arm braced on the frame as his fingers played over his lips. “Can I come in for a second?” She looked hesitant but nodded while stepping aside. “Thank you.” He murmured as he moved inside.

He’d been inside a few of the staff apartments - they looked lived in. While hers? It felt like nothing. It didn’t look like she had tried to make any kind of home out of the place. His brow furrowed as he turned to face her. His gaze traveled from her feet all the way to that ponytail at the top of her head.

“I was making some tea if you’d like?” She offered, moving by him. In her shoes, she was about equal height with most of them. But without? It put her just a hair shorter. “V, I’m fine if that’s what you’re worried about.” A couple spoonfuls of the citron concentrate before a quick slurp tested to her liking. She turned to put the jar in the fridge, turning back as he had the cup lifted to his mouth.


He took a healthy gulp, rolling the liquid before chewing the peel gathered in his mouth. “Mm. Just how I like it.”

“I don’t want your cooties.” She made a face as he handed her mug back to her.

“Cooties? Are you five?” He almost choked laughing.

“I don’t know where your mouth has been!” A soft whine as she reluctantly took a sip from her cup. “What is it you want, anyway? I have studying to do. Like I said, I’m fine. You don’t have t-..” He rounded on her suddenly. Long fingers trailed against the countertop as he moved in front of her. “What are you doing?” The whir of the heater was so loud in that thick silence.

“What I’ve wanted to do for some time now.” The treble of his voice sent shivers down her spine. His fingers danced over hers, causing them both to turn their heads to the sight. His thumb sailed over her fingers, rubbing at the soft skin of her knuckles. Those long fingers wrapped around her wrist, the shock causing the artery to throb as her pulse spiked. He rubbed the skin there as she turned back to him with her brows furrowed.



She pulled her hand, and he held on to it. “Please don’t.” A soft sigh as she kept her head lowered. “I’m nobody here. Plus, I’m years older than you.” A scoff as his thumb ceased its movement. Suddenly, his hold tightened as another long finger tilted her gaze up to his.

Of all the things she thought she’d be experiencing in her life? This wasn’t in the sourcebook. Because this wasn’t anything, she would have fathomed. There was a pink tinge to his skin from the alcohol. But there was absolute clarity in his gaze that had her taking a hesitant step away from him.

“Who are you trying to convince?” Cocky confidence in his voice. He undid everything with that question.

“Listen here, V. I don’t cater to the rumors and backstage shenanigans I’ve heard from others, ok? But I have heard some things. I will not be apart of that rumor mill. Got it?” His features fell as he realized his folly.

Shit. shitshitshit. That’s not what was supposed to happen! That’s not how he meant-? Stunned at her, even considering that’s what he meant?! “Look, I appreciate you extending a hand and all, but -” She removed her arm from his hands while stepping away. “I have a lot of work to do. And it’s almost Christmas time, so I’m sure you guys have planning to do.” Turning on heel to go to the door, he followed. Before she could pull the door open, he closed in on her again.

“V didn’t I just say…” She turned. He put his hands on either side of her head, pinning her back to the door.

“Why are you so scared of getting close to anybody…to us..” He leaned in. “…to me?”

“Because that’s not what I’m here for. And if you haven’t noticed?” She raised a hand to wiggle her fingers, just as long, in front of her face. “It’s not been exactly easy.” A muscle ticked in his jaw as he thought about what they walked in on.

They didn’t think they were going to make it dine with the staff. But, with the next few days off? The holidays upcoming? They figured now would be the best time to start having the big dinners before they broke off to visit family. The leads and supervisors, along with BTS, crept in through the back of the place. The conversation was so loud that they had easily gone unnoticed. They were approaching the table when some rather unsavory topics had come up.

They were mortified when the professor wanted to rush toward the table. The head PD, TD, and Namjoon stopped her. They wanted to check for something these situations only let you see. Jimin frowned deeply; Jin sighed softly while shaking his head. Suga let his head fall back as he looked off, a vein in the side of his forehead, throbbing with his anger. Namjoon, Hobi, Tae, and Jeongguk were boiling. Tae had to grab onto Jeongguk’s arm to keep him in place.

And from what they were to understand? That wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Apparently, they tried to go out to a club in Itaewon, only to have the girls harassed and denied entry. This was in the first six months of their arrival. They didn’t want to bring it up or talk about it - choosing to just move on. They chalked it up to only one of many life experiences.

Their classmates, on the other hand, weren’t keen to let it rest. They reported it to their supervisors and their professors. There were some learning curves with this program, and blatant racism wasn’t one of the boxes on that checklist they had. But, it was one they kept watch over.

She didn’t want the pity or the strange atmosphere that speaking on it could bring. So she clammed up, kept quiet, cordial, and separate. It was good to really enjoy the camaraderie of her work family. Maybe she could try to loosen up a bit. But always in the back of her mind, even if she didn’t want it to be there.

