Laena Targaryen - Tumblr Posts

Fanart of Laena that I was working on! It’s finally done😭
Anyways this might be the last piece that I create on Colors Live for some time, I’ve been experimenting more in Adobe (fresco and photoshop) and it’s been a learning experience besides the editing factor. Other than that I also wish to experiment more on Pro Create as well. Hopefully this can be a feasible resolution that I can accomplish in the coming year.
Besides all of that though, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 🎊
Ok so I want to run through one of my previous posts again because I felt I didn't explain it well and it deserved a better write up.
So here I am with my Laena/Rhaenyra ABO au again
Firstly lets talk through the hierachy seen in Westeros:
From highest on the hierarchy to lowest as seen through the eyes of the faith and the nobility of Westeros
Alpha-Male Beta-Male Omega-Male-Alpha Female Beta Female Omega Female
Omega Males and Alpha females are regarded on similar levels but Omega males are often treated better because they have a cock.
Because fucking Westeros.
So anyway here is the layout of orientations:
Corlys (B) Rhaenys (A) Laenor (O) Laena(A) Addam(B) Alyn (B) (Yes these two are now Rhaeny's kids because I said so)
Viserys (A) Aemma (O) Rhaenyra (O) Daemon (A)
Aegon (B) Helaena (O) Aemond (A) Daeron (O)
Alicent (O) Otto (B)
Ok here we go:
Laena and Rhaenyra were really close as children. They were born a few months apart and when Rhaenys was in the capital the Velaryron family often spet time with the family.
However after the council debacle and Viserys being a shit and alienating most of his family Laenor and Laena spent more time with their mother and father on Driftmark. They came back once and a while but not for long.
Then Aemma dies.
Rhaeny's is apoplectic in her rage when she hears what her cousin did, she has to be stopped, 5 months pregnant as she is with twins, from burning Viserys alive for how he destroyed a member of their family.
Wife slaying and Kinslaying.
Because yeah, Aemma is family as well and Viserys ordered her death. Its Kinslaying y'all as far as I'm concerned.
Anyway they do go to the Redkeep but only for one person, Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra, who awakened her secondary gender on the day of her mother's death and became an Omega as her father killed her mother.
When they get there they find that only Daemon has been taking care of the princess, her body going through painful and sudden changes whilst she grieves for her mother.
Visery's is no where to be seen and Daemon is sneaking around having already been banished. The kingsguard keeping him secret because Visery's has sent no one to care for the princess and her Lady Alicent has been missing since the week after Aemma's death.
Rhaeny's nearly shouts down the castle. And Corly's, as ambitious as he is, see's this all and immediately destroys all plans of marrying his beloved daughter or son to Visery's. Not with all this, not when seeing his niece, the child Aemma so adored and loved, in such a state, still clutching her mothers bloodied blankets as she wails in pain and grief.
After settling her family they take control. Rhaeny's orders Daemon to stay and over the next week they help Rhaenyra with her new biology, and Laenor is so so happy for another omega in the family, and to arrange her mothers funeral. Viserys only tries to protest Daemon remaining but Rhaenys is angry and her niece need them all. Viserys walks away bruised and bloodied.
Over those two weeks they cousins become close again and Laena quickly begins to fall for her cousin. Who despite her pain and grief is working so hard to prepare and ensure things are running smoothly, to ensure her family has the funeral they deserve.
The funeral happens, Rhaenyra is named heir and her and Laena grow ever closer.
Then one night, a month after the funeral, Rhaenyra asks Rhaenys to go with her to her father. They have barely spoken much since her mothers death and whilst Rhaenyra is still angry,so so angry, she still loves him and he is her only parent left.
They go to the room and with no delay barge in.
To find Visery's in bed with Alicent.
Whatever love Rhaenyra may have for her father dies in that moment.
It is a spectacle the castle will never forget. The pregnant Queen that never and the princess was dragging Alicent and Viserys from the bed screaming in rage and disgust. Soon the whole city knows the Hands daughter was deflowered by the King and even when they marry a scant 2 months later the whole of Westeros knows about the scandal.
