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2 years ago

Hope is better than despair

With itzy’s yuna

Hope Is Better Than Despair
Hope Is Better Than Despair
Hope Is Better Than Despair

Part 1 of two !!

word count : 1,3k

Warnings : a bit angsty im sorry :,(

One of my favorites again hehe^^

Your heart sank as snow began falling on the city’s roof, the holidays were approaching, and despite the cheerful atmosphere around you, you still didn’t feel that joy the way everyone else did, at least, not like you used to

Nostalgia is a vast concept, some people miss their parents’ house, miss playing around in the neighborhood, miss their teachers, miss the innocence of being a child, miss the spark they had in their eyes at that time;

And sometimes, there are people that miss others

You were one of these people, there was someone, probably the person you had ever been the closest to, that had deserted your life a couple years back, and strangely enough, it seemed as if time had stopped since then

You thought to yourself it was a foolish decision as you sat down to your kitchen table, a paper, and a pen in front of you. You had been telling yourself that for the entire week, since that idea had crossed your mind, you kept debating inside if it was incredibly stupid, or rather, something that could change your future greatly

Yuna and you were insepperable, since the very first moment you looked at each other, you instently clicked. There was something between the two of you that was beyond anyone’s else understandimg. Quite frankly, you didn,t need to grasp the concept of the connection you shared with her, as long as she was next to you, and that you were next to her, that’s all that mattered

You did everything together, going from accompanying her whenever she had detention, to pairing up for every single project, to throwing snowballs on the face of the other before heading inside freezing, to spending days cuddling and watching your favorite movies, there was not one of your lives where Yuna did not have a special place in it

And as you two grew up, your feelings evolved towards the other. It started with Yuna being even more protective than she usually was, wrapping her arms around you whenever someone thought it was a good idea to try and flirt with you. You started feeling warmer than you used to around her, feeling this strange urge to always be close to her. As time passed by, Yuna’s actions became more and more evident that you guys weren’t just friends, if it wasn’t for her constant teasing, nor her attempts at making you blush, it was certainly her kisses that she’d give you, claiming it was just “marking her territory so the others would know you’re hers”

It took a long while before you both had enough courage to confess to the other, trembling as she held you, you shared the most passionate kiss that night. It was so memorable that to this day, it is still vivid in your head

The months that followed were pure paradise, there was not a moment where you didn’t feel at ease with each other, it was the sweetest and purest relationship you had ever experienced

However, you had to let her go before you were ever ready to do so. Yuna’s parents had been talking about moving away for a few weeks by then, and they had finally taken their decision

That night was difficult, hard because you had both decided it would be best to not continue talking to the other, that the distance would be too hard, that it would be painful to not have each other to hold on to but than it was better than to hold on a glimpse of false hope

Yuna held you tight that night, she whispered many things to you, wished you the best life ever, and promised you that you would never be forgotten

As she head outside, out of your door, while you did your best to smile at her, wanting her to have a good last memory of you both being together

Your head was fuzzy, it was difficult to comprehend what was happening at that moment. Although you could barely see nor hear anything, due to feeling extremely drained, you thought for a second that she had said something,

Something like,

“The universe will send us back together, I promise you”

And you weren’t sure if your brain had just tricked you, or if truly, she had meant that

To this day, you still were unsure of those words, but a discobvery had made you change your mind. A few days ago, you had been called by your parents, as they wanted you to come home for the Holidays, and of ourse, you couldn’t refuse spending time with the people you most loved

After a few hours listening to your mother rant about stories you had already heard, your father had interrupted her, mentioning that he had found a box with a bunch of your old stuff. Excitedly enough, he had given you indications as to where it was located in the house

And now you were here, a few days later, with Yuna’s “new” address (at the time) in mind. While going through the box, you had found a little note, and you could almost immediately recognize her handwriting. You almost felt your heart explode when your eyes read the following : “My angel, I’m so scared my parents are going to make us move out sooner than they are supposed to. If they do, and you ever want to contact me, please know that my address will be…”

It was such a strange feeling as you realized what the paper was saying. If Yuna knew her address the entire time, and had purposely hid that in your stuff, why didn’t she just directly tell you where she lived ? Why didn’t she want to make things work ?

