Klaus X Caroline - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I agree with this soo much atp...cuz Damon's looks is all most people are after and they turn a blind eye towards what he did to not only Caroline but also Vicki Donovan, Andie etc. Also, he snapped Jeremy's neck after Elena rejected him.

That is psychotic.

Delena is not the perfect ship.

Open. Your. Fucking. Eyes.

P.S. Caroline once said, "My mom is a very proud gun owner." Bruh. That same very proud gun owner would have driven a stake through Damon's heart if she would've come to know what he did to her daughter.

If I was Caroline…

Not only would I have chosen Klaus. I have told Klaus and Liz what Damon did to me. It makes no sense to me why Caroline has to be told by the fandom to shut up and stop being judgmental. I don’t think she was being judgmental. I think she was just worried for Elena. She didn’t want her to be taken advantage of by Damon the same way she was. When from Caroline’s point of view when the sirebond was affecting Elena’s choices and state of mind, Elena was acting like Caroline from season one when Damon compelled her to play foot soldier for him. Her every choice revolved around Damon and what HE wanted. She had to cater to his demands. Not the other way around! It was disgusting.

Why has Caroline not told anyone what Damon did to her?! Why is she 'keeping her mouth shut' for the sake of her friends! It’s disgusting! And on top of that, she’s forced to be around him everyday! And if she voices her concerns and frustrations with Damon, she’s brushed off! By her friends and this stupid fandom!

I know that telling Liz and Klaus what Damon did to her will possibly get him killed. And her friends. By Klaus. 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ Say what you want about Klaus but he does love her. It’s bad enough that she married her rapist’s brother and is now family with him. Like, this whole situation is unrealistic as hell.

You fans always say, “why would she date Klaus after what he did to Tyler?” If so. Then why would she marry her rapist’s brother so she can be forever connected to him? Hm? Oh, I know why. Because Caroline is obsessed with the idea of Stefan and the type of boyfriend that he was to Elena. Girl, stop. Wake up and smell the bullshit, Caroline. Stefan is not in love with you. He doesn’t even respect you. 🙄😑

It’s unrealistic that Caroline would even remotely want to be connected to Damon in any sort of way. He raped her and used her as a blood bag! And it’s also unrealistic and out of character for Caroline to keep allowing Stefan to treat her the ways he does. She dropped Tyler because she was sick and tired of waiting around for him. She wanted a boyfriend that was there and he did not fit the part, so she dropped him.

Anyways, it would have been interesting to see Caroline call her friends out and there be some sort of falling out. Because in my personal opinion… Caroline is too good for them. She gives way too much loyalty to the people who are buddy buddy with her rapist.

And don’t give me that crap about Klaus. Klaus is not a rapist. Yes, he did kiss her in Sire Boy’s body and I was giving him the side eye, but he gave her a warning. ‘Wrong time, wrong body’ or something like that. No, I do not believe that Klaus would have taken advantage of Caroline.

Klaus is way too arrogant to take away a woman’s will. He likes the chase. He also likes a woman falling at his feet just to get a taste of him. To take away a woman’s consent in sex is like poison to him, it hurts his pride. Plus, that’s not the way him or his brothers were raised. But not only would it hurt his pride, it would be violating Caroline, which would not sit well with him.

Klaus respects Caroline. Go argue with a wall. My opinion will stay the same. When she asked him to leave for her sake, he did.

But Caroline should have at least told someone! Not sire boy though. 'Cause he’s rarely even there. And he’ll somehow make it about Klaus when Klaus has nothing to do with it.

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2 years ago

Klaus did say that he would be Caroline's last love and he was 😭

They endgamed Klaroline and you can't tell me any different.

They Endgamed Klaroline And You Can't Tell Me Any Different.

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7 years ago

They really are meant to be together



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1 year ago

no one:

absolutely no one:

me: does anyone want to see what Caroline's shoes all looked like?

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4 years ago


The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc
The Originals - Alternate Ending: The Missing Arc

The Originals - alternate ending: “The Missing Arc”

The same finale, but with one last twist that changes everything.