It doesn't help when Aegon is born barely 6 months later.
This is not happening under Rhaenys watch goddamit. Especially as she noticed the growing bond between her daughter and niece. Her daughter is her miniature after all, and it was Rhaenys who took her dragon and followed Corlys for a year before her grandfather finally gave in an agreed to the match. And she will be damned If she allows Visery's weakness to ruin their house.
Guess what goddamit, her daughter is an alpha. You didn't want a queen? Well now you're gonna get two motherfuckers.
Corlys is immediately on board. He loves his wife so much and he can make sure his daughter gets a powerful match as well? With his niece who adored her mother and her family so dearly unlike her sack of shit of a father? Sign him up, he will kill and die for his family, and he also gets to right the wrong against his beloved princess, the woman who travelled with him for a year to ensure she wed him?
Hell yeah.
Queens Laena and Rhaenyra Targaryean has a fucking great ring to it.
Meanwhile we'll go to Rhaenyra and the kids, including Daemon because to Rhaenys they are all kids, her kids.
Daemon is pretty much sticking to his family. He refused to leave after seeing what happened to Aemma. He loved Aemma dearly and seeing hsi brother destroy his wife like so many of their ancestors destroyed him. His father never forgave himself for his mother's death even though she wanted another child. Aemma had begged Viserys to stop and he didn't, he had sliced her open and killed her for a child that didn;t live a day.
So fuck Viserys banishing him. He is the leader of the Targaryean house now as far as he was concerned, his brother gave up all rights to their family when he did what he did. Daemon has always resented Westeros culture for infecting his family. He knows that Valryia did terrible things, enslavement and forceful prostitution. But they ensured their women and omegas were treated as the important figures they were. Precious life givers who continued their ways. Half of Valyrian houses were Matriarchal and led by life-givers.
And because of this place his family was murdering them.
So he stays, he hides in the catacombs and tunnels, the gold cloaks and Kingsguard keeping him a secret after Otto gets Viserys to banish him, because his niece is in pain and so is he and they need each other. He knows Otto wants more power and he knows with him disinherited in favour of his niece she will be the net target.
He never regrets supporting Viserys more than he does this day. Curses the 15 year old that loved his brother so dearly that when he begged his brother to support him he did so with little question.
So he calls in his cousin. He brings the Velaryons down on Kingslanding and upon Ottos head.
Rhaenyra spends the first few days after her mother's death grieving and in pain. The sudden shock sent her biology into its next stage of evolution and the suddeness has meant it is more painful than it should be. Her uncle is by her side and if she is honest he is more like her brother than her fathers. He hides from everyone and ensures she can grieve with his support.
And he ensures the rest of their so small family is there as well.
Her aunt Rhaenys is a bastion for them both. Afterall Aemma practically raised Daemon in part as well as was the most protesting when he was married off to the Royce family. Her family's lesser house married to a prince??? It was audacious.
Anyway Rhaenys and her family arrive to Kingslanding and Rhaenyra finally has the support to properly process her grief and begin planning a funeral for her mother and baby brother, which her father has not started.
Whilst the funeral happens and she is named heir after the weird underground meeting with her father, she grows close once more with her cousins and especially her cousin Laena.
She does note Alicents dissapearance but Rhaenyra loves her friend and knows Alicent lost her own mother too. She thinks her friend is grieving in her own way though she is hurt her friend did not come to comfort her.
But her and her cousins become as close as any and she becomes very close with Laena.
Then she comes across her father and Alicent. She ensures both are shamed across the country with their action and ensures everyone knows her ex-friend was pregnant before the wedding, making them wait two months to ensure she is before she lets them wed.
Because Viserys is being controlled by the three adults who demand a semi-proper mourning process occurs before they are allowed to be wed.
And Rhaenyra begins to plan. Her family begin to plan.
Rhaenys immediately asks if Rhaenyra wants to Marry Laena and vice versa. Both girls quickly agree with the allowance of a longer courting process. Rhaenys and Corlys immediately agree with with Viserys having done what he did Rhaenys quickly manipulates him into taking control of the family 'whilst he rules'.