Firstly upset, you tried to ignore the flame you thought was gone a long time ago. Although you kept avoiding the subject and resisted the best you could, there was no other way than to face what you felt : you were still in love with her

So you began writing to her, maybe she wouldn’t open the letter, or wouldn’t even get it, but it didn’t matter, you felt as if not writing her today would mean loosing something far more important than anything else in your life

So you went ahead : 

Dear Yuna, 

I recognize that you might not remember me, and I would understand why


I hope you too, regret losing the other


May you be well 


If this ever gets to you, you are free to respond to me


Please know that you too, have never been forgotten

Yours truly,


For once, you wanted to believe that the universe was on your side. You knew well enough that you could end up heartbroken, but the tiny bit of hope that was left was all you had, and it was better to accept it than to pretend the thought of a happy ending didn’t exist

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2 years ago

Hope is better than despair

With Itzy's Yuna

Part 2 of two !!!

wordcount : about 1k

warnings : slightly rushed, didn't get time to revise it much sorry my loves :(

A few days passed as you did your best to not let that letter thing trouble your daily life too much. Although you had promised yourself to not let it affect you, it would be a lie if you were to say you didn’t feel a little weird. You were trying to act detached from it, but deep down, you knew you were waiting for Yuna’s response, and you couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like if she were to never reply back

Time passed as you checked your mailbox every morning, without missing any day, and yet, you were faced with more disappointment with each day passing by. The more you would check, the less hope you would have, and you didn’t know if it was right to still believe she was going to reply to you as it had already been two weeks your letter was sent

Of course, there was a possibility that she had just been busy or that she lived way further away than you thought, but somewhat, it’s like something inside of you wanted to assume she didn’t want anything to do with you. Perhaps was it because not holding on to far too thin hope was better for your sake?

Nevertheless, you still kept checking daily, even if the absence of any apparent letter made you feel dizzy and had your heart aching, you still wanted to believe, at least, for a little bit

One morning came, there was truly nothing special about it. No birds were singing outside the window, obviously, winter was way too cold for them. Your breakfast didn’t seem specially good either, same plain cereals with a bit of milk. And your clothes, it was a boring outfit, no real motivation came to you as you spent your days walking around the town of your childhood, as your parents were yet to be on vacation, waiting for them to come back home later on

There was nothing that made that day noticeable, same nostalgia, and same fear that your heart were to ache again

Although it seemed like it was the usual, something came up, and showed you that maybe the few hours that would follow would be rather different than you expected

Instead of going outside by yourself, you felt yourself get called outside. Something was bringing you there, a sound. The doorbell rang, once, twice. You stood up, and walked towards the door. It was probably one of the neighbours 

Except that when you opened the door, you quickly realized you hadn’t seen this person while walking around here. Tall, slim, black hair and those adorable eyes,

“Y/N !! I told you I’d come back !! Did my letter not reach you ???”, and that voice,

Yes, you knew who that was, 

You knew that you knew, but you felt like, unable to think properly, frozen by the situation

You suddenly felt arms around you. That’s when it clicked. Yuna, your lover, the person you couldn’t ever forget about, the person you had spent years dreaming about, the girl you had been upset with, the girl you wanted to kiss more than anyone, the girl who made you feel like there was still a spark here, the girl who made you, be you

She was here, it was… real?

“Yuna..?” you murmured, barely audibly 

Then, everything seemed blurry, you could tell there was someone talking to you but you couldn’t understand what was going on, just strange sounds wandering around your ears, as the landscape became a mass of confusing colours, before your vision turned to nothing but an absence of light

You slowly opened your eyes, you were still in the house, in the living room. You weren’t outside, and it didn’t feel cold like it did earlier. You felt warm, like wrapped in your blanket. There was no one in front of you, and no one at the door

You could still barely see anything, only focusing on the warmth you felt, since when had you slept so good?

Yuna’s presence in your dream seemed so real, you were such a fool

A few tears rolled down your cheeks, the realization that this product of your imagination would be the closest thing you’d get to ever seeing her again hurt

Your eyes opened more widely as you felt something warm on your cheek,

“Why are you crying my angel ?” and that voice again

You sat up and looked around, met with the smile you had missed dearly. Her hands on your face, she looked at you in the cutest way

“I missed you so much” she spoke again

Yuna held you against her as you felt your tears dry off almost imeediatly. You were so relieved to have her by your side again, just the single thought of being stuck in a dream again made you nauseous

“You collapsed in my arms earlier, have you not been getting sleep pretty ?” she asked you, worried

“I have I have ! I’ve just, I don’t know, since I have sent you that letter, I, well, it’s been an emotional rollercoaster, I missed you so much Yuna, I thought I’d have to life the rest of my life without you”

“You know me better than that silly ! How could I not respect my promise ? I have always loved you, and I still do, I love you even more actually !”

And just like that, just because it felt right, you kissed her, kissed her like it was your last moment together even though it was the beginning of an adventure, of the life you thought was impossible to ever arrive to,

You had done the right thing by believing rather than forgetting her

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3 years ago

I'll Love You For Infinity...

