Kokomi Sangonomiya - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

—tragic lesbians

kokosara; cw: war. this is one of my more favorite replies because i heart women.

word count: 1,107


Dusk meets dawn; moonlight over the beautiful ocean being washed away by molten gold. Neither looking away as the battle raged on around them, it seems as if they were trapped in a forcefield: prohibiting outsiders entrance.

All is silent and still, the only sight these two have is of each other. Neither look away; looking away means defeat, and yet the screaming of a fallen soldier has Sara glancing away for only a moment. But one moment means everything on the battlefield. One moment can determine life or death—can determine success or failure; love or hate.

Sara prides herself in being the All Mighty Shogun's sword. Blood needs veins to reach the heart; sacrifices are the veins that keep war alive.

She knows this, her treacherous heart knows this too. The human heart is a fickle thing, wanting what it cannot have—feeling what it must not feel. Stuck in some sort of weird limbo as she sees her soldier fall down. Her soldier who is so young and full of life, one who was so excited to serve his country, dying before he even had a chance. Sara forces herself to not learn any of their names; names are where memories are held and yet—


There's laughter filling the dining hall, clinks of wooden cups smashing together in celebration. They're all happy, anyone would be happy to be accepted to serve their country—front lines and all. Even more so when new recruits with promising potential enter their ranks. Their cheers cover up the sound of heels upon the floorboards, coming closer before stopping at their table.

"What is the meaning of this?" The stern voice cuts everything off, the music stops momentarily and everyone stills.

"Oh! Lady Kujou Sara! We're here celebrating the new recruit who'll be joining us!" A young boy, no older than 18, is pushed to the front. He has a strong build yet a kind face—she didn't want him in her trope, much less the war.

"And what's this recruit's name?"

"Oh, I'm—"


Making her way to the training grounds she can't help but sigh, it's been so chaotic lately. The Shogun has been sending them out so often that her soldiers haven't been given time to rest. War has sacrifices, yes, but what good are needless sacrifices that could have easily been prevented? She knows she mustn't question her Majesty, whatever she's doing now must have all been planned in advance.

Entering the training grounds she's met with the sound of someone already occupying it. That's strange, everyone should be sleeping right now. Walking further in she readies her bow only to see the new recruit, sighing in relief she lowers her weapon.

"You should be asleep right now." It seems like he wasn't expecting anyone to come here by the way he jolted. Looking over he chuckles, scratching the back of his head in clear embarrassment.

"Everyone else is so strong! I have to train more if I want to catch up..." His face is solemn, no hint of the prior joy and excitement of joining the front lines.

"In order to get better your body needs rest. If you choose to ignore your body's needs I have no choice but to stop you from going to war." It's like a flip has been switched, where the young man's eyes are wide and frightened as he looks at her.

"Please... Please don't! I need this! You can't send me away! I'm begging you!" He's sobbing, distress clear in his speech, not even realizing he's clinging onto his general. He's shaking, so so terrified of having to leave.

"If you want to stay you must take care of your body, understand? That means sleeping when it tells you to sleep and eating when it tells you to eat." The young man—boy really—lifts his face up, his arms still holding tightly onto Sara.

"Yes ma'am, thank you! I'll make sure to take better care of myself."

"Good. One more thing though, why is staying in the military—staying in the war, so important to you?" The boy looks away, a small smile upon his face yet joy isn't the reason for it being there.

"Well I—"


Footsteps rush through the hall, making their way to the nurse's room. Breathing labored as Sara opens the door and spots the young boy from before. She moves to stand next to him, his body—that's not meant for war yet was trained that way—lay broken and battered on the bed.

His eyelids open at the slamming of the door, eyes glancing up to meet hers. He has a smile on his face, not unlike the one many nights ago.

"Did you come here to scold me?" His voice is soft—weak. He sounds so tired, like all he wants right now is to fall asleep.

"Not quite. I was... worried. When I didn't see you in the lineup coming back I thought—"

"Ah, that would be worrying, wouldn't it?" He laughs gently, and it's so full of hope that Sara laughs as well. The boy is surprised at first, but smiles at her.

"Well, you see I'm all okay, or well, I'm alive." Alive, he's alive, that's all that matters right now.

"I'm glad."

"Me too."

"I know you were talking before about you not—and I just wanted you to know that if—so how would you like it—"

He smiles, full of joy and hope; a promise of a new beginning.


Sometimes dreams are made from nothing but hope and joy. Dreams are distant realities far beyond our reach, and yet still we try to reach out to them.

You were no one, came from nothing and wanted to show the world you could have everything. I wanted to allow your dream to prosper, but in doing so, did I kill you? Your blood will forever be on my hands. You may have been no one, you may have had no one. You never even had a name to store your soul, and so I'll keep your memory alive. The name and memories and dreams that only you and I are privy to—

—Kujou Ayumu; rest in peace.


When you watch someone run at you with a knife, you—motionless—as the knife plunges into flesh. It still hurts, does it not? The same way, when you know you're going to be betrayed, the pain is still there.

Even though Sara knew this was a part of her plan, knew it had to be done. Is it wrong to feel disappointed that it went flawlessly? Just once she wished she was wrong, but she'll keep that wish to herself.

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1 year ago

you can tell a lot about someone based on their phone background. it shows what’s most important to them

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