Kpop Love - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hope is better than despair

With Itzy's Yuna

Part 2 of two !!!

wordcount : about 1k

warnings : slightly rushed, didn't get time to revise it much sorry my loves :(

A few days passed as you did your best to not let that letter thing trouble your daily life too much. Although you had promised yourself to not let it affect you, it would be a lie if you were to say you didn’t feel a little weird. You were trying to act detached from it, but deep down, you knew you were waiting for Yuna’s response, and you couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like if she were to never reply back

Time passed as you checked your mailbox every morning, without missing any day, and yet, you were faced with more disappointment with each day passing by. The more you would check, the less hope you would have, and you didn’t know if it was right to still believe she was going to reply to you as it had already been two weeks your letter was sent

Of course, there was a possibility that she had just been busy or that she lived way further away than you thought, but somewhat, it’s like something inside of you wanted to assume she didn’t want anything to do with you. Perhaps was it because not holding on to far too thin hope was better for your sake?

Nevertheless, you still kept checking daily, even if the absence of any apparent letter made you feel dizzy and had your heart aching, you still wanted to believe, at least, for a little bit

One morning came, there was truly nothing special about it. No birds were singing outside the window, obviously, winter was way too cold for them. Your breakfast didn’t seem specially good either, same plain cereals with a bit of milk. And your clothes, it was a boring outfit, no real motivation came to you as you spent your days walking around the town of your childhood, as your parents were yet to be on vacation, waiting for them to come back home later on

There was nothing that made that day noticeable, same nostalgia, and same fear that your heart were to ache again

Although it seemed like it was the usual, something came up, and showed you that maybe the few hours that would follow would be rather different than you expected

Instead of going outside by yourself, you felt yourself get called outside. Something was bringing you there, a sound. The doorbell rang, once, twice. You stood up, and walked towards the door. It was probably one of the neighbours 

Except that when you opened the door, you quickly realized you hadn’t seen this person while walking around here. Tall, slim, black hair and those adorable eyes,

“Y/N !! I told you I’d come back !! Did my letter not reach you ???”, and that voice,

Yes, you knew who that was, 

You knew that you knew, but you felt like, unable to think properly, frozen by the situation

You suddenly felt arms around you. That’s when it clicked. Yuna, your lover, the person you couldn’t ever forget about, the person you had spent years dreaming about, the girl you had been upset with, the girl you wanted to kiss more than anyone, the girl who made you feel like there was still a spark here, the girl who made you, be you

She was here, it was… real?

“Yuna..?” you murmured, barely audibly 

Then, everything seemed blurry, you could tell there was someone talking to you but you couldn’t understand what was going on, just strange sounds wandering around your ears, as the landscape became a mass of confusing colours, before your vision turned to nothing but an absence of light

You slowly opened your eyes, you were still in the house, in the living room. You weren’t outside, and it didn’t feel cold like it did earlier. You felt warm, like wrapped in your blanket. There was no one in front of you, and no one at the door

You could still barely see anything, only focusing on the warmth you felt, since when had you slept so good?

Yuna’s presence in your dream seemed so real, you were such a fool

A few tears rolled down your cheeks, the realization that this product of your imagination would be the closest thing you’d get to ever seeing her again hurt

Your eyes opened more widely as you felt something warm on your cheek,

“Why are you crying my angel ?” and that voice again

You sat up and looked around, met with the smile you had missed dearly. Her hands on your face, she looked at you in the cutest way

“I missed you so much” she spoke again

Yuna held you against her as you felt your tears dry off almost imeediatly. You were so relieved to have her by your side again, just the single thought of being stuck in a dream again made you nauseous

“You collapsed in my arms earlier, have you not been getting sleep pretty ?” she asked you, worried

“I have I have ! I’ve just, I don’t know, since I have sent you that letter, I, well, it’s been an emotional rollercoaster, I missed you so much Yuna, I thought I’d have to life the rest of my life without you”

“You know me better than that silly ! How could I not respect my promise ? I have always loved you, and I still do, I love you even more actually !”