I'll Love You For Infinity...

group: itzy

pairing: Ryujin x Yeji

genre: soulmate!au, fluff, angst.. a little bit of everything, but mostly angst. Get some tissue.

contents/warning: high school!au, ennemies to friends (kinda) to lovers and you'll see at the end how it will end, communication problem for both actually, traumas too.

warnings: none for now, I'll put some in the next chapters if needed.

synopsis: Soulmate universe where you can hear your soulmate's thoughts without knowing who they are. The closer you get to them, the clearer are the thoughts and the bigger are the chances for you to find who your soulmate is. But what happened when one is ready to give her all for love but the other isn't ?

a/n: Hello everyone. I wanted to post this on Archives Of Our Own first, but apparently I can't for now- So instead I'll just post my little fic here for you all to enjoy. Feel free to comment on it or not !!



╭ ──────╯

╰► ﹏ Yeji’s POV

She had to live with thoughts that weren’t hers for a month now.. she couldn’t clearly hear the voice of the person they belong to. But she knew who it was supposed to be for her, and she didn’t like it. That whole soulmate thing, she didn’t like it one bit. She didn’t believe in it at all in fact, yet she was the first one in her group of friends to have her soulmate already linked to her. All of them were the kind of hidden not so hidden big romantic person who just wanted to find the one that will love them for the rest of their lives. But not her. Because to her, it couldn’t exist.

“ Yeji…” whispered Lia, giving her a small slap on her arm to try to get her attention. “Yeji ! You’re doing it again !” She said a little louder between her clenched teeth to remain as discreet as possible.

Yeji finally came out of her trance, not realizing that she had just spent ten minutes staring into nothingness to finally notice the poor teacher who had been calling her all this time.

“I’m.. I’m sorry… Kind of were absorbed elsewhere.” She simply answered to him, who was visibly offended that she didn’t even paid attention to his question once again.

He had finally settled and decided to choose another student, giving the young woman a disdainful look as a silent promise that he would keep an eye on her from now on. It wasn’t the first time. She kept zoning out more and more each time. Because these thoughts began to take more and more space into her head, just like this mysterious person. She had to admit that really wanted to know their name. She knew it was a woman for sure, since she wasn’t interested in men at all. But it didn’t help at all. All she knew is that the thoughts would become clearer each time she seemed to get close to that girl, but there was too many in that school to be able to try to recognize her.


╭ ──────╯

╰► ﹏ Ryujin’s POV

Why so much hatred, oh my god.. She thought as she could “hear” her soulmate’s thought about her. Well… It was really about her, but about this whole soulmate thing.. And about the fact that apparently Ryujin’s thoughts were bothering her future lover. Calm down, I’m trying my best, get some vervain or something.

Class finally ended, she hated math and she couldn’t understand how her best friend Chaeryeong could love it so much. She spent so much time trying to help her understand, but nothing worked.. she just sucks at math.

“It’s not even that hard, you’re just not trying to understand !” She said, Ryeong sounded more offended that her friend couldn’t understand something that seemed so simple her than Ryujin was hearing her best friend implying that she was trying as hard as she could.

“ Why would I try to understand the need to put letters and numbers together ? How can you even calculate a fucking letter ?! ” Ryujin sounded more confused than anything else by her own words. She just couldn’t get it.

But then, she stopped talking and listening as her own name came into her head, but it wasn’t from herself.. She who couldn’t be named YET said her name… or thought about it, or her. She didn’t pay much attention to it so she couldn’t tell the context in which her name appeared. But she knew she wasn’t crazy. “Oh my fucking god Ryeong… Ryeong I heard my name in my head !!”

She didn’t realize yet that what she just said could sound stupid and weird since it made so much sense to her, until she saw the look on Chaeryeong’s face.

“No I mean… The voice, in my head.. it said my name !” Ah shit… it’s worse… “Soulmate ! Soulmate said me’s name !! My name soulmate said !”

There, weirdly she finally understood with that. “ Oh !!! And what did she say ?!” Asked her friend, just as excited as Ryujin was.

“How can you know it’s a she ? It could be a he !”

Chaeryeong then looked at her as if she just said the most unfunny joke ever. She knew that look very well actually; she saw it often. “Come on Jinie… You’re as gay as a penguin. Now answer !”

First, she was offended. But then, confused since she didn’t have any answers to give to her friend. Once again, she didn’t pay attention to the conversation happening in her head, as strange as it may sound. “I… I don’t know I wasn’t listening..”

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2 years ago



Hi everyone, finally decided to post this and turn this blog into a full kpop reaction/scenario blog.

I only write for GIRLGROUPS, a few of them. The groups I write for are : DREAMCATCHER, ITZY, AESPA, BLACKPINK, PURPLE KISS. I’ll maybe add some more later.

I can do fluff, angst, smut. Anything, really. I only write for fem!reader, or genderneutral!reader. I can also do G!P.

I won’t do any request if it’s about self h*rm, or suicide or anything involving heavy mental illness topics. Too triggering.


[M] = mature, [F] = fluff, [A] = angst


nothing yet…


nothing yet…


nothing yet…


nothing yet…


nothing yet…

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