Fluffcember - Tumblr Posts
with Loona’s Chuu

warnings : none
wordcount : 0,7k
Surprise surprise !!
wanted to offer you guys some fluffy content now that I am back !! I have seen this fluffcember or something going on around here, so I wanted to try it :>
May you all enjoy <3
Hands intertwined with hers; you walked in your favorite restaurant, which had always held a special place in your heart, especially as a little kid. Jiwoo had been quick to notice your frowns and yawns earlier today, work had been getting to you a lot, you needed rest
Which is why she took you here, a place that had grown up with the both of you. Living in your hometown had that advantage, you could be reminded of so many memories just by going somewhere ten minutes away from your shared home. The smell, the music, the bowl of candy at the entrance, everything was exactly like you remembered it, it felt so familiar, so warm
Warm just like Jiwoo, a confident hand taking yours, leading the way while following the waitress to your assigned table. She had always been this sweet, even when you were both younger, in your very first dates
She was shyer back then, blushing at your every movement, attempts at flirting were made more often than you could even realize, she always made you feel good. Despite her many acquaintances and her tendencies to befriend any living creature, she had always made sure you know just how much you meant to her, you were the center of each other’s life, like a cozy bed when you most need a nap, you were the person each other wanted, at any given time
Jiwoo has known all along how to please you, how to make you smile, she would never fail to bring you somewhere that would leave your mouth wide open, she needed to make you the happiest, no matter the cost
So, when you came home yesterday, tiredly making your way to the couch where she was sitting, eyes barely open and whining silently, she knew she had to do something about it. Who was she to not take care of you when you were this exhausted ? Immediately carrying you to your bed, she took you in her arms until you doze off
And when you woke up this morning, Jiwoo had already called your workplace, saying that you could not make it today due to feeling ill. Proud of her half-lie, she promised to make today such a good day that you would never want anything other than that,
And god she was right !
The joyful music in the restaurant instantly put you in a cheerful mood, that and your girlfriend’s cheek kisses. Briefly after, you had already ordered your food and had Jiwoo recall many memories you two had made together when younger,
Truly a perfect night
Love was clearly in the air as you got the fuming plate of food in front of you, if you hadn’t felt hungry throughout the day, you definitely were now, and Jiwoo was more than happy about it !
Was it because the place was full of people that you felt so warm or was it because of how close Jiwoo was to you ? You weren’t really sure, and really, it didn’t quite matter as you felt her eyes admiring you, making your heart jolt even though she had always done that, and you had been together for who knows how many months
Nostalgia combined with her gentleness made you nearly tear up, tonight seemed unreal, like it was some sort of fever dream. You felt so out of this world, but for good reasons, feeling like you were floating among the stars, you hadn’t been feeling this relaxed in a long while
Walking out of the place, not without thanking the chef, Jiwoo took both of your hands in hers before leaning in to kiss you, making every minute of today worthy
She was a home like nobody else was,
She was just so warm
An angel waved at me
with Loona’s gowon
wordcount : 0,7k
warnings : none !! pure fluffy content :>
surprise surprise !! Gaypeople4itzy is able to post writings two days in a row :o no way !!!! Anyways🤭 I hope you all enjoy this silly scenario <3

A beautiful Sunday, in the middle of the afternoon, you were heading for the mall with in mind the new clothes you wanted to buy for yourself. You hadn’t had much time to shop lately, so you were more than happy to take today’s day off as a shopping one, time to spend your well-earned money on the cutest outfits you could find
Once there, you immediately turned to a shop you had always liked a lot, wanting to make sure there would be enough clothes left for you. Entering it, you went to the sweater section, it was already so cold outside, so why not wear one?
Done with that purchase, you attempted to find one of your favorite places, it had many clothing pieces you were tempted to get in the past, today was a good day, a great day even, so there was nothing stopping you from getting those desired clothes!
Another purchase done and you were now heading to another shop that held a special place in your heart. Time passed quickly as you went to check a few more brands and your arms began to feel sore since you were carrying so much ! You decided it was a good time for a little break
Heading to the dining hall, you felt someone eying you, but couldn’t tell from who it was coming from. There were so many people around you, it was nearly impossible to tell if strangers were looking at you or if you were simply paranoid
Lowering the volume of your music, you kept walking until you reached a free table, where you put the bags of clothes you had bought previously today. You sat down for a while, scrolling on social media and answering your friend’s texts. A bit of time passed until you felt like you were being observed again, leading to you looking away from your phone to try and find who seemingly couldn’t take their eyes off you
Your heartbeat increased when you found out who was staring at you, a beautiful girl stood there, blonde hair and a shy smile. A slight blush made its way to her cheeks when she realized you were looking right back at her, turning away to who seemed her friends, she disappeared in the crowd of people around you both
As if she was an angel sent to you, you thought for a second you must had dreamed, there was no way such a mesmerizing girl was (what seemed like it) flushed at the sight of you ?!
Amused and surprised at the same time, you did feel a little disappointed thinking that you would probably never see her again. Though quickly enough, your mind was no longer preoccupied by the pretty girl, as you were too hungry to think properly
Getting yourself sweets at one of the many options you had around you, you came back to your seat only to find a little paper note laying on your table. Picking it up you could read “You are so pretty, I literally cannot stop looking at you, I’m so sorry for seeming embarrassing but I hope the compliment made you smile” in such a lovely handwriting !
She was right clearly, her message had you smiling instantly as you were looking around, trying to find where she could be hiding. Quickly you caught a glimpse of her face, looking at you lovingly, waving at you when she saw you watching her again, right before disappearing through the mass of people that stood over where she was
Determined to find her, you got up once more and started to walk around the dining hall, desperately wanting to at least ask for her number. You could feel your cheeks heat up, clearly, you hadn’t felt like this before, and you didn’t know what to do !!
After long minutes of research, you had to give up, your legs tired from walking all day long. Heading to your seat defeated, your eyes lit up as you saw another paper placed near your food. On this one was written “if you didn’t understand it yet, I’m quite shy, though I would like for us to get to know each other, so here’s my phone number :)” and she signed with what you assumed was her name : “Chaewon”
Looking up to see where she might be this time, you quickly recognized her blowing you a kiss, but this time, heading towards you instead of hiding as you gave her your warmest smile
Maybe you weren’t too tired after all, at least not tired enough to head home yet
Paired up with a pretty girl
ft Itzy's lia

warnings : none, pure fluffy !!
wordcount : 1,2k
Hello hello guys^^I love this work so so much ! I hope you guys will as well <3
You immediately turned to your friend who was already staring at you as the teacher announced the upcoming project for her class. She began explaining the many details of the rules to follow for this future presentation that would be done in teams of two. Excited in your seat, you were already thinking about ideas that could suit both you and your friend to present in front of the class
Though your excitement was quickly blown away as the teacher announced that she had already made the teams, wanting her class to work seriously, and stating that the pairings she had made were well-thought of. A little disappointed, you hoped to be with someone that would do their work properly, and even if it was someone you didn’t get along with, at least you could get a decent grade on it. What really mattered to you was to be successful in this class, so whoever was going to be with you would just have to do their part and that’s it ! Not so bad, or you so thought?
The teacher began calling students’ name, telling them with who they were going to be with. Waiting for your turn, you were looking at your friend, who seemingly wasn’t happy of the guy they had gotten paired up with. You hoped for the best as your name was called
“You will work with miss Choi”, you heard
Choi, Choi Jisu or Choi Lia, a girl you had never really interacted with. She seemed pretty nice but there wasn’t much you could say about her since you both had never had a proper conversation. She was always around her friend group, and you were with yours, really, it would be an occasion for you guys to get to know each other!
