Lan - Tumblr Posts
shel silverstein's books: The world will be a harsh and relenting trial you must face, but never forget those that love you, they will always help guide you.
Moraine & Siuan, staring at each other, tears in their eyes, altering sacred oaths and basically getting married
everyone else in the room: "yepp, they most definitely hate each other. Definitely. Jipp. We're such detectives"
Night walks will fix everything.

So, I am ridiculously proud of this part of the previous drawing. I saved it as its own file, called Tiny Jade Token.
What their drunk confessions would be like(Pt1)
A/N: Yay my first writinggggg! I’m thinking of making this into a series, with all my fave characters. Hope you like it!
Lan Xichen:
It was an accident; he didn’t purposefully get drunk like some of the others
It was after a hard week as sect leader, what with Wangji acting like a teenager and the constant harping of his uncle, he decided that he’d had enough
So, he decided to have a one drink, but one turned into two, which turned into three, until even with the strength of his golden core, he couldn’t filter it all
Then you came into his room
Now he’d known you for quite some time, with you being an inner disciple of the Lan sect
You’d come to bring him random news of comings and goings around Gusu
He had harboured more than friendly feelings for you for a while now
And so did you
But you never made a move since, you know, he was your sect leader and all
And he’d never made a move because he was in turns too shy and too afraid you only saw him as your sect leader
But now, in his drunk state, he could feel all the emotion rising up within him
You could see that he was drunk by the redness of his cheeks, but you said nothing because he was your sect leader
So you decided to just tell him the news and then leave
But as you turned to leave he asked you if you wanted a drink
And as we all know alcohol is prohibited in cloud recesses
But you said yes anyways
So he poured you a drink and you drank with him
When you put your cup down, you saw him staring intently at you, cheeks very red
“Y/N…” He whispered gently leaning towards you gently
As if to kiss you
But you knew better (or you though you did)
So you leaned away
After all, he was drunk, and taking advantage of that would be very un-Lan of you
So you got up to leave
But he got up too
“Y/N… There is something I have to tell you…”
He stood right in front of you and reached out to grasp your hands
“For a long time, I’ve been enamored by your presence. You are so kind and beautiful, and I have found myself to have fallen for you. It would make me very happy if you… reciprocated my feelings…” He whispered softly, looking deeply into your eyes
And for a moment, you wanted too to spill your heart out to him as well
But then you remembered that he was drunk
And the illusion shattered around you
You took your hands out of his grasp, failing to notice the look of heartbreak on his face at your actions
“Sect leader, you are drunk, you do not know what you are saying. You must rest well tonight. Sleep well”
You bowed gently and exited
Such a moment was too good to be true, you knew, but you would cherish it forever
Or so you thought
But back in the sect leader’s quarters, Lan Xichen was on the verge of tears
In his drunken state, he believed he’d just been rejected, and his heart was heavy with sadness
But he headed your words and lay in bed, sadness lulling him to sleep
The next morning, he still remembered what had happened
Such was the curse of Lan Xichen
Needless to say, he was very embarrassed (Not to mention heart broken)
He immediately went to apologize to you
“S-sect leader… Is there something I can help you with?”
“I have come to apologize for last night. I am sorry if I put you in an uncomfortable position. Such was never my intention” He said with a polite bow
“Its alright. We all say things we don’t mean when drunk”
Things he didn’t mean?
But he’d meant it all…
He’d already gotten this far, so he decided to go all the way
“I meant what I said.”
He had to set the record straight, or he wouldn’t sleep well
“E-everything? Even the stuff about l-love? And me?”
You couldn’t believe your ears
But there he was, the perfect, kind, gentle sect leader of lan was standing before you, looking embarrassed, confessing his feelings to you
“Yes. I understand if you don’t feel the same way, but I needed to clear up the events of last night. I will stop bothering you now.” He said with one of his signature gentle smiles
But it was twinged with sadness
He turned around with something unmistakably similar to hope written on his face
“I-I feel the same. I just thought, because you were drunk… I dint want to take advantage of you. But if that is how you actually feel, um, I do too.”
You looked up at him, face feeling very hot, and palms very sweaty
But when you saw the look of pure happiness on his face, you knew that you’d done the right thing
Thank you for reading!