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4 months ago
KlausandCarolineinDangerous Liaisons
KlausandCarolineinDangerous Liaisons
KlausandCarolineinDangerous Liaisons
KlausandCarolineinDangerous Liaisons
KlausandCarolineinDangerous Liaisons
KlausandCarolineinDangerous Liaisons
KlausandCarolineinDangerous Liaisons
KlausandCarolineinDangerous Liaisons
KlausandCarolineinDangerous Liaisons
KlausandCarolineinDangerous Liaisons

Klaus and Caroline in “Dangerous Liaisons” 


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2 years ago

The Chaos Theory (6352 words) by Lady_Ye Chapters: 3/30

The Chaos Theory (6352 Words) By Lady_YeChapters: 3/30

Chaos theory states that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnectedness, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization. This behavior is known as deterministic chaos, or simply chaos.

Caroline Forbes, a monster with her humanity intact. One who prided herself on her morals and control.

Kol Mikaelson, the unhinged orignal. The forgotten sibling who was always left behind with a dagger on his back and chaos in mind.

Katerina Petrova, the girl doomed by her cursed blood. A lie, a shadow, created by destiny itself to wither away. One is for all and all is for one.

An unlikely trio with a burning urge to survive. But how far is one willing to go? Limits will be tested, bonds broken and morals left behind in this game of survival.

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2 years ago

i need more fics of caroline being a mom!

she is an amazing mother whether it be an oc kid or lizzie and Josie i need it!!





Caroline has a oc baby (girl or boy) and is season 3 of tvd and maybe the mikaelson fall protective over the baby and caroline because they admire how she is baby vampire but taking care of her baby plus klaroline fluff


A time travel fic where season 7 caroline ( either she is pregnant or the twin are born already) goes back in time of season 3 of tvd and everyone is so confuse about how she is pregnant or how those twins are hers!

it would be funny for everyone to interact with her and maybe everyone is fascinated with the twin since they can siphon magic and it really was not known at that time !!

Plus i think it would be funny klaus trying to woo caroline in that stage :)

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2 years ago

TACENDA ˏˋ°•*⁀➷


A spicy, creamy, soft, and sweet aroma filled up the kitchen. Caroline Forbes was making her famous red cookies for tomorrow's picnic day with her twin daughters. Which was a strawberry - cheesecake flavored cookie. Now, Caroline Forbes was a proud self-taught baker, who loved to bake even if her skills were way off.

Baking or cooking was important to her it reminded her of her bittersweet moment of her childhood and just life in general. Caroline had diced up the strawberry into small pieces, she poured them into a bowl full of delicious sweet dough, her head snapped to the left as she heard small giggles coming her way.



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2 years ago

𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐑 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ a follow up to TACENDA


It filled up the air as Caroline watches her daughters play soccer across the field. She couldn’t help it, if it was the mom instinct in her but they looked so beautiful playing, surrounded by the sight of beautiful purple, blue flowers, that felt welcoming. She gazed around, in amazement by the flowers as she remembered her mother taught her that flowers can symbolize many things.

Flowers have a wide range of values, from new birth to death, purity to passion. Flowers are connected with youth, beauty, and joy as they grow from sensitive buds to full bloom. Flowers, when they wilt and die, symbolize fragility and the swift journey from life to death.

At a certain time in her life she was scared of dying but over time that fear went away. She is afraid of many things, but death was not one of them.


 * A Follow Up To TACENDA

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2 years ago

𝗠𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗶𝗮 •*⁀➷

Mystic Falls.

A small town with darkness that lures around. Many years ago if you told Caroline the possibility of supernatural creatures existing she would have laughed in your face. Ever since then she stopped pretending to know anything, because anything could exist these days. Just like a 2000 year old immortal witch that invades your dreams and gives you life like visions.

After the whole prison world situation, Kai had eventually made his way to making it up for all the pain and suffering that he caused. He had become friends with Bonnie, Caroline, Katherine, Enzo, and Stefan, along with a new witch that was like him, named Nora.

They all became a tight group even though Damon and Elena are still upset that Caroline, Bonnie, and Stefan seem happier without them. But regardless of that, trouble always finds its way back.