It was.

“You’re not a coward.” He vibrated the air, snapping her back to the present.

“No, I’m a realist.” She bit back. “This is against the rules you even being here, V.” She put her hands on his chest to push him away.

He leaned in and kissed her.


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5 years ago

↬ Official Application

 Official Application

Hello and welcome to Bangtan Headquarters! This network was founded by friends with the idea of dedicating a space for BTS Fan Writing. The basic principals this network will follow are unleashing your creativity and exploring your potential. We will strive to give you a safe, friendly, and fun environment to do this in.

Content creators however are not the only ones welcome at Bangtan Headquarters; we are also looking to support and encourage Beta Readers. Beta Readers are vital and important to the writing process, and are welcome to apply as well!

You need to have an actively posting tumblr of at least two months or have an ao3/wattpad account. You don’t have to be an only BTS blog to apply, as long as you’re actively posting fics and content about them.

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5 years ago

No Words, pt 7

No Words, Pt 7

Pairing: Jungook x  [mention/flashback of Tae x OC]

Type: Series

Genre: Idol! Poly!, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Angst, Fluff [if you squint]

Warning: Smut. Voyeurism. Masturbation. 

A/N - I wrote this so weird - I’m sorry. I cannot even explain. But, you should read chapters 1-6. Then Interlude I-V.  Or be a Rebel and read the interludes first then read through the chapters. You’re the captain of your crazy reader-ship. Now we can continue on!

Words:  2.5K


The Maknae was flustered as he burned miles on the treadmill. The trainer turned the speed up a few more notches. Jeongguk was so lost in his thoughts? He barely registered he was getting closer to max speed. It was easy to let the body do what it needed to when he spaced out. It was like a weird auto-pilot, the trainer knew that far away gaze. It was the best time to really push the maknae to his limits.

“You what, Jeongguk? You what..?” Tae leaned in with a baritone growl.

Ki-Nam knew that Jeongguk was preoccupied with something. They had gone through this whole scenario many times, over many years. If Gguk had a problem he couldn’t talk out? He’d work it out - hard. The maknae’s brow furrowed, Ki-Nam turned the speed up another notch. He felt bad, honestly. Watching the main vocal sweat out his troubles in such a rough fashion. But, everyone knew that Gguk still had some troubles when it came to his emotions. They laughed over a session, a few years ago, saying it was akin to meditation. A really, really, rough and vigorous meditation.

It has been one month since they had a bit of a break. The holidays were closing in on them again. That time of the year always seemed to do something to him. He didn’t understand why. He couldn’t put his finger on it.

No, that was a lie. He didn’t want to put his finger on it.

“I don’t know, Taehyung!” A hissing whisper turned to the elder. Jeongguk’s tongue poked at the side of his cheek as his leg began to vibrate. “I don’t fucking know.” Tae scoffed as he gave the maknae a once over.

Jeongguk felt his heart beating a race in his chest. The sweat finally started to burn his eyes, he blinked it away rapidly. Why didn’t he want to touch it? Because it would change things. What was wrong with change? It took time to get used to new things. So what? Who cared? It was safer than the alternative right?

She was safer than the alternative. Right?

“I do.” Tae continued his stroll toward the end of the hall. “I knew some time ago.” Was that a warning?

“Fuck?!” Jeongguk was at a break-neck run when Ki-Nam turned the dial to MAX. Yes, that’s fine. He needed this run, he wanted to run! But, from what? What was he running from? It hurt. His body hurt and his lungs burned.

“OK! Ok!” Ki-Nam saw the focus slip and turned the speed down to a light jog. “Alright, breathe it out. Breathe it out.” He handed the maknae an electrolyte replacement as the jog turned into a brisk walk. Jeongguk felt a towel land over his head, snapping him from the recesses of his mind. “Man, I don’t know what you’ve got going on in your head? But, it’s been a while since you’ve maxed the treadmill.” Ki-Nam crossed his arms watching the Maknae slow to a stop. He brushed the towel over his sweat-ladened hair.

Jeongguk watched as Tae disappeared down the hall - their eyes meeting one last time as he disappeared around a corner.

“Hyung,” Gguk panted heavily while bracing his hands on the arm of the treadmill. “..can you be in love with two people at the same time?” Ki-Nam blinked at Gguk with a soft whistle. The maknae groaned while rubbing his hair vigorously.

“Absolutely.” Ki-Nam’s straight, unflinching answer made the maknae look from under his towel. The, slightly, older man arched a brow. “What? Did you think I was going to say no?” He chuckled as Gguk gave him a sheepish look.