And just like that, just because it felt right, you kissed her, kissed her like it was your last moment together even though it was the beginning of an adventure, of the life you thought was impossible to ever arrive to,

You had done the right thing by believing rather than forgetting her

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2 years ago

Little moments count more

with itzy’s ryujin

Little Moments Count More
Little Moments Count More
Little Moments Count More

Wordcount : about 0,9k

Warnings : unedited, a bit rushed, very tired tonight sorry my loved :(

“Ryujinie ! don’t you think mine is cuter ?” you asked her, referring to the snowman you had just built. With your hands half frozen, your cheeks red and your legs tired, you stood there proudly next to that pile of snow you had sculptured, the brightest smile on your pretty face as your girlfriend stared at you in awe

“Hmmmm, I don’t knowww !! I think mine wins the competition” she responded, referring to the girl she had made out of snow. Tall and slim, a crown of veggies and a smile made out of buttons that made her seem joyful for iced water, you had to admit that it was pretty cute

But of course, she didn’t need to know that. You were determined to win that competition she had challenged you to do earlier

Today had been boring enough, you had spent it in bed, in a warm pajama as you were finishing left-over homework from the weekend. Your school had closed because of the insane amount of white powder that covered the town. You weren’t so angry about it, after all, it was an excuse to stay home and have time for yourself

Though you couldn’t help feeling a little sad knowing that you wouldn’t get to see your lovely girlfriend today, as you would mainly spend time with her in class. You were less likely to hangout outside of the school due to you both having a really busy schedule

Nevertheless, you’d still find the time to talk to each other everyday. If it wasn’t by exchanging papers in class, then it was by facetiming until one of you would drift to sleep

So it was not a surprise when Ryujin had told you that she would be less likely to respond fast today, as she had a huge project to work on and that needed to be submitted by the end of the week. Obviously, you felt a little sad, but you thought to yourself that at least, you would get to talk tonight

Since there was nothing else to do, you started cleaning out that pile of homework. Taking breaks to drink water and eat a little snack from time to time, your method was efficient. In a few hours, you were already done halfway through!

You only had  a few pages left when you heard the doorbell ring. You weren’t sure of who it would be but you surely did hope it was her, because god, you were missing her so much

As you opened the door, you felt a pair of warm arms wrap around you. You smiled, of course it was her, how could you possibly think it would be anybody else? As you were taking the time to inhale her perfume and enjoy the kisses she was leaving all over your face, you invited her to come inside

You both sat down on the sofa as she clung onto you, clearly, she had walked for a long time before getting here. She seemed so cold ! You couldn’t bear watching her freeze like that

You were quick enough to rush to the kitchen and run back only a few minutes after with a cute hot chocolate for your girlfriend. Drinking yours as she tasted hers, you were caught staring at her for a little too long. You couldn’t help it, not only were you touched by her effort of bringing herself here in the dangerous weather, but she also looked so beautiful right then

She pecked your lips as you kissed back, leaning in as she wrapped her arms around you. You both stayed that way for a while, cuddling and pretending nothing else around you existed, only your heartbeats in perfect synch could be felt

The afternoon passed by quick, as you both decided to do your respective homework in the same room, kissing each other when a break was needed. Strangely enough, you had both been insanely productive, so much that by 4pm, you were already done!

As a way of relaxing after all that hardwork, Ryujin offered to take you outside for a little walk. If she could have, she would’be brought you on a date, though that wasn’t possible due to most places being closed because the roads were almost unnacessible : too much snow was in the way

Which is why you were both there, outside, laughing and pushing each other in the snow as you tried to beat the other at that snow building competition Ryujin had challenged you to. It wasn’t the fanciest date, and clearly not an expesnvie one, your hands were cold and you almost felt sick, but the insane amount of euphoria you felt at that moment made every second of it worth it. Your girlfriend’s pretty smile as she declared you winner of the snow competition, and the happiness you felt in your heart could not be compared to anything else

Sometimes, little moments meant way more than the entire world

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5 months ago

I have no idea what to write about or on whom. Please help me😭😭😭 request for ideas I would appreciate it MWA

(i'm just so new to Tmblr)

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