Coming from behind you, she stood on your side as she took the papers the teacher weas handing in. Turning around to look at you, she told you in such a sweet voice “I’m more than flattered to work with you”. Enthusiastically, you replied that you were too
You couldn’t help but to notice a glimpse of a sly smile on her face, or maybe you had seen wrong?
Heading back to your seat, she offered you guys would go to hers, where there was much more space, to begin discussing the process of the project. Minutes passed quickly as you were both laughing and overall having a good time, meanwhile getting some work and preparations done. It was way better than you anticipated!
A few days passed as life went by until Lia stopped you at your locker and invited you to her house that very night. She excused herself for asking you so suddenly, but she explained that she would rather get the project done by fast, and of course you accepted right away!
At the end of the school day, you expected to have to find Jisu yourself. So you were rather surprised to catch her waiting for you at your locker, with that same sly smile on her face. Just what was she thinking about ?
Seeing you arrive, she immediately greeted you and complimented your hair. She then went on about how the walk to her place could be a little long, offering to carry your stuff for you. At first you declined, not wanting to have the poor girl take your heavy bag, but after she asked again in such a cute manner, you couldn’t say no to her !
On your way there, you guys talked and laughed, it was genuinely fun to be around Jisu, like something unique connected the both of you. The walk didn’t seem long at all after all, you arrived rather quickly at her house
Leading the way to her bedroom, she told you you could sit on her bed as she took a chair and sat down. Getting your stuff out, you began to tell her about the idea you had thought of for the presentation. As you ranted about your idea and the text you were preparing, it seemed as if she was staring at you, well, not really at you but more specifically, staring at your lips
You brushed it off thinking you were just assuming things, though you could feel your heart beat a little faster than usual. Trying to keep your composure, you finished explaining and Jisu gave you a warm smile, proudly agreeing to your idea and telling you she liked the thought of doing what you suggested for your final project
The rest of the evening went by fast, too soon you had to excuse yourself to Jisu, saying that you had to head home to avoid getting your mother angry. Accompanying you to her front door, Jisu seemed a little disappointed to have you leave. Taking one of your hands in hers, she held it as she picked up your stuff and gave it to you. Jisu wished you to walk home safely as she let go of you, closing the door
Staring at your own hand for a few minutes, you felt like you were floating among clouds
Just what was that ?
A few weeks passed as your sessions at Jisu’s house multiplied, the work to do was becoming thinner and thinner, you guys had got it done two weeks before its due date. As that deadline was approaching, you could feel yourself feel more nervous than usual
One night, a few days before the presentation, Jisu could feel you tense as she was speaking to you. Interrupting herself, she asked you if you were feeling okay, sensing your nervousness. Replying to her that you just felt a little stressed out, you promised her you were okay, not wanting to embarrass yourself in front of her or seem like you couldn’t do it. You were just naturally scared of presenting in front of the class, but she didn’t have to know that !
Standing up, Jisu walked towards you. Taking your face in her hands, she said “I’ve got a good way to relieve stress. May I ?” Your heartbeat increasing, it wasn’t the first time Jisu had acted a bit more flirty than friendly during your sessions, but you had never made assumptions that she was actually serious
Wondering if she was going to do what you thought she would, you let out a shy yes
Pressing her lips against yours, her hands went down to your waist as yours went up to her neck. She softly bit on your lip as you tried to deepen the kiss, not wanting this moment to end. You both stayed that way until you were out of breath, watching her pull away with a proud smile as you felt your face heat up like crazy
Her solution had worked, no longer stressed about the presentation, too focused on her presence and how nervous you felt being around her. Thinking of what to say, she leaned in towards you again, kissing you like it was her last breath,
And you kissed back the same, not wanting to miss any opportunity of feeling her lips on yours
with Loona’s Choerry

warnings : none !!
wordcount : 1,1k
hello my loves !! missing choerry so so much :< so i decided id write this little scenario about her <3
Enjoy !!
Admiring the snow falling down, you walked around the neighborhood as excited as a puppy. It was the first snow of the year, the official beginning of winter ! As the city was painted in white, your school had decided to close for the day, wanting to keep people from going on the road as it wasn’t very safe to do so since everywhere was covered in slippery powder
Since you had already woken up early, you had decided to go out by yourself, wanting to ease your mind and look at how pretty the world around you looked at that time of the year. You had always loved snow, you can still remember those many hours spent outside as a little kid, building snowmans and making snow angels before rushing inside and wrapping yourself in a warm blanket
Truly a paradise that was !
And now you had been out for a while, not even recalling how long you had been out, you just felt happier here. In the middle of nature you enjoyed the calm and peace it brought you. You knew you would have to head home sooner or later, having a school project waiting for you, but at least for a few more minutes, you’d stay around
Popping your bubble, you felt your moment get interrupted by a sudden something. Cold and seemingly had hit your head, you wondered what that was about. You weren’t so surprised when seeing your dear best friend, Yerim, grinning at you as she laughed
“Of course she would do that”, you thought. There was no day that would pass without Yerim playing a trick on you, or trying to embarrass you. She had been like that since you were little kids, always insisting on staying by your side, getting a bit jealous whenever your other friends were around. She had that habit of making pranks to people, especially to people she “absolutely adore” (her words, not yours). And not only did she love tricking you, there was one thing she liked even better than that, and that was having you flustered
You had never really understood why, it was just part of your routine after all, and you had pretty much gotten used to it ! Sometimes, you’d let yourself wonder about her more than as friends, but your mind had always stopped you before you could think too far. There was nothing worst than ever loosing Yerim, especially over that kind of stuff..
Greeting her, you hugged her tightly as she had come closer to you. Strangely enough, you always felt warm near her, and the cold was starting to get to you, so why wouldn’t you want to rest in her arms ?
“My loveee !! Hi hi hi !! How are you ?? How long have you been outside alone for ? Y’know you could’ve just knocked at my door and I would’ve came straight away ! I’d never miss an occasion to play with you !!”
She always called you that, her love, it was cute you thought
“I did !! But you didn’t answer the door, your mother told me you were busy, so I went on a walk instead !”
She laughed as you said those words, beginning a story about how crazy her morning had been. As much as you were trying to listen to her, you couldn’t help but focus on her pretty lips. Catching you only after a few seconds, Yerim leaned in, kissing your cheek and giggling as you tried to deny the red look on your face
“Did you really think I wouldn’t see that my love ? You must love me so much to stare at me for that long !”
You nodded in response, unsure of what to say. You did feel nervous around her and god was she so pretty and lovely, but she was also such a great friend, and you weren’t even sure of your feelings. Plus, she was just teasing you, as usual, nothing was ever serious with Yerim
Dragging you by the hand, Yerim brought you to a spot with accumulated snow, “enough to make the prettiest snow angels !” she said with a proud smile.
What you didn’t expect was tripping on the way there, it was so icy that you could barely keep yourself steady. On the ground, you reached out for Yerim’s hand, though instead, she let herself fall on top of you
Closing your eyes in embarrassment, you felt her breath down your neck. Softly opening your eyes, you were met with a slightly different Yerim. She still had that beautiful smile and that positive energy radiating out of her, but the glimpse of mischief in her eyes was gone, replaced by a spark
Inhaling the cold air before speaking, Yerim seemed nervous, for the first time in your life you were seeing your best friend being shy… !