Both girls are engaged and Laenor also demands he be allowed to Wed Daemon. Rhaenys immediately demands an annulment for Daemon and engaged them to marry when Laenor turns 18 in a year.
Daemon is very happy with this.
Corlys is absolutely delighted. Both his children managed to bag dragon riding royalty he had never been so happy. These are his kids!!!
Viserys has little say and its already sealed by the time he thinks to tell Otto who nearly has an apoplectic fit. But he can;t stop it, cuz hes a bitch.
Rhaenyra also ensures he is quickly gotten rid of. How you ask, well she persuades her uncle to take her to a brothel. Of course its not really her, but silver haired mimic her aunt finds her.
When Otto triumphantly tries to show this to Viserys nearly all the kingsguard and her family tell them she was with her family all night. Dameon even brings in the mimic and says he was simply enjoying what the street of silk has to offer.
Otto is gone a month before his precious Aegon is born.
Laena supports her the entire way of course. This is her princess afterall, and though the faith tries to argue the Doctrine of exceptionalism comes in clutch. Because A Valyrian partner is always preferable to a non Valyrian one. Get wrecked you pious bitches.
Alicent meanwhile is not having a good time. Her marriage to the King was meant to be worth it. Listen I had sympathy for Alicent at first, but that bitch literally went 180 on Rhaenyra when she thought she fucked her uncle. Like bitch???? You were fucking her dad like a few weeks after her mother died?? You fucking hypocrite, go suck Viserys rotting dick you absolute bitch. I hope you both die of the pathetic condition of being an absolute insidious bitch. Fuck you both.
Ahem anyway Alicent is not having a good time and neither is Viserys. Alicent wanted to be queen! TO be respected. But after everything the faith barely allowed their marriage, she was simply a consort and everyone knew. She heard whispers in the hall, the whore they call her, she could barely tell her own blood from the queens when she fucked the king.
She almost instantly turns venemous when Rhaenyra has her father sent away, she immediately pulls Larys and Cole, bitter his 'love' was marrying another woman rather than him (Like the fuck dude?? You could have been her sugar baby shut up goddamit.)
Alicent is also no way prepared to be a parent. Her father never taught her motherhood, as far as he was concerned servants did the child raising. But without him and the Velaryons and Rhaenyra and Daemon sweeping the keep she can;t bring in Hightower loyalists as hard as she tries. Viserys is also fucking useless because of course he is the giant pathetic cunt so baby Aegon barely gets one wetnurse and a few maids.
Rhaenyra comes across this and is furious. Rhaenys had expressed that the children of her friend and father would not be at fault and Daemon had, reluctantly, expressed having them loyal to her would be more beneficial. Laena simply told her that they were still her siblings.
Rhaenyra didn;t account for how desperately she wanted siblings. Aegon is small, with pure silver locks and blue-purple eyes and she loves him almost as immediately as she see's him. He comes alive in her arms, giggling and sweetly smiling and it takes a second before she is whisking him away and assigning him a guard, three wetnurses and a small army of maids.
And thus Aegon, and all his future siblings, join Team Black.
Alicent tries to get it back under control, and Viserys attempts to force the issue but Rhaenys compares Aegons treatment with the way Addam and Alyn are being raised and he goes belly up like the insect he is.
And so Rhaenys takes control of the raising of all the Targ kids. With Rhaenyra right by her side.
Laena, only telling Rhaenyra and her mother, dissapears a week after this happens, appearing a few days later riding Vhagar into the city.
Needless to say no one is protesting her engagement to Rhaenyra now.
(If Rhaenys was heard laughing herself sick when it happened no one tells)
The the war of the Stepstones begins. Daemon, Laena, Laenor and Corlys head out. Rhaenyra wants to as well but with her brother growing, Alicent already preganent again and her need to become a stronger heir she stays behind with Rhaenys, Aegon, Addam and Alyn.
In the Stepstones Laena quickly becomes vital to their victory. Vhaegar is one of the only dragons alive capable of melting stone and so she is put to task burning the pirates from their caves. Daemon and Laenor have more agile dragons and fight the ships and perform more acrobatic maneouvers. It takes two years to finish but the war is finished.