“Gguk-ah, you can’t help who or how many people stir your heart.” Ki-Nam shrugged as if it was common knowledge. “Granted, it’s not exactly acceptable to everyone. But,” He clapped a hand on the maknae’s moist shirt covered shoulder. “…everyone doesn’t know what makes you happy. Look at the world we live in, Jeongguk-ah. People exist in many forms. Don’t you think it’s only reasonable that love does as well?”

Jeongguk blinked wide and Ki-Nam smiled giving him a soft shake. “For as many combinations in the world, that a person can exist? So too does love, Gguk-ah. Only you know the combination that’s right for you.” There was a stern set to the trainer’s face suddenly. “Regardless of the form that combination takes? You fight for your own happiness, whatever it may be. And also, be careful.” The trainer pushed his index finger into the maknae’s pectoral. Right above the quivering beat of his heart. “While it’s true love is fickle, sometimes she can be impatient.”

The maknae frowned, trying to ponder the meaning. Ki-Nam didn’t waste that time leading him on. He got straight to the point. “Love can be a once in a lifetime thing, Gguk-ah. She can decorate the table. She can wear a pretty dress. She can paint you a picture worth a thousand words. But, if you’re too busy to turn your head in her direction? She leaves you.”

Jeongguk’s eyes went wide as a thought unburied itself from the tunnels of his mind. Christmas time.

“…and she may leave you for a good while before trying again.” It was so easy to just text them, and know they would be there.

“…and if you miss the opportunity too many times?”

Taehyung..cried. He remembered it so vividly now. Just when he thought that she understood. Just when he knew she felt the same? She was gone. She stopped answering their messages, then her phone no longer took them. He was so concerned about Taehyung. They did what they always had to - they picked up and moved along.

How could she do that to Tae? How could she do that to Taeyung? How could do that to him? To him?

“She may never come back around again.” Ki-Nam finally finished as the light seemed to flare in the maknae’s eyes. As if a realization slammed into him. How could she do that to him? Jeongguk’s tongue prodded at the corner of his cheek. Ah, that’s what it was. It wasn’t just him -Taehyung.

It was also him - Jeongguk. How could she do that…to them?

Ki-Nam didn’t press, but he knew that look. A smirk lifted the corner of his mouth as Jeongguk nodded to himself, resolute. “You good?” The trainer asked the maknae with a fire burning in his eyes.

“Yeah, hyung, I am.” The maknae bowed to his trainer, tossing the towel back atop his head as he made for his room and a shower. He looked deep in thought as he took the stairs two by two. He didn’t want to bother with the elevator, not with all the thoughts still jumbled in his brain. He knew his feelings for Taehyung - that was sort of a given. But, he will admit he noticed a change when she was around.

He thought to indulge Taehyung on his fixation with the foreigner. They would only be around for just a bit of time, so what could it hurt? He opened the door to his floor and shuffled to his room.

It hurt a lot, actually.

His brow furrowed as he rolled back the reel of memories. She didn’t want to really get close to them - that much was apparent. She almost reminded him of himself in the beginning. Waiting until everyone else was out of the room or the way before eating or showering. There were differences between them that could make things difficult. But, Tae being Tae didn’t care. They watched her butt heads, clash ideas, and disagree with senior staff. It didn’t always work out to her benefit, but she stayed true in that she wanted to speak her mind. She always took it constructively, at least, when they disagreed with what she presented.

But, she had always mentioned she appreciated the ‘why?’. She appreciated that they tore her ideas up and presented the pros, cons, and protocols as a rebuttal. You couldn’t help but respect that. Just as they had come to respect that she wanted to be wrong - so she could develop stronger ideas. Most people would become resentful and frustrated at repeated ‘no’. But, not her - no. She studied refusals and prepared herself for a stronger showing at the next juncture.

But, not her - no. She studied refusals and prepared herself for a stronger showing at the next juncture.

Jeongguk felt himself sag as he entered his room. The bed looked inviting but he knew he needed to shower. The last bit of willpower left was exerted to undress and press himself into the hot spray. The water cascaded over his body as it protested his earlier mistreatment. His hand braced against the wall as his eyes closed.

How could she do that to him?

…there was no singing coming from that room. Jeongguk excused himself to go to the bathroom. He could hear all the off-key singing, but he couldn’t hear her voice. The water echoed a weird silence underneath the noise. He stepped out of the bathroom turning back toward the raucous bunch at the grill tables. He turned toward that corner where the karaoke room was. He bit into the meat of his cheek as he made his way down the hall.

He was turning the corner when he heard it. A loud thump that made him rush to the door. It was concern that brought him, but when he peeked into that little window? What he saw made his skin flush as he pressed himself against the wall. He could feel that fire creeping along his skin and settling in his face. Even though all his blood immediately ran toward his dick. It was dark back there, the burn of the karaoke screen and mini-lights provided enough light for him to see it.