Looking at you in the eyes, she spoke
“I really want to kiss you right now Y/n”
Making you freeze in place, you felt your face heat up despite how cold it was outside. Seemingly impatient, she asked “Is that wrong to think of ?”
And maybe it was because you were too tired to think, almost frozen to death, barely breathing, nervous, sweating, scared, excited, unaware of your own feelings, maybe it wasn’t a good idea
Or maybe it was because you loved her
But you leaned in, kissing her like you would never kiss anyone, hoping it would mean something to her
And it did,
It surely did when she pulled away, catching her breath, and pulled you back in, holding you close, apparently enjoying the position she found herself in
Your homework was long forgotten by now, and you couldn’t bring yourself to care about anything other than her lips on yours
What a day !
Rest bubble
with Loona’s Jinsoul

wordcount : about 0,7k
warnings : None :o pure fluffy fluff !!
Your eyes opened softly as you began recognizing where you were. Finals were coming next week and you had spent the last few days craming your brain with loads of information it struggled to remember. Absolutely stressed out, you had been barely talking to your desr girlfriend, who was growing worried of you. Being the understanding person she is, she waited for a little while before deciding you needed an official break
At your door yesterday evening, she had somehow managed to convince your parents to let you sleep over at her place, them too thought you needed to rest, at least for a night. So you left the house with barely anything, as Jinsoul happily carried your stuff she had packed previously, while you were too focused on studying to notice her roaming around the room
After walking and talking for a while, she suddenly stopped. Putting your stuff carefully on the ground, she turned to you and took you in her arms. Patting your back gently, she spoke
“I’ve been so worried about you, you know that my love ? I’ve missed you a lot”
You let out a small laugh, it was only a few days after all. You leaned in to kiss her, not before apologizing to her of course, letting her know that your mind had been wandering about her that wholeeeee time !!
Happily taking one of your hands in hers, she took your stuff with the other, and continued moving towards her apartment. Her parents had been out on vacation for about a week, so you two would have the place to yourselves that night !
Bringing you inside, she offered you dinner as you thanked her a thousand times, grateful to get to spend time off with her
It wasn’t very late when you began feeling tired, your eyes closing by themselves when you felt her reassuring arms around you. You were put to sleep in no time
Now you were laying down, the bed empty. You were wondering where Jinsoul had gone, though you felt like you needed to rest more. You barely had energy left as you had not has a proper night of sleep since the weekend
You fell asleep once more
Woken up by the smell of donuts, you were met with a platter of sweets and the beautiful face of your girlfriend, a wide smile all over her face. Still barely awake, you leaned in to kiss her, feeling at ease whenever her lips were on yours
Curious about how long you had slept, you asked her what time it was. You were a little surprise to realize it was already the afternoon, you had needed this nap more than anything
In an attempt to get out of the bed, you shifted to your side and put your feet on the ground. Though quickly enough, you were stopped by Jinsoul, insisting on having you spend a day in bed. There was no time to work, just time to take care of yourself today. And how were you supposed to say no to such an offer ?
Jumping back in bed, you let her take you in her embrace while she peppered kisses all over you. Feeling just so warm despite the cold outside, you decided to let yourself relax for a bit. Time went by fast as she fed you the breakfast she had prepared and played games with you, letting you win just to see your pretty smile (her words). The evening came by fast and you found yourself asking Jinsoul if you could stay just one more night, to which she responded
“If it were up to me, you would never be leaving this place again.. Of course you can stay my love !”
Resting in her arms as she ordered your favourite food and put on a movie you liked, tonight sounded like much more fun than technical studies
Long distance surprise
With itzy's Yeji

Wordcount : about 0,8k
Warnings : none !! pure fluff :>
I hope you enjoy, don't forget to take care my loves <3
Month after month, week after week, day by day, you were to find yourself love your girlfriend even more than you did before. Your love for each other had no end, it had been growing since you’d met, and it wasn’t ready to stop. At the same time, your desire for her has been growing as well, the need to have her close, to hold each other, to kiss for the first time in weeks, to cuddle with her, to have her with you
You loved Yeji more than you had ever loved someone in your entire life. Nothing had ever felt the same, nothing could compare to the butterflies in your stomach that you’d wake up with every morning, knowing you were going to talk to her. Nothing could compare to her tenderness, to her reassurance, to her gifts, to her words, to her manners. Nothing could ever beat Yeji’s love, it was something you had needed for long, and the both of you just could not get enough of each other
Every single day, without missing one, you’d be telling the other how much you missed them, you would be counting days until you’d be able to touch, to reunite again. Loving someone that lived hundreds of kilometers away was hard, probably not the best option and definitely not something you wanted to live with for the rest of your life. You loved Yeji more than anything, yes, but it had already been talked about between the two of you that you would move in together as soon as it was possible. You often found yourself daydreaming about your shared future with her, falling asleep together, her taking you out on dates, discovering the town together. You were also thinking about how it would be to come home with her waiting for you
It had been many weeks since you had last seen each other without a screen between you both. That was a long time ago, too long. You missed her like crazy, there wasn’t a day that would go by without you wishing she was here, holding you tight. It was the same on her side, she would repeat a thousand times a day how much she wished she could be more free for you
Yeji was busy, her schedule was always filled with work and meetings, and so was yours. You barely had rest days and vacation; it was hard to free yourselves in order to see each other
Walking home one afternoon, you stopped by a café to get yourself a drink and have a little bit of a rest. Once seated down, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and decided to call Yeji, who surprisingly didn’t answer. She was usually quick to respond to you, though you knew how busy she could get, so you didn’t feel the need to worry more than that
Finishing your hot drink, you began feeling a little lightheaded, probably due to fatigue. Leaving the shop, you began heading towards your place, wanting nothing more than to lie down and take a warm bath before getting a good night of sleep
Opening the door to your apartment, you were met with a scene that left you confused. The lights were on, even though you were pretty sure you had turned them off earlier today, when you had left for work this morning
Wandering around your place, you told yourself you must’ve had forgotten to close them, you were definitely tired and must be why you couldn’t remember properly, or so you thought
Opening the door that led to your bedroom, you were surprised to see her there, eyes teary as she saw you. Immediately jumping in each other’s arms, she began kissing your forehead a few times, telling you how much you were missed, and how excited she was to surprise you
Making her fall on your bed, you quickly joined her, not even bothering taking your shoes off as you were too preoccupied by the thought that she was here. It was too good to be true, you felt like in a fever dream, happiness took over you as you buried yourself in her chest
“I’m so happy to see you my love, and the best part is, I’ll be staying for the holidays :)”
Feeling your excitement go up, you took her face in your hands and kissed her
You could not be happier
Surprises <3
With Aespa's Karina

wordcount : about 0,8k
Warnings : none :))
Leaving the house empty handed, you reached your car with in mind a plan: you were going to head to the closest craft store. That was of course, with a reason, with the Holidays approaching, you wanted to surprise your lovely girlfriend, who had been nothing but good towards you all throughout the year. Jimin was such a lovely person, you were so grateful to have her in your life, and god, you could never get enough of telling her how much you loved her, because she deserved all of the kindness you could ever offer her
Driving in the shop’s direction, you were confident about your gift idea for your love. You did need to be subtle though, it was a surprise after all! And you would hate to see your own preparations being ruined by you being too careless and letting her see what you were up to
Reaching your destination, you went inside quickly, wanting to find what you needed as fast as possible. Picking up things left and right, you smiled at the thought of Jimin opening her gift. You were preparing her a giant card, made out of cardboard and containing loads of small ornaments, stuffies, candies and more ! As well as the loveliest words you didn’t have the courage to say out loud
Paying for your purchases, you wished the cashier to have a great day and headed back outside. Arriving to you and Jimin’s shared home a while later, you got yourself a snack and began working on what you were intending to do. You didn’t know at what time Jimin would get home, but since she had told you earlier this morning that she would be busy for most of the day, you didn’t think much of it. You expected her to have extra hours to do at work, since that was something that happened more often than you wished for
Both you and your girlfriend were such hardworkers, and of course, she was a daily source of inspiration. She impressed you with her every action, and it was the same for you, the love you shared with each other was unique, it was such a deep and strong connection, you could confidently admit that you had never loved someone the way you loved Jimin
Getting out markers, you began writing in your card. You wanted to start with something strong, an event that marked you both. And for that, you chose the first time you had ever laid eyes on each other
It was a few years back, on a sunny day. You had agreed to meet up with a few of your friends, who wanted to introduce you to one of your friends. They had thought you guys would be a perfect match with each other, and perhaps they were right. You remember feeling a little nervous while waiting for your lovely friends to arrive, and you remember even more vividly how your heart dropped when you first saw her
She was absolutely gorgeous! And you could only assume she felt the same when you saw her pretty eyes widening at the sight of you. It was such a unique moment, it was like time had stopped when you first looked at each other, not being able to blink for at least a minute straight
As soon as you were done reminding her of that date in your card, you jumped to another memory you two had together. This went out for a long while, you began feeling tired, though you didn’t want to stop, too focused on making her happy
Hearing the front door open, you could only assume Jimin was back earlier than expected. You heard her voice, however it didn’t seem as if she was addressing you, but rather, someone else. Peeking through your bedroom’s door, you overheard her talking
“Hmm, but you see, I know it’s going to cost a lot but I want to surprise Y/n, want to make them the happiest ever, they really deserve it you know? Even if it’d cost me the world, I’d want to offer it to them”
And right there, you felt yourself get all excited. Your girlfriend had been preparing something as well ? How the hell were you supposed to pretend you didn’t hear that !!