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2 years ago



doja’s part is totally caroline inner feelings — I got a man but I want you… You right, I got my guy, But I, I, can't help it, I want you

the weeknd’s part is klaus — But you still hesitate (ooh, no) 'Cause you chose loyalty (oh, yeah) And I know your history..

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2 years ago

stop i kinda want to make a oneshot of caroline being brunette for a reason (gotta come up with an idea) then her going back to her blonde roots….

idk maybe add a klaroline spin to it?

any ideas ?

Stop I Kinda Want To Make A Oneshot Of Caroline Being Brunette For A Reason (gotta Come Up With An Idea)
Stop I Kinda Want To Make A Oneshot Of Caroline Being Brunette For A Reason (gotta Come Up With An Idea)

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2 years ago

𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷

CAROLINE GRASPED the cold cover fiercely, on her steering wheel which gave her palm a stinging sensation. Tears welled up in her eyes as a pounding headache appeared in the center of her forehead, and she wiped her nose with her palm as drops of blood escaped. Caroline calmed her breathing by placing her palm on her chest and softly pressing down.

Caroline pulled up in front of a modest house with a white picket fence, the yard was newly groomed, and a small porch swing swayed gently in the air. She looked around and noticed cars parked in driveways and a few individuals going down the street with their dogs or young children. Her eyes fell upon a strawberry-blonde– four-year-old girl who had the biggest smile on her.

She was spinning with her arms outstretched, blowing bubbles in the air, and looking at the bubbles, which shimmered with wonder. A little bubble fell on her button nose, as she stared at it carefully before it popped, causing her to quietly giggle. Caroline smiled to herself as she observed the small girl's delight at such a simple thing.

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2 years ago

𝐖𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐖 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ klaroline au season- week six: crossover / fusions @klarolineauseason

KLAROLINE + MARVEL: Caroline laid down on the floor as her body was in an unbearable amount of pain. Glancing down at the patches of blood that surround her in memorizing away as the red shune so beautifully in the night as the drapples of neon light fell upon her. She found herself chuckling at the unbearable pain of existing- the repressor manifestation of shattered bitters had been no-warming received with much shame and agony. She has only ever experienced suffering.

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 * Klaroline Au Season- Week Six: Crossover / Fusions @klarolineauseason

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2 years ago

𝗞𝗟𝗔𝗥𝗢𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗘 𝗠𝗢𝗢𝗗𝗕𝗢𝗔𝗥𝗗𝗦 ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ they’re the same just different filter!!

{inspired by two amazing stories by @anime-lover-forever-1127 }

Queen — Caroline is a badass queen who discovers a whole new side to her while keeping true to herself!

Alpha Female — Were Klaus aka the alpha male is willing to save his mate; as we all know that Caroline is the alpha female.

 * Theyre The Same Just Different Filter!!
 * Theyre The Same Just Different Filter!!

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2 years ago

𝐌𝐘 𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ klaroline au season- week seven: dark @klarolineauseason

Caroline felt herself chuckle at the fact here she is near her death. Death is a word that no one wants to hear because it brings agony and misery. How can someone be present one minute and gone the next? How tragic that life is so brief. A feeling that your soul is being slowly drained out of you. Caroline cannot help but believe that death is not as horrible as it appears. Yes, death may be horrible, and some people are taken away far too young, never having the chance to live a complete life, but Caroline couldn't help but be grateful. As she felt at ease with herself.

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 * Klaroline Au Season- Week Seven: Dark @klarolineauseason

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2 years ago

for research purposes— if you all had the power of writing klaroline together, in what season or what show out of three will you start with…

(legacies wouldn’t make sense but magic and power of writing exist, so go wild)

how would you develop them individually and together ?

what brings them together ?

(such as what makes them work together or how do they reunite, etc.)

what are they doing ?

(are they traveling the world? taking out a bad guy? causing chaos? etc.)

at what point do they realize they love each other?

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2 years ago

“He’s your first love. I intend to be your last.”

“You’re weren’t the villain of my story.”

Hes Your First Love. I Intend To Be Your Last.

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