Meanwhile Rhaenyra and Rhaenys strengthen their positions. Rhaenys gets recommended as Hand of the King by Rhaenyra and Viserys folds of course. Rhaenyra also gets a bunch of new Ladies in Waiting from the major houses and begins a huge amount of improvements to the cities, funding it first with her own funds and then using funds she gains from buying nearly every brothel in Kings Landing. ALso lots of Blackmail is involved. Even Larys feels the pain after one of his favourites turns on him, again fuck this guy he treats women like shit and his favourite is sick and tired of him. Her name is Iliana and she's from Essos and the Princess is ;listening to her ideas of how to improve the brothel system and ensured her horrible master got eaten by Dragons.
There is still a Green Faction, because ofc, but they aren't as strong especially when the Prince Aegon hardly recognises his own mother because his sister and Aunt mostly raised him. He wouldn't even know he had a dad if Rhaenyra didn;t explain they shared a father. Aegon honestly can't remember a time his mother actually held him for more than a few seconds and his father barely pays attention to anyone except Rhaenyra. He basically thinks he's Rhaenyra's kid and the same happens with Helaena, Aemond and Daeron. I think if it was any other scenario Alicent would have been fine raising the kids through maids. But as a woman trying to usurp a throne she needed to be more hads on with her kids honestly and in the show its evident she's uncomfortable with motherhood until Aemond, but by that Point Viserys is his usual self, she has no father for support and shes trying to run up support for her son by herself.
Her kids become Rhaenyras, and she adores them. She gives Aegon and Daeron egss from her clutched that hatch and when Helaena and Aemonds do not she takes then on Syrax and helps them find their own dragons. Dreamfire for Helaena and Grey Ghost for Aemond.
Going back a bit however Laena and everyone returns from the stepstones in good health and two royal marriages are quickly planned.
It is a day of splendor when Rhaenyra and Laena, and Daemon and Laenor marry. Though both Queens are known in history as the Black Queens they were also known as the Queens of Fire and Sea. Rhaenra and Laena dressing in red and blues, gifting each other rich gifts to reflect their heritages as Targaryean but also Velaryon and Arryn. Laena often wears Blues, golden jewllery shaped like dragons and waves, shaped like creatures of the sea. All gifted by her loving wife. Rhaenyra much the same dressed in red, dressed in golden dragons and fire. Rubies and Pearls adorn them both.
In the traditions of the Faith and of their own Faith they are wed and it is soon after both Rhaenyra and Laenor fall pregnant.
Now heres where I had some debate but I decided that Laena and Rhaenyra would have Rhaena, Lucerys and Baela and Laenor and Daemon would have Jacaerys.
Here is the full kid list:
L+R : (Baela, Rhaena, Lucerys) (Aemon Baelon) (Visenya Monterys) (Rhaenys Aemma)
L+D: (Jacaerys) (Saera Gael) (Corlys II (Joffrey)), (Vaelaena Daenaera)
I put them all in brackets to show where they are but yeah Rhaenyra busted out triplets on her first go and Baela was named Heir, being out first.
Both Corlys and Rhaenys are exstatic, THey steal the kids whenever they want, including Rhaenyras siblings because they are also theirs. Fuck off everyone. You can often find their children and thier partners trying to hunt them down to get back their children.
Baela and Jacaerys are married and Rhaena marries Saera and lead driftmark. Helaena marries the heir of house Celtigar, Aemond and Lucerys and can be found travelling around the world often. Aegon never thinks he will end up married but ends up in Dorne and seduced by its future princess which sccessfully brings them together with the rest of the Kingdoms. In a hundred years practically every major house in Westeros is Valerian thanks to intermarrying and dragons fill the sky. My basic idea for this is Rhaenyra hears the prophecy, tells the others and everyone quickly decides more Dragon riders are needed right now. It spreads expecially including another idea I have which meants that they all manage to reclaim knowledge from old Valryia including numerous surviving dragon eggs.
I might have to do another part because this is getting very long but this is my genuine idea.