Hearing her footsteps come towards where you were, you rushed to hide your things, not wanting her to ruin her own surprise. If you knew she was preparing you a gift, you felt like you had to surpass her idea even more, wanted, just like her, to make her smile until her face would hurt
The Holidays would be special this year :)
Finding your way
With Loona's Olivia Hye

warnings : little makeout session !!
Wordcount : 1,5k
Probably my favorite work of fluffcember yet !! I think it’s pretty good🤭 I hope you'll enjoy <3
Walking around the streets of a town you didn’t know well enough; you tried your hardest to not let yourself get caught up in stress. You were most definitely lost, and of course, you knew you were, but you were desperately enough trying to convince yourself to hang on a little bit of hope, maybe you’d be able to find your way out after all? One of your closest friends had been away for a few months now, studying abroad in the well-known university around here. As they had left your friend group, you all promised yourself to see each other as soon as it was possible, being apart for too long would just not be acceptable Although you both had been busy, schedule filled with homework and projects to finish, you always managed to find time to message each other. And it’s on one late night that they offered you something, the opportunity to come see them and stay for about a week Holidays were right around the corner, and you had talked with your professors, they were okay with letting you miss classes as long as you’d submit the work due on time or in advance And so you did, you worked hard and rushed your studies so you could be here today, in an unknown town (at least to you), trying to figure your way to your friend’s house They were supposed to come pick you up at the airport, though right before your flight, they declared having an emergency to deal with. They apologized and promised to make it up to you, as well as giving you their home address, telling you where the key was located so you could get in within no time With a smile you got out of the airport after a few hours in the sky. You hadn’t brought much stuff, a backpack seemed enough, and knowing you were going to take quite a while to reach your friend’s place, you were very grateful to not have taken many things with you It was the end of the afternoon, the sun was still warm as the wind made your hair dance. You thought finding a taxi would be your best and fastest option, as it would mean you wouldn’t have to worry about directions because the driver would do it for you
However, you started thinking that plan was going to backfire as you were walking around for a long hour and had yet to find any apparent taxi. You had tried to check online too, but since you were in another country, you didn’t have connection, and so you couldn’t find anything. That also meant you didn’t have access to any gps of some sort, which upset you
And now, you were officially lost. You didn’t know where to go as you head down a street, figuring you’d find a spot to sit down somewhere and collect your thoughts. The sky was a bright orange as the evening had begun, you were surely not down to spend the night freezing here
Looking everywhere, searching for the sight of a comforting coffee place or a bench but you couldn’t find anything. Trembling a little, you wondered what the hell were you supposed to do?
Trying to stay steady, you continued walking at a fast pace. You felt tired and your legs were sore as the airport seemed to be so far away. You mentally cursed yourself for not booking a ride in advance, you should’ve thought of it
You suddenly felt yourself lose feet, the paths were icy and you weren’t wearing the best winter suit : sneakers, jeans and a pretty sweater, you hadn’t expected to be walking around for that long. Luckily enough, you felt something, or someone, catch you before your face could approach the ground
Standing back up, you looked at the stranger that had just saved you. It was a girl, and strangely enough, she still had her hands on you. Thanking her with your brightest smile, you let go of her grip as you wished her to have a good day before turning around, not wanting to embarrass yourself any longer
Feeling something warm on your hand, you heard her asking you to wait. Looking back at her, you were met with the most beautiful face you had ever stumbled across. Her black hair floating slightly by the wind that had gotten colder, she offered you a shy smile. You greeted her and swore you could feel your face heat up a little
“May I ask for your name pretty?” she asked you, seemingly confident
You responded cheerfully, asking her the same question
Hyeju was her name, it suited her. Despite having a part of you wanting to get out of here the fastest you could, another one desperately wanted to get to know her better. There was something going on, you couldn’t figure out what it was. You were just, attracted? She was so... hot? You didn’t know what was restraining you from offering her your number right here and then
“That’s such a pretty name”, you smiled at her timidly.
“And you’re such a pretty being” She grinned, “Be careful, the streets are pretty slippery around here” She said, approaching you, “don’t want to have that beautiful face hurt”
A hand on your cheek, inches away from you, you could feel your heart burst out of your chest. You blushed at the sight of her, so close from you
“I’ll try”, you said, followed by silence
“You’re somehow making me nervous” you admitted, looking away for a split second, maybe in hope to hide your lack of confidence, or looking for the courage you needed to lean forward and press your lips on hers
“That’s good to know”, something about her grin was so, cocky
She then spoke again
“Do you mind if I ?” and you nodded, not wanting to waste a single second of that moment
She kissed you first, and you felt an eruption inside of you, butterflies overtaking your stomach as her firm hands held your hips, pulling you in for a deeper kiss. Not taking her lips off yours, you both continued messing around
Your legs weakening at her touch, you felt her look at you with a spark in the eye, and a glimpse of lust in there as well. She seemed pretty proud of herself for that one.
You both made out for a little while, your back now pressed against the walls of a certain building. Your hands were freezing, but your whole body couldn’t pull itself away, there was something that maintained you both together
Finally letting go of her as you needed to breathe a little, you saw her stare at you, like she was planning her next move. Looking at her with the cutest look you could’ve ever done, you felt yourself pulled in right again
It was such a new sensation, and you could not have felt better. Hyeju was passionate, she seemed like she wanted to make this the most memorable moment for you, and quite honestly, you were sure to not forget about this anytime soon
Your little session ended after you both needed to get your breaths to be steady. Giggling and smiling at the other, she wrapped her arms around you
“Didn’t know I’d find my future lover that way” she told you jokingly, pecking you again
You smiled “I’m surprised myself, I was just trying to find my way somewhere, I was lost actually, but instead, I got myself trapped”
“Sorry pretty, couldn’t help but lean in when I saw you. You’re so angelic, you know that? Makes me want to kiss you all over again, to treat you good”
You blushed at her words, how come a perfect stranger could have such an effect on you ??