To see her, crouched in front of Tae with her face against his stomach. Tae with his hand between his teeth somewhere between insanity and ecstasy.

He should have forgotten it. He should have left. He was turning to leave, he shouldn’t see this. But she pulled Tae across the room to the couch. He was off-side so he could see everything. Why was he so aroused?! He couldn’t really hear what they were saying.

But when Tae grabbed handfuls of her hair and pushed his cock into her mouth - and didn’t stop until she was pressed against his stomach again? Jeongguk had to suppress his moans as he reached into his pants.  

Tae got louder as he moved closer to orgasm. Gguk knew the signs. The muscle tick in the jaw, the way his body bows backward. He watched Tae use her, trying to shove himself inside of her.


How?! How could he have caught up so quickly?

“Mmm. Mhm, mhm, just like…t-that..”

Jeongguk felt his stomach twist and knot.

“Ah-f-fuck. Fuck…fuck…”

He felt his balls draw tight as lightning coursed through his body.

“F-fuck, gonna come…gonna come….gonna -Ah!?”

And then he…

“Fuck?!” Gguk had spaced out thinking back on catching her and Tae. He wound up working himself back up, and as the water turned cold - the orgasm knotted his muscles. One hand tight around the base of his dick as he dropped to a knee.

He was in love with her, too. It wasn’t just Tae that was hurt by that spontaneous disappearance. He was too. He was also him. He was hurt. He was mad. He tried to play it off, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t play it off anymore. His body lurched as he kept the iron grip on his throbbing erection.

Why was he being so stupid? What did it matter?! Tae loved her. Tae knew he loved her. It wasn’t a threat he lobbed at Jeongguk that night. It wasn’t a warning. It was a fucking realization. The truth of it had his eyes rolling back in his skull. As he finally took that chance and let himself think back.

Back to that Christmas.

Back to that kitchen.

Back to her apartment.

Back to when she was sandwiched between them. He thought…

The sounds they made together with a reckless abandon that night.

He thought… He remembered….he felt….

…the sound of her voice “Come for me.” She moaned.

Jeongguk cried out as let himself go. His back hit the tiled wall. He exploded, thick ropes of cum shooting skyward and against his abdomen as he fought for air. He reached out shaking hands to bat the nozzle to stop the water beating down on his skull.  He sank down on his side as his cock twitched and spasmed even though there was no liquid left to sputter.

Cold. He was fucking freezing when he snapped to twenty minutes later. The heel of his palm dug into his eye socket. “Mphffucking hell…” He pushed himself to stand, turning on the water again. The hot water not wasted as he showered and tended to his sore muscles.

He exited the shower, toweling his hair, frowning at the now swollen bowl of ramen that had been waiting for him. He ate it anyway, greedily sucking down the noodles and broth. He dug around in the fridge for leftover chicken and an apple.

He saw his phone on the table and narrowed his eyes. Gguk stormed over to the table, snatched up the cellphone and sent off a rapid-fire text.


  Ggukie: Hyung…

Taehyung grunted as he felt around for his phone. Trying not to spill the glass of water, he fumbled before pulling the phone to his face. He spied the time.

                                                4:30 am

“What the hell?” A deep rumble of sound as he responded.

  Hyungie: Gguk-ah, it’s late? Early? You ok?

Tae fumbled for the glasses he kept nearby, his vision sleep-blurred. The glasses were pulled right back off as he read the next text.

  Ggukie: I can’t, Tae. I can’t do this anymore.

  Hyungie: Can’t do what, Jeongguk?

  Ggukie: Pretend.

Taehyung smoothed the hair back from his face as he watched the chat bubble dot away for the next response. His phone pinged with a received message.

  Ggukie: I knew it, too. Back then, I knew it. We need to talk.

The Visual felt the smirk curving his mouth as he tossed the phone on the bed beside him. He stretched his arms upward as he fired off a reply. He rubbed his hands together as he got out of bed.

  Hyungie: Let’s have breakfast, Gguk-ah.

Taehyung knew he didn’t need to wait for a reply. He slipped on his robe, popped into his tata slippers, and grabbed his phone. He couldn’t help the pep in his step as he made his way down to the maknae’s room.

Taehyung had a hunch. He didn’t know what got Jeongguk to ponder the situation deeper? But, he was glad he did.

Because now? Now the real work could start.

Now they could plan ahead. Because they had about three and a half weeks before Christmas. A little over a month until the New Year.

And it looks like neither of them had any intentions of letting her sneak through their fingers this year.

Tae raised his hand to knock on a door that quickly opened before he could. A fiery-eyed Jeongguk, clad in black shirt and sweats, stepped aside to let him.

It has now been 121 days post kiss.

No Words, Pt 7

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