“But you said you were lost hm ? Maybe I could help you ? And I’d get to spend time in your company, win win isn’t it ?” she told you, and you agreed
Telling her the address you were looking for, she asked you about your friend. Turns out they had been taking a few classes in the same program together, and that she knew where they lived
Walking you there, she held your hands the whole time, saying she couldn’t let you be cold, and also because she didn’t want to take her hands off you. You arrived in no time and felt a little disappointed at the thought of letting her go just now
“What’s with that look ?”
“I’m missing you already” you answered
And she replied with crashing her lips on yours, another time. Her tongue in your mouth, you felt incredibly nervous, how come she could make you feel so good ?
Pulling away again, you pouted
“I’m taking you out tomorrow, how about that ?” she asked you, giving you a paper with her number on it
“Sounds perfect to me Hyeju” you smiled
“You can call me your love already” she winked
Maybe you hadn’t found your way to your destination quickly, but that detour was more than worth it
Singing lessons
With Loona's Haseul

wordcount : 1,7k
Warnings : none !! just kissing :)
Another one of my favorite fluffcember pieces muhahaha !! Enjoy <3
Whining a little as you got out of your father’s car, you asked him for the hundredth time just why was he taking you here. He had stubbornly signed you up for a singing class, something you refused to admit being interested in. It’s not that you hated singing itself, but just the thought of having to speak in front of others was terrifying you, so singing in front of a crowd was definitely not what you wanted to do in the future
You were your parents’ only child, and they cherished you like you were the most precious being on earth. They had always made sure you could explore the many possibilities of life, as well as develop your capacities. Since you were a little kid, they had pushed you to try different sports, as well as play diverse instruments until you would find what you actually liked
You never really disliked that, it was actually a pretty good way to figure out things about yourself, to grasp what you were capable of and where your limits were. Although your parents hated giving up, they had always been pretty understanding of you
When it came to singing though, it was different. Your father had sung in an opera before, and had, countless times, described it to you as the best experience of his entire existence. Meanwhile, your mother had taught you the many lullabies her family had been transmitting, generation after generation. In your parents’ mind, it was clear you were to become a great singer
You never wanted to disappoint them, however, you had never taken any lesson. Being someone who showed great potential in art, your father and mother struggled to understand what was stopping you from exercising your lovely voice. And the truth is, you couldn’t get past that embarrassment you felt at the thought of having to sing in front of individuals
Sure, you could be pretty confident when it came to playing a game of football, or doing perfectly a melody on the piano; though you felt as if singing wasn’t going to work for you. You didn’t quite understand why your parents wanted you to sing so bad, for you, your voice had nothing that stood out from others and you never saw yourself singing that well
So when your mother announced that she had found someone that was offering private singing lessons, she thought it would be an awesome opportunity for you. You wouldn’t have to sing in front of many, just in front of your future professor. Your father was immediately enthusiastic about it, saying it was the ultimate occasion to try and embrace your talent
As for you, you were near horrified. Private singing lessons?? You were already imagining an old man, strict and severe, never letting you rest and putting an obscene amount of pressure on you. You could already feel yourself exhausted, stuck between saving yourself and pleasing your parents
Despite your clear opposition, your parents were stubborn: you were going to try at least one lesson. They declared that judging without trying it first was foolish
And so, you were forced to be here
Entering the building, your father looked for the class where your future teacher was to wait for you. Walking for a little while, you felt your stress going up as you were expecting the worst
Finally arriving at the right door, your father wished you to have a great lesson and left, reminding you to stay polite and to give it a chance
You knocked and waited a few seconds before you were met with what seemed like a dream
The prettiest girl you had ever seen stood there, she seemed to be around your age. You could only assume she was your teacher’s daughter or something like that. Greeting you warmly, she introduced herself as Haseul as she invited you to come in. You couldn’t help but notice how she seemed to be staring at you a little too long, though you couldn’t feel bothered by it, too focused on your anxiety
She asked you for your name and announced that she would be the one coaching you. A little bit taken aback; you smiled awkwardly as you gave her your name. You were going to have to focus while such a lovely individual was going to teach you? God, what were you supposed to do!
“What’s that look for darling?” she asked you, clearly amused by your reaction
“I was just surprised you’re the one who’d give me the lessons, I thought it would be some old hag” you responded, laughing to hide the light blush you could feel on your cheeks
She raised a brow and let out a soft laugh, declaring her lessons would be much more interesting than that. You agreed, knowing well you didn’t have the exact same definition of interesting
The lesson begun as she explained to you the basics, stuff you were already aware of, but you didn’t want to stop her, wanting to let her speak as much as possible so you wouldn’t have to show her your singing anytime soon. She was so beautiful, and her talking about singing so passionately had you smiling without even realizing it
However, she quickly began vocal exercises, so you could warm up before starting the real deal. As you were doing what she was telling you to do, you could feel her eyes not leaving you for even a split second. You tried to not think much of it, maybe she was just a really attentive teacher, even if you hoped it was for another reason
Your nightmare came faster than expected when she asked you to pick a song in the many papers she was showing you. She was quick to reassure you, saying they were songs for beginners and that you surely would have no problem with them. You nodded and picked up a random one, hoping the lesson finish soon
The music began playing as you opened your mouth to mutter the words on your sheet. Your heart was pounding in your chest, sweat on your forehead was forming as you struggled to get the words out. You were most definitely embarrassing yourself, like there was something stopping you from properly singing
When the song ended, you looked away, pretending to stare at the clock even though you didn’t really care about what time it was, you just wanted to disappear
Haseul came behind you. You didn’t turn around, far too shy to say anything. You felt ridiculous, and ridiculously nervous as well. Why was she so close to you all of a sudden? And why did she smell so good?
There was something weird in the air, the tension between you two was almost solid. You had tried to not let yourself be attracted but what were you supposed to do when she was so close to you, nearly kissing your neck as you could feel her breath caress your face
“You seem so tense darling, what’s the matter?” she asked in that sweet voice of hers
And that name, was she doing all of this on purpose?
You didn’t know better than to not respond, so she spoke again
“Are you nervous?”
You turned around and admitted that yes, you were, and hated the thought of embarrassing yourself in front of someone
A spark in her eyes, she smiled at you. Taking your hands in hers, her face a few inches away from your face, she told you
“You know, someone like you shouldn’t worry. You have a natural talent when it comes to singing, that’s for sure, we just need to work on it together”
You nodded again, still unable to forget the stress you were feeling and the sweat in your hands
“Still nervous hm? I think I might have a way to make you feel better” she said, clearly staring at your lips. You hoped you were thinking the same thing as her as you closed your eyes.
You responded
“Go ahead then, I’m waiting” You didn’t know where that newfound confidence came from, but while it was there, you sure weren’t going to complain
Pecking your lips a few times before actually kissing you, she let her hands wander around you, bringing you closer to her. She made you feel so good, you were probably even more nervous than before, but that didn’t matter in the moment, all you could focus on was Haseul’s touch
Looking at your flushed face while pulling away, she admitted “You’re so beautiful darling, I know I shouldn’t be saying that, but I hope you’ll get to feel nervous again”
You laughed at her cheesy comment, even though your face was red, and your hair, a little messy, you must had to admit you felt way more comfortable than you did earlier
A few seconds passed before she took your face in her hands, declaring that you were a good singer, and that you were to do great
The music began, and this time, you let your voice out. For a moment, you forgot that embarrassment ever existed, as Haseul was smiling at you cheerfully, clearly proud of herself
When the song ended, Haseul came close to you again, pressing her forehead against yours
“I told you you could do it” she pecked your lips again, “I’m proud of you” she told you, before asking you if she could kiss you once more, which you agreed to
Your father came to pick you up after your little session with Haseul. He asked you if you had enjoyed your lesson, or if you wangted to cancel the next ones. And you told him that you were going to consider what to do, even if, deep down, you knew very well what you were going to choose
You needed at least a few more kissing lessons
Hope is better than despair
With itzy’s yuna

Part 1 of two !!
word count : 1,3k
Warnings : a bit angsty im sorry :,(
One of my favorites again hehe^^
Your heart sank as snow began falling on the city’s roof, the holidays were approaching, and despite the cheerful atmosphere around you, you still didn’t feel that joy the way everyone else did, at least, not like you used to
Nostalgia is a vast concept, some people miss their parents’ house, miss playing around in the neighborhood, miss their teachers, miss the innocence of being a child, miss the spark they had in their eyes at that time;
And sometimes, there are people that miss others
You were one of these people, there was someone, probably the person you had ever been the closest to, that had deserted your life a couple years back, and strangely enough, it seemed as if time had stopped since then
You thought to yourself it was a foolish decision as you sat down to your kitchen table, a paper, and a pen in front of you. You had been telling yourself that for the entire week, since that idea had crossed your mind, you kept debating inside if it was incredibly stupid, or rather, something that could change your future greatly
Yuna and you were insepperable, since the very first moment you looked at each other, you instently clicked. There was something between the two of you that was beyond anyone’s else understandimg. Quite frankly, you didn,t need to grasp the concept of the connection you shared with her, as long as she was next to you, and that you were next to her, that’s all that mattered
You did everything together, going from accompanying her whenever she had detention, to pairing up for every single project, to throwing snowballs on the face of the other before heading inside freezing, to spending days cuddling and watching your favorite movies, there was not one of your lives where Yuna did not have a special place in it
And as you two grew up, your feelings evolved towards the other. It started with Yuna being even more protective than she usually was, wrapping her arms around you whenever someone thought it was a good idea to try and flirt with you. You started feeling warmer than you used to around her, feeling this strange urge to always be close to her. As time passed by, Yuna’s actions became more and more evident that you guys weren’t just friends, if it wasn’t for her constant teasing, nor her attempts at making you blush, it was certainly her kisses that she’d give you, claiming it was just “marking her territory so the others would know you’re hers”
It took a long while before you both had enough courage to confess to the other, trembling as she held you, you shared the most passionate kiss that night. It was so memorable that to this day, it is still vivid in your head
The months that followed were pure paradise, there was not a moment where you didn’t feel at ease with each other, it was the sweetest and purest relationship you had ever experienced
However, you had to let her go before you were ever ready to do so. Yuna’s parents had been talking about moving away for a few weeks by then, and they had finally taken their decision
That night was difficult, hard because you had both decided it would be best to not continue talking to the other, that the distance would be too hard, that it would be painful to not have each other to hold on to but than it was better than to hold on a glimpse of false hope
Yuna held you tight that night, she whispered many things to you, wished you the best life ever, and promised you that you would never be forgotten
As she head outside, out of your door, while you did your best to smile at her, wanting her to have a good last memory of you both being together
Your head was fuzzy, it was difficult to comprehend what was happening at that moment. Although you could barely see nor hear anything, due to feeling extremely drained, you thought for a second that she had said something,
Something like,
“The universe will send us back together, I promise you”
And you weren’t sure if your brain had just tricked you, or if truly, she had meant that
To this day, you still were unsure of those words, but a discobvery had made you change your mind. A few days ago, you had been called by your parents, as they wanted you to come home for the Holidays, and of ourse, you couldn’t refuse spending time with the people you most loved
After a few hours listening to your mother rant about stories you had already heard, your father had interrupted her, mentioning that he had found a box with a bunch of your old stuff. Excitedly enough, he had given you indications as to where it was located in the house
And now you were here, a few days later, with Yuna’s “new” address (at the time) in mind. While going through the box, you had found a little note, and you could almost immediately recognize her handwriting. You almost felt your heart explode when your eyes read the following : “My angel, I’m so scared my parents are going to make us move out sooner than they are supposed to. If they do, and you ever want to contact me, please know that my address will be…”
It was such a strange feeling as you realized what the paper was saying. If Yuna knew her address the entire time, and had purposely hid that in your stuff, why didn’t she just directly tell you where she lived ? Why didn’t she want to make things work ?
Firstly upset, you tried to ignore the flame you thought was gone a long time ago. Although you kept avoiding the subject and resisted the best you could, there was no other way than to face what you felt : you were still in love with her
So you began writing to her, maybe she wouldn’t open the letter, or wouldn’t even get it, but it didn’t matter, you felt as if not writing her today would mean loosing something far more important than anything else in your life
So you went ahead :
Dear Yuna,
I recognize that you might not remember me, and I would understand why
I hope you too, regret losing the other
May you be well
If this ever gets to you, you are free to respond to me
Please know that you too, have never been forgotten
Yours truly,
For once, you wanted to believe that the universe was on your side. You knew well enough that you could end up heartbroken, but the tiny bit of hope that was left was all you had, and it was better to accept it than to pretend the thought of a happy ending didn’t exist
Hope is better than despair
With Itzy's Yuna
Part 2 of two !!!
wordcount : about 1k
warnings : slightly rushed, didn't get time to revise it much sorry my loves :(
A few days passed as you did your best to not let that letter thing trouble your daily life too much. Although you had promised yourself to not let it affect you, it would be a lie if you were to say you didn’t feel a little weird. You were trying to act detached from it, but deep down, you knew you were waiting for Yuna’s response, and you couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like if she were to never reply back
Time passed as you checked your mailbox every morning, without missing any day, and yet, you were faced with more disappointment with each day passing by. The more you would check, the less hope you would have, and you didn’t know if it was right to still believe she was going to reply to you as it had already been two weeks your letter was sent
Of course, there was a possibility that she had just been busy or that she lived way further away than you thought, but somewhat, it’s like something inside of you wanted to assume she didn’t want anything to do with you. Perhaps was it because not holding on to far too thin hope was better for your sake?
Nevertheless, you still kept checking daily, even if the absence of any apparent letter made you feel dizzy and had your heart aching, you still wanted to believe, at least, for a little bit
One morning came, there was truly nothing special about it. No birds were singing outside the window, obviously, winter was way too cold for them. Your breakfast didn’t seem specially good either, same plain cereals with a bit of milk. And your clothes, it was a boring outfit, no real motivation came to you as you spent your days walking around the town of your childhood, as your parents were yet to be on vacation, waiting for them to come back home later on
There was nothing that made that day noticeable, same nostalgia, and same fear that your heart were to ache again
Although it seemed like it was the usual, something came up, and showed you that maybe the few hours that would follow would be rather different than you expected
Instead of going outside by yourself, you felt yourself get called outside. Something was bringing you there, a sound. The doorbell rang, once, twice. You stood up, and walked towards the door. It was probably one of the neighbours
Except that when you opened the door, you quickly realized you hadn’t seen this person while walking around here. Tall, slim, black hair and those adorable eyes,
“Y/N !! I told you I’d come back !! Did my letter not reach you ???”, and that voice,
Yes, you knew who that was,
You knew that you knew, but you felt like, unable to think properly, frozen by the situation
You suddenly felt arms around you. That’s when it clicked. Yuna, your lover, the person you couldn’t ever forget about, the person you had spent years dreaming about, the girl you had been upset with, the girl you wanted to kiss more than anyone, the girl who made you feel like there was still a spark here, the girl who made you, be you
She was here, it was… real?
“Yuna..?” you murmured, barely audibly
Then, everything seemed blurry, you could tell there was someone talking to you but you couldn’t understand what was going on, just strange sounds wandering around your ears, as the landscape became a mass of confusing colours, before your vision turned to nothing but an absence of light
You slowly opened your eyes, you were still in the house, in the living room. You weren’t outside, and it didn’t feel cold like it did earlier. You felt warm, like wrapped in your blanket. There was no one in front of you, and no one at the door
You could still barely see anything, only focusing on the warmth you felt, since when had you slept so good?
Yuna’s presence in your dream seemed so real, you were such a fool
A few tears rolled down your cheeks, the realization that this product of your imagination would be the closest thing you’d get to ever seeing her again hurt
Your eyes opened more widely as you felt something warm on your cheek,
“Why are you crying my angel ?” and that voice again
You sat up and looked around, met with the smile you had missed dearly. Her hands on your face, she looked at you in the cutest way
“I missed you so much” she spoke again
Yuna held you against her as you felt your tears dry off almost imeediatly. You were so relieved to have her by your side again, just the single thought of being stuck in a dream again made you nauseous
“You collapsed in my arms earlier, have you not been getting sleep pretty ?” she asked you, worried
“I have I have ! I’ve just, I don’t know, since I have sent you that letter, I, well, it’s been an emotional rollercoaster, I missed you so much Yuna, I thought I’d have to life the rest of my life without you”
“You know me better than that silly ! How could I not respect my promise ? I have always loved you, and I still do, I love you even more actually !”
And just like that, just because it felt right, you kissed her, kissed her like it was your last moment together even though it was the beginning of an adventure, of the life you thought was impossible to ever arrive to,
You had done the right thing by believing rather than forgetting her
Little moments count more
with itzy’s ryujin

Wordcount : about 0,9k
Warnings : unedited, a bit rushed, very tired tonight sorry my loved :(
“Ryujinie ! don’t you think mine is cuter ?” you asked her, referring to the snowman you had just built. With your hands half frozen, your cheeks red and your legs tired, you stood there proudly next to that pile of snow you had sculptured, the brightest smile on your pretty face as your girlfriend stared at you in awe
“Hmmmm, I don’t knowww !! I think mine wins the competition” she responded, referring to the girl she had made out of snow. Tall and slim, a crown of veggies and a smile made out of buttons that made her seem joyful for iced water, you had to admit that it was pretty cute
But of course, she didn’t need to know that. You were determined to win that competition she had challenged you to do earlier
Today had been boring enough, you had spent it in bed, in a warm pajama as you were finishing left-over homework from the weekend. Your school had closed because of the insane amount of white powder that covered the town. You weren’t so angry about it, after all, it was an excuse to stay home and have time for yourself
Though you couldn’t help feeling a little sad knowing that you wouldn’t get to see your lovely girlfriend today, as you would mainly spend time with her in class. You were less likely to hangout outside of the school due to you both having a really busy schedule
Nevertheless, you’d still find the time to talk to each other everyday. If it wasn’t by exchanging papers in class, then it was by facetiming until one of you would drift to sleep
So it was not a surprise when Ryujin had told you that she would be less likely to respond fast today, as she had a huge project to work on and that needed to be submitted by the end of the week. Obviously, you felt a little sad, but you thought to yourself that at least, you would get to talk tonight
Since there was nothing else to do, you started cleaning out that pile of homework. Taking breaks to drink water and eat a little snack from time to time, your method was efficient. In a few hours, you were already done halfway through!
You only had a few pages left when you heard the doorbell ring. You weren’t sure of who it would be but you surely did hope it was her, because god, you were missing her so much
As you opened the door, you felt a pair of warm arms wrap around you. You smiled, of course it was her, how could you possibly think it would be anybody else? As you were taking the time to inhale her perfume and enjoy the kisses she was leaving all over your face, you invited her to come inside
You both sat down on the sofa as she clung onto you, clearly, she had walked for a long time before getting here. She seemed so cold ! You couldn’t bear watching her freeze like that
You were quick enough to rush to the kitchen and run back only a few minutes after with a cute hot chocolate for your girlfriend. Drinking yours as she tasted hers, you were caught staring at her for a little too long. You couldn’t help it, not only were you touched by her effort of bringing herself here in the dangerous weather, but she also looked so beautiful right then
She pecked your lips as you kissed back, leaning in as she wrapped her arms around you. You both stayed that way for a while, cuddling and pretending nothing else around you existed, only your heartbeats in perfect synch could be felt
The afternoon passed by quick, as you both decided to do your respective homework in the same room, kissing each other when a break was needed. Strangely enough, you had both been insanely productive, so much that by 4pm, you were already done!
As a way of relaxing after all that hardwork, Ryujin offered to take you outside for a little walk. If she could have, she would’be brought you on a date, though that wasn’t possible due to most places being closed because the roads were almost unnacessible : too much snow was in the way
Which is why you were both there, outside, laughing and pushing each other in the snow as you tried to beat the other at that snow building competition Ryujin had challenged you to. It wasn’t the fanciest date, and clearly not an expesnvie one, your hands were cold and you almost felt sick, but the insane amount of euphoria you felt at that moment made every second of it worth it. Your girlfriend’s pretty smile as she declared you winner of the snow competition, and the happiness you felt in your heart could not be compared to anything else
Sometimes, little moments meant way more than the entire world
Business partner
with Loona's vivi (Kahei)

Wordcount : 1,5k
Warnings : kissing, slight touch (no explicit content, only fluff <3)
Another one of my favorites muhaha !!
Since you were a little kid, you had always valued the importance of family, especially when it came to spending some quality time with them. For as long as you could remember, you were always out there, bringing your parents on dates and accompanying them to different events they had for work
Which is why exactly you were here at that moment, sat down next to your father, attending an important business conference. You were used to doing that, sometimes catching yourself get interested in the boring monologue of the people that were presenting. You usually spent your time laughing with your dad’s colleagues, who knew you very well as they had been seeing you frequently for years. They were almost like a second family, and considered you like one of them, like you were too, a worker by your father’s side
Time passed by and finally, people were allowed to leave the room. “Thank god” you told yourself, it wasn’t even that uninteresting, you were just too excited for what was coming next: you and your father were invited to a dinner in a fancy restaurant, as well as a few other business partners and their respective relatives
You didn’t know exactly where you were heading as you entered the taxi that had been ordered for you and your dad, but you had heard many compliments about the place you were going to spend the evening at. It was known for its great service, as well as its space. Furthermore, you knew in advance that there was a room reserved for you and the few people that were coming, meaning that you wouldn’t be bothered by others or disturbed by loud noises
You got yourself quickly there. Thanking the driver, you walked towards the inside of the building, your dad following your steps as he had just given the man the money he owned. It was a vast place, cozy but as it was described to you, very wide in terms of space
It didn’t take long before a waiter came to you guys, asking you what could be done for you. As the reservation was being checked, you looked around you, seeing who would be eating at the same table as yours
Leading the way, the server headed upstairs, followed by a dozen of people which included you and your father
The room you had been assigned was beautiful, you didn’t even have the words to describe it. You felt extremely lucky to get to eat in such a place, forever grateful for the close relationship you shared with your family
Seating next to your dad, you watched other people taking their seats. One of the colleagues you knew best, almost like he was your father’s brother, sat in front of you as the others took place around the table. After everyone was sat down, you noticed that there were two empty seats
Of course, as curious as you had always been, you asked the people around if they knew who was going to sit there, or if it was just a mistake
“Ahh yes! It’s one of our new men, him and his child are supposed to join us later. He told me he had a deal to conclude before coming, but I think he just doesn’t want to be around us” your almost uncle winked meanwhile the others laughed
You didn’t even have the time to question it as the main door of the room opened. A tall man and a beautiful girl walked in, greeting each one of you as they sat down; the father next to one of the workers, and who seemed like the daughter, next to you
You couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as she gave you a warm smile. She was significantly pretty, and god, you were praying that this new business partner would stay along for a long while, at least, if it meant meeting his daughter more often
“I’d like for you all to welcome my daughter, Kahei, who will be joining us for today” the new man said
“She’s the only other young one with L/N” one of the colleagues replied, as you and Kahei looked at each other, grinning
“It’s an honour to meet you all” she then said, looking at the others
As the men started to talk about politics, she turned to you. You couldn’t explain why exactly, but there was something suspicious about the way she was eying you, almost like there was something forbidden going on in her mind
Leaning in towards you, she came close to your ear
“You’re quite beautiful miss L/n”
You blushed at her words, which made her smile widen a little
You thanked her as you returned the compliment, trying to keep your composure. Just why was this girl having such an effect on you?
The waiter then came to take your orders. As you knew your dad was the one paying for you, you chose something that wasn’t too overly expensive. Although your were perfectly fine with the dish you had picked, Kahei spoke
“Add this for L/n, I’ll pay myself” she pointed at that delicious looking meal she had seen you look at earlier. It costed way more than you’d ever let someone pay for
“Oh no it’s fine! You don’t have to” you replied, but she was quick to interrupt you with a finger on your lips
“Oh it’s my pleasure darling, just let me do” she declared, and well, you weren’t going to refuse such an offer!
Time passed by as little talk was made between you and Kahei, as well as the other people present around the table. The conversation just then, was about politics and upcoming elections that were right around the corner. As you were speaking your mind, getting the men to agree with you, you felt something on your thigh
Trying to ignore it, you finished your point, and your father began speaking, as you looked down on your legs. Kahei had her hand wander there, looking at you to get your approval. As you nodded discreetly, she let her warm hand rest there. Sometimes, she’d remove it, only to put it back later. And quite honestly, you weren’t going to complain as you felt a little more comfortable than you did earlier
Food came in no time and you were amazed with the amount of plates you had in front of you. Forever grateful to miss Kahei, you decided to thank her once more, which she responded to by that shy grin that made her so, desirable
As the conversation changed to a topic you didn’t bother remembering, you started feeling a little bored. The plates were empty and so was your mind. Your eyes wandered around, looking at Kahei who seemed to be sharing the same feeling as you. You were quickly caught staring by her, which resulted in her looking at you back, deeply in the eyes
Maybe it was what you had drank or maybe it was because of her intoxicating perfume, but when she asked you in a low voice if you wanted to get out, you immediately accepted. Excusing yourselves saying you had to deal with a little problem, you got out of the room
You had always loved these meetings, but there was something much more exciting than sitting at a table waiting for you
Kahei lead you to a smaller room, that seemed to have much more intimacy than the previous one you guys stayed in. Your heartbeat increased as you sat down next to her, waiting for her to say something
“You’re so pretty” she suddenly said, kissing your forehead
“You’re the prettiest” you replied, kissing her hands
“You’re so adorable, makes me want to treat you so good, just to see that smile of yours” she kissed your cheeks as you grinned
“And you’re making me nervous” you admitted, kissing her cheeks back, ghosting over her lips
“And you’re making me want to kiss you” she declared, a glimpse of timidity in her voice
“I’m not going to stop you. Kiss me Kahei, please”
And like it was the most natural thing in the world, like you had been born and went through the entirety of your lives just for this moment, like the world was ending, like nothing else mattered, she grabbed your face and pressed her lips onto yours, kissing you softly. There was something sweet about her movements, gentle and clearly restraining herself, you couldn’t lie and say you disliked it, how come was she so perfect?
In that very moment, you thanked the world for making you meet the best future “business partner” you could ever wish for ;)
Gifts and smiles
With Aespa's Ningning !!

Wordcount : about 0,8k
Warnings : Ningning gets a little sad at some point, but other than that it is very fluffy :)
If there was one time in the year you loved, it definitely was the Holidays. Snow falling down like feathers on top of the buildings, Christmas music flattering your ears around the corner of every street, and of course, the warm cuddles of your lovely girlfriend. This year was the first time you would get to spend the Holidays with the other. You and Ning were so so so excited ! You hadnt stop talking to the other about plans and dates you’d go on while on vacation, there was so many things you both wanted to do and you could only be happy thinking that those times were right around the corner
At the beginning of December, you had settled to write a list of wishes and gifts you both desired for the other to pick a few and offer you them by the end of the year. The plan was clear : you were going to take a day for each other, where you would go shopping to different malls until all the things you wanted to surprise the other with were bought. You were counting days for it to come, sometimes staying up late, too febrile to get some sleep as you’d imagine that wide smile on her face
Holding your hand, Ning excitedly guided you to the entrance of the first shopping center you guys were stopping by. As much as she didn’t want to let go of you for the day, she knew it was part of the game.
« I’ll meet you here, at this exact same spot, in about an hour and a half !! Does that sound good baby ? » she asked you
« That sounds perfect darling ! » you responded as she kissed your forehead before walking off
You both went in opposite directions, you didn’t know where she was heading, wondering what gifts she could get you out of the dozens of ideas you had proposed. Meanwhile she was doing her thing, you were walking around, heading first to her favourite store. Your girlfriend had an awesome sense of style, so it was not unexpected when she had asked for a few pieces of clothing. And since you wanted to treat her good, you were going to spoil her a little, picking the cutest outfits you could find
That’s how the first hour and a half passed, before you both reunited again, heading to your new destination. It was hard to not burst out in laugh as the other was trying to guess the surprises that eere bought. You were trying very hard to not give in and tell her cute self what kind of things you were prepring, but of course, you wanted to stay loyal to the main rule of this : not tell the other what you were planning
Time passed by quickly as you rushed around the second mall place, counting the minutes you had left as you were only allowed two more hours before you were to head to the very last place. Ning had asked for very specific gifts, and god were you lucky ! You had found almost all of what you were looking for !
Seeing Ning’s panicked face as time was up made you worry for her a little. Probably had she not found what she was looking for. Of course, you were quick to reassure her, telling her it was okay if she couldn’t find everything. After all, you both knew you were each other’s bestest gift <3
As she was smiling again, you brought her to the third place. You had an hour left for the other to find the last few presents. You only had stuffies left to buy, and you were well aware there was a huge doll and plushie store right were you where ! It didn’t take you long for you to complete the list you wanted to offer Ning
Time was finally up a your girlfriend returned, grinning and opening her arms for a hug. The rest of the world seemed to be frozen as you were in her arms, feeling her warmth and her giggles at your cute expressions.
« I’m so glad to be spending this year with you baby, I love you so so much !! » she told you
« I love you more pretty » you replied, smiling
You were already excited for how the next Holidays